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Fiche de lecture Case in Point


• Wondrous : formidable/merveilleux

• The wearable market : le marché du prêt à porter

• To toss out = jeter

• The bigwigs = les gros bonnets > cadres exécutifs

• To produce outcomes = produire des résultats

• A framework = cadre

• To hunker down = s’installer (et bosser) > “the best way to prepare is to hunker down and
read this book“

• A captivating tale = un récit captivant

• Lay out : exposer

• Preposterous questions = question absurde

Questions à preparer ?
Préparer les questions en Angl/Fr

• Your life is a newspaper. What’s the headline ? > Confident, leadership ability, team player,
Drive, ethics & moral

• Tell me about a time you persuaded a group to do something they didn’t want to do ? 2-3

• Tell me about yourself ?

• What are you doing here ?

• Why consulting ?

• Why did you pick your school ?

• What do you think consultants do ?

• What do you know about this job and our firm ?

• Why would you choose our firm over our competitors ?

• How are you quantitative skills ?

• What percentage is 7 on 63

• Tell me a time you showed leadership skills

• Tell me a time you were a team player

• Give me a an example of a time you influenced or persuaded a group ?

• Tell me about a recent crises you handled ?

• Have you ever failed at anything ? = storytelling = make it memorable ?

• Tell me about a time you took the initiative to start something ?

• What type of work do you like to do best ?

• With which other industries are you looking into ?

• Which other industries are you looking to ?

• What accomplishments have given you the greatest satisfaction ?

• What experiences/skills do you think are particulary transferable to our organization ?

• Why should I hire you ?

• Have you ever failed at something ? = storytelling, rendre l’échec memorable MAIS pas de
truc trop perso (famille, école, justice).

• With which other firms are you interviewing ? = ok de dire qu’il y a d’autre boite MAIS
expliquer pq ce sont les best
Que répondre à la question Why consulting ? = pourquoi devenir un consultant ? réponse immédiate
et dans les yeux. Ne pas éviter l’eye contact. Mémoriser la réponse en bulletpoint.

• Work and learn from very intelligent and articulate people

• Develop a vast array of marketable skills in a prestigious environnement

• Learning curve never ends (courbe d’apprentissage ne fléchit jamais)

• Exposed to many indistries, work as part of a team and travelling

Se preparer aux questions de maths naze (calcul mental) + veille sur la firme =

• Type de consulting, spécialisation indus

• Est-ce que la firme est grande (nb de consultants, nb d’offices)

• Training/mentorship program ?

• Cb de contact client a un associé la première année

• Comment est réparti les projets clients. How is a case team picked ?

Quelle question faut-il poser à la fin du job interview ?

• « everyone tells me how wonderful it is to work here. But what don’t you like about your job

Why should I hire you ?

• Because I want to be a consultant

Case :

Trois types de case :

• Market-sizing
o Label the market : (population-based question/household question/worldwide
question or a preposterous question

o Logic & process than wether your assumptions are spot-on : “I’m not that familiar
with this market, so if my assumptions are off, please correct me.

• Factor questions

• Business case questions

Quels sont les ordres de grandeur important ?

• Population française : 65M

• Espérance de vie : 82ans

• Répartition de l’espérance de vie selon tranche d’âge

o 0 à 20 ans : 15M : 25%

o 20 à 59 ans : 32M = 50%
o 60 à 64 ans : 4M : 6%
o 65 ans ou plus : 10%

• Nombre de foyer : 30 M de ménages

o Riche : 20

o Moyen : 50
o Pauvre : 30

• Sources :

• thèse de la moyennisation de la population française Henri Madras

o atténuation de la disparité des revenus après guerre, pdt 30 glorieuses

o massification scolaire et croissance de la mobilité sociale

o homogénéisation des modes de vie (pratiques et styles culturelles)

• Polarisation des ultras riches : T.Picketty le capitalisme au XXIe siècle

• Keynes : théorie générale de l’emploi (1936)

o Propension marginale à consommer est supérieure des les classes

moyennes/défavorisées que riches. S’explique par la faible capacité de ces derniers à

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