Edited - Ryan Achehboune - Brochure Template

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History of Global Warming How to Prevent Global Warming What effects does Global Warming Have On Us
and Animals
Global warming started in the 1830s and was Some things to prevent global warming: power
your home things to prevent
with renewable global
energy, weatherize, Global Warming affects many people. Animals
discovered by Guy Callendar. Global warming is a warming:
invest power
in energy your
efficient home with
appliances, reduce water and humans are one of the species that are
gradual increase in the overall temperature of the waste, and pull the plugs on technology
renewable energy, weatherize, invest that takes affected because of climate change causing more
earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the a lot of energy. The most important and easiest
in energy efficient appliances, reduce frequent and intense drought, storms, heat waves,
greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of things to do though are reducing water waste and
pull waste,
the plug and pull with
on technology thehigh
plugs on
energy rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warming
carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other technologyThis
consumption. thatis takes
because a with
lot of energy.
reducing water oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the
pollutants. In the United States, the burning fossil all you have
The most important and easiest places they live, and wreak havoc on people's
fuels to make electricity is the largest source of things to do though are reducing livelihoods and communities. One of the most
heat, producing about two billion tons of CO2 water waste and pull the plug on dangerous things that could happen because of
every year. Global Warming has been getting worst global warming is rising sea level. This is because
technology with high energy
and worst over the years which has scared when the sea level rises it could cause oods
consumption. This is because with
scientist and experts making them wonder how destroying homes and habitats causing us and
reducing water all you have to do is animals to have a hard life.
much time we have left. turn off the sink or shower when your
done instead of wasting it. Same thing
with technology once your done with it
just shut it off so it doesn’t waste too
much energy.

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Top Greenhouse Gasses and How It Relates
References to Global Warming
Global Warming Facts
.com Global warming is the increase of Earth's
average surface temperature due to greenhouse
gases. The gasses that have the most affect on
global warming is Carbon dioxide, Methane,
Nitrous oxide, and uorinated gases.
Greenhouse gases keep heat close to the earth’s
surface making it livable for humans and
animals. However, global warming is happening
largely due to an over-emittance of these gases
and fossil fuels (natural oil, gasoline, coal). With
the start of industry in the 1700's, humans began
emitting more fossil fuels from coal, oil, and gas
to run our cars, trucks, and factories. By driving a
“smarter” car, you will not only save on gas, but
help prevent global warming.

By: Ryan Achehboune

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