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2016 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC 2016), 16–18 December 2016, Melaka, Malaysia

Development of Energy Harvesting Using Speed

H. C. Mat Haris, MAN Mohd Nor, M. H. Fazalul Rahiman, NFA Abdul Rahman
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam, Selangor. MALAYSIA
irharizan@salam.uitm.edu.my, fazehazambri@yahoo.com
hezrif@salam.uitm.edu.my, farahaida@salam.uitm.edu.my

Abstract— Energy can neither be created or be destroyed and which is called hump. Energy from the impact between the
can only be transform from one form to another. Pressure is a vehicle and speed breaker will create the power hump. Force of
kind of energy that is exerted almost all the time as force and can the power hump will then activate the mechanical parts
be either reused within the same process or transferred to movement that is installed in the speed breaker. The
another process. Force or when it converts into energy is called
potential energy and free of charge energy. Thus, this energy can
mechanical movement concepts used are the same as the
reduce the operating cost and can increase the output mechanical parts including rack and pinion, flywheel, flexible
productivity. Pressure has large opportunities and stronger coupling and propeller shaft. The frequent impact on the speed
range of force recovery on the road. Therefore, this project breaker, vehicle weights and speed contributes to the force for
utilizes force created from vehicle hump as an alternative and the power hump in order to activate movement of the
new renewable energy source. A model of road speed breaker mechanical parts. Force is power and instead of letting it
which uses power hump technology is used as device to harness spared off, it should be harness to a level that can provide an
force created from applied pressure from the heavy vehicles incredible amount of power. Power hump helps to generates
hitting the speed breaker which act as the input. The speed renewable energy via converting mechanical to electrical
breaker is used as it can function into two different uses such as
for slowing of road vehicles and hence generating energy by
process which is sustainable, clean and pollution free.
harnessing applied force into electrical energy. The electrical The significant of the power hump technique and
energy produced can either be use to power up street lights or technology normally reduces the operating cost by increasing
stored in a battery for emergency purposes. their power output productivity. Thus, this will increase the
efficiency of the process. Practically, road is being fully and
Index Terms— Pressure, Force, Alternative, Renewable busily occupied by vehicles almost two third of a day and lots
energy, Speed breaker, Power hump technology of forces occurs due to vehicle braking. Therefore, the usage of
I. INTRODUCTION occurring excessive force is important to improve the
efficiency of energy use with converting force to produce
The number of vehicles on the road increases drastically electrical energy and then using it can improve the efficiency
over the years. According to the Malaysian Institute of Road of fossil fuel or electricity use. This power hump is reusing the
Safety Research 5,849 to 6,872 people have perished annually excessive force from the impact of moving vehicles with the
on Malaysian roads and highways each year between 2001 and speed breaker on the road for generating electrical works.
2010; a relatively high figure considering the country’s Power hump technique and technology gives benefit indirectly
population of only 28 million [1]. Speed breaker or speed in reducing the pollution with no electrical noise pollution and
bumpers are the common name for a family of traffic calming do not use or produce any gases to the environment. Therefore,
devices that uses vertical deflection to slow down road vehicle these will response to the problem of global warming.
in traffic in order to improve safety condition. In order to meet The objectives of this project are:
the future electricity demand without harming the environment,
it is necessary to focus more on renewable energy and i. Utilizing excessive force via power hump as an
unconventional sources for electricity generation. Road alternative source of power.
vehicles produce potential and kinetic energy from forces of its ii. Analyzing mechanical principle as tools for force
weight and speed when impacted with a speed breaker. It does harvesting technology.
not only slow down vehicles speed but it also can be used for iii. Applying the power hump technique as energy
power generation with the power hump technique. generation for road appliances.
Power hump technology consist of electro-mechanical set
up unit that harness wasted potential and kinetic energy to
generate electricity. While moving, the vehicles possess some II. METHODOLOGY
kinetic energy and it is being wasted. This kinetic energy can
A. Design
be utilized to produce power by using a special arrangement
called Power Hump. It is an Electro-mechanical unit. All this The whole systems can be represented by a block diagram
mechanism can be housed under the dome, like speed breaker, in Fig. 1 where excessive force from the vehicle is captured by

978-1-5090-1181-0/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 53

2016 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC 2016), 16–18 December 2016, Melaka, Malaysia

the speed breaker as a potential energy which is converted to shaft. Mechanism of rack and pinion was chosen to be used
mechanical energy through the mechanism of rack and pinion, from a steering rack and is connected to a flexible coupling of
propeller shaft and flywheel. The mechanical parts are a propeller shaft. The rack and pinion system convert the
attached to an alternator to allow the conversion of mechanical rotational motion of the steering wheel or driver input into
energy to electrical energy which will then be stored in a linear motion required to turn the tire, and provide gear
battery. reduction or steering ratio, making easier to turn the tire [9].

