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SSW Rules to Better Outbound Calls

SSW Rules to Better Outbound Calls

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I've been putting together Development Guidelines for my employer and in the process have reviewed many
published standards (in the .Net arena) from around the world. In each category, the suggestions at SSW are
always among the best.
- Leon Bambrick,

As you look at the phone and get ready to make the first outbound call on the seemingly endless list in front of you, you're
filled with doubt, fear and anxiety. As you break out in a cold sweat you've just realised why they call it a cold call. But the
reluctance and fear that you're feeling can be remedied if you do just follow a few simple things before you start your
outbound efforts.

You control the image that you project to the world. If you are knowledgeable and prepared, you will be more confident and
convey a positive self-image. Remember that prospects can benefit from your expertise and knowledge and that you are
calling to offer them something useful. Here's some tips and tricks on how to make your outbound efforts more fun and
Do you agree with them all? Are we missing some? Let us know what you think.

1. Do you have the right attitude?

2. Do you use your database to find your prospects?
3. Have you targeted the right people?
4. Do you have an outbound script?
5. Have you rehearsed your outbound script?
6. The Call - Is your introduction short and sweet?
7. Does your outbound script build a YES ladder?
8. Do you ask open ended questions?
9. Do you maintain control of the call?
10. Do you change your cold calls into warm calls?
11. Do you call enough people?
12. Do you measure the success of your outbound efforts?
13. Do you know how to write a follow-up email after an outbound call?

1. Do you have the right attitude?

Don't you hate people that have a negative spin on everything you do? Those people with a negative attitude are exactly
the kind of people that we all try to avoid. So why would it be any different to people on the phone? If you're starting
your sales efforts with a negative attitude then you're already behind the eight ball. Having a positive attitude makes a
huge difference to your approach and the way you come across to your prospects.
Before any SSW sales staff make any telemarketing calls, as a company standard, the sales person is to note down 3
reasons why the people they are calling are going to want to buy from us.
For example if you're selling SSW Tech Breakfast here are some typical affirmation statements:

I've read evaluation forms of people that have attended our events and I know that people will benefit significantly
from attending
I've investigated our competitors and I know we're offering a much better deal
Even if it wasn't a good event I'm a great sales person and I can sell ice to Eskimos!

2. Do you use your database to find your prospects?

At SSW we don't believe in picking up the white pages and calling everyone in the book to make a sale. We believe in a
more focused approach; we query our own SQL Servers for the prospects we're after. We also frown on buying lists
because there's nothing worse than buying databases that have already been used and abused by the people before you.
If you've got a business then you should always have a database to capture business and client information which can be
queried against.

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SSW Rules to Better Outbound Calls

3. Have you targeted the right people?

We all get sales calls from time to time whether we like it or not. The ones I hate most are the ones where the
product/service on offer has no interest to me. It goes without saying then that the success of your cold calling will
depend on the prospect list you are using. Ensure the people you're calling are likely to be interested in what you have
to offer: Don't call pensioners offering them tickets to the next Eminem concert. Spend extra time on targeting your
prospect list.
For example when we try to market our training events we take into consideration:

Geographic spread: There's no point in calling people in another state for a half-day training event.
Position/Title: In most databases you'll probably have information on the prospect's job title. This is often a good
reference point as you will know if you are speaking with a decision maker or not. Assume you're a sales
professional for Ferrari: you wouldn't make any sales if you were to speak with CEO secretaries rather than speaking
with the CEO's directly!
Interests: Some databases hold information about their interests or hobbies. This is a great way of building instant
rapport with the person as you have a way of relating to that person. Even if you aren't interested in Rugby, for
example, the five minutes you spend on the web researching last weekends results and whose been named in the
Wallabies for the upcoming test could end up paying dividends, as the person on the other end of the phone will
immediately identify with you.

