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One-to-one and Inverse

Learner's Module in General Mathematics
Quarter 1 ● Module 5


Department of Education • Cordillera Administrative Region

NAME: ________________________ GRADE AND SECTION ____________

TEACHER: ____________________ SCORE ________________________
What I Need to Know
Hello learner! This module was designed and written with you in mind.
Primarily, its scope is to (1) find the domain and range of a rational function; (2)
determine the intercepts, zeros, and asymptotes of rational function; and (3) solve
problems involving rational functions, equations, and inequalities.

While going through this module, you are expected to:

1. determine if a function is one-to-one;
2. identify the properties of an inverse of a one-to-one function;
3. determine the inverse of a one-to-one function;
4. compare the graphs of one-to-one function and its inverse; and
5. show your mathematical maturity through solving word problems involving
inverse functions.

Always remember to use the attached separate answer sheets for you to
write your answers on the different activities presented in this learning
module. DO NOT ANSWER here directly. Now, here is an outline of the different
parts of your learning module. The descriptions will guide you on what to expect on
each part of the module.

Now, here is an outline of the different parts of your learning module. The
descriptions will guide you on what to expect on each part of the module.

Label Description
What I Need to This states the learning objectives that you need to achieve as
Know you study this module.
What I Know This is to check what you already know about the lesson on this
module. If you answered all the questions here correctly, then you
may skip studying this module.
What’s In This connects the current lesson with a topic or concept
necessary to your understanding.
What’s New This introduces the lesson to be tackled through an activity.
What’s In It This contains a brief discussion of the learning module lesson.
Think of it as the lecture section of the lesson.
What’s More These are activities to check your understanding and to apply
what you have learned from the lesson.
What I Have
Learned This generalizes the essential ideas tackled from this module.
What I Can Do This is a real-life application of what you have learned.
Post- This is an evaluation of what you have learned from this learning
Assessment material.
Additional This is an activity that will strengthen and fortify your knowledge
Activity about the lesson.

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What I Know
If you answer all the test items correctly in this pretest, then you may skip
studying this learning material and proceed to the next learning module.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the best answer. Write the letter of your choice in
CAPITAL LETTERS. (15 points)
_____ 1. It is a function that satisfies both vertical and horizontal line tests.
A. Inverse B. One to many C. One-to-one D. Many to one
_____ 2. It is a function that has no two ordered pairs with the same second
A. Inverse B. One to many C. One-to-one D. Many to one
_____ 3. A function has an inverse function if it is a/ an:
A. Inverse B. One to many C. One-to-one D. Many to one
_____ 4. The inverse of a one-to-one function is a:
A. Function B. Relation C. One-to-one D. Rational
_____ 5. The inverse of a not one-to-one function is a:
A. Function B. Relation C. One-to-one D. Rational
_____ 6. The relation pairing an SSS member to his SSS number is an example of?
A. One-to-one function C. Many to one function
B. Inverse function D. One to many function
_____ 7. The domain of a one-to-one function is the _______ of its inverse.
A. x-intercept B. y-intercept C. Domain D. Range
_____ 8. The range of a one-to-one function is the _______ of its inverse.
A. x-intercept B. y-intercept C. Domain D. Range
_____ 9. The graphs of inverse functions are reflections of their one-to-one functions
through the line _______.
A. x=0 B. y=2 x C. y=0 D. y=x
_____ 10. Which of the following mathematical statements is/ are true?
I. f −1 ( f ( x ) )=x
II. f ( f −1 ( x ) )=x
A. I only B. I and II C. II only D. Neither I nor
_____ 11. Arrange the following steps in finding the inverse of a one-to-one function.
I. Solve the equation for x in terms of y.
II. Interchange x and y. The resulting equation is f −1 ( x).
III. Write y=f (x ).

_____ 12. What is the inverse of f −1 ( x )?

Page 3 of 25
1 1
A. f −1 ( x ) B. f ( x) C. D.
f (x) f (x )
_____ 13. What is the inverse of f ( x )=3 x?
−1 x −1 3 −1 −x
A. f −1 ( x )=−3 x B. f ( x )= C. f ( x )= D. f ( x )=
3 x 3
_____ 14. What is the inverse function of the table of values below?
x 1 2 3 4
y 5 6 7 8
x 1 2 3 4 x 1 2 3 4
y 1 2 3 4 y −1 −2 −3 −4

A. C.
x 5 6 7 8 x 5 6 7 8
y 1 2 3 4 y 5 6 7 8

B. D.

_____ 15. Which of the following graph has the correct one-to-one and inverse

A. C.

B. D.

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What’s In
Let us review first the mathematical terms or concepts or ideas that will help us
understand the main lesson.