Fig. 1. Block diagram Fig. 3. Speed bumps

In systems utilizing the power hump technique in Fig. 2,

the main part of the system is the speed breaker panel that is
pushed downwards that act as the power hump whenever a
vehicle passes over it. When the panel is pushed downwards
due to the force from the overpass vehicles, the rack and
pinion mechanism will rotate the coupling of the propeller
shaft. The shaft is also connected to the flywheel which will
act as storage for the rotational energy. The flywheel will use
the rotational energy to generate electricity using an alternator Fig. 4. Steering rack and pinion mechanism
which is connected via belting.
The propeller-shaft mechanism in Fig. 5 consists in using a
flexible coupling mechanism to convert the movement of the
power hump to a rotary movement.

Fig. 5. Propeller-shaft mechanism

Fig. 2. Power hump design

Flywheel systems as in Fig. 6 store kinetic energy such as
energy of mass in motion by constantly spinning a compact
Speed breaker or speed bump as in Fig. 3 is a type if ridge
rotor in a low-friction environment. The flywheel keeps the
that is installed on the road to slow down vehicles and control
rotation of the alternator rotating from the force of the power
traffics. Controlling vehicle speed by using speed bumps is the
hump even when the hump power is slowing down. A
most effective method to improve the safety of the
flywheel kinetic energy stored is proportional to the mass of
surrounding road especially at a parking lot, driveway and
its rotor, the square of its radius, and the square of its
private lanes. Speed breakers are implemented to reduce the
rotational speed (RPM). Flywheel energy storage system
speed of the vehicle near schools, college, hospitals,
(FESS) has also been used in many pilot projects
pedestrian crossing or zebra crossing, toll gate and in some
demonstrating the possibility of its beneficial in electrical
place where over speed is restricted. Normally the speed
railways, such as the tr100kW FESS from Urenco installed in
bumps are constructed either in consecutive black and white
Paris subways [5]. The combination of a flywheel device with
or yellow and white stripes. The dimension of the speed bump
a battery source has several advantages, such as high-peak
varies with respect to the roads [8].
power capacity, high energy density and reduction in the
The steering system in Fig. 4 consists of a rack linked to a
number of charging/discharging cycles in the battery [6].
pinion. The rack and pinion joint is based on one prismatic
Nowadays vehicles, dynamos are being left gradually
joint and one revolute joint. The prismatic joint is for the
and alternators take the turn instead for charging systems.
linear output movement and the revolute joint for the input
Alternator is an electromechanical device which converts

2016 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC 2016), 16–18 December 2016, Melaka, Malaysia

mechanical energy into electrical energy. Superior feature

of alternators is that they can be charged on idling epoch and
they have more output current. On the other hand by using
diodes alternative current can be converted into direct current

Fig. 6. Flywheel

The alternator such in Fig. 7 is an electrical generator that

is composed of rotating magnetic field which converts
mechanical energy to electrical energy in the form of
alternating current. When the vehicle passes on the speed
breaker, the translators move downward and generate power
in the stators. The alternator is used in order to produce an
output up to 13 and 14 volts.
Fig. 8. Flowchart of project


Each of the power humps of the speed breaker will provide
a different rotational speed at the flywheel. The flywheel will
store the rotational energy produced by the power hump and
recorded by using a rig sensor that is installed at the flywheel.
By converting the force from the speed breaker power
hump into rotational energy, an alternator of 13 V to 14 V will
be powered using the speed of the rotational flywheel. Table 1
Fig. 7.: Alternator shows the data of minimum and maximum voltage obtained
from the speed of the rational energy at the flywheel that is
When a car passes over the bump, the rack moves
produced by the alternator.
downward transferring the kinetic energy of the vehicle to the
To test the constructed prototype, a fix amount of force of
pinion and thus to the shaft. Next, the shaft turns the flywheel
26 humps was applied to the speed breaker panel. In the test,
that will cause a rotation for the connected alternator via
the fix amount of force is applied to act as a passing by car is
belting. These shafts are connected through a belt drive to the
applied on the bump and the voltage is measured. The panel
dynamos, which converts the mechanical energy into electrical
will keep being hump to show respectively the rotational
energy. The conversion will be proportional to the traffic
speed and variations of the voltage in function of the force as
density [2]. The alternator rotation will generate electricity
the power hump.
which will then be stored into a battery before inserting it into
an inverter circuit that will then step up into an alternating
current voltage of 230 V.
No. of No. of Speed Min. Max.
B. Flowchart observation hump (RPM) Voltage Voltage
Fig. 8 shows the flowchart of the project where the (V) (V)
0 0 0 0 0
renewable energy using speed breaker is implemented. In
order to choose the suitable mechanical method to harvest the
1 0-2 110 5.423 6.012
power hump caused by passing by vehicle, rack and pinion
mechanism is the most suitable compared to any other type of
2 3-4 246 6.322 6.936
mechanical movement. This is because rack and pinion has a
high forward and reverse gear movement efficiency.