Using our own SQL Servers we run queries which are able to identify people from our database that:

Are developers (positions such as DBAs, web developers, programmers etc) in the IT industry
Have registered themselves as interested in a particular topic (through our website or an answer on one of our
evaluation surveys)
Live in the right geographic area E.g. NSW

4. Do have an outbound script?

An outbound script forms the foundation of all sales. It is important before you start calling your prospects to have an
outbound script memorised. Whilst you will know your script verbatim you should find an equal need to be flexible
throughout the conversation and adapt the call to suit each person you call.
As a guide your outbound script should have at least these things:

Introduction: introducing yourself, your company and why you are calling
Questions that immediately identify the decision maker: E.g. Are you a developer? Are you in IT?
How you propose to offer them a solution to their problems and what tool/product they will be utilizing to achieve
General questions you could ask them, ie. Did you happen to catch the Wallabies thrashing of Italy over the
What contact details you need to collect/confirm

An important point to remember is that you are speaking with another human and people in general thrive on
communication with other people. However, as humans we do not like to be bored by someone just plugging another
product. So always approach a call like you're talking with one of your mates. Never repeat the script word for word with
no interaction like a parrot!

5. Have you rehearsed your Outbound script?

Assume for a minute you're a professional athlete and are preparing for an event at some time in the immediate future.
You spend the majority of your time practicing and trying to perfect your shot, jump or speed. Only a fraction of your
time is actually spent competing. So why should it be any different in business? This same concept should always be
adopted to your outbound script as you're only going to be spending a fraction of the time on the phone and you want to
get it right on the day.
Practice on your script should always be with someone else in your company that has more knowledge of the topic than
you. This will give you far greater experience by having to answer questions and deal with stronger objections than what
you will more than likely get from your actual call. Remember a professional tennis player does not become number 1 in
the world by practising against mere amateurs; he practices against the best to be the best! DO THE SAME!!

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SSW Rules to Better Outbound Calls

6. The Call - Is your introduction short and sweet?

The first GOLDEN RULE during your calls which applies from the very second you pick up the phone is ABS - ALWAYS BE
SMILING! Whilst this may seem ridiculous you would be surprised how your mood will resinate through the phone. The
person on the other end of the phone will know what mood you are in so smile and think of something funny (or fake it
till you make it), people are always attracted to other people who are happy and smile.
When you start calling your prospects with your outbound script, the most important thing to perfect is your introduction.
Without a solid introduction your outbound telemarketing efforts are pointless and you may as well hang up there. A call
is no different than meeting someone for the first time and first impressions are the ones which stay in people's minds.
By nature most people are often on the defensive when they know it's a sales call and you'll find the first 5 seconds of
your conversation is what makes or breaks your outbound efforts. You'll hear millions of reasons why they don't want to
speak to you, such as: "I'm busy", "Not interested" or "I'm having lunch". Though some of these may be true, at times,
more often than not a great introduction will draw the right person into the call rather than them looking for excuses to
get off the line or just hanging up.
Introductions should include a quick personal introduction of yourself, your company and the reason for your call, all
done with one breath without pause. It is equally important you don't give your prospect a chance to speak until you're
ready to ask an open ended question.

Scott: Hi, this is Scott from SSW how are you today? (pause) I'm calling you to introduce SSW
Upsizing PRO!

Bad Example - An introduction with pause

Scott: Hi Mr. Smith, this is Scott from SSW calling about some hands-on developer training, is
this a convenient time?

Good Example - An introduction without pause

7. Does your outbound script build a YES ladder?

A good way to avoid the nasty dial tone midway through your introduction is to ask them questions which they will
answer "YES" to. This is known in marketing as establishing a YES Ladder. The theory is when prospects become so used
to saying yes to you, when you eventually close on them to make a sale they have been put in such a positive mind
frame and use to answering YES to the sale. Another good benefit of a YES ladder is to provide you with a chance to
screen your prospects and identify the dead leads and get feedback.
So after you've done your introduction here's an example how your conversation should develop. Lets say we're trying
to sell some developer training:

Question 1: Jane, have you considered any extra IT training since starting your job? (those that answer no,
you're not likely to be targeting)
Prospect: Yes
Question 2: So you'd be interested in increasing your technical programming skills then?
Prospect: Yes
Question 3: Great! We're holding unique hands-on developer training sessions which may benefit you greatly. Is
this of interest?
Prospect: OOH YES!
Scott: (I'll have what she's having!) Fantastic! The courses on offer include our SSW Tech Breakfast etc...

