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H-8931 Former Subcom Area

Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
We have the EdGe.
Truth * Freedom * Just ice

Enhance System for Business Processing

A Proposed Enhanced System for Business Processing in the Subic Bay Freeport Zone

The Subic Bay Freeport Zone is the first successful case of a military base converted through

volunteerism into a tax and duty free zone similar to Hong Kong and Singapore, operated and

managed by the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority or SBMA. Through its 26 years of existence, The

SBMA has made the zone into a self-sustaining tourism, industrial, commercial, financial and

investment center to generate employment and opportunities.

To help the SBMA to realize its mandate, which is to generate employment and to collect

revenue is the Business and Investment Group (BIG). The group is responsible in attracting

investment in the Freeport as well as processing the proposals/request of Locators and Investors.

Among the request being handled by the group is the issuance of the Certificate of Registration (CR)

and Certificate of Registration and Tax Exemption (CRTE) which is the primary requirement for an

Entity or Locator to establish, operate and conduct business inside the Subic Bay Freeport Zone.

At present, processing of these regulatory compliances takes about 3 to 5 working days upon

submission of the documentary requirements. However, as part of the documentary requirement for

the issuance of the CR and CRTE, is an approved Lease or Sublease Agreement which takes around

22 to 30 days to process. In total, a Locator has to allot 35 or more working days to be allowed to

conduct and operate business in the Freeport.

This research shall be conducted for the purpose of assessing the present Business Process

System of the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority which may lead to the proposal of an enhanced

Business Processing System. An enhancement to the system may not only benefit the SBMA but

also the Locators and Investors in terms of process efficiency, and ease of doing business.
Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
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Enhance System for Business Processing

I. Business Process

As per Dubravac Ph.D (2015), Humanity is entering a new era. Beyond the mere acquisition

of ever more digital devices with ever more incredible functionality, the immediate future will usher

in the all-digital lifestyle and an “Internet of Everything” the transformation of our lives will be


Companies especially more complex-require standard, documented processes and procedure

to achieve high levels of quality and productivity. Too few, and inefficiency ensures; too many and

creativity is stifled. Yet it can be difficult to find training or process improvement- and the range of

complicated tools available could make even the most experienced professional’s head spin. The

management must fill in those gaps, provide a succinct, accessible overview of the field. They have

to device a step-by-step instruction and explain how to overcome resistance and apathy to standard

procedure. Take a systematic rather than an ad hoc approach to process management when feasible,

roll out the changes so the people shall know what to do. Embed them in the organization for a

reliable outcome, Process management serves as a structural framework for streamlining activities

and creating smooth workflows. Get it right-neither overly rigid nor under developed – and an

outflow of continuous improvements will drive long-term success. (Amacom, 2014)

According to Macdermott (2015) Processes are the lifeblood of any business and whether

you realize it or not, you probably make use of processes tens of times a day. Some processes are

formal, like maintaining and financial documentation, while others may be more informal, like how

you respond to client inquiries or produce reports. Whether formal or informal, efficient processes

can make the difference between a business that runs smoothly and thrive, and one that is plagued

with difficulties. Having good processes in place can help you cope with growth and ensure that

everyone is aligned so your customers always receive a consistent experience with your brand
Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

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Enhance System for Business Processing

Whatever stages your business is at; it’s worth regularly looking to see if there are any ways to

improve your process efficiency.

Efficient Process is the key to an efficient, smooth running and profitable business. By

improving your business process, you can smooth the path for greater growth in the future.

Businesses have adopted diverse process management approaches such as business process

re-engineering (BPR), and Six Sigma for their survival and growth. Even though these approaches

have partially made a contribution to the improvement of organizational performances such as cost

reduction and value innovation, they have a high possibility of failure. In particular, the failure

probability of BPR and process Innovation (PI) is high as 60 to 70 percent. Most process

management approaches include traditional interviews and observation-dependent business process

analysis (BPA). This conventional BPA requires a lot of time. However, it derives subjective and

incomplete analysis results and has no tool to measure improvement effects. As a way to overcome

this kind of limitation of conventional BPA a study introduces a process mining technique through

the analysis and utilization of a huge amount of process data kept almost unused in domestic

information systems, Processing mining technique is a process management technique which helps

users figure out business processes in a fast and objective manner by analyzing these data and

automatically visualizing actual process flows. (Park and Kang, 2016)

