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Mondriaan Bldg.

H-8931 Former Subcom Area

Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
We have the EdGe.
Truth * Freedom * Just ice

Work Values and Attitude

Work Values and Attitude of Personnel of SBMA

Job attitude play a vital role and function in influencing the work behaviours of employees’

in organization. Therefore, the need to understand, measure and enhance employee attitudes is

significant for the organization of today. As individuals have personalities, so, too, do

organizations. Organizations like people, can be categorized and viewed as rigid, friendly, warm,

innovative, conservative or otherwise. Such traits, as well, can serve as factors to predict attitudes

and behaviours of the people within these organizations. Liao et-al define job attitude as a set of

attitude and thoughts toward work, and such attitudes and thoughts are reflected in actions and

inactions of employee towards their work. Josephat & Ismail (2012) in a study aimed at measuring

job and work attitude of an employee in an organization, found that there are five factors which

influence employee job and work attitude. These are satisfaction, independence, teamwork, freedom

of expression and supervisory relationship.

One of the most noticeable behavior in any workplace is the attitude of the employee

towards any situation or performance. Attitudes have been defined by many authors based on the

way people behave or react. Eagly and Chaiken (1933) defined an attitude as “a psychological

tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some degree of favor or disfavor”.

Here the authors have said that an attitude is a psychological inclination which is always evaluated

with some level of positivity or negativity. Some kinds of attitude found in employee help the

organization to function without any hindrance, whereas some employees whose psychological

orientation is negative will have a negative approach, which is evaluated negatively and not

favorable to achieve the goals of the organization.

Attitudes enhance the competitive environment in the workplace. A negative attitude can

cause workers within your company to develop distrust. A positive attitude, however, can be a
Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
We have the EdGe.
Truth * Freedom * Just ice

Work Values and Attitude

motivator that may influence employees to improve their performance and productivity. The

attitudes of the employees in the workplace can have a significant effect on the business as a whole.

Attitude is one of the hidden, hard-to-measure factors that ends up being crucial to the success of a

company. Whether for better or for worse, employee attitudes tend to have a drastic impact on the

productivity of s business, both directly and through the effect on other job-related factors. “Attitude

is a little thing that makes a big difference.” - Winston Churchill

Employees with high level of performance tend to be more efficient and effective in carrying

out their respective roles. They embrace their work and workplace wholeheartedly and render

services required by them timely.

Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
We have the EdGe.
Truth * Freedom * Just ice

Work Values and Attitude

Definition of Terms

The following terms used in this research are defined according to their appropriate use.

Satisfaction. This means the extent to which an employee feels self-motivated, content and

satisfied with his/her job.

Independence. This means work on your own, with minimal direction and with confidence.

Teamwork. This means to collaborate effort of a team to achieve a common goal or to

complete a task in the most and effective and efficient way.

Freedom of Expression. This means the right to express one’s ideas and opinions freely

through speech, writing, and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to

others’ character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements.

Supervisory Relationship. This means a dynamic relationship allowing two professionals to

share their professional and personal expertise and experience while supporting, educating and

administrating the inner qualities, capabilities, strengths and weakness for the psychological,

professional and social well-being of the supervisee.

Workplace. This means a location where someone works for his or her employee, a place of

Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
We have the EdGe.
Truth * Freedom * Just ice

Work Values and Attitude


Mohammed Inuwa (2015). The International Journal of Business and Management

Zeena Flavia & Dr. Suresh Poojary (2018). Employee Attitude towards Organisational

Commitment: A Literature Survey

Linda Ray (2017). Attitude on Productivity in the Workplace

Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
We have the EdGe.
Truth * Freedom * Just ice

Work Values and Attitude

Ernielita F. Rosas
117 Malvar St. Poblacion Limay, Bataan

Educational Attainment

 Master in Management Major in Business Administration

Mondriaan AURA College (2019 – present) Personal Details

Sex: Female
Bachelor of Science Major in Accountancy
Civil Status: Single
 Bataan Colleges (1994 – 1998)
Birthday: August 25, 1977
Birthplace: Limay, Bataan
 Limay Elementary School (1990 – 1994) Height: 5’2”
Weight: 62kg.
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Trainings and Seminar Language: Filipino/English

 ISO 9001:2015 QMS Updates on Document Control and Risk Character Reference
Management Finalization (April 30, 2019) ATTY. RAMON O
 Budget Forum (April 25, 2019) AGREGADO
Senior Deputy Administrator
 Training for Document Management System (March 13, 2019)
for Support Services
 Conduct of Planning Under ISO 9001:2015 (November 26 -27, 2018) Subic Bay Metropolitan
 Information Dissemination of IRR of 9470 and Basic Records Authority
Management (July 31, 2018) (047) 252-4252
 Records Management Improvement Committee Planning Session
(December 23, 2015) ATTY. MICHAEL M.
 1st Planning Session for Records Management (June 16, 2015) Department Manager
 Root Cause Analysis (March 6, 2015) SBMA legal Department
 Lean and Root Cause Analysis (September 23-24, 2014) Subic Bay Metropolitan
 Basic Records and Archive Management (August 26-29, 2014) Authority
(047) 252-4784
 Budget Forum Workshop (June 16, 2014)
 Training/Workshop Review & Improvement for all ANNA JOY T. QUITO
Service Quality Coordinator (SQC) (November 7, 2013) Officer-in-Charge
 Enhancing Business Writing Skills (September 12, 2013) SBMA TFCD
 Negotiation Skills and Techniques (April 29-30, 2019) Subic Bay Metropolitan
 Credit & Collection Management (November 27-28, 2019) Authority
(047) 252-4384
Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
We have the EdGe.
Truth * Freedom * Just ice

Work Values and Attitude

Examinations, Affiliations and Eligibilities

 Civil Service Professional Examination (May 24, 1998)

Balanga, Bataan

Awards & Recognitions

SBMA 2015 4th Quarter-Employee of the Quarter
2015 SBMA Employee of the Year Finalist

Work Experiences

 Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (September 27, 2013 – present)

Document Examiner II, Investment Processing Department
 Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (April 1, 2012 – September 27, 2013)
Financial Analyst E, Treasury Department
 Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (July 01, 2008 – March 31, 2012)
Collection Representative, Treasury Department
 Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (December 27, 2006 – June 30, 2008)
Credit and Collection Clerk, Treasury Department

I hereby solemnly that the information above is true and correct to the best
of my knowledge and ability.


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