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Practice Report
Cost and Time Management
Budget Planning

Christian Aldo Chandra



1 LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................. iii

2 LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... iv
3 LIST OF EQUATIONS ........................................................................................ v
1 CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 1
1.1 Background .............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Objective .................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Scope of Discussion ................................................................................. 2
1.4 Project Description ................................................................................... 3
1.5 Methodology ............................................................................................ 4
2 CHAPTER II : QUANTITIY TAKEOFF .......................................................... 5
2.1 Objective and Method .............................................................................. 5
2.2 Volume Data Comparison ........................................................................ 6
2.3 Analysis .................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Attachments .............................................................................................. 9
2.4.1 PART I : Volume Calculation with Detail Analysis ......................... 9
2.4.2 PART I : Volume Calculation from Consultant ................................ 9
3 CHAPTER III : UNIT COST ANALYSIS ....................................................... 10
3.1 Objective and Method ............................................................................ 10
3.2 Unit cost Comparison ............................................................................. 10
3.3 BIM in Unit cost Calculation ................................................................. 11
3.4 Analysis .................................................................................................. 14
3.5 Attachments ............................................................................................ 15
3.5.1 PART II : Unit price Detail Analysis .............................................. 15
3.5.2 PART II : Contractor Unit price Analysis and 2020 Analysis ........ 15
3.5.3 PART II : Recapitulation of Unit price ........................................... 15
4 CHAPTER IV : TOTAL BUDGET .................................................................. 16
4.1 Objective and Method ............................................................................ 16
4.2 Cost Estimate Comparison ..................................................................... 16
4.3 Analysis .................................................................................................. 16
4.4 Attachment ............................................................................................. 17
4.4.1 PART III : Cost Estimation ............................................................. 17
5 CHAPTER V : RECAPITULATION ............................................................... 18
5.1 Objective and Method ............................................................................ 18
5.2 Cost Recapitulation Comparison ............................................................ 18
5.3 Analysis .................................................................................................. 19
6 CHAPTER VI : SUMMARY COST ESTIMATION ...................................... 20
6.1 Summary ................................................................................................ 20
7 CHAPTER VII : DURATION OF EACH ACTIVITY ................................... 21
7.1 Objective and Method ............................................................................ 21
7.2 Duration of Each Activity ...................................................................... 22
7.3 Analysis .................................................................................................. 24
8 CHAPTER VIII : RELATATIONSHIP OF ACTIVITIES ............................ 25
8.1 Objective and Method ............................................................................ 25
8.2 Network Diagram ................................................................................... 25
8.3 Relationship of Each Activities .............................................................. 26
8.4 Relationship Development ..................................................................... 27
8.5 Analysis .................................................................................................. 31
9 CHAPTER IX : SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT ............................................ 32
9.1 Objective and Method ............................................................................ 32
9.2 Gantt Chart ............................................................................................. 32
9.3 Analysis .................................................................................................. 32
10 CHAPTER X : S-CURVE DEVELOPMENT .................................................. 33
10.1 Methodology and Objective................................................................ 33
10.2 S-Curve of the Project......................................................................... 35
10.3 Analysis .............................................................................................. 35
CURVE ................................................................................................................ 36
11.1 Summary ............................................................................................. 36
12 CHAPTER XII : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION................................. 37
12.1 Conclusion .......................................................................................... 37
12.2 Suggestion........................................................................................... 37


Figure 1.1 Autocad Front view ............................................................................... 3

Figure 1.2 Sketchup modeling ................................................................................ 3
Figure 1.3 Cost and time practice diagram ............................................................. 4
Figure 2.1 Quantifier Pro Dialog with the area, volume, and surface area data ..... 5
Figure 2.2 SDN 15 Dangin Puri Model in Sketchup .............................................. 5
Figure 2.3 Column K2 volume in BIM ................................................................... 9
Figure 3.1 Quantifier in-app coefficient input ...................................................... 12
Figure 3.2 Excel template Quantifier Pro for Sketchup ........................................ 12
Figure 3.3 Price list sheet data (price library) ....................................................... 13
Figure 3.4 Unit cost of the concrete column in BIM analysis for 2018 price ....... 14
Figure 3.5 Unit cost of the concrete column in BIM analysis for 2020 price ....... 14
Figure 10.1 Bar Chart in S-Curve ......................................................................... 34


Table 2.1 Volume comparison ................................................................................ 6

Table 3.1 Unit cost comparison ............................................................................ 10
Table 4.1 The cost comparison of concrete work ................................................. 16
Table 5.1 Cost recapitulation ................................................................................ 18
Table 7.1 Duration and worker Needs .................................................................. 22
Table 8.1 Relationship of Network Diagrams ...................................................... 26
Table 8.2 Relationship of Network Diagrams (continue) .................................... 27


Equation 1 Coefficient of Man Hour. ................................................................... 21

Equation 2 Duration .............................................................................................. 21
Equation 3 Weight of Each Task .......................................................................... 33
Equation 4 Weight of task in a week .................................................................... 34
Equation 5 Weight of task in a week .................................................................... 34


1.1 Background

Construction market competition already grows in the recent

decade. The high demand for construction working forces construction
companies to compete with one and another. To achieve the low cost and
duration of a project, construction companies need to implement the help of
technology to reduce manpower, higher accuracy, or limit the calculation
error. Thus, university students in civil engineering should be able to
implement their knowledge, not only on the theoretical but also practical, so
when they are joining the construction industry, they will able to directly
fulfill the market needs on the field.
Nowadays engineering students are prospected to be able to combine
their knowledge in theoretical with the help of technology to produce higher
detail and near realistic design or calculation. Atma Jaya University has
already taken this subject as compulsory for civil engineering students. A
civil engineering student in Atma Jaya Yogyakarta has the chance to
improve their skill and is expected to be able to implement that knowledge
into the industry.
With the implementation of this subject, students are prepared to get
the global picture of the industry in civil engineering, which has a dynamic
and broad process. Cost and Time planning practice will also give the
simulation to the students of how a project is prepared and plan according
to SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia).

1.2 Objective

Based on Buku Pedoman Kurikululm 2016 Revisi 2019 Teknik Sipil

Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta on these subject students are directed to
be able to plan cost and project schedule using the software. The material
that will be covered on this subject are:

1. Understand project drawings and specifications, compile a Work

Breakdown Structure, Organization Breakdown Structure, Activity
Identification Code for planning up a budget plan.
2. Calculating the volume of activities.
3. Calculating the activity Unit cost.
4. Calculating the cost of activities and their recapitulation.
5. Prepare a final report on the Budget Plan.
6. Calculate activity duration and determine inter-activity
7. Develop a precedence diagram.
8. Calculate and allocate resource requirements.
9. Constructing bar-chart and S-curve.
10. Prepare a final report for the project schedule.

1.3 Scope of Discussion

Building a project with a minimum two-floor area, the project should be

in progress or done, with a minimum document or drawing specification,
and Bill of Quantity to be assessed. The author was given to simulating the
price of 2020 in Denpasar to be calculated and compare with the project data
with practice report data of:

1. the volume of work, Unit cost, cost detail,

2. the recapitulation,
3. duration of each component,
4. relationship along with the project,
5. Schedule of the project, and
6. Cashflow in the project.