Business Process Management (BPM) is the art and science of how work should be

performed in an organization in order to ensure consistent outputs and to take advantage of

improvement opportunities, e.g. reducing costs, executions times or error rates. Importantly, BPM

is not about improving the way individual activities are performed, but rather about managing entire

chain of events, activities and decisions that ultimately produce added value for an organization and

its customers. (Dumas et al. 2013)

Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
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Enhance System for Business Processing

Every business process in every organization can be improved – made better, faster, more

efficient, more cost effective, and more flexible to changing business needs. Business Process

improvement (BPI) can drive substantial bottom-line increase, ultimately accelerating the revenue

cycle. Learning to navigate through unfamiliar territory goes a long way toward easing the burden

and can help in dealing with the unknown. Business process improvement (BPI) work, the

systematic examination and improvement of administrative processes, can seem scary and

overwhelming because no one teaches this navigation skill in school. But once given some

thought, everything is a process from making breakfast in the morning to building the space shuttle.

In both cases we follow a series of actions or steps to bring about the result. (2016 by Page)

Technology marches on bringing new dangers and opportunities. As cloud computing,

social, mobile, big data, predictive analytics and the Internet of Things are baked into more and

more business processes, they will rapidly reshape how business gets done, today and tomorrow.

Today companies are struggling to come to grips with these forces that introduce unprecedented

complexity. Business Process Management (BPM) has delivered benefits over a long period of time

and continues to do so. But as process scope expand to meet the nexus of these forces, BPM needs

to be enhanced and extended in order to harness the exploding complexity to gain competitive

advantage. Using chaordic principle, the astute manager can embrace the chaos and order that make

complexity “complex” in order to build a stronger business. The balancing act between chaos and

order must be managed properly – or the organization will fall. The idea of having all the

intelligence centrally managed and delivered is outmoded and challenging, if not impossible. Agent-

oriented BPM (aoBPM) will allow taking on all of what is expected of it, as organizations accelerate

growth and connect better with their customers, while providing greater agility and near real-time

responses. (Sinu,et al. 2013)

Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
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Truth * Freedom * Just ice

Enhance System for Business Processing

Business process improvement is not only about using systems and technology, but it

embraces people and business practices too. Business processes engage the Organization in every

phase of customer transaction making it possible for the Organization to tune in to and understand

customer expectations. The fact that have made huge inroads into the US market amidst the presence

of automobile giants in the US is because of their flexibility and alertness in being able to sense,

plan, develop, and provide improved designs and improved technology at faster pace than the

American auto giants. Be it the benchmark in bringing adapting the automotive technologies and

delivering the same to the market faster than the US companies. This is a result of the

Organizational processes and functioning that the Japanese Organization works with encompassing

all functions and processes. Business process engineering and improvement change the way that the

Organization look at their manpower. Those who have embraced the new thinking consider their

human resources as one of the key elements or factors that is central to building their core

competence. (Juneja, 2016)

The efficiency of any office or production operation depends on workflow. The better a

manager clearly defines a regular process, the more efficient his team becomes. This saves overall

employee time, making the team more effective and able to do more with less stress or frustration.

At the end of the day, efficiency leads to bigger bottom-line profits. To streamline work processes

and improve workflow, assess the entire operation from top to bottom, looking for the areas of

improvement. (Leonard, 2017)

According to Joseph (2018) Achieving high productivity in small businesses typically

involves getting the most out of limited resources, such as your current staff or available equipment.

A challenge to business owners is to discover ways to increase productivity while maintaining high

levels of quality. A variety of methods are available to accomplish this, including motivating and
Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
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Truth * Freedom * Just ice

Enhance System for Business Processing

empowering your workers and streamlining production processes or even changing them if


Ease of Doing Business

According to Shacklett (2015) Technology is the enabler of Business Process Automation

(BPA) and it can automate workflows to the point where human intervention is unnecessary.

Automation can save time and money, delight customers who no longer have to wait in the line for a

person to assists them with a transaction and preclude human error. But not every business process

is a good fit for automation, so it’s incumbent upon companies to determine which processes are

best suited to automation and which ones are best handled by humans. Companies start by looking at

the strategic and operating drivers for process improvement in their organizations and industries.

