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Understanding Factors Influencing the

Adoption of M-commerce by Sellers

Submitted By
Seemab Haider
Marwa Majeed
Saroash Naveed

Global Economics
Ma’am Mamona
Understanding Factors Influencing the Adoption of M-Commerce by Sellers

This study presents a comprehensive technology taking model that integrates innovation
diffusion theory to examine what determine user mobile commerce acceptance. The
projected model was empirically verified by means of data collected from an inspection
of mobile commerce sellers. Empirical data from reversion analysis reveals users ease of
use influence behavioral aim to implement mobile commerce. The common of positive
relationships among apparent ease of use, subjective norms, behavioral control and
intention to adopt are supported by empirical data This paper models the influences
relations such as apparent usefulness, apparent ease of use, personal innovativeness,
subjective norms, behavioral control and intention to adopt mobile commerce.
Consequences also expose that behavioral control and subjective means influence
apparent ease of use which affects then their adoption intention. The paper determines
some significant recommendations for the sellers.

The immense range of the mobile This data marks a development of rapid
phone global has converted to growth in mobile phone end sellers
excessive occurrence to change the compared to the desktop computer.
interaction between humans. It altered Mobile commerce includes the transfer
the approach people communicate and of products and services through wireless
connect without borders. Distance is no technologies to allow internet commerce
longer a problem to pass on any activities without limitations of time and
message or information due to the space. Numerous independent studies
quick development of the technology. have revealed that mobile commerce can
The use of mobile phone is expected to have an important influence on business
keep advancing in the years ahead. and society in future. Mobile commerce
Are search indicated that the number of offers very capable prospects for a
global mobile users had wide-ranging Down loading games.
range of business sectors. There are Getting used to buying digital content
presently 94.9 million mobile and services with the mobile devices will
commerce sellers in 2003 worldwide create it easier to adjust to mobile
and the section is expected to grow payment device for physical goods as
1.67 billion by 2008. Global returns well in future. The rapid development in
from M-commerce are expected to the smart phone has led the innovation in
reach $555 billion in 2008 (Wireless the mobile commerce sector as well.
Week, 2004). People can no longer have to be bound to
Mobile commerce was primarily the computer

estimated to experience a significant develoed a proposed model for this
beat the desktop users around early study.
2014. Understanding Factors
growth for some causes, i.e. rapid Influencing the Adoption of M-
propagation of mobile device
Commerce by Sellers
acceptance and the clear advantages of
Based on the literature about technology
anytime, anywhere connectivity. On
acceptance model, theory of strategic
the other hand, most m-commerce
behavior and diffusion of innovation this
applications, excepts for very few
study presents an integrated model to
particular applications have failed to
discover the factors which influence
meet expectations. Several factors have
customer usage intention of mobile
delayed seller’s practice of mobile
commerce. This provides supervisors to
commerce applications. These contain
measure success for m-commerce
cost of access, credit card security,
introductions and contributes to their
difficult navigation and low entree
understanding of the drivers of approval
speed. Yet, today a large proportion of
in order to proactively design approaches
mobile commerce consists of purchase
targeted at populations of users that may
of different types of digital content that
be less liable to adopt and use m-
in most cases is used in the mobile
commerce systems.
phones. Sellers want to personalize
their mobile devices with ringing tones, Subjective norms: A person’s
screen savers, wall papers and to deal a subjective norm is determined by his or
transaction meanwhile the mobile her perception that salient social
phone can simplify things, specifically referents think he/she should or should
using the optimized-apps designed for not make a specific behavior. That
mobile users. person is motivated to fulfill with the
Currently, sellers are endorsed to shop referents even if he/she does not favor
through the internet through multiple the behavior. The referents may be
devices, like a tablet or mobile phone. superiors (e.g., parents or teachers) or
In the late 2000’s, the birth of smart peers (e.g., friends or classmates).
phone altered the mobile industry by Furthermore, from the theory of group
spreading the features of a mobile effect processes, an individual incline to
phone. It was increasingly improving adapt to the expectations of others to
its function towards a computer. Thus, reinforce relationships with group
many m-commerce players are making members or to escape a punishment.
mobile apps and optimizing its website The significance of subjective norms on
for multiple devices to provide better purpose to adopt mobile services is
mobile experience. shown in studies that are based on the
An important aim throughout is to information systems perspective. The
develop a model capable of providing relative influence of subjective norm on
valuable information to m-commerce purposes is expected to be stronger for
practitioners. It will help the experts to potential users with no prior experience
understand insights and how to Prasad (1998) described personal
stimulate it to sellers. In this research, innovativeness as s representing the risk
we joined taking tendency that exists in certain
the factors from several theories to individuals and not in others. They are
since they are more likely to depend on able to manage with high levels of

the reactions of others in forming their ambiguity and develop more positive
intentions. TAM proposes that intensions toward acceptance. In the
subjective norm can influence the objective to adopted, most people do not
intellectual belief of observed have any or much knowledge on various
usefulness. Lewis (2003) sought to mobile services or form clear perception
explain for perceived usefulness from views. It is estimated that personal
social aspects and found the expected innovativeness making a strong impact
relationship. If mobile services are on perceived usefulness and perceived
supposed hard to learn and hard to use, ease of use, which in turn effected user
un escapably it will more or less affect intention to adopt M-commerce.
a member’s objective toward adopting. H4: Personal innovativeness positively
The purpose is to forecast whether affects seeming usefulness.
social influence is an important
consideration in people’s intention to H5: Personal innovativeness positively
use the system. affects seeming ease of use.

H1: Subjective norm positively marks Perceived usefulness: The supposed

perceived usefulness. usefulness of a system is defined as the
range to which individuals believe that
H2: Subjective norm positively marks using the new technology will enhance
perceived ease of use. their task performance. An individual
evaluates the significances of their
H3: Subjective norm positively marks behavior in terms of perceived usefulness
behavioral intention to accept mobile and base their choice of behavior on the
commerce. appeal of the perceived usefulness. Thus,
perceived usefulness will influence their
Personal Innovativeness: intention to accept and adopt mobile
Personal Innovativeness is defined as commerce, either directly or indirectly.
the readiness of an individual to try out Several empirical studies have provided
any new information systems. support for the intention that perceived
Innovative individuals have been also usefulness is the primary predictor of
found to be energetic, communicative, information technology usage argue that
interested, adventurous, and TAM is suitable for research areas in
stimulation–seeking. Other distribution electronic commerce uses since
studies also confirmed that electronic commerce is based on
innovativeness is related to seller computer technology. As scholars
acceptance behavior. This concept was indicate that M-commerce is an
included in this study because it was extension of e-commerce, it is thus
expected to influence sellers’ objective justifiable to range TAM to examine
to adopt mobile commerce. It has been customer intention to adopt behavior.
accepted that highly innovative
individuals are active information Example, objective suggested that
seekers about new ideas. Drawing upon knowledge enlarged from past behavior
Rogers’ theory of the distribution of would help to shape intention. In general,
innovations, A garwal and perceived control is composed of
elements of individual restraints that are
related to the individual user’s economy,

experience, and ability in using a service.
H6: Supposed usefulness positively
affects the intention of users to adopt H8: Perceived Behavioral Control
mobile commerce. positively marks perceived ease of use.

Perceived Ease of Use: Perceived Based on figure 1, purpose to adopt

ease of use is an individual’s mobile commerce is dependent variable,
calculation of the extent to which though two motivational variables serve
interaction with a specific information as intermediate variables regulating
system or technology is free of mental independent and dependent variables.
effort. The perceived ease of use for a Independents variables are prepared of
system is defined as the degree to subjective norms, personal
which an individual considers that innovativeness, and behavioral control.
using a specific technology will be free
of effort. The results of many of the figure 1. Conceptual model
earlier empirical studies have
demonstrated that perceived ease of use Subjective norms
has a positive association with
behavioral intention, both directly. This
concept is suggested to influence Personal intention
behavioral intentions to use through Innovativenessto
two casual pathways: a direct effect as adopt
well as an indirect effect through
perceived usefulness. Perceived
H7: Perceived ease of use has a usefulness
positive result on the intention to use
mobile commerce.
Perceived Ease
Perceived Behavioral Control: of Use
According to the theory of planned
behavior, supposed behavioral control
is defined as individual observationsof Perceived
how easy or difficult it is to do a Behavioral
specific behavior. Behavioral control Control
has been presented to have an effect on
key dependent variables such as
intention and behavior in a selection of
domains. A important body of research
in information systems and psychology
has emphasized the importance of
computer anxiety by signifying its
influence on keydependent variables

Demographic profile of
Methodology: Gender of Male 62.9 %

respondents Female 37.1 %
Age of 12-18 17.1 %
As to research aims to both measure respondents 19-29 77.1%
the builds and their relations to test the 30-39 5.1%
40-49 0%
research model, we conducted a cross- frequently have Once 2.9%
sectional survey study. A questionnaire you made a 2-4 Times 40%
mobile 5-10Times 14.3%
survey was used to test the cause-effect commerce More than 28.6%
of variables as well as the planned transaction 10Times
Never 14.3%
research model. The questionnaire was  safe to use make Yes 82.7%
divided into five subclasses. Initially, selling using m- No 17.3%
in the first subsection was incorporated  selling via Ringtones 5.7%
to collect general information about mobile ScreenSaverMusi 8.6%
commerce c or 14.3%
each respondent. To further illuminate, VideoContentOt
other questions aim to gather material hers 71.4%
social media do Daraz 40%
about respondent’s age, ownership of you help for Amazon 25.7%
internet-connected mobile device, and doing e-shop E-bay 17.1%
other 17.1%
for which purposes a mobile device is M-commerce Strongly 40.7%
used. The second subsection was will attract Agree
buyers Agree 59.3%
included to gather information in terms Strongly 0%
of observed risk, that is to say, mobile Disagree
Disagree 0%
customer’s opinion in terms of privacy, How long you Few Days 14.3%
mobile transactions, quality of product been using m- Few Months 54.3%
commerce for e- Few Years 28.6%
or service, and mobile commerce shop Never 2.9%
legislation risks. The decisive goal of have you had any Yes 22.9%
the third subsection is get an problems No 42.9%
associated with Maybe 34.3%
understanding of mobile customer’s M-commerce
trust in order to have an intent to use M-commerce is Strongly Agree 28.6%
convenient to use Strongly
m-commerce. To gain information Disagree 0%
about this construct, four questions Agree
Disagree 68.6%
were included. Moreover, the fourth 2.9%
subsection was included to gather M-commerce Strongly Agree 68.6%
was very Strongly
information about professed usefulness effective during Disagree 5.7%
of the availability of privacy, fraud and the pandemic Agree
Disagree 25.7%
return policies a dealer offers. For this 0%
determination, one question was Does it make any Yes 65.7%
difference before No 5.7%
included. As for, apparenteasiness of and after the use Maybe 20%
use, that is to say, the inspection of the of M-commerce Don’t know 8.6%

importance on how easy is the process

of finding and knowing such policies
are according to mobile customer’s
opinion, one question was included.

Summary of research findings:
mean Standard Hypothesis Beta value Finding
deviation H1: Subjective 0.30 supported
frequently 7.00 1.89 norm positively
have you made marks perceived
a mobile usefulness.
safe to use 4.5 1.07 H2: Subjective 0.25 Supported
make buying norm positively
using m- marks perceived
commerce. ease of use.
 buying via 3.75 0.67
social media 3.75 0.67 H3: Subjective 0.33 Not supported
do you prefer norm positively
for doing e- marks behavioral
shop intention to
M-commerce 5.49 1.19 accept mobile
will attract commerce.
How long you 2.34 0.45
been using m- H4: Personal 0.10 Not supported
commerce for innovativeness
online shop positively affects
have you had 4.5 0.92 seeming
any problems usefulness.
with M- H5: Personal 0.20 Supported
commerce innovativeness
M-commerce 3.1 0.56 positively affects
is convenient seeming ease of
to use use.
M-commerce 4.41 0.79
was very
during the H6: Supposed 0.35 Supported
pandemic usefulness
3,69 positively affects
Does it make
the intention of
any difference
users to adopt
before and
after the use of

H8: Perceived 0.18 Supported

positively marks
perceived ease of

Perceived behavioral control is found to

effect directly on intention to use and
Result and Discussion: perceived ease of use. Mobile
applications service workers may offer

To test the research model for this free use of service for a period that
study, a cross-sectional survey was would enable the users to learn the
directed. All the respondents are using service, thus increasing their supposed
the mobile devices to send receive control.
SMS and send/receive multimedia
messaging service to augment their Conclusion:
mobile communication skills.
The purpose of this research has been to
To test the hypotheses planned above, discover factors that influence the
multiple regression analyses are intention of users to adopt mobile
conducted on the ideas using perceived commerce.  The results recommend that
usefulness, perceived ease of use, subjective norms, perceived usefulness,
subjective norms, perceived behavioral perceived ease of use and behavioral
control, personal innovativeness and control are strong factors of intention to
intention to adopt mobile commerce. adopt mobile commerce. The study has
Results suggest that factors recognized exposed that subjective norms and
are capable of providing an suitable perceived behavioral control impact
explanation of seller adoption result perceived ease of use and intention to
making process to the mobile adopt mobile commerce. We suggest that
commerce. marketing plannerpursue to produce peer
impact rather than rather than external
The results of the model verified for impact. An importance on friends who
this study show that perceived have adopted mobile commerce would
usefulness, perceived ease of use, be better than people with high level of
subjective norms, behavioral control personal innovation. The managers can
and personal innovativeness contribute also rank and assign resources
significantly. accordingly. Moreover, mobile
commerce service providers can
User’s purpose to adopt mobile emphasize on difference to make
commerce is affected significantly by application more useful and easier to use
subjective norms, perceived ease of use than their participants.
and perceived behavioral control.
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innovativeness do not impact directly
and indirectly on behavioral intent.
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