1.4 Project Description

The author uses project data from SDN 15 Dangin Puri, JL. Letnan
Dua Reta No.60, Dangin Puri Klod, Kecamatan Denpasar Timur,
Denpasar – Bali. An elementary public-school expansion consists of a
three-floor building with an area of 510 m2. PT. Mahkota Karya Marga from
Samarinda will be the contractor with the total project cost
Rp2.876.997.016,68 (Dua miliyar delapan ratus tujuh puluh enam juta
sembilan ratus sembilan puluh tujuh ribu enam belas Rupiah dan enam
puluh dua sen) in 2018 with a period of 32 weeks.

Figure 1.1 Autocad Front view

Figure 1.2 Sketchup modeling

1.5 Methodology

The report was arranged following theses steps :

Figure 1.3 Cost and time practice

The cost estimation of this report are conduct using Sketchup 2019 with
Quantifier Pro plugin from mind.sight.studios . for the schedule development will
be used Microsoft Project and Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to develop the S-curve.


2.1 Objective and Method

his chapter will discuss and compare the volume of the work from
the data with the author's calculation. The author determines not only
calculating the volume manually using a calculator or the help of a
spreadsheet application but also with the addition of BIM (Building
Information Modeling) Software Sketchup with Quantifier Pro add-on by
mind.sight.studios to help volume reading after modeling is done on the
software. The author will be modeling the construction project or manually
calculated the volume of work then compare the result with the construction
data or manual calculation.

Figure 2.2 SDN 15 Dangin Puri Model in Sketchup

Figure 2.1 Quantifier Pro Dialog with the area,

volume, and surface area data

Modeling of the project using BIM will simplify and compress time
and effort to planning the project, not only 3 dimensional of visualization
but also higher dimension, this particular configuration of application and
addon the author can achieve until the 4D of the Building Information
Modeling itself, which are :

a) 2-Dimensional of drawing, front view, top view, cross-section, and

b) 3-Dimensional of perspective drawing, the render of presentation
(photorealistic computer-generated image),
c) 4-Dimensional the time, the door schedule, window, and construction
d) 5-Dimensional of cost, the calculation of volume, unit weight, and
recapitulation can be easily be done on the one application.

2.2 Volume Data Comparison

Some of the volume comparison of the project between the consultant

data, BIM computer data, and manually calculated result:
Table 2.1 Volume comparison
No Description Unit Consultant Computer Manual
Pek. Pengukuran dan bouwplank m 82,50
Pek. Papan nama proyek ls 1,00
Pek. Bongkaran bangunan lama ls 1,00
Lansir material pasir, koral,batu,Batako,semen ke lokasi site ls 1,00
I.2 Landwork and foundation -
2 Excvation Foundation m3 171,35 289,98 292,19
Pek. Cor beton rabat 1 pc : 3 psr : 5 krl pada pondasi file cap (K.175)
m3 3,73
Pek. Cor beton rabat 1 pc : 3 psr : 5 krl pada lantai (K.175) m3 16,80
5 Pek. Sloof S1 25/35 (K 250) -
a. Beton K.250 m3 15,28 14,39
b. Pembesian dia. 13mm kg 1099,30 1077,00
Pembesian sengkang dia. 10mm kg 867,33 536,00
c. Begesting Sloof (2x pakai) m2 61,60 60,20
6 Pek. Sloof S2 20/30 (K 250) -
a. Beton K.250 m3 4,18 3,75
b. Pembesian dia. 16mm kg 443,47 485,00
Pembesian sengkang dia. 6mm kg 177,40 65,00
c. Begesting Sloof (2x pakai) m2 21,30 18,75
AA SLOOF Total M3 18,62
8 Pek. Kolom K1 40/40 (K 250) -
a. Beton K.250 m3 19,99 21,46
b. Pembesian dia. 16mm kg 3.509,77 2876,00
Pembesian sengkang dia. 10mm kg 1.213,21 1089,00
c. Begesting (2x pakai) m2 120,51 123,55

Continue to the next table…

Table 2.1 Continue Volume comparison
No Deskripsi Unit Consultant Computer Manual
1 Pek. Pasang batako 1pc : 3ps m2 339.7 335.4 339.7
4 Pek. Plesteran dinding 1pc : 5ps m2 638.8 630.1 638.8
Pengurangan pas. Bata di Ornament pintu m2
Pengurangan pas. Bata di Ornament dinding m2
Pengurangan pas. Bata di Ornament dinding m2
Pek. Pasang batako peninggian toilet m2 20.5 20.5
Pek. Kolom praktis m' 42.1 42.1
Pek. Plesteran pinggir pondasi dan ram 1pc : 6ps m2 68.1 68.1
Pek. Acian m2 721.2 721.2


Penyambungan PLN Kapasitas 13.200 VA unit 1.0 1.0
Box Panel MCB unit 1.0 1.0
Pentanahan unit 1.0 1.0
NYY 4 x 10 mm2 Dari Kwh meter ke Box Panel Lt1 titik 10.0 10.0
Inst lampu penerangan kbl NYM 3 x 2,5 mm2 dlm konduit titik 60.0 60.0
Inst stop kontak biasa kbl NYM 3 x 2,5 mm dlm konduit bh 12.0 12.0
Saklar ganda[1 way 2 gang] bh 8.0 8.0
Saklar tunggal [1 way 1 gang] bh 3.0 3.0
Stop kontak bh 12.0 12.0


Pek. Pasang lantai keramik 40 x 40 cm m2 217.0 220.3
Pek. Pasang lantai keramik 40 x 40 cm ati slip pada teras m2 135.3 137.3
Pek. Pasang lantai keramik Km/Wc 20 x 20 cm anti slip m2 8.0 8.1
Pek. Pasang dinding keramik Km/Wc 20 x 25 cm m2 30.0 30.5
Pek. Pasang Plint keramik 10 x 40 cm m' 149.7 151.9
Pek. Pasang keramik 40 x 40 cm pada tangga m2 20.0 20.3


1 Pek. Kolom K2 40/40 (K 250)
a. Beton K.250 m3 14.6 14.7 14.6
b. Pembesian dia. 16mm kg 1,771.3 1,710.0 1,771.3
Pembesian sengkang dia. 10mm kg 888.9 726.0 865.2
c. Begesting (2x pakai) m2 84.2 84.2 84.2


`` ` Penyambungan PLN Kapasitas 13.200 VA unit 1.0 1.0
2 Box Panel MCB unit 1.0 1.0
3 Pentanahan unit 1.0 1.0
4 NYY 4 x 10 mm2 Dari Kwh meter ke Box Panel Lt1 m' 10.0 10.0
5 Instalasi titik lampu penerangan kabel NYM 3 x 2,5 mm2 dalam konduit titik 60.0 60.0
6 Instalasi stop kontak biasa kabel NYM 3 x 2,5 mm dalam konduit titik 12.0 12.0
7 Saklar ganda[1 way 2 gang] bh 8.0 8.0
8 Saklar tunggal [1 way 1 gang] bh 3.0 3.0
9 Stop kontak bh 12.0 12.0
10 Lampu RMI 2 x 18 Watt Grille bh 36.0 36.0
11 Exhaust Fan bh 4.0 4.0
12 Pek. Pas. Lampu TL V Shape 2 x 18 Watt + kap lampu setara saka bh 16.0 16.0
13 Pek. Pas. Lampu down light PL 14 Watt philips bh 4.0 4.0