For instance, in today’s global market, nearly every company is feeling pressured to get goods to

market quickly and to be first to market whenever possible. In a highly price-competitive

environment, companies are also under great pressure to economize their operations to improve their

margins, since it isn’t always possible to raise prices. Consequently, companies look to automate

business processes that are time and resource intensive operationally, that are subject to human

error, and that can be accelerated with automated process improvements achievable through

machines and technology. If automating business process speeds product to market, improve

revenue capture or reduce operating expenses so margins can improve pricing needs to be kept flat

so much the better.

In an article by Evangelista (2013) Opportunities and Challenges for Inclusive Growth,

stated that the rule of law which encompasses regulatory structures, policy environment, and

enforcement of regulations, is one of the more important dimensions in assessing the

competitiveness of the Philippine Enterprises. According to the World Bank’s 2013 Doing Business
Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

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Enhance System for Business Processing

Survey, the Philippines ranked 138 of 185 economies with regards to ease of doing business.

Taking the case of business start-ups for instance, when entrepreneurs draw up a business plan and

try to get under way, the first hurdle they face is complying with procedure required to incorporate

and register the new firm before they can legally operate. The Philippines requires at least 15

procedures and takes 30 or more days to start a new business. Malaysia requires nine procedures and

24 days while Taiwan requires eight procedures and 48 days. The rest of Southeast Asian region

averaged 8.7 procedures and 46.8 days to start a business.

On the July 8, 2018 Business Section Issue of the Philippine Daily Inquirer states that the

Philippines’ ranking in the ease of doing business slipped from 113 th this year to 99th last year across

the 190 countries covered by an annual World Bank Group report.

The latest “Doing Business 2018: Reforming to Create Jobs” of the World Bank released last

Tuesday night showed that the Philippines distance to frontier (DTF) slightly improved to 58.74

from 58.32 in Doing Business 2017 report.

DTF measures how far the economies covered by the report were to the best performing

economy on each of the indicator, The 2018 Report covered reforms in the past years. “An

economy’s DTF is reflected on a scale from zero to 100, where zero represents the lowest

performance and 100 represents the frontiers,” the World Bank explained.

However, the Philippines’ 2018 DTF was below the average of 62.7 across East Asia and

Pacific economies. To compare Malaysia ranked 24th in the Doing Business 2018 report, had a DTF

of 78.43; Thailand’s DTF was 77.44; Vietnam had 67.93 and Indonesia. Across the ASEAN, the

Philippines was outranked by Singapore (second overall), Malaysia and Thailand (26 th) Brunei

(56th), Vietnam (68th) and Indonesia (72nd). While Cambodia was in the 135th place, Laos 141st and

Myanmar 1721st place.

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Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

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Enhance System for Business Processing


This research will determine how the present business processing system be enhanced.

Specifically it will answer the following:

1. What is the profile of the locators and investors:

1.1 Committed Capital;

1.2 Number of Workforce;

1.3 Nature of Business?

2. How can the present business system be assessed?

3. Is there a significant correlation between the profile and the assessment?


If the current Business Processing System can no longer respond to the present needs of the

SBMA’s Clients, then it is but necessary to introduce an enhanced Business Processing System.

To make the data to be gathered more lucid, the hypothesis of this study is presented in an

affirmative form. There is a significant correlation between the business processing assessment and

the profile of investor or locator of the agency.


The system approach (Input - Process – Output) shall be used in describing the conceptual

framework of the study. The input consists the profile of the Investor in terms of nature of business,

investment capital (in dollar and in peso currency) expected number of employees to hire and the

nature of the business.

Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
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Truth * Freedom * Just ice

Enhance System for Business Processing

Figure 1

Input Process Output

Proposed enhanced
1. Profile of the Investor in 1. Interview system for business
terms of: 2. Questionnaire processing
3. Gathering of
1.1 Committed capital;
1.2 Number of Workforce;
4. Analysis on
1.3 Nature of business; Reduce processing
time period
1.3.1 General of data
Business; gathered
1.3.2 Information and 5. Statistical
Communication treatment Absolute investor’s
Technology; satisfaction attained
1.3.3 Leisure;
1.3.4 Logistics;
1.3.5 Maritime
and Mfg.
2. How can the present
business processing system be
3. Assessment of Business
Processing System:
3.1 Time
3.2 Accuracy;
3.3 Efficiency
Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

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Enhance System for Business Processing


The researchers believe that there are other essential factors that would contribute to an

absolute satisfaction of the investor. However, with more potential investors to come in because of

the strategic location and accessibility of the Freeport due to its centrally located within Asia’s

bright spots, the management should also to look into how these prospect investors be assessed and

get impressed on the processing time being offered before they conduct and operate business within

the Freeport. And because of the existing disparity being observe and witnessed by the researchers,

and also due to time constraint, this study will just concentrate on the current business processing

system of the agency as one of the major role that may influence in achieving absolute satisfaction

of the investor.