In your English subject, you have learned antonyms like in the words good and bad.
In your Filipino subject, antonyms are called “mga salitang magkasalungat” like in
the words “malakas at mahina”. In pratical term, these are called opposites like in the
words male and female.

In Mathematics, this concept is also learned. Taking a look at the mathematical

concepts below, for sure that you know most of them.

Math Concept Its Opposite Math Concept Its Opposite

Addition Subtraction Squared Square root
Multiplication Division Cubed Cube root
1 -1 -5 5

We also learned from the previous module that we use vertical line test to check if
the given graph is a function or not. Likewise, an arrow diagram or mapping is
another way of presenting a relation. Observe the different illustrations below.


a 1 a 1 a 1

2 b b 2

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

In Figure 1, it is not a function. a in set A has two mirror images, 1 and 2 in set B. It is
just simply a relation.

In Figure 2, it is a function. Each element or member in set A has exactly one mirror
image in set B.

In Figure 3, it is a function. Each element or member in set A has exactly one mirror
image in set B. Furthermore, each element in set A has one and only one image in
set B. This is called a one-to-one function.

Now that we already recalled important concepts to help us understand the next
lesson, let us start with an activity that collects your personal view on the given

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What’s New
Activity: Your Half, My Half
Draw a line to divide the shapes or figures below in half evenly. Some shapes
can be divided into two different ways.


3. 4.

5. 6.

What’s In It
The concept of opposites is called “inverse” in mathematical world. Even functions
have opposites but only for those functions that are one-to-one in nature.

Join me in exploring the main concepts of this module.

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Definition: The function is one-to-one if for any x 1, x 2 in the domain of f , then

f (x¿ ¿1) ≠ f ( x 2) ¿. That is, the same x-value is never paired with two
different y-values.

From our review on functions, refer to Figure 3. This is an example of a one-to-one

function. In other words, a function is not a one-to-one if two different inputs
correspond to the same output.

Study some mathematical real-life applications. Let us determine if the following

scenarios are examples of one-to-one functions or not.

Example 1: The relation pairing of Baguio City National High School (BCNHS)
learner to his or her LRN (learner’s reference number).

Solution: Each learner of BCNHS is assigned to a unique LRN. Thus, the relation is
a function. Further, two different learners cannot be assigned with the
same LRN. Thus, the function is one-to-one. Below is an example of an
arrow diagram for this situation.
Learner LRN
Petra 123456789111
Maria 213456487623

Example 2: The relation pairing of a patient in Baguio General Hospital (BGH) to his
or her blood type.

Solution: Each patient in BGH has a unique blood type. Thus, the relation is a
function. Further, two different patients can have the same blood type.
Thus, the function is not one-to-one. Below is an example of an arrow
diagram for this situation.
Patient Blood Type

Petra A

Maria B

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Example 3: The relation pairing a distance d (in kilometers) traveled along a given
jeepney route to the jeepney fare for traveling that distance.

Solution: The relation is a function since each distance traveled along a given
jeepney route has an official fare. In fact, the jeepney fare may be
represented by a piecewise function that we learned in our previous
module. Let say, the first four (4) kilometers, you will pay a regular fare of
₱ 9.00 and every succeeding integer kilometer, you will add ₱ 1.50.
However, the function is not one-to-one because 1-kilometer distance
has the same fare for 2-kilometer distance. Below is an example of an
arrow diagram for this situation.

Distance inJeepney
1 km ₱9.00

2 km ₱9.00

4 km

Example 4: The relation pairing a person to his or her citizenship.

Solution: The relation is not a function because a person can have dual citizenship.
That is, citizenship is not unique. This is just merely a relation.

Example 5: The relation pairing a Cordilleran to his or her finger print.

Solution: Each Cordilleran has a unique finger print. No two persons have the same
finger print. Thus, this is an example of a one-to-one function.

The illustration below shows the flow to become a one-to-one function.