AA KOLOM TOTAL m3 40.5 39.21
AA PLAT LANTAI TOTAL m3 12.5 13.33
1 Pek. Pasang batako 1pc : 3ps m2 401.2 397.17 397.2
Pek. Plesteran dinding 1pc : 6ps m2 720.0 0.00 796.3
Pek. Pasang bata peninggian lantai panggung m2 31.4 31.4
Pek. Pasang batako peninggian toilet m2 3.2 3.2
Pek. Kolom praktis m' 41.2 41.2
Pek. Plesteran listplank 1pc : 6ps m2 92.7 92.7
Pek. Acian m2 871.9 871.9


Kabel NYY 4 x 6 mm2 dari panel Lt1 ke Lt2 m' 15.0 15.0
Box Panel MCB unit 1.0 1.0
Penangkal petir unit 1.0 1.0
Instalasi titik lampu penerangan kabel NYM 3 x 2,5 mm2 dalam konduit unit 66.0 66.0
Instalasi stop kontak biasa kabel NYM 3 x 2,5 mm dalam konduit unit 12.0 12.0
Saklar ganda bh 7.0 7.0
Saklar tunggal bh 4.0 4.0
Stop kontak bh 12.0 12.0

Continue to the next table…

Table 2.1 (Continue) Volume comparison
No Description Unit Consultant Computer Manual
Pek. Pasang batako 1pc : 5ps m2 431,40 425,74
Pek. Plesteran dinding 1pc : 6ps m2 780,49 769,16
Pengurangan pas. Bata di Ornament pintu
Pengurangan pas. Bata di Ornament dinding
Pengurangan pas. list di Ornament dinding bawah jendela
Pek. Pasangan kap baja ringan Profil UK 75 m2 437,50 450,97 443,64

2.3 Analysis

The result is not 100%, all the same, this difference is expected to
happen. The lack of information on 2D drawing, other changes that apply
that were not updated on the drawing, or human error on calculation are
some errors that we can found in this project.

On this project excavation work, there are significant volume

differences, the consultant proposed 171,75 m3 of soil, but un the computer
modeling, and the manual calculation by the author are 289,98 m3 and
292,91 m3 the manual calculation and the computer model calculation are
close enough, the difference is assumed due to lack of data of existing terrain
data. The other finding that the calculation of stirrups on the Sloof (S1) was
calculated using a diameter of 13 mm, instead of 10 mm as the data
specification data, thus the data were higher around 331 kg. in the volume
of reinforcement are found a lot of mistakes that found in the volume
calculation on the consultant spreadsheet data, normally the mistake found
in diameter calculation.

The error can be minimized by implemented BIM on the project,

BIM can provide higher precision and minimizing human error on the
project planning. On the Sketchup program, you can use it to find the
volume of work with high precision, if the model also has high accuracy.
This picture below shows the volume of K that has a non-significant
difference to the consultant data 14,98 m3 and 14,97m3 before the reduction
of reinforcement volume.

Figure 2.3 Column K2 volume in BIM

2.4 Attachments

2.4.1 PART I : Volume Calculation with Detail Analysis

2.4.2 PART I : Volume Calculation from Consultant


3.1 Objective and Method

In this chapter, we will find the comparison of the Unit cost of Denpasar
2018 (the project date and location) with the new price of Denpasar 2020. The
price shall be higher than in 2018, due to inflation that occurs each year. The
standard that is used by the contractor and this along with the coefficients is
taken in SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia).

3.2 Unit cost Comparison

The Unit cost comparison is calculated using a spreadsheet application.

However, this step and the recapitulation can be calculated in the Sketchup
application, the in-app Unit cost calculation of SNI standard must import the
template, the template can be made in the spreadsheet and can be used on
another project in the future. To simplify this report because the author does not
have the SNI template, the author just makes one example of a concrete work
code to show the capabilities of BIM software. The rest of the code is also
recalculated and can be seen in the attachment. These are some of the
recapitulations of the Unit cost of each code:

Table 3.1 Unit cost comparison

No Code Unit 2018 2020
1 Membuat 1 m3 kolom m3 Rp7.246.595 Rp7.825.790
beton bertulang (300 kg besi + bekisting)
2 Membuat 1 m3 sloof m3 Rp4.176.826 Rp4.539.600
beton bertulang (200 kg besi + bekisting)
3 Membuat 1 m3 balok m3 Rp5.376.627 Rp5.804.680
bertulang (200 kg besi + bekisting)
4 Membuat 1 m3 plat beton m3 Rp4.734.485 Rp5.112.540
bertulang (150 kg besi + bekisting)
5 Membuat 1 m’ ring balok m' Rp126.295 Rp200.521
beton bertulang (10 x 15) cm
6 Membuat 1 m3 pondasi m3 Rp3.439.971 Rp3.729.580
beton bertulang (150 kg besi + bekisting)
7 Pasangan bata merah m2 Rp136.956 Rp164.631
tebal 1/2 bata camp. 1 pc : 3 ps
8 plesteran camp. 1 pc : 5 ps tebal 15 mm m2 Rp57.904 Rp60.524
9 membuat kolom penguat m' Rp66.525 Rp71.659
beton bertulang (11 x 11 cm)
10 1 m2 plesteran camp. 1 pc : 6 ps tebal 15 mm m2 Rp57.086 Rp59.659

Continue to the next table…

Table 3.1 (Continue) Unit cost comparison

No Code Unit 2018 2020

11 Pekerjaan acian m2 Rp35.015 Rp37.185
12 1 m2 pasang lantai keramik 40 x 40 cm m2 Rp187.740 Rp200.525
13 1 m2 pasang lantai keramik 40 x 40 cm anti slip m2 Rp182.534 Rp196.150
14 1 m2 pasang lantai keramik 20 x 20 cm anti slip m2 Rp179.445 Rp205.157
15 1 m1 pasang plin keramik 10 x 40 cm m' Rp45.665 Rp49.003
16 1 m2 pasang dinding keramik 20 x 25 cm m2 Rp206.505 Rp220.704
17 1 m1 pengukuran dan pemasangan bowplank m' Rp59.105 Rp61.220

The detailed calculation can be seen in the attachment part.

3.3 BIM in Unit cost Calculation

The BIM software does not have the code, so the coefficient of each work
can be manually inputted in the application or using a spreadsheet template,
there are third parties that selling SNI code spreadsheet template, but in this
report the author input the data using a spreadsheet manually.

The use of BIM software is beneficial in the construction industry, the

benefit of using BIM software are:

1. Once the designer has all the code in the template, they can use it in
another project, so no need to build up all the code again.
2. The price list data can be stored in independent sheet data, so
changes in the price also affected the BIM software.
3. The report is generated automatically
4. Minimizing the error in calculation
5. Minimizing time to calculate
6. Minimizing manpower

Figure 3.1 Quantifier in-app coefficient input

In Figure 3.1 the software able to be input by any Unit cost analysis code,
in Indonesia we use SNI. The downside of using in-app as input interface is
there are no such tools as price library, so the user must manually type the price.