2016 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC 2016), 16–18 December 2016, Melaka, Malaysia

3 5-6 396 7.320 7.842 remain constant as the rotational speed also reached its
maximum rotational capability at 1091 rpm. This is because
4 7-8 482 8.036 8.412 due to the mechanical condition that has reached its physical
limitation to rotate much faster to provide the alternator in
5 9-10 592 8.531 8.841 order to generate higher output.
6 11-12 702 8.911 9.340

7 13-14 844 9.421 9.603

8 15-16 955 9.833 10.032

9 17-18 972 10.212 10.33

10 19-20 1021 10.366 10.544

11 21-22 1033 10.602 10.711

12 23-24 1080 10.832 10.901

13 25-26 1091 10.903 10.903

Fig. 10. Graph of Voltage and Speed

14 27-28 1091 10.903 10.903 The minimum voltage were recorded for the rotational
speed when speed breaker panel returned to its original
position and maximum voltage is recorded when the speed
The graph in Fig. 9 shows the relationship between the breaker is experiencing the power hump. That is because
rotational speed and number of hump. It shows that as the during the speed breaker panel return to its original position, it
hump increases the rotational speed of the flywheel also experience some mechanical losses due to the rotational is not
increases. The continuous power hump of the speed breaker as fast as the rotational for when the power hump force is
causes the rotational speed to keep increasing until the 26 exerted to the speed breaker panel.
hump which is equivalent to 13 vehicles, where the rotational
speed maintained at 1091 rpm and can no longer increases due IV. CONCLUSION
to it has reached the flywheel maximum physical rotation The speed breaker is suitable for this country because there
capability. has many road humps in here. By not wasting the excessive
force caused by the road humps, this speed breaker project
will give advantage to the country. The electricity will
Speed Vs No. of hump produce every minute that any vehicle passes through it.
Based on the results, it shows that with the amount of at least
1500 13 continuous vehicles power hump can produce the
Speed (RPM)

maximum amount of 10V. Together with traffics and speed

1000 limit precaution in Malaysia, the amount of vehicles pass
500 through the speed breaker in a day will exert enough power
Speed (RPM) humps which is sufficient to power the street lights on the side
0 of the road. This country should have new system like this to
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 saving energy by using the renewable energy. Besides that,
this generating system is using low cost and using non-
No. of hump
conventional energy sources which will help to converse the
conventional energy sources to meet the future demand. There
Fig. 9. Graph of Speed and Number of Hump will no need of manpower during this generating system. It
also will not cause any pollution problem by using this speed
Graph in Fig. 10 shows how the rotational speed of the breaker and easy to install it. Therefore, by adopting this
flywheel affects the voltage produced by the alternator. The arrangement the future demands of electricity can be
continuous hump causes the speed to increase and hence the minimized to some extent.
voltage also increased. The alternator produces higher voltage
when it has higher revolution per minute. V. RECOMMENDATION
However, the voltage can only be generated only up to In order to obtained higher generated voltage from the
10.903 V using the power hump from the speed breaker alternator, high revolution per minute is required. This is
although the alternator can produce up to 13 V to 14 V and it because the relationship between the rotational speed is

2016 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC 2016), 16–18 December 2016, Melaka, Malaysia

directly proportional to the voltage generator. Hence, there are currently installed flywheel with a larger diameter flywheel,
two method that can be apply to maximized the rotational the revolution per minute of the rotation will tend to increase.
speed from the power hump in order to obtained high output This is due to by improving the diameter, the radius will get
voltage. bigger and it will affect the angular speed of the flywheel as in
A. Gear ratio System
Gears usually used in the transmission system are also ∗⫪∗
,ω = = (3)
called speed reducer, gear head and gear reducer which
consists of a set of gears, shafts and bearings that are factory
mounted in an enclosed lubricated housing [4]. Furthermore,
gear ratio system consists of a pair of gear which is the driver Besides that, flywheel storage energy is stored in the rotor
for the input and driven as in Fig. 11. Furthermore, It helps in in proportion to its rotational inertia, and corresponding to the
obtaining the desired output speed. To achieve very high square of the angular velocity as in (4). [10]
acceleration and maximum speed, the design of the final gear
ratio plays a vital role [3].
The gear ratio system can be used and installed into the , = Iω = m(rω ) (4)
speed breaker design between the shaft and the flywheel to
obtain a higher rotational speed and to reduce the mechanical
loss that occurs. To obtain a higher speed, the ratio of the gear REFERENCES
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