Relation Many-to-one Function One-to-one one

If a function is presented through a graph, we will use horizontal line test to

determine if it is a one-to-one function or not.

Horizontal Line Test: A function is one-to-one if each horizontal line does not
intersect the graph at more than one point.

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The Vertical and Horizontal Line Tests: All functions satisfy the vertical line test.
All one-to-one functions satisfy both the vertical and
horizontal line tests.

Example 1:

Vertical line test

Horizontal line


The graph above is a function since The graph above is a one-to-one

it satisfies the vertical line test. function since is satisfies the
horizontal line test.

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Example 2:

Vertical line test

Horizontal line


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The graph above is a function since The graph above is not a one-to-
it satisfies the vertical line test. one function since it does not
satisfy the horizontal line test.

From example 2, the horizontal line intersects the graph at 2 points, thus, it is not a
one-to-one function.

Definition: Functions ƒ and g are inverses of each other provided:
f (g(x))=x and g( f (x))=x
The function g is denoted by f −1, read as “f inverse”.

Inverse Function from Table of Values and Graph

You learned that a relation is a mapping of input values onto output values. An
inverse relation maps the output values back to their original input values. This
means that the domain of the inverse relation is the range of the original
relation and that the range of the inverse relation is the domain of the original
relation. In this section, we consider a relation as that is a function.

Original Function Inverse Function

x −2 −1 0 1 2 x 4 2 0 −2 −4
y 4 2 0 −2 −4 y −2 −1 0 1 2

The graph of an inverse relation is the reflection of the graph of the original relation.
The line of reflection is y=x. Consider the table of values of the original relation and
the inverse relation. Let’s plot the points.

Graph of the Graph of the

original function inverse function

The two graphs above show the points

from the given table of values. You will
notice that those points from the two
graphs form a linear graph. This is an
example of a one-to-one function as
shown in the discussion of the horizontal
line test under Example 1. Expect that the
graph of a one-to-one function has an
inverse function.
Line of reflection at y=x.
Combining the original function and its
inverse in one Cartesian Plane, you notice
that a reflection of each point is seen
along the line y=x.
Page 11 of 25
Examples of Graphs of One-to-one Functions and their Inverses
𝒇ሺ𝒙ሻ = 𝒙−𝟐

𝒇−𝟏 (𝒙) = ξ 𝒙
𝒇−𝟏 (𝒙) =

𝒇(𝒙) = 𝒙𝟑

The two graphs above f (x)= x3 and

𝒇ሺ𝒙ሻ= 𝒙𝟐

𝒇−𝟏 (𝒙) = ξ 𝒙

Let’s take a look at this. Determine the domain and range of an inverse function from
the table of values of the original function.
To determine the domain and range of an inverse function from a given table of
values, just switch the values of the domain and range from the original function.
Original Function Inverse Function
x −4 −2 0 2 4 x −3 −1 1 3 5
y −3 −1 1 3 5 y −4 −2 0 2 4
D= {−4 ,−2 , 0 ,2 , 4 } D= {−3 ,−1 ,1 , 3 , 5 }

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R={−3 ,−1 , 1, 3 , 5 } R={−4 ,−2 , 0 ,2 , 4 }

From the example above, the domain of the original function is the range of its
inverse function and the range of the original function is the domain of its inverse
function. This is also true for functions presented through equations and graphs.
Consider also the following statements.
(a) If the x−¿ and y−¿values of a one-to-one function are interchanged, the
result is a function.
(b) If the x−¿ and y−¿ values of a function that is not a one-to-one are
inverted, the result is no longer a function.

For a clearer view of these concepts, consider the following illustrations.

Getting an inverse of a one-to-one Getting an inverse of a not one-to-one
function function

one its inverse is Function
Relation Function its inverse is

Inverse Functions from Equations

To determine the inverse of a function from its equation, follow the steps.
1. Write the function in the form y=f (x ).
2. Interchange the x and y variables.
3. Solve for y in terms of x .

Are you familiar with the steps presented above? That’s right. It is the same with the
steps that we learned from the previous module in finding the range of a rational
function given an equation.

Example 1: Find an equation for the inverse of f (x)=2 x−4.

f (x)=2 x−4 Write the original function.
y=2 x – 4 Change f ( x ) to y .
x=2 y−4 Interchange x and y .
x +4=2 y Add 4 to each side.
x+ 4
=y Divide each side by 2.
−1 x +4
So, the inverse function is f ( x )= .