Figure 3.2 Excel template Quantifier Pro for Sketchup

Figure 3.3 Price list sheet data (price library)

Figure 3.2 shows the template that can be filled in the spreadsheet
application, the BIM will read the specific Colom as the code, price,
coefficient, tax, or waste. This template does not come with the application, so
the user must make it by themself or by a third-parties template that is available

A spreadsheet as the input interface is very helpful to arrange the project.

On the spreadsheet, the user can add a specific sheet as a price library (Figure
3.3). With the price library, the user can use the “Vlookup” feature or other
spreadsheet feature to calls specific cells based on input cell, thus the price
column can easily fill by copy the formula to the whole column. For the future
project in the company, the template can be used again by renewing the price
library data.

Figure 3.4 Unit cost of the concrete column in BIM analysis for 2018 price

Figure 3.5 Unit cost of the concrete column in BIM analysis for 2020 price

Error! Reference source not found. and Error! Reference source not
found. are the report from BIM software by using the data of 2018 and 2020.
Those result is identical with the manual calculation in PART II : Unit price
Detail AnalysisError! Reference source not found. This software not only can
generate the Unit cost of each work but also capable to generate the whole price
in the project (volume*Unit cost). The result in BIM analysis can be generated
as spreadsheet to furthered data calculation.

3.4 Analysis

Almost all the Unit cost are higher in 2020, this increase of Unit cost are
caused by the inflation of the material and increase of labor cost. The BIM
software produce identical data, figure 3.4 and figure 3.5 price of Membuat 1
m3 kolom beton bertulang (300 kg besi + bekisting) in 2018 and 2020 in order,
has the same value as the traditional Unit cost calculation. The Unit cost in the
BIM software can be directly used and apply to the layer in the modeling
software to generate the Unit cost, cost of production, and the recapitulation.
The downside is the free template of SNI is not available on the internet, so the
designer must buy or makes the entire SNI code.

The price of material or workers in 2020 at Denpasar is higher than the 2018
price, thus almost all the Unit costs are increasing, however, some of the prices
in the mechanical-electrical are relatively the same.

3.5 Attachments

The 3.5.1 Unit cost detail analysis was calculated by the author on this practice.
The 3.5.2 contractor Unit cost analysis and 2020 analysis, the 2020 calculation
on that part were calculated by updating the price in the spreadsheet. The
recapitulation is the summary of the two attachment before.

3.5.1 PART II : Unit price Detail Analysis

3.5.2 PART II : Contractor Unit price Analysis and 2020 Analysis
3.5.3 PART II : Recapitulation of Unit price


4.1 Objective and Method

This chapter is aimed to produce and compare the final price in 2020 with
the contactor price of Denpasar in 2018. This chapter will calculate the final
price of the structure by volume times the Unit cost. The volume calculated in
this chapter using the volume proposed by the consultant in the project. The
calculation using the help of a spreadsheet application.

4.2 Cost Estimate Comparison

The 2020 concrete work cost estimate have a significant difference to 2018
because, 2020 using a simple approach that assumes with a higher content of
the material, see Error! Reference source not found.. The cost estimation can b
e seen in the attachment at the end of this report (4.4.1 Cost Estimation).

Table 4.1 The cost comparison of concrete work

Conncrete work
2018 Cost 2020 Cost Diffrence
on Level
Level 1 Rp627.235.443,22 Rp992.760.113,12 58,28%
Level 2 Rp425.730.353,06 Rp589.356.699,98 38,43%
Level 3 Rp132.467.409,45 Rp201.547.014,64 52,15%

4.3 Analysis

The final estimation price (2020) is higher than the 2018 price. The biggest
difference is on the concrete work, these significant differences up to 58%
higher, caused by a different approach to calculating the project. The contractor
calculates detailed volume that needed to construct, the do not attach the RAP
they just attach the RAB. To simplify this report, we are using the RAB
The cost estimate of the concrete from the contractor has a different method
of calculation from this practice, the contractor using RAP, this report using
RAB (they do not send the RAB). The contractor using the detailed calculation
by dividing the code for the concrete, reinforcement steel, and the formwork.
This practice using simplified code that takes the estimated steel and formwork
per m3, the result of this calculation prospected has a higher content of steel,
formwork, or concrete needed than detailed calculation.

4.4 Attachment

4.4.1 PART III : Cost Estimation


5.1 Objective and Method

This chapter is the summary from Chapter IV Cost estimation. But this
chapter is focused on discussing the final cost recapitulation, along with the cost
per m2 of the project. The data from Chapter IV will be categorized into a group
of work items.

5.2 Cost Recapitulation Comparison

The total cost recapitulation can be seen in Error! Reference source not f
ound. and below, the detailed calculation can be seen in attachment Error!
Reference source not found. Cost Recapitulation Data at the end of this report.

Table 5.1 Cost recapitulation

NO ITEM 2018 2020

Lantai 1
I.1 PEKERJAAN PERSIAPAN Rp73,326,162.50 Rp78,325,650.00
I.2 PEKERJAAN TANAH DAN PONDASI Rp113,972,847.07 Rp121,097,966.42
I.3 PEKERJAAN PASANGAN DAN PLESTERAN Rp134,746,983.47 Rp146,545,877.86
I.4 PEKERJAAN BETON Rp627,235,443.22 Rp992,760,113.12
Rp58,957,385.70 Rp63,118,569.54
I.6 PEK. PASANG KUSEN, PINTU DAN JENDELA Rp76,342,151.32 Rp76,342,151.32
I.7 PEKERJAAN PENGECATAN Rp30,643,941.16 Rp33,819,299.47
I.8 Pekerjaan Lain-lain Rp38,217,555.02 Rp39,670,362.80
I.9 ELECTRICAL WORK Rp37,182,600.00 Rp37,273,600.00

Lantai 2
II.1 PEKERJAAN PASANGAN DAN PLESTERAN Rp122,646,645.93 Rp132,140,692.30
II.2 PEKERJAAN BETON Rp425,730,353.06 Rp589,356,699.98
Rp58,904,414.30 Rp63,061,725.83
II.4 PEK. PASANG KUSEN, PINTU DAN JENDELA Rp53,010,707.46 Rp57,290,160.02
II.5 PEKERJAAN PENGECATAN Rp39,502,448.73 Rp42,829,746.21
II.6 Pekerjaan alat-alat sanitary Rp9,008,052.21 Rp9,715,011.70
II.7 PEKERJAAN ELEKTRIKAL Rp22,887,000.00 Rp23,368,000.00
Continue to the next table…

Continue to the next table…

Table 5.1 Continue Cost recapitulation

NO ITEM 2018 2020

Lantai 3
III.1 PEKERJAAN BETON Rp129.191.412 Rp139.232.737
III.2 PEKERJAAN BETON Rp132.467.409 Rp201.547.015
III.4 PEK. PASANG KUSEN, PINTU DAN JENDELA Rp46.225.490 Rp49.946.041
III.5 PEKERJAAN ATAP DAN PLAFOND Rp236.785.207 Rp253.338.460
III.6 PEKERJAAN PENGECATAN Rp53.431.845 Rp58.275.165
III.7 Pekerjaan alat-alat sanitary Rp10.732.479 Rp11.587.127
III.8 PEKERJAAN ELEKTRIKAL Rp29.047.000 Rp29.558.000
Total Rp2.615.451.833 Rp3.309.347.098
PPN 10% Rp261.545.183 Rp330.934.710
Total Payment Rp2.876.997.017 Rp3.640.281.808
Area (m2) 510 510
Pirece/m2 Rp5.641.171 Rp7.137.807

5.3 Analysis

From the data above the price in 2020 increase 26,53% than 2018 price.
Total price in 2020 increase from Rp 2.876.997.016 (Dua miliyar delapan ratus
tujuh puluh enam juta sembilan ratus sembilan puluh tujuh ribu enam belas
Rupiah) in 2018 to Rp3.640.281.807,54(Tiga miliyar enam ratus empat puluh
juta dua ratus delapan puluh satu ribu delapan ratus tujuh rupiah ) The result
of that, price/m2 in the 2020 increase to Rp7.137.807,47 from Rp5.641.170,62
in 2018 price.