After the prospect has said yes to you three times it's going to be hard for them to decline when you ask them if they
would like to find out some more information thus making it hard for them to give you an excuse to get off the phone.

8. Do you ask open ended questions?

The goal of any outbound call is to get the person on the other end of the line involved. The way to do this is to employ a
knockout combo. If you were a boxer, you'd follow up a jab with a cross hook and an upper cut! (the good ole
one-two-three knockout!). If you're a telemarketer you follow the YES ladder up with open ended questions. Here's how
most of your combos should sound:
For your jab and cross hook combo use questions one, two and three (above in previous rule):

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Then your knockout is going to be something like:

Question 4: So where do you see yourself fitting in with the move towards .NET for the next few years?

This question is great because of the following reasons:

Stays on the topic.

It's likely the prospect has thought about this.
The answer is likely to give you some good points to feed off or identify what doesn't interest them.
The question can't be answered with a quick yes or no and the prospect must think about how they really feel/think.
This increases their involvement and investment into the conversation bringing you a step closer to a sale.

Here's an example of the kind of question you DON'T want to ask:

Dud Question: Do you know a lot about .NET?

This question is a show stopper! It's too easy for prospects to give a one word response. If they say no, then you've
effectively dug a really deep hole for yourself and it's tough to recover from this position to close the prospect. If they
say yes, then that's not too bad but they're probably sick of hearing you speak and are waiting for something to wake
them up. If you give your callers a sniff of how to finish the call quickly then like a lion to its prey, they'll pounce - NO

9. Do you maintain control of the call?

Now we've learnt how to jab (YES ladder), then cross hook (open ended question), it's time to learn how to stay focused
in the ring. When we talk about maintaining focus, we're really talking about controlling the conversation. When the
conversation is getting a bit off track or the prospect is telling you more information than you need to know, the best
way to get the conversation back on track is to ask them a question that is related to the topic to which they are likely to
answer "Yes".
For example, if I'm on the phone trying to sell a training event, and the conversation started sounding like this:

Scott: I think I've got just what you're after for advanced IT training.
Prospect: Really? That reminds me of a time when this other sales person who was trying to sell me tickets to
crack pot training events held in an abandoned warehouse. He was the rudest person I'd ever spoken to and he
had this funny accent... Blah Blah.

When this happens ask a general question that you know they're going to say "Yes" to like this...

Good Question: So you'd agree that in today's tough market you've got to stay up to date with today's
technological advancements? (No self respecting developer that wants to keep his job would answer no to this
Prospect: Yes of course.
Scott: Well let me show you how you can keep up to date with technology.

See how this tactic forces the prospect to get back on to the topic and think about what you're offering them. So beyond
the YES ladder you should always have a few more questions up your sleeve.

10. Do you change your cold calls into warm calls?

Sometimes if your cold calling isn't working, no matter how much you try or how great your list is, you might need to
convert your cold calls into warm calls. In a nutshell a warm call is a cold call where the prospect has exposure to your
company or what you're trying to sell.
At SSW we convert our cold calls into warm calls by sending prospects a mail out, either via email, fax, or snail mail.
This is what we call a pre-call strategy. This often helps as it allows your prospects a chance to decide if it does or
doesn't interest them.

If you've already sent them some form of direct marketing your introduction should sound like:

Good Intro: I sent you a fax the other day regarding our training you are interested in

Always assume that they have got it and read it and are interested. Try to resist questions like :

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Dud Question: Did you get my fax?

You never want them to say no to you. See the YES ladder for more details.

