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BBA Hons. [2017 – 2021] Sales Total Marks
7 Semester Management 75

Instructor Name: Muhammad Abdullah BBA-163 Sales Management

Time Allowed: 120 minutes Total Marks: 75

Roll No: ______________ Name: _____________

Please attempt all the questions and provide supporting examples to justify your answers
(where required).
You must write the clearly at the top of answer sheet and inside the subject of email: Title
and Code of the Course, Roll Number, Name, Class, and semester, Section, Morning or
Answers should be in “Hand Written” on any large paper (A4 size or Legal size paper).
All pages must be properly numbered at the top right corner (eg. Page No 1 and so on..).
After attempting paper students have to SCAN or take picture of answer sheets and convert
them to the PDF format (Students may use “CAM SCANNER” app on their phone to do
After completing your paper, you are advised to send a single PDF file saved with roll
number and name only with at
You have to send your answer sheets in email attachment within the 30 minutes after end
time of your paper.
Q1: Attempt following short questions? (5*4= 20)
1. Differentiate between event marketing and trade promotions with examples?
2. What is the role of business promotions?
3. Write a descriptive note on selling as a career?
4. How the choice criteria of consumer affects sales of a company?
5. What should be the sales strategies in the fragments of the markets?

Q2: How environmental and managerial forces impact the sales? (15)
Q3: Write a detailed note on consumer-decision making process? (15)
Q4: What are the success factors for professional sales people? Discuss in detail? (10)
Q5: Write a detailed note on personal selling process? (15)

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