Data Warehouse I. Identify The Problem

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Data warehouse

I. Identify the Problem

One of the major problems that educational institutions face is the students’ poor
studying habits that result to them having low grades. According to the data given, most of the
students, who are currently taking subjects such as Math, English, Reading, History, and
Science, are having trouble when it comes to pulling their grades up. The lack of hardworking
and studying well in school will result to poor scholastic performance not only of the students
but also the institution itself. Understanding and identifying the root cause will give teachers and
professors the hints on how to motivate and encourage their students to study well. The
researchers will identify the significant differences of the academic performance of the students
in total, based on their gender and on their test scores for each particular subjects given.
II. Statement of the Problem
The interpretation of the data aims to determine the significant difference of the academic
performance of both male and female students through determining the, highest, lowest and the
average test score of the students for every subject taken. The latter can be used by professors in
implementing strategies on how to motivate and encourage the class. Furthermore, this study
aims to answer the following questions:
1. What is the average score/grade of the students per subject?
- Math
- English
- Reading
- History
- Science

2. What is the average score of both gender for the five subject areas namely History, Math,
Science, Reading and English?

3. How could teachers/professors integrate the use of motivation and encouragement to the
performance of the class/students?

III. Identify the Statistical Treatment

Statistical treatment of data furthermore pertains to interpreting the data. Any statistical
approach is used to apply to the results to distinguish the academic performance of male and
female students in each subject course. The treatments are divided into groups: the researchers
describes the data as a graph or summary statistics of the results of scores of students, and
inferential statistics, made predictions about the data to determine the number of students that are
performing well based on their gender. The researchers
utilized the Jamovi application which is data visualization
tool that gives pictorial and graphical representations of data,
through the use of Independent Sample Treatment to describe
the data. The results showed the Grouping Variable: Gender,
the Dependent Variable: Subjects (Reading, Science, English,
History, Math) and lastly the Confidence Interval which is
95%. The Descriptive Plots showed the mean and median. The assumptions indicated the results
of the test of normality (Shapiro-Wike) and (Levene's) shown on the table below. The statistical
treatment commonly applied when the test statistic would follow a normal distribution if the
value of a scaling term in the test statistic were revealed. Measures of central tendencies like the
data set's mean (average genders and scores of male and female students) was calculated by
adding all numbers in the data set, and then divided them by the set number of values, the middle
value or the median; the mock data is ordered from the least to the greatest to determine the
academic performance of the students and how both gender differ and relate. These help the data
scientists explain in short how the data are focused. The mode and standard deviation support to
recognize the percentage of the data. Therefore, two distributions with the same mean can have
substantially distinct standard deviation, showing how well the data points are clustered around
the mean.

IV. Results and Discussion

The following data are interpreted regardless of the examinees' gender. There are five subjects
namely History, Math, Science, Reading and English and there is a total of 100 examinees. The
test scores are being analyzed through and the following are the results of the exam.

For the History subject, the sum of all the test scores of the examinees is 6, 397. Their History
subject scores got an average of 63. 97. The lowest score is 55 while the highest is 72. The
median or the middle value of the scores is 64. 50.

For the Math subject, the sum of all the test

scores of the examinees is 3, 343. The average
of scores is 33.43. The lowest score is 15 and
the highest is 54. The median or the middle
value of the scores is 33.
For the Science subject, the sum of all 5he test scores is 4, 606. The average of the scores in this
subject is 46. 06. The lowest score in the exam is 37 and the highest number of scores is 55. The
median or the middle value of the scores is 46.

For the Reading subject, the total sum of all the scores is 4, 944. The average of the scores is
49.44. The lowest score is 33 and the highest number of
scores is 67. The median or the middle value of the scores is

For the English subject, the total sum of all of the scores is
4,867. The average score in this subject is 48.67. The lowest
score is 28 and the highest is 71. The median or the middle
value of the scores is 49.50.