The cost is significantly increase due to differences in the method of

calculation of the concrete work. the contractor using RAP. this report using
RAB. The things that we need to know that, normally the cost of concrete work
in building construction is the biggest than the other work item. Thus, the
method using estimation of steel, concrete and formwork that needed resulting
in the higher cost that the detailed ones in addition there is also increase in labor
and material.


6.1 Summary

The quantity takeoff calculation has some major differences in the

calculation of the reinforcement on the S1 make a difference of 331kg between
the consultant calculation and the author's calculation both manually and
computer-based calculation. Error calculation in quantity takeoff can be
minimized by implementing 3D modeling BIM, this also minimized the time in
the design.

Unit cost in Denpasar 2018 between Denpasar 2020 indeed increase due to
a higher price in the material and the labor. Some of the prices in the
mechanical- electrical found to be almost no difference. The unit cost can be
calculated manually or using the help of the BIM software.

The total budget between 2018 and 2020 is a difference due to the different
approaches that this report method and the contractor method to calculate the
project. The contractor using RAP and this report using RAB, as the result the
concrete work is much higher than the contractor was calculated before.

The recapitulation of this project that the price/m2 in 2018 was Rp 5.641.171
and the 2020 Rp 7.137.807. The price is significantly increase caused by the
increase of material, labor cost, and the difference of the method of calculation
with the contractor.

The use of BIM software can reduce the error and time to calculate an
project. Beside of that the changes of price are almost certainly happened every
year, thus the BIM software also need to be flexible so that the price can be
easily adjusted into new price.

7.1 Objective and Method

The purpose of this chapter to find the needs of the workers on each activity
to get the specific duration that already state in the beginning. The calculation
of the workers needs gathered from AHSP (Analisis Harga Satuan Pekerjaan)
from the various SNI code respectively to the category of the work. The duration
of each project will be calculated using spreadsheet application with Microsoft
Excel. With targeted 28 weeks or 196 days of working, from32 weeks by the
contractor in 2108.

The duration of each project depends on the volume of the project, amount
of the workers, and the logic in construction method. At the beginning the
authors must guest and plot the duration of each activity and the simple
relationship between of it. Between each activity can start at the same time if
not contradict to the logic of construction method.

To find the number of the workers we obtain the coefficient of worker on

AHSP respectively to the activity. Then we can follow this method:

Equation 1 Coefficient of Man Hour.

Number of worker x Duration
Coeficient of Man Hour =
Volume of work
Messah, Yunita, dkk. Analisa Indeks Biaya Untuk Pekerjaan
Beton Bertulang Dengan Menggunakan Metode SNI 7394-2008 dan
Lapangan. 2013.

From the equation above we can derive the formula into:

Equation 2 Duration
Coeficient of Man Hour Number of worker × Duration
1 Volume of work

Coeficient of Man Hour × Volume of work

Duration =
Number of Worker

The Coefficient of Man Hour can be seen on SNI and the volume of work
information can be seen in the Attachment PART I : Volume Calculation from
Consultant. The duration and or the number of workers can be calculated
simultaneously based on the targeted finish date and method of the

7.2 Duration of Each Activity

Table 7.1 Duration and worker Needs

Number of workers
Task Name Duration
Mandor K.Tukang T.Batu T.Kayu T.Besi T.Cat Pekerja
Lansir & Persiapan bersih 196 days Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls
Pek. Bongkaran bangunan lama 5 days 20
Pek. Pengukuran dan bouwplank 2 days 1 1 2 4
Pek. Papan nama proyek 1 day 2
1 Galian 7 days 1 24
1 Batu kali+ batu kosong 7 days 1 1 10 20
1 Urugan + Pasir +Peninggi lantai 7 days 1 12
1 Rabat +Sloof + Pondasi 14 days 2 2 2 8 34
1 Kolom 14 days 1 1 1 4 5 15
1 Plat lantai balok 14 days 2 2 2 9 7 33
1 Curring 7 days N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A
1 Pasangan Tembok+kolom+toilet 14 days 1 1 1 3 1 9
1 Plesteran 18 days 1 1 6 12
1 Pek. Acian 24 days 1 1 3 6
1 Persiapan Kusen 14 days 1 1 Est. 5
1 Finnishing Kusen 28 days 1 1 Est. 5
1 Persiapan Plumbing 14 days 1 1 Est.3
1 Finnishing Plumbing 14 days 1 1 Est.3
1 Persiapan elektrikal 14 days 1 1 Est.4
1 Finnishing elektrikal 14 days 1 1 Est.4
1 Keramik Dinding+lantai+plint 21 days 1 1 6 11
1 Cat dinding Kusen 21 days 1 1 4 4
2 Kolom 14 days 1 1 1 3 3 10
2 Plat Lantai+balok 14 days 2 2 2 6 7 33
2 Curring 7 days N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A
2 Plesteran Listplank 7 days 1 1 2 4
2 Pasangan Tembok+kolom+toilet 14 days 1 1 4 1 1 10
2 Plsteran+Acian 14 days 2 2 15 29
2 Persiapan Kusen 14 days 1 1 Est. 5
2 Finnishing Kusen 28 days 1 1 Est. 5
2 Persiapan Plumbing 14 days 1 1 Est.3
2 Finnishing Plumbing 14 days 1 1 Est.3
2 Persiapan elektrikal 14 days 1 1 Est.4
2 Finnishing elektrikal 14 days 1 1 Est.4

Continue to next table…

Table 7.1 (Continue) Duration and worker needs
Number of workers
Task Name Duration
Mandor K.Tukang T.Batu T.Kayu T.Besi T.Cat Pekerja
2 Keramik Dinding+lantai+plint 21 days 1 1 6 11
2 Cat dinding Kusen 21 days 1 1 4 4
3 Ring balok +Kolom 14 days
3 Plesteran listplank 7 days 1 1 2 4
3 Pasangan Tembok+kolom+toilet 14 days 1 1 4 1 1 10
3 Plesteran + Acian 14 days 2 2 15 29
Atap 7 days LS LS LS LS
Plafond lt1 14 days 1 1 10
Plafond lt2 14 days 1 1 10
Plafond lt3 14 days 1 1 10
3 Persiapan Kusen 14 days 1 1 Est. 5
3 Finnishing Kusen 28 days 1 1 Est. 5
3 Persiapan Plumbing 14 days 1 1 Est.3
3 Finnishing Plumbing 14 days 1 1 Est.3
3 Persiapan elektrikal 14 days 1 1 Est.4
3 Finnishing elektrikal 14 days 1 1 Est.4
3 Keramik Dinding+lantai+plint 21 days 1 1 6 11
3 Cat dinding Kusen 21 days 1 1 4 4


Number in front of task name are the floor number.

