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Welcome to the Self-learning e-Course on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation: Basic Course


Depending upon the needs of APO members and relevance of subject areas, the APO develops self-
learning e-courses and offers them on its e-learning portal ( These courses
are developed based on the APO’s experience and knowledge accumulated over years of organizing
capacity-building projects in its focus areas. In 2011, the APO conducted a highly successful pilot self-
learning e-course on the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSAS 18001) that
received positive feedback and drew more than 2700 participants. In 2013, the APO implemented two
self-learning e-courses on Integrated Management Systems and Material Flow Cost Accounting.

Our climate is changing and the reality is some of the most dynamic cities on the planet are most
vulnerable to the impacts these changes will bring. Climate change is the one of the biggest global
challenges the human race has ever faced. Global unquenchable demand for energy from fossil fuels is
changing the atmosphere, and in turn changing our climate. Climate change is already affecting the
physical surface of the earth, the environment that provides our life support, our food supply, economy
and society. These changes will accelerate over the next few decades. In line with the APO’s Green
Productivity program, this course offers an introduction to multi-disciplinary perspectives on climate
change to comprehend how climate change affects people as an individual, as a member of local
community, as a citizen of country and as a member of the global community. In this course participants
will explore the science of climate change; the impacts of climate change; current methodology to
alleviate these impacts and the future measures to adapt to climate change.

Course Instruction

- There are 6 modules in this course. Please start with Module 1 and complete each module in order.
- The recommended timeline to complete each module is:

 Days 1-3: Module 1 

 Days 4–5: Module 2 + Quiz
 Days 6–8: Module 3 
 Days 8–10: Module 4 
 Days 10–11: Module 5 + Quiz
 Days 12: Module 6 
 Day 13: Exam

- To confirm your understanding, quizzes are provided. Please answer the questions and check your
score for self-evaluation. Please note that the quiz scores have no connection with the final exam results.
- It is recommended that you proceed to the next module only after satisfactory completion of the
preceding module.
- After completing all modules, each participant should take the final exam. Remember that you are only
allowed to take the final exam once. Please ensure that you have thoroughly understood all modules
before taking the final exam.
- The APO will provide e-certificates to successful participants from APO member countries who pass the
final exam. National of other countries are welcome to take this course but are not eligible for certificates.
Course Objectives

- At the end of this course, participants are expected to have a basic understanding of climate change
science, impacts, and mitigation measures

Important Notes:

1) Participants who register to take this course and pass the final examination with a score of 70% or
higher will be eligible to receive the APO e-certificate. Please note that the final examination can be
taken only once, and therefore you decide when you choose to take it. Please note that the self-
assessment quizzes are for your own evaluation and have no connection with the final examination

2) Participants who perform well in this course and receive the APO certificate will also be given
preference, on a merit basis, for selection to attend the follow-up face-to-face multicountry APO project,
subject to nomination by their NPOs and availability of places.

3) Notes 1 and 2 are applicable only to participants from APO member countries. Participants from
nonmember countries are welcome to take the course for self-improvement, although certificates will not
be given.

4) Please keep a screenshot of your result of the final exam.

If error occurs and your result is not correctly recorded on your activity report, the screen shot
could be the only evidence to get a certificate.


The course on ISMS goes off-line at: 

Time: 10:00 am (UTC+09:00, Tokyo)

Date: 31 October 2016

Please finish the course before then.

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