Properties of an inverse of a one-to-one function

Given a one-to-one function f (x) and its inverse f −1 ( x ) , then, the following are true:
(a) The inverse of f −1 ( x ) is f ( x ).
(b) f ( f −1 ( x ) )=x for all x in the domain of f −1.
(c) f −1 ( f ( x ) )=x for all x in the domain of f .

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For the second and third properties above, it can be imagined that evaluating a
function and its inverse in succession is like reversing the effect of the function. For
example, the inverse of a function that multiplies 3 to a number and adds 1 is a
function that subtracts 1 and then divides the result by 3. Take a look at the given
divide by subtract
Original Function
here Original
x multiply by 3 add 1 Function
f (x)=3 x +1
Inverse Function Start Inverse Function
1 x x−1
3 f −1 (x)=
−1 x +4
Example 2: Verify that f (x)=2 x−4 and f ( x )= are inverses.
Solution: Show that f ( f −1 ( x ) )=x and f −1 ( f ( x ) )=x.
Recall composition of function.
Change the
the inner
x+ 4 inner f −1 ( f ( x ) )=f ( 2 x−4 )
f ( f −1 ( x ) )=f ( )
term with 2 x−4
term with
x+ 4
−1 x+4
function2f . ¿
¿ 2 x−4 x to 2fx−4
Copy function
Change . 2
.Change x to (2 x−4 )+ 4
¿2 ( x+2 4 )−4 x+ 4
Cancel 2 . terms .
2 outsimilar 2x
x+ 4
¿ 2(
2 )
−4 ¿
Divide by similar
Combine 2.
¿ x+ 4−4 terms .
¿ x+ 4−4

¿x ¿x

−1 x +4
Therefore, f (x)=2 x−4 and f ( x )= are inverses.
Example 3: Find the inverse of the function f ( x )=x 2, x ≥ 0.
f ( x )=x 2 Write the original function.
y=x Change f ( x ) to y .
x= y Interchange x and y .
± √ x= y Take square roots of each side.

Since the domain of f is restricted to nonnegative values, the inverse function is

f −1 ( x )= √ x . (You would choose f −1 ( x )=−√ x if the domain had been restricted to x ≤ 0.)
This is an example given on one-to-one functions under graphs. See page 11.
Example 4: Consider the function f ( x )= −2. Find its inverse.
f ( x )= −2 Write the original function.

Page 14 of 25
y= −2 Change f ( x ) to y .
x= −2 Interchange x and y .
x−2= Add 2 to each side.
[ x−2=
2] Multiply each side by 2.

2 x−4= y 3 Take cube root of each side.

√3 2 x−4= y
So, the inverse is f −1 (x)=√3 2 x−4.
Example 5: Writing an Inverse Model
The Ring Nebula is part of the
constellation Lyra. The radius of the
ASTRONOMY. Near the end of a star’s life the nebula is expanding at an average
star will eject gas, forming a planetary nebula. rate of about 5.99 ×108
The Ring Nebula is an example of a planetary kilometers per year.
nebula. The volume V (in cubic kilometers) of this
nebula can be modeled by V = ( 9.01× 1026 ) t 3 where
t is the age (in years) of the nebula. Write the
inverse model that gives the age of the nebula as
a function of its volume. Then determine the
approximate age of the Ring Nebula given that its
volume is about 1.5 ×1038 cubic kilometers.

V = ( 9.01× 1026 ) t 3 Write original model. Donatiello_3251.jpg

=t 3 Divide each side by 9.01 ×1 026.
9.01× 10 26 Study


9.01×1 026
=t Take cube root of each side. that you do not
switch the
variables when
√3 V =t Distribute cube root.
you are finding
√3 9.01×1 026 inverses for
models. This
1 would be
3 26
∙ √3 V =t Separate numerator and denominator. confusing
√ 9.01×1 0 because the
letters are chosen
3 26
∙ √3 V =t Simplify the first term using your calculator.
√ 9.01×1 0
( 1.04 × 10−9 ) √3 V =t Remove the multiplication symbol.

Page 15 of 25
So, the inverse is t=( 1.04 × 10−9 ) √3 V .

To find the age of the nebula, substitute 1.5 ×1038 for V .

t=( 1.04 × 10−9 ) √ V Write inverse model.