With this research, the researchers aim to establish an assessment of the present condition on

the ease of doing business in the Freeport. This assessment maybe used for the further enhancement

and future business process innovation. The following shall be beneficial to the following:

SBMA Locators and Investors. This study shall help them for a more efficient business

process. As a whole the SBMA’s performance can guarantee an absolute and justifiable customer


Management. This study shall benefits the management once the enhancing of business

processing system is applied.

Future Researchers. This study shall be an help to the future researchers that might help

them. They can use this as a reference while they are making their research.
Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
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Truth * Freedom * Just ice

Enhance System for Business Processing

Definition of Terms

The following terms used in this research are defined according to their appropriate use.

Business and Investment Group. This means one of the strategic business units of the

SBMA that focus on attracting investment and processing of the business permits of the Locators.

Certificate of Registration (CR). This means the certificate awarded to SBF registered

Locators which entitles them to conduct operation and business inside the Subic Bay Freeport Zone

without the entitlement of the incentives as per provided by Republic Act 7227 with an annual fee of


Certificate of Registration and Tax Exemption (CRTE). This means the certificate

awarded to SBF registered Locators which entitles them to conduct operation and business inside the

Subic Bay Freeport Zone with the entitlement of the privileges, benefits, and incentives as per

provided by Republic Act 7227 with an annual fee of Php2000.00.

Chaordic Principle. This means that a system of organization that blends characteristics of

chaos and order. The chaordic principles have also been used as guidelines for creating human

organizations -- business, nonprofit, government and hybrids—that would be neither centralized nor

anarchical networks.

Investors. This means a person or organization who wants to put business inside SBFZ.

Locators. This means the term used to address companies or entities that the domicile

address and operation is located inside the Subic Bay Freeport Zone.

Republic Act 7227. This means as the Bases Conversion and Development Act of 1992. An

act accelerating the conversion of military reservations into other productive uses, creating the Bases

Conversion and Development Authority and creating the Subic Bay Freeport Zone and the Subic

Bay Metropolitan Authority.

Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

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Enhance System for Business Processing

Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA). is the governmental agency of the Philippines

that maintains and manages the 262 square mile area Subic Bay Freeport Zone.
Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
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Enhance System for Business Processing


Research Design

Non-experimental Research Design which is a descriptive qualitative design will be

proposed to be utilized. Non-experimental design includes research designs in which an

experimenter simply either describes a group or examines relationships between preexisting groups.

The member of the groups is not randomly assigned and an independent variable is not manipulated

by the experimenter, thus, no conclusions about casual relationships between variables in the study

can be drawn. (Salkind. ND) This design will not involve a manipulation of the situation,

circumstances or experience of the participants. The researchers agreed to use non-experimental

research design; it is collecting data without making changes or introducing treatments. This

research situation where it is not practically possible to conduct experiments.

Sampling Design

The Researcher shall propose to use Convenience Sampling - also known as availability/

accessibility sampling, a non-probability sampling method that relies on data collection from

population members who are conveniently available to participate in study. This type of sampling is

proposed due to limited time of respondents available to participate. The researchers shall use

convenient sampling because it is fast, inexpensive, easy and the subjects are readily available for

the interview to be made.


The proposed respondents will be the SBFZ Locators and Stakeholders in particular who

wish to process their business permit.

Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
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Enhance System for Business Processing


The researchers shall use the survey questionnaire as an instrument in gathering information

needed in the research. The subjects that shall be included in the questionnaire are the profile of

Investors and Locators, the nature of business they shall intended to do, the committed capital, the

number of workforce and the assessment of business processing system focusing in time, accuracy

and efficiency.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers shall provide a survey questionnaire for the locators and investors for them to

answer it directly if they will visit the office of SBFZ. It shall be a mandate for them to response to

every survey questionnaire after visiting the said office. The researchers will tell the locators and

investors that it will benefit the employees, clients and the management.