Mandor : Foreman

K.Tukang (Kepala Tukang) : Head of worker

T. Batu (Tukang Batu) : Stone, masonry worker

T. Kayu (Tukang Kayu) : Carpenter

T. Besi (Tukang Besi) : Steel worker

T. Cat (Tukang Kayu) : Paint worker

Pekerja : Construction labor

7.3 Analysis

The determination of duration in each activity must consider the logic

behind the method in construction. This stage can be simultaneously developed
together with bar chart, network diagram and or the S-curve, but in this chapter
mainly focus on the determination of the minimum of each project and cover
the surface of the relation with other activity. At this stage we can find the
preliminary duration of the project.

This project targeted to be done in 28 weeks or 196 days from 32 weeks by

the proposal of the contractor. This project can be done in 28 weeks and still
consider the method in the construction. This reduction can be happened after
rearrangement of the architectural work that later will be discus on the.
Important note that days in the duration Table 7.1 Duration and worker Needs,
include with working days (Sunday-Saturday) and off days in Sunday. So,
addition of 1 days every 6 days as buffer, the duration above is gross days with
holiday so whenever a project finish 7 days means they have to finish it in 6
days, and they have 1 days of buffer.


8.1 Objective and Method

This chapter will discuss the connection of each activities. Also, will be
refer the determination of the order and requirement of each activity before it is
start and or finish. This step also developed together with the duration of each
activity, bar chart or S-curve. The relationship of each activity can be divided
into: Finish-Start, Start-Finish, Start-Start, and Finish to Finish.

The connection of each activity will be derived using Project Management

application: Microsoft Project. Microsoft Project that authors use is Microsoft
Project 2013 SP. After finding the duration of each activity and has the basic
relationship on each activity, the task to input the activity and the schedule in
the Microsoft Project will help engineer to check if there is illogical steps that
occur in the project. Even we could develop the specific schedule of activity on
each day.

The setting in the Microsoft Project 2013 are set to start on 1 January 2020,
holidays are not considered, and to simplify the report we use 7 days of work.
The determination of 7 days a week for working due to unfamiliar use of the
Project Management Software for the first time. Also form the CHAPTER VII
Duration of Each Activity already stated that 7 days and it multiples already
include off day for 1 day in Sunday (7days= 6 days working+1day for off day).
These mistakes result that data for labor Microsoft Project for the worker are
not able to use directly and need to be configure with a removal of one day
charge for the worker. The targeted 28 weeks are achieved on this stage and
presented in network diagrams.

8.2 Network Diagram

The network diagrams are derived from the Microsoft Project as seen on the
attachment at the end of this chapter, the red colored is the critical path.

8.3 Relationship of Each Activities

Table 8.1 Relationship of Network Diagrams

NO Task Duration Predecessors Start Finish
1 Start
2 PEKERJAAN PERSIAPAN 196 days 01 January 2021 15 July 2021
3 Lansir Persiapan bersih 196 days 1 01 January 2021 15 July 2021
4 Pek. Bongkaran bangunan lama 5 days 1 01 January 2021 05 January 2021
5 Pek. Pengukuran dan bouwplank 2 days 4 06 January 2021 07 January 2021
6 Pek. Papan nama proyek 1 day 1 01 January 2021 01 January 2021
7 1 PEKERJAAN TANAH DAN PONDASI 21 days 08 January 2021 28 January 2021
8 1 Galian 7 days 5;6;4 08 January 2021 14 January 2021
12 1 Batu kali+ batu kosong 7 days 8;4 15 January 2021 21 January 2021
16 1 Urugan + Pasir +Peninggi lantai 7 days 12 22 January 2021 28 January 2021
26 1 PEKERJAAN BETON 49 days 15 January 2021 04 March 2021
27 1 Rabat +Sloof + Pondasi 14 days 12SS 15 January 2021 28 January 2021
34 1 Kolom 14 days 27;33 29 January 2021 11 February 2021
35 1 Plat lantai balok 14 days 34 12 February 2021 25 February 2021
38 1 Curring 7 days 35 26 February 2021 04 March 2021
39 1 PEKERJAAN PASANGAN DAN PLESTERAN 56 days 26 March 2021 20 May 2021
40 1 Pasangan Tembok+kolom+toilet 14 days 38FS+21 days 26 March 2021 08-Apr-21
44 1 Plesteran 18 days 40 09-Apr-21 26-Apr-21
47 1 Pek. Acian 24 days 44 27-Apr-21 20 May 2021
48 1 PEKERJAAN KUSEN 56 days 09-Apr-21 03 June 2021
49 1 Persiapan Kusen 14 days 44SS 09-Apr-21 22-Apr-21
50 1 Finnishing Kusen 28 days 58SS+7 days;49;110SS 07 May 2021 03 June 2021
51 1 PEKERJAAN PLUMBING 56 days 09-Apr-21 03 June 2021
52 1 Persiapan Plumbing 14 days 44SS 09-Apr-21 22-Apr-21
53 1 Finnishing Plumbing 14 days 52;113 21 May 2021 03 June 2021
54 1 PEKERJAAN ELEKTRIKAL 56 days 09-Apr-21 03 June 2021
55 1 Persiapan elektrikal 14 days 44SS 09-Apr-21 22-Apr-21
56 1 Finnishing elektrikal 14 days 116;55 21 May 2021 03 June 2021
57 1 PEKERJAAN KERAMIK 21 days 30-Apr-21 20 May 2021
58 1 Keramik Dinding+lantai+plint 21 days 47SS+3 days;16;30 30-Apr-21 20 May 2021
59 1 PEKERJAAN PENGECATAN 21 days 14 May 2021 03 June 2021
60 1 Cat dinding Kusen 21 days 47SS+17 days 14 May 2021 03 June 2021
61 2 PEKERJAAN BETON 35 days 26 February 2021 01-Apr-21
62 2 Kolom 14 days 38SS 26 February 2021 11 March 2021
63 2 Plat Lantai+balok 14 days 62 12 March 2021 25 March 2021
66 2 Curring 7 days 63 26 March 2021 01-Apr-21
67 2 PEKERJAAN PASANGAN DAN PLESTERAN 35 days 09-Apr-21 13 May 2021
68 2 Plesteran Listplank 7 days 69SF;38 09-Apr-21 16-Apr-21
69 2 Pasangan Tembok+kolom+toilet 14 days 66FS+14 days 16-Apr-21 29-Apr-21
74 2 Plsteran+Acian 14 days 69 30-Apr-21 13 May 2021
77 2 PEKERJAAN KUSEN 56 days 23-Apr-21 17 June 2021
78 2 Persiapan Kusen 14 days 49 23-Apr-21 06 May 2021
79 2 Finnishing Kusen 28 days 78;50SS+14 days 21 May 2021 17 June 2021
80 2 PEKERJAAN PLUMBING 56 days 23-Apr-21 17 June 2021
81 2 Persiapan Plumbing 14 days 52 23-Apr-21 06 May 2021
82 2 Finnishing Plumbing 14 days 53;81 04 June 2021 17 June 2021
83 2 PEKERJAAN ELEKTRIKAL 56 days 23-Apr-21 17 June 2021
84 2 Persiapan elektrikal 14 days 55 23-Apr-21 06 May 2021
85 2 Finnishing elektrikal 14 days 56;84 04 June 2021 17 June 2021
86 2 PEKERJAAN KERAMIK 21 days 21 May 2021 10 June 2021
87 2 Keramik Dinding+lantai+plint 21 days 58 21 May 2021 10 June 2021
88 2 PEKERJAAN PENGECATAN 21 days 04 June 2021 24 June 2021
89 2 Cat dinding Kusen 21 days 60 04 June 2021 24 June 2021
90 3 PEKERJAAN BETON 14 days 26 March 2021 08-Apr-21
91 3 Ring balok +Kolom 14 days 66SS 26 March 2021 08-Apr-21
94 3 PEKERJAAN PASANGAN DAN PLESTERAN 35 days 16-Apr-21 20 May 2021
95 3 Plesteran listplank 7 days 96SF;66 16-Apr-21 23-Apr-21
96 3 Pasangan Tembok+kolom+toilet 14 days 91FS+14 days 23-Apr-21 06 May 2021
101 3 Plesteran + Acian 14 days 96 07 May 2021 20 May 2021
104 3 PEKERJAAN ATAP PLAFOUND 42 days 23-Apr-21 03 June 2021
105 Atap 7 days 91FS+14 days 23-Apr-21 29-Apr-21
106 Plafond lt1 14 days 105SS 23-Apr-21 06 May 2021
107 Plafond lt2 14 days 106 07 May 2021 20 May 2021
108 Plafond lt3 14 days 107 21 May 2021 03 June 2021
109 3 PEKERJAAN KUSEN 56 days 07 May 2021 01 July 2021
110 3 Persiapan Kusen 14 days 78 07 May 2021 20 May 2021
111 3 Finnishing Kusen 28 days 110;79SS+14 days 04 June 2021 01 July 2021
Table 8.2 Relationship of Network Diagrams (continue)
NO Task Duration Predecessors Start Finish
112 3 PEKERJAAN PLUMBING 56 days 07 May 2021 01 July 2021
113 3 Persiapan Plumbing 14 days 81 07 May 2021 20 May 2021
114 3 Finnishing Plumbing 14 days 82;113 18 June 2021 01 July 2021
115 3 PEKERJAAN ELEKTRIKAL 56 days 07 May 2021 01 July 2021
116 3 Persiapan elektrikal 14 days 84 07 May 2021 20 May 2021
117 3 Finnishing elektrikal 14 days 85;116 18 June 2021 01 July 2021
118 3 PEKERJAAN KERAMIK 21 days 11 June 2021 01 July 2021
119 3 Keramik Dinding+lantai+plint 21 days 87 11 June 2021 01 July 2021
120 3 PEKERJAAN PENGECATAN 21 days 25 June 2021 15 July 2021
121 3 Cat dinding Kusen 21 days 119SS+14 days;89 25 June 2021 15 July 2021
122 Finish 15 July 2021 15 July 2021

8.4 Relationship Development

A. Preparation Work
1. Lansir material & bersih bersih is work that carrying material from
borrow site to the site and or carrying material from the ground floor
to upper floor, so there is dependance on specific task just follow
when the project start and finish.
2. Pek. Bowplank is can be start if Pek. Bongkaran bangunan lama is
3. The other can be started as soon as the project start.

B. Earthwork and Simple Foundation

1. Galian can start after the preparation work are finished, except lansir
2. Batu kali and Batu kosong can be start after galian works
3. Urugan can be start only if the Batu kali and Batu kosong are

C. Concrete Works
1. Rabat, Sloof, and Foundation can be start together with Batu kali
and Batu kosong works, with assumption the first task is making
reinforcement or formworks
2. Column on the first floor works only start after Sloof and
Foundation works already finish.

3. Slab, and beam on first and second floor can be start after column
works are done.
4. Curing of the slab are estimated 1 (one) week to have minimum
hardness to resist another load from another construction above it.
The curing actually finishes on the 28th days after the pouring.
5. Column works on the second and third floor can be start after the
curing of the last concrete work is done so that it can carry some of
the additional stress form construction work above it.

D. Masonry Works and Wall Finishing

1. Masonry works can be start after 21 days after curing is done, or in
other ways 28 days after pouring of the concrete and the concrete
work below of it already has the ultimate strength.
2. Plesteran can be start after masonry works or start behind the
masonry simultaneously without waiting all the masonry work is
3. Acian can be start after plesteran works is done or start behind the
plesteran simultaneously without waiting all the plesteran work is
4. Plesteran listplank always start before the Masonry work is stated
in the document of contractor describes as Balinees Style of hose
making details.

E. Door and Window Frames Works

1. This works will be done by specific team worker
2. The work is separated as two task that gaped by the Masonry
Works and Wall Finishing.
3. The initial works are preparing and installation of the frames
4. The final work is the installation of the door and window itself.
5. The initial work on the first floor start together with the plesteran
work on the first floor

6. The initial work on each floor can be start after the initial work
on the last floor is finished or simultaneously.
7. The final work on the first floor can be start after the initial work
on the third floor is finished.
8. The final work on each floor can be start after the final work on
the last floor is finished or simultaneously.

F. Plumbing
1. This works will be done by specific team worker
2. The work is separated as two task that gaped by the Masonry
Works and Wall Finishing.
3. The initial works are preparing and installation of the network of
the plumbing
4. The final work is the installation of the water tab, toilet, and other
equipment in the toilet.
5. The initial work on the first floor start together with the plesteran
work on the first floor
6. The initial work on each floor can be start only after the initial
work on the last floor is finished.
7. The final work on the first floor can be start after the initial work
on the third floor is finished.
8. The final work on each floor can be start only after the final work
on the last floor is finished.

G. Electrical
1. This works will be done by specific team worker
2. The work is separated as two task that gaped by the Masonry
Works and Wall Finishing.
3. The initial works are preparing and installation of the network of
the electrical
4. The final work is the installation of electric equipment

5. The initial work on the first floor start together with the plesteran
work on the first floor
6. The initial work on each floor can be start only after the initial
work on the last floor is finished.
7. The final work on the first floor can be start after the initial work
on the third floor is finished.
8. The final work on each floor can be start only after the final work
on the last floor is finished.

H. Painting
1. To get the best result on the painting task, normally use specific
teams that expert on this field.
2. After this work is done on specific floor then it is allowed to move
to the next floor.
3. This work can be start after acian works is done or do it
I. Ceramic
1. To get the best result on the painting task, normally use specific
teams that expert on this field.
2. After this work is done on specific floor then it is allowed to move
to the next floor.
3. This work can be start after acian works is done or do it
simultaneously with assumption of 3 days of delay to give lead
time for the acian work, these lead time purpose to eliminate the
spill of cement to the ceramic if it is installed together.
J. Roof and Platform
1. The roof works can be start after the concrete work on the last
floor is finished. 14 days lag are determined to give more strength
on the concrete so that after the roof work is finished so do the
removing of the scaffolding for the ring beam.