The examinees in total got a higher average on the History

subject at 63.97 followed by Reading at 49.44. Third is the
English subject at 48.67, Science at 46.06 and lastly, the
lowst average of all, Math at 33.43.
The average of the scores per gender are computed as well.
For the English subject, the average of the female examinees
is 47.00 while the male ones got a bit higher at 49.83.
Second, the History subject, the females got an average of 63.54 a bit lower than that of the male
examinees at 64.27. Third, Math subject, female examinees got 31.44 while male examinees
have a higher average at 34.81. Fourth, the Reading subject, female examinees got a higher
average at 50.66 while male
examinees got an average of 48.59.
Lastly, Science, females got a higher
average too at 46.59 while male
examinees got 45.69.

Based on the T-
test results, in the
Reading subject,
it is analyzed that
female students
scored a lot more
higher with an
average of 50.7
while the male students got an average of 48.6. In Math, male students got a higher average of
34.8 than of the female students at 31.4. In English, male students' averaged higher too at 49.8
and female students at 47.0. In History, there is a slight difference between both genders but
apparently, male students still got a higher average of 64.3 than of the female students that has an
average of 63.5. Lastly, in the Science subject, female students has an average that is way more
higher at 46.6 than of the male students at 45.7.


The interpretation of the data aims to determine the significant difference of the academic
performance of both male and female students through determining the, highest, lowest and the
average test score of the students for every subject taken.

Average test score for each subject

After the interpretation of the data, the results showed that the History subject generated
the highest average score. Respectively, the Reading, English, and Science subjects had average
scores with small differences. The lowest average score, having a significant difference from the
preceding subjects is Math. From the prior discussion, it could indicate that the academic
performance of the students, given that the factor to be observed and considered is their test
score, is positive when the subject is History, slightly equal among Reading, English, and
Science, and least favorable when the subject is Math.
Test score of each gender for each subject
The interpretation of the data as provided from the T-Test and the other initial analysis of the
average score of the data on each subject, has revealed that, overall, both male and female
students outperform each other on two subjects by at most 2.8 points. The male students scored
higher than the female students on subjects such as English and Math. In contrast, the female
students scored higher than the male students on Reading and Science subjects. Despite these
differences, there was no significant difference in the academic performance levels of male and
female students. A plausible explanation to support the latter would be the slight difference on
the result observed from the average scores of both the male and female students on their History
subject. This could indicate that, on the basis of their test scores, the academic performance of
the male students displays slightly greater innate and natural cognitive abilities than male
students in the areas of English and Math on average, while the female students display slightly
greater innate and natural cognitive abilities than females in Reading and Science areas.

V. Recommendations
The information that could be derived from the data showed that most of the students got
high test scores in History while they got low test scores in Math. This is a common problem
among students. When numbers are involved, people often times tend to overthink that it is
already difficult when in actuality, it really is not. One of the things that the researchers could
recommend that the students should find a friend to be a study partner. That is because they
could help each other when dealing problems when it comes to Math. They could review and
quiz each other, so that the information of the problem could easily be retained in their minds. It
can also be recommended that the students should give time in analyzing and understanding
every mistake that they make when answering problems. That is because the subject of Math
takes time to understand, and studying helps one get better in it. Students want to pass over a
mistake made on an assignment, to just leave it as is, however, it is important to fix mistakes and
understand why they were made; otherwise, there is a high possibility that they could repeat
them in the future. Ask the teacher if you are unclear.
It can also be shown in the data that female students have higher scores in the subjects of
Reading and Science, meanwhile, male students have higher scores in the subjects of English
Math. Both of them have a slight difference in scores in History, nevertheless, it showed that
they were both good at the subject. The researchers would recommend that the students, when
they find out what subject that they are good at, should focus on where they are weak in. It is like
finding one’s strengths and weaknesses, but developing and improving where he or she is not
great at doing. Students should diligently take down notes and never hesitate to ask questions
from the teacher. That is because it would help how they form their study habits, and also, they
would not find themselves confused with the information from the lectures of each subject.
Another thing is that the teacher should also not hesitate on asking the students if they actually
understood and thoroughly comprehended the lessons.
In conclusion, it is quite essential for the students to put out effort and time with the
subject as well as the teachers. In a classroom, there would never be learnings without both
acquiring and teaching them. It is also important to be motivated in studying that is why the
student and teacher relationship should form a healthy environment inside the classroom and
around the educational institution.

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