The information gathered from the respondents will be based on a mixed structured /

standardized. This data gathering procedure is due to achieving convenience on the side of the


Statistical Treatment

Since the study is more particular on qualitative approach, the gathered data will provide a

clamor in favor of the customer. The collected questionnaires and information from various

investor-respondent will make available for the authenticity of the study and shall make use of:

1. Frequency & Percentage Distribution

This shall be used to show how frequencies are distributed over respondents

Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

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Enhance System for Business Processing

2. Weighted Mean

This shall be used to determine the mean assessment or average assessment on the

rating scale.

3. Pearson Moment Correlation

This shall be used to determine the correlation between the current business

processing system and the profile of the investors and locators.

Locale of the Study

The Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) is the operating and implementing arm of

the Government of the Philippines for the development of the 262 square mile (670 square

kilometer) area of Subic Bay Freeport (SBF) into a self-sustaining tourism, industrial, commercial,

financial, and investment center to generate employment opportunities. This area was the former US

Naval facility in Subic Bay.

Spain discovers Subic Bay's natural deep and strategically located harbor and soon builds a

naval fortress.

The US Navy selects Subic Bay as a repair and supply depot due also to its strategically

located safe and natural deep harbor.

On March 13, 1992, the Philippine Congress passed Republic Act 7227, known as the Bases

Conversion and Development Act of 1992, in anticipation of the pullout of the US military bases in

the country. Section 13 of RA 7227 created the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) to

develop and manage the Freeport which provides tax and duty-free privileges and incentives to

business locators in the special economic zone.

Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

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Enhance System for Business Processing

R.A. 7227 creates the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority to promote and develop the Subic

Special Economic Zone into a self-sustaining, industrial, commercial, financial and investment

center to generate employment opportunities in and around the zone, and to attract and promote

productive foreign investments.

Richard Gordon, then the mayor of the City of Olongapo, became the first SBMA chairman.

Mayor Gordon with 8,000 volunteers took over the facility to preserve and protect US$8 billion

worth of property and facilities when the last U.S. Navy helicopter carrier USS Belleau Wood sailed

out of Subic Bay on November 24, 1992 and started the conversion of the military base into a free

port like Hong Kong and Singapore.

On its fourth anniversary on November 24, 1996, Subic Bay hosted the leaders of 18 economies

during the Fourth Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders' Summit. By that time, this

emerging investment haven had already successfully attracted companies like Federal Express,

Enron, Coastal Petroleum now El Paso Corporation, Taiwan computer giant Acer and France

telecoms company Thomson SA to establish operations in the Freeport.

Richard Gordon was SBMA chairman and administrator and was succeeded by Bataan

Representative and Harvard Business School graduate Felicito C. Payumo in 1998.

In August 2004, Executive Order No. 340 was issued by then President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

This Executive order reorganized the SBMA Board of Directors and segregated the powers,

functions and duties of the chairman and those of the SBMA administrator.

Ayala Land founding president Francisco H. Licuanan was appointed SBMA Chairman and former

Development Bank of the Philippines (DPB) chairman Alfredo C. Antonio was appointed SBMA

Administrator in line with this Executive Order. In 2006, Kings Point's US Merchant Marine

Academy alumnus Commodore Feliciano G. Salonga was appointed Chairman/Head of Agency, and
Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
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Enhance System for Business Processing

Wharton graduate Armand C. Arreza was appointed SBMA Administrator and Chief Executive

Officer. Succeeding Salonga and Arreza at the end of their six-year term was seasoned business

executive and entrepreneur Roberto V. Garcia who was appointed by President Benigno S. Aquino

III as SBMA Chairman and Administrator in 2011.

On September 2016, President Rodrigo R. Duterte appointed Mr. Marvin B. Dino former

Chairman and of the Volunteers Against Crime and Corruption as Chairman and Head of the

Agency while Atty. Randy B. Escolongo Deputy Administrator for Legal Affairs of the SBMA, as

OIC, Administrator and Chief Executive Officer.

The SBMA is currently headed by former Public Affairs and Contributions Manager of

Philip Morris Fortune Tobacco Company Inc. (PMFTC) Atty. Wilma T. Eisma as Chairman &

Administrator who took ought of office on December of 2016.