2. The work of the platform started together with the roof work
and start from the first floor then move to the upper floor after it
is finished.

8.5 Analysis

The relationship of each activity needs to be watch carefully and compared

it with the logic of the construction method. The error on this calculation and
planning can caused delay on the project delivery. We also need to watch how
do we want to finish the work using our workers or expert that only can move
to other floor after the task before it is done and the requirement on the next
floor also already started or finish.

The use of Project Management software is very helpful to see the task
detail. We can see when it is start or finish, we can add holiday, we can add the
task person in charge and can develop cost that we need to pay for the worker
by hour or day automatically. This application appropriate to medium to large
scale of project.


9.1 Objective and Method

This chapter will explain the Gantt chart or the bar chart of the project. The
project Gantt chart is a different form from the network diagram, the network
diagram and Gantt chart are developed together. The Gantt chart is developed
using project management project by Microsoft Project 2013. The requirement
of every bar needs to have at least one arrow input and one output.

All the schedule development indeed was made together with the network
diagram in the Microsoft Project 2013. All the setting for date, target date, and
others are the same. The only different is how the Gantt chart or bar cart is
representing. Gantt chart allows the engineer to see when the activities running
simultaneously together and the relation to other activities.

9.2 Gantt Chart

The Gantt chart are developed using Microsoft Project 2013, and can be
seen on the attachment in the end of this chapter.

9.3 Analysis

From the Gantt chart, as we can see it is achieved the target of 28 weeks,
the Gantt chart, or the bar chart tells there are some series works but mostly the
works are do simultaneously together. The architectural works are the type of
work that can done. With 510 m2 of working area we can conclude that the
speed of the construction is 3.84 days/10 m2.


10.1 Methodology and Objective

This chapter will discuss the development of S-curve from the bar chart. S-
curve represent the flow of the money in the project compare with the time in
X axis. The S-Curve are developed using Microsoft Excel. A good construction
graph when the graph is shows that the flow of the money in the beginning and
the end of the project is lower than in the middle.

The steeper the graph the higher cash out in the project at that time, and so
the opposite. The S-Curve of construction project normally follows the letter
“S” as the result of the different weight of the construction cost in the middle,
preparation, and finishing. The weight of each task can be obtained by the
formula below:

Equation 3 Weight of Each Task

Task Cost
Task Weight = × 100%
Total Project cost

In simple term weight of each task is the percentages from the total project cost.

The S-Curve also had a bar chart for the cost, this bar chart is different with
the previous Chapter, this bar chart represents project duration, project weight
and task that is done in simultaneously. To develop the S-curve bar chart we
just divide the weight of each task with the duration (weeks) then the
percentages put in the horizontal cell the same number as the number of
durations, as seen on the Figure 10.1.

Figure 10.1 Bar Chart in S-Curve

Equation 4 Weight of task in a week

Task Weight
Weight in a week =
Duration (weeks)

Equation 5 Weight of task in a week

Task in that specific week cost

Weight in a week = Task Weight ×
Task cost

Weight in a week = Task Weight × Cost Percentage ofthat week to task

In the Figure 10.1 the duration of the Pekerjaan Tanah dan Pondasi are
following the Equation 4, the task was planned to be done in 5 weeks with
the weight of each week of 0.74% and the total of 3.69% from the total of
the project. Sometimes the task that has more weight compare to the other
calculated more detail by considering the specific task that were in that week
to the whole task Equation 5, normally the concrete work are the highest so
it was not divided equally into the duration but by the percentages of that
week cost to the whole concrete task in that floor (see Figure 10.1 Concrete
work bar chart, the red ones are not equal).

The S-curve or graph obtained by the accumulation of project weight in
every week. So, at the last week or the targeted 28th week will be 100%. The
100% represent the project cost already reached the total cost or in other
meaning it is finished from perspective of the project cost.

10.2 S-Curve of the Project

The S-Curve are developed using Microsoft Excel and can be seen on
the attachment in the end of this chapter.

10.3 Analysis

The steeper the graph of S-curve the higher is flow rate of the money in
the project. Normally the highest cost in building construction is the
concrete work that is why the graph move are like letter “S” because before
we enter the concrete work we must prepare the area, project, foundation
and others then after the structural or in this case is concrete is finished we
entered the architectural works. Thus, the preparation and architectural
works are relatively small to the structural works.

The S-Curve represent how the money affect the project progress by
duration of the project. at the beginning the project are slow because the
preparation work is relatively small compare to the structural. The finishing
or architectural works also relatively small and slow compare to the
structural works that has small duration and high cost. To get more detailed
S-Curve we can detailed the cost of the task, usually the concrete work is
divided not equally but based on the cost in detailed (Equation 5)


11.1 Summary

The Schedule and S-Curve in this report are achieved the target of 28
weeks of duration. The project is assumed to be start on 1st January 2021
and 15th of July 2021 from the contractor 32 weeks. The working area of
510 m2 and 28 weeks or 196 days, the speed of the construction is 3.84
days/10 m2. This part of the report needs knowledge of construction method
to connect each task so that the project can be performed efficiently.

The development of duration of each task, bar chart and the Gantt chart
are developed simultaneously and from each along the way we must revise
based on the logic of the construction method. The development of the S-
Curve itself shows the speed of construction based on the money that goes
through, the middle part is steeper means the flow of money is higher, this
middle part normally consists of the structural works that are have higher
cost than the other.

The Project Management Software are not only use by large company
but also starting to be used widely by small and medium company. The
contractor behind this project only use Spreadsheet and the S-Curve to
develop the schedule, this is risky as the project get bigger. The use of
Project Management Software like Microsoft Project 2013 and Spreadsheet
Application are very useful for contractor to easily see the connection of
each task, minimizing error during schedule development, and control the
flow of the construction.


12.1 Conclusion

This report managed the Sekolah Dasar No 15 Denpasar new

building project in 2018 and has been assessed in 2020 cost of
Rp3.640.281.807,54 before tax and 196 days or 28 weeks work with 510 m2
of working area and Rp7.137.807,47/m2. The increase of the cost is caused
by inflation and different method of measuring the cost, the contractor use
RAP and we are using RAB (the contractor does not input the RAP).

This report is completed using some application to support the

development of cost and the time in the project. the use application beyond
of Spreadsheet could make the time for the contractor r consultant are much
faster. BIM could easily help during the cost development and multi
engineer that has their own specialty. Project Management Software help
the contractor to easily see the connection from each task. Both applications
are expected to be use widely in the engineering construction.

12.2 Suggestion

From this report the authors suggest that the reader that wants to
develop cost and time for a construction project need to learn and try to use
BIM software and Project Management Software. The use of those software
nowadays are crucial for a medium to small project. the government also
planned to use BIM software as the standard of project in the future for
government building in the future. In other United Kingdom BIM software
mandate to be use by the contractor and the consultant in government
building to speed up the project and minimize error of volume and or the
cost calculation. The project Management Software in the future also seems
can be integrated with BIM software in the future. So, the use of those
software is expected to be normal in the future.


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