11. Do you call enough people?

All sales are a numbers game. Outbound calling is a game of attitude and numbers. If you call enough people and have a
positive attitude (ABS); you have a higher probability of success. Outbound calling is also an acquired skill. You acquire it
by practicing and being prepared. The only way to get better at it is to make more of them and practice, practice,
practice. So when you're starting your outbound calls you need to swallow that lump in your throat and fire away. Along
the way you'll feel disenchanted and rejected but sooner or later it will start to click and as you become more confident,
you become a better telemarketer.

12. Do you measure the success of your outbound efforts?

At the end of the day, when all the people on your prospect list have been called and you're just about ready to throw in
the towel, there's still one more task to complete. You need to remember that an outbound campaign is just like any
other business campaign - it needs to show a ROI (Return on Investment). Management need to be made aware of its
success or its failures.

At SSW every time a Tech Breakfast call is made, it is logged in our database as one of either 5 states: Interested, Not
Interested, N/A (Engaged call back), Not Contactable and Sale. We run a query at the end of the day to find out how
many people were:

Emailed the invitation

Called (attempted and successful)
Hot leads (Interested)
Dead leads (Not Interested & Not Contactable)

These details are then emailed to the manager for review on a weekly basis.

13. Do you know how to write a follow-up email after an outbound call?

When sending a standardized follow-up email after an out-bound call, you should always try to tailor your email to each
If you don't then the client will ignore your email.
These are the 5 things that you should include in your follow-up email:
1. Record what was said in the conversation including:
the projects they are working on
their priorities
the technologies they are interested in
2. When you will call them back
3. Other relevant answers to questions in the script you are using.
4. A little footer, with a clear division to the 'spam'/'canned' text
5. Indent the spam text
All this information is important as it gives the next salesperson who speaks to this person a good background on your
interaction with them.

To Marlon
As per our conversation, I look forward to seeing you at the SharePoint 101 workshop.
Feel free to contact me for more information.

SharePoint 101 for Business

This workshop will provide the attendee with:

An understanding of the SharePoint feature set

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SSW Rules to Better Outbound Calls

An in depth understanding of how key features of SharePoint can enhance

business processes
An understanding of the costs, timelines, staff involvement and commitment a
business will incur when implementing SharePoint
Learn more.

Date: Wednesday 21 April

Time: 8:00am - 11:00am

Address: Suite 10, 81-91 Military Road Neutral Bay 2089 NSW

Food: Breakfast is provided

Cost: No Charge

Bad Example: Bad Example ?the next time you call you will NOT 'remember' any details of the client and have to start
COLD again

To Marlon
As per our conversation, you are currently using Team Foundation Server 2008 to manage small development
projects and source control.
If you are looking to upgrade to TFS 2010, we have a special offer. We will:
1. Migrate your old version to the new version
2. Give you a Scrum master for the first 2 week print FREE of charge
The Scrum master will be involved in all the meetings, daily Scrum and ensure that the burn down is happening
as it should be. Additional to this, we will have a TFS MVP and Microsoft Regional Director over seer the project
from SSW, ultimately any problems which arise, we will have access to immediate solutions.
I will contact you in 1 month and we will discuss how things are going and your thoughts to our offer.
I have also included information on our seminars below just in case anyone was interested.
Feel free to contact me for more information.

SharePoint 101 for Business

This workshop will provide the attendee with:

An understanding of the SharePoint feature set

An in depth understanding of how key features of SharePoint can enhance
business processes
An understanding of the costs, timelines, staff involvement and commitment a
business will incur when implementing SharePoint
Learn more.

Date: Wednesday 21 April

Time: 8:00am - 11:00am

Address: Suite 10, 81-91 Military Road Neutral bay 2089 NSW

Food: Breakfast is provided

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SSW Rules to Better Outbound Calls

Cost: No Charge

Good Example: the next time you call you will be able to 'remember' plenty of details


Adam Cogan

Benefit from our knowledge and experience!

SSW is the industry leader in Custom Software Development, Software Auditing & Developer Training.
Call us on +61 2 9953 3000 or email us for a free consultation

What does it cost? I’m not in Australia. Can you still help?

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