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Enhance System for Business Processing


2018 State of the Freeport Address posted on the SBMA website on March 13, 2018.

Dubravac, S. (2015). Digital Destiny

Dumas M., et al. (2013). Fundamentals of Business Process Management

Evangelista, R. (2013, November 15). Entrepreneurship in the Philippines: Opportunities

and Challenges for Inclusive Growth

Joseph, C (2018, June 30). Ways to Improve Quality, Productivity and Process Time

Juneja, P. (2016). Impact of Business Process Re-engineering &

Business Section Issue of the Philippine Daily Inquirer July 8, 2018 issue

Kang, Y.S and Park, S. (2016). A Study of Process Mining-based Business Process


Leonard, K. (2017, September 11). Streamline Work Process and Improve Workflow

Macdermott, J (2015, March 23). How to improve your Process Efficiency and Increase your

Profitability. Retrieved from

Page, P (2014). Successful Business Management

Page, S. (2016). The Power of Business Process Improvement

Sinu, J., et al. (2013, August 18). Business Process Management: the Next Wave

Shacklett, M (2015, August 3). Business Process Automation: Where it works and where it

doesn’t. Retrieved from

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Enhance System for Business Processing





Dear Investor- Respondent:

Please provide the needed data or information for the completion of the study. Rest assured

for whatever data and information gathered shall be given with utmost confidentiality.

The Researchers

Part I Profile of the Investor-Respondent:

Name Of Company:

Tax Individual Number:

Physical Address:

Nature of B us ine s s (Ple as e Che ck):

Information and Leisure ( )

Communication related ( ) Logistics ( )
General Business ( ) Maritime and Manufacturing ( )

Committe d Capital: Numbe r of Workforce :

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Part II Please answer the following as brief as you can.

1. From very good, good or poor how do you think about our current business process in

terms of time, accuracy and efficiency? Can you please tell us about it?

Very Good Good Poor

2. We believe reduction of business processing time is an essential factor for our absolute

satisfaction we may offer to you. How do you think about it?



Thank you very much for cooperation.

Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

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Enhance System for Business Processing

Curriculum Vitae

Vanessa S. Belino
#81-A Esteban St. New Ilalim, Olongapo City

Educational Attainment
 Mondriaan Aura College,Inc. Personal Details
Sex: Female
Bldg. 893 Former Subcom Area, Subic Bay Freeport
Civil Status: Single
Zone Master in Management Major in Business Birthday: November 12, 1996
Administration Birthplace: Olongapo City
Year: 2018-Present Height: 5’4
 Columban College, Inc. Weight: 60kg.
No 1 Mt. Apo St. East Tapinac, Olongapo City Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major Language: Filipino/English
in Financial Management
Year: 2013-2017
 Columban College, Inc. Character Reference
No. 1 Mt. Apo St. East Tapinac, Olongapo City Dr.Eric Matriano – 223-
Year: 2009-2013 3329
 Cawayan Elementary School Dean, College of Business
Cawayan New Washington, Aklan and Accountancy
Year: 2002-2009 Columban College

Trainings and Seminars: Haidee Del Rosario -

292-hour Training for Bookkeeping NCIII 09495670148
Columban College, Inc. HR/Accounting
April 2018 Subic Channel Line
 On the Job-Training-Program
Packaging and Trading
 Development Bank of the Philippines – Subic Branch
November 16, 2016 – January 27, 2017 Corporation
 Call Center Training Program (54-Hour Intensive
Training Course in Advanced Communications for
International E-Business)
Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
We have the EdGe.
Truth * Freedom * Just ice

June 2015 – October 2015

Enhance System for Business Processing

 System Application and Products (40 Hours)

October 2016
 Made for Management”
September 16, 2016
 Synergy Unbound – Transcending Financial Barriers Towards Global Competency
December 5, 2015
 Effective Leadership and Teamwork: Solid Foundations of a Successful Organization
September 2, 2015
 Investing in Your Future Today
August 14, 2015
 Unleashing your Entrepreneurial Potential
February 11, 2015
 Junior AASHPI 1st National Convention – Opportunities and Challenges for the
Generation Z in the Asean Integration
January 23, 2015
 Unleashing within the Youth Great Potentials in Becoming a Great Leaders of
March 5, 2014
 Creativity Management and Team Building Towards an Effective Organization
December 7, 2013
 Leading With Motivation in the Age of Innovation
August 24, 2013
 Empowering the Youth to be the Future Leaders that Shed Light and Hope towards
competence and Development in the Corporate World
August 10, 2013
Examinations, Affiliations and Eligibilities:
 Bookkeeping NC III Holder (Certificate No. 17037103003543)
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
June 4, 2017

Work Experience
Subic Channel Line Packaging and Trading Corporation
#43 Lot 68 Honesty St. Subic Bay Gateway Park, Phase 1, SBFZ
Position: Purchaser
April 27, 2017 – Present

I hereby solemnly that the information above is true and correct to

the best of my ability.
Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
We have the EdGe.
Truth * Freedom * Just ice

Vanessa S. Belino

Enhance System for Business Processing

Richard M. Carino
1929C Bennet Rd., Old Cabalan, Olongapo City, Zambales

Educational Attainment Personal Details

Sex: Male
 Mondriaan AURA College (2018 – present) Civil Status: Married
Birthday: April 29, 1975
Master in Management Major in Business Administration Birthplace: Ma. Aurora,
 Mondriaan AURA College (1994 – 1998) Aurora
Height: 5’7”
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Weight: 75kg.
 Aurora Wesleyan High School (1989 – 1993)
Religion: Roman Catholic
 San Jose Elementary School (1982 – 1989) Nationality: Filipino
Language: Filipino/English
Character Reference
Trainings and Seminar SANQUI
Deputy Administrator
 Supervisory Development Course Track III (August 29 – 31, 2017) SBMA Finance
 Supervisory Development Course Track II (February 07 – 09, 2017) Subic Bay Metropolitan
 Supervisory Development Course Track I Authority
(August 31 – September 02, 2016) (047) 252-4168
 Seminar on Laws and Rules on Government Expenditures
(July 27 – 29, 2016) MYRNA T. CASEJA
 Basic Accounting and Internal Control for Non-Accountants Department Manager
SBMA Treasury
(June 01 – 03, 2016)
Subic Bay Metropolitan
Examinations, Affiliations and Eligibilities (047) 252-4050

 Civil Service Professional Examination (April 20, 1999) ALFREDO G. PLANEA

Division Chief
Civil Service Commission Regional Office San Fernando, Pampanga SBMA Financial Mgmt.
 Civil Service Sub-Professional Examination (August 29, 1998) Div.
Subic Bay Metropolitan
(047) 252-4131
Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
We have the EdGe.
Truth * Freedom * Just ice

Civil Service Commission Regional Office San Fernando, Pampanga

Enhance System for Business Processing

Awards & Recognitions

 Given a Certificate of Recognition by the SBMA Chairman

& Administrator
Hon. Roberto V. Garcia for a continuous and satisfactory service for ten (10) years
(November 24, 2015)

Work Experiences

 Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (July 22, 2016 – present)

Financial Analyst III, Treasury Department
 Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (April 1, 2003 – July 21, 2016)
Financial Analyst II, Treasury Department
 Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (July 01, 2000 – March 31, 2003)
Financial Analyst I, Treasury Department
 Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (January 20, 2000 – June 30, 2000)
Cashier I, Treasury Department

I hereby solemnly that the information above is true and correct to the best
of my knowledge and ability.

Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
We have the EdGe.
Truth * Freedom * Just ice

Enhance System for Business Processing

Mary Rose Magno
36 Harris st., East Bajac-Bajac, Olongapo City, Zambales

Educational Attainment
 Mondriaan Aura College – (2017-present) Personal Details
Masters in Business Administration Sex: Female
Major in Management Civil Status: Single
Birthday: September 10,
 Mondriaan Aura College – (2010-2013) 1993
Bachelors of Science in Business Administration Birthplace: Iba, Zambales
Major in Management Height: 5’4
Weight: 65kg.
 Kalalake National High School – (2009-2010) Religion: Baptist Christian
High School Nationality: Filipino
Language: Filipino/English
 Zambales National High School – (2006-2009) Character Reference
High School Dr. Editha Geniza, PhD
PMAP President – Subic
Trainings and Seminars Chapter
 Discover your inner strengths: Overcoming Depression 0919-270-7358
And Suicidal Risks
July 21, 2018 Frederick De Guzman
 Leading Change Corporate Finance Officer
September 9, 2017 Sinosun Subic Bay Holdings
 Labor Congress Corp.
September 1, 2017 0917-659-1658
 Standard First Aid and Basic Life Support –
Mary Rose Magno
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) /
Admin Aide II
AED Operation Training
Land Transportation Office
June 13-16, 2017
Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
We have the EdGe.
Truth * Freedom * Just ice

 Department Order 174

 Supply Chain Management Seminar
June 26, 2015

Enhance System for Business Processing

Examinations, Affiliations and Eligibilities
 Certified First Aider
Philippine Red Cross
Validity: June 16, 2017- June 16, 2019
 Career Service Eligibility Passer
Paper and Pencil Test (Professional)
Rating: 83.16 %

Career Affiliation
 Human Resource Staff
Samer Global Manpower Services Inc. - Subic Bay Freeport Zone
April 24, 2017- September 22, 2017
 Personnel in-charge with Recruitment, Selection, Endorsement and Placement.
 Ensuring the employees complies with all recruitment Policies, Laws, and
 Providing professional advisory support to the company and the employees with
regards to HR Policies and practices
 Personnel in-charge with timekeeping in an accurate and timely manner

 Sales & Marketing Coordinator - South Asia, Middle East, and Philippines
GrainPro Philippines, Inc. - Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Philippines
March 16, 2017- August 5, 2017
 Responsible for day to day sales inquiries from clients.
 Prepares quotation, and other tender documents required for private companies and
 Prepares necessary documents for Security and Performance Bond for government
 Assists in development and implementation of marketing and advertising campaigns.

 Purchasing Staff
Hitachi Terminals Mechatronics Philippines Corp. - Subic Bay Freeport Zone
November 18, 2014-November 25, 2015
 Controlling deliveries by performing actions to meet suggested parts via date
required by the system and end users’ request for non-system related items.
 Responsible for controlling Freight-In Cost through analyzing Shipways based on
actual required date.
Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
We have the EdGe.
Truth * Freedom * Just ice

 Prepares relevant documents prior to transfer of materials and parts to suppliers

prior to the actual transfer dates (Parts, Bare Materials, and Raw Materials).
 Monitoring of Purchase Order and Reconciliation with Suppliers in preventing
 Accomplishes monthly reports, forecast and evaluation of Supplier.

Enhance System for Business Processing

 Administrative Staff
Neofuture Corporation - Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Philippines
April 16, 2014- October 10, 2014
 Provides support to the Management in executing daily task as required.
 Organizes files of the company.
 Assist in HR Recruitment Process.
 Facilitates inspection for company properties repairs.
 Assisting guests and attending to their needs and concerns.
 Endorses requests for purchasing, complains, and concerns to interrelated

I hereby solemnly certify that the information above are true and correct to the best of my

Mary Rose Magno

Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
We have the EdGe.
Truth * Freedom * Just ice

Enhance System for Business Processing

Gerry Ryan DC. Vistan
4A Mango Dr. Binictican, Subic Bay Freeport Zone,
Olongapo City, Zambales

Educational Attainment Personal Details

 Asian College of Science and Technology (2000-2003 Sex: Male
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Civil Status: Single
 Marcelo H. Del Pilar National High School (1996-2000) Birthday: July 26, 1982
High school Birthplace: Calumpit, Bulacan
 Holy Spirit Academy of Malolos (1990-1996) Height: 5’6
Elementary Weight: 64kg.
Religion: Roman Catholic
Trainings and Seminars Nationality: Filipino
 ISO 140001:2015 Internal EMS Audit Course Language: Filipino/English

Character Reference
Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
We have the EdGe.
Truth * Freedom * Just ice

(March 29 – 30, 2017)

 Workshop on Finance for Non Accountants

(March 14, 2016)

 Supervisory Development Course Track III

(February 03 - 05, 2016)

 Seminar on Human Relations

(November 16, 2015)

Examinations, Affiliations and Eligibilities

 Civil Service Professional Examination
November 27, 2003
Civil Service Commission Regional Office
San Fernando, Pampanga
Awards & Recognitions
 Given a Certificate of Commendation by the SBMA
Chairman & Administrator
Hon. Roberto V. Garcia for being the SQC of the
Registry Office (06 May 2013)

Enhance System for Business Processing

 Awarded as “One of the Most Outstanding Students in
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology”
(May 15, 2004)

Work Experience
 Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (January 19, 2009 to Present)
Document Examiner IV Business and Investment Group
 Aegis People Support, Inc. (September 25, 20017 to January 15, 2009)
Online Banker under Washington Mutual Bank
 Sanyo Denki Philippines, Inc. (March 29, 2004 to July 30, 2007)
Import and Export Staff

I hereby solemnly that the information above is true and correct to

the best of my ability.

Gerry Ryan DC. Vistan

Mondriaan Bldg. H-8931 Former Subcom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone

AURA COLLEGE Tel # (047) 252-3808

TeleFax # (047) 252-3801
We have the EdGe.
Truth * Freedom * Just ice

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