¿(1.04 ×1 0−9 ) √ 1.5 ×1038 Substitute for V.

≈ 5,500 Simplify using your calculator.

The Ring Nebula is about 5 , 500 years old.

What’s More
Activity 1: Opposites
Find the inverse functions from the table of values of the original function.
Identify the domain and range of the original function and its inverse.
1. Original Function Inverse Function
x −4 −2 0 2 4 x
y −3 −1 1 3 5 y
D=¿ ¿ D=¿ ¿
R=¿ ¿ R=¿ ¿

2. Original Function Inverse Function

x −10 −5 0 5 10 x
y 10 5 0 −5 −10 y
D=¿ ¿ D=¿ ¿
R=¿ ¿ R=¿ ¿

Activity 2: Sketch Time

Sketch the graph of the inverse function from the given one-to-one function.

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1 2

3 4

Activity 3: Reverse Effect

Find the inverse of the following functions. Show your solution.

1. f ( x )=3 x +1 2. f ( x )=x 3−2 3. f ( x )=

What I Have Learned

Activity: Concept Check
Answer the following in 2-3 sentences only.
1. Explain how to use the horizontal line test to determine if an inverse relation is
an inverse function.

2. Describe how the graph of a relation and the graph of its inverse are related.

3. Explain the steps in finding an equation for an inverse function.

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What I Can Do
Activity: Inverse Models
Let’s see what you can do. The skill in problem-solving is one of the twin
goals in K to 12 Mathematics curriculum aside from critical thinking skill. From this,
show your mathematical maturity through solving word problems. Be guided with the
discussion of this module. Show your solution.

1. EXCHANGE RATE. The Bangko Sentral

ng Pilipinas reports international
exchange rates each day. On September
2, 2020, the exchange rate for Philippine
peso was 48.48. Therefore, the formula
that gives Philippine peso in terms of
United States dollars on that day is
P=48.48 D where P represents Philippine
peso and D represents United States
dollars. Find the inverse of the function to
determine the value of a United States
dollar in terms of Philippine peso on September 2, 2020.

2. BOWLING. A bowling handicap is a percentage of the difference between

your average and a basis average. Your bowling handicap allows you to
compete against other bowlers with varying levels of skill and ability with an
equal chance of winning. If you belong to a bowling league in which each
bowler’s handicap his determined by his or her average a using this formula:
If the bowler’s average is
over 200, the handicap is 0.

a. Find the inverse of the

b. Find your average if
handicap is 27.


formula to convert temperatures from
degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius
C= ( F−32 )

Page 18 of 25
a. Write the inverse of the function, which converts temperatures from
degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit.
b. Find the Fahrenheit temperature in Baguio City on September 1, 2020
during its 111th Charter Anniversary (Baguio Day) when
its actual lowest temperature in
degrees Celsius is 15.8 ° C.

4. PHYSICS. When calibrating a spring

scale, you need to know how far the
spring stretches based on given
weights. Hooke’s law states that the
length a spring stretches is proportional
to the weight attached to the spring. A
model for one scale is l= +3 where l
is the total length (in inches) of the
spring and w is the weight (in pounds)
of the object.

a. Find the inverse model for the

b. If you place a melon on the scale
and the spring stretches to a total
length of 5.5 inches, how much
does the melon weigh? Photo Source: ClassZone. Inverse Functions.

5. AUTOMOTIVE. The power an

engine produces is called
horsepower. In mathematical
terms, one horsepower is the
power needed to move 550
pounds one foot in one second,
or the power needed to move
33,000 pounds one foot in one
minute. Power, in physics, is
defined simply as the rate of
doing work. The formula below
gives the horsepower at 5,252
radians per second.
625 T
where His the horsepower and T is the torque
a. Find the inverse of the model.
b. If a taxi produces a horsepower of 200, what is the torque it generates?

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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the best answer. Write the letter of your choice in
CAPITAL LETTERS. (15 points)

_____ 1. What is the inverse of f ( x )?

1 1
A. f −1 ( x ) B. f ( x) C. D.
f (x) f (x )
_____ 2. What is the inverse of f ( x )=−3 x?
−1 x −1 3 −1 −x
A. f −1 ( x )=−3 x B. f ( x )= C. f ( x )= D. f ( