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Nama : Nur Fadillah
NIM : 1813000059
Prog Studi : Sistem Informasi – S1
Kelas : SI A Siang
Mata Ujian : TOEFL Preparation I
Nama Dosen : Enni Maisaroh, S.Pd., M.Hum.
Tgl / SEM : 12-Januari-2021/5
Tanda Tangan
Nilai :

1. Thomas Paine, _______, wrote Common Sense, a pamphlet that identified the American
colonies with the cause of liberty.
(A) writer of eloquent
(B) whose eloquent writing
(C) an eloquent writer
(D) writing eloquent
Answer : (C) an eloquent writer
2. _____ is rooted in experiments in iron and steel conducted in the nineteenth century..
(A) While the history of twentieth-century architecture.
(B) The history of twentieth-century architecture
(C) That the history of twentieth-century architecture
(D) Both twentieth-century architecture and its history.
Answer: (B) The history of twentieth-century architecture
3. Those applicants_________ their application forms at the earliest date have the highest
(A) they completed
(D) with completing letter
Answer: (B)complete
4. __________ was hot, I brought my sun block.
(A) I
(B) Because
(C) The weather
(D) Since it
Answer: (B) Because
5. Among human chromosomes, the Y chromosome is unusual _____ most of the
chromosome does not participate in meiotic recombination.
(A) in
(B) so
(C) in that
(D) and
Answer: (D) and


1. D. Is snowing = is snow
2. A.Or = at
3. A. exhibited = exhibit
4. served= is serve
5. B. are having = is having


1. What is the subject of the passage?

(A) Charles Dawson’s discovery
(B) The Piltdown Man
(C) The hoax
(D) Eoanthropus dawsoni
Answer: (C) the hoax
2. . How is the information in the passage organized?
(A) The origin of the word “hoax” is presented.
(B) The definition and examples of hoax are presented.
(C) Two thoeries of hoax are contrasted.
(D) The conflict stages of hoax are presented.
Answer: (B) the conflict stages of hoax are presented
3. The word “fake” in line 12 is closest in meaning to …..
(A) original
(C) untrue
(B) complex
(D) primitive
Answer: (C) untrue
4. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
(A) The human and skull found were extremely old.
(B) A hoax is planned to present the untruth as truth.
(C) The hoax might be believed for years.
(D) Charles Dawson’s theory is example of a hoax.
Answer: (D) Charles dawson’s theory is example of a hoax
5. Which of the following was NOT discussed in the passage?
(A) Modern human skull and Jawbone in England
(B) The famous scientific hoax
(C) Definition of hoax
(D) Hoax in the past
Answer: (D) hoax in the past
6. How was Charles Dawson’s hoax uncovered?
(A) Scientific discussion
(B) Chemical analysis
(C) Observation in the field for decades
(D) Modern debate among experts
Answer: (A) scientific discussion
7. In line 15, “uncovered” is closest in meaning to….
(A) closed
(B) counted
(C) opened
(D) layered
Answer: (C) opened
8. With what subject is the passage mainly concerned?
(A) The inrroduction of hoax
(C) Many different definitions of hoax
(B) The bad effect of hoax
(D) Some examples of hoax
Answer: (D) some examples of hoax
9. Which of the following best describes the Charles Dawson’s hoax?
(A) He claimed to have found old human skull and jawbone.
(B) He told that the human skull and jawbone were antique.
(C) He have uncovered the treasure of old human.
(D) He found and declared that skull and jawbone belonged to modern human and
Answer: (D) he found and declared that skull and jawbone belonged to modern
human and orangutan
10. In line 10, the word “period” is closest meaning to….
(A) old
(B) era
(C) hoax
(D) tool
Answer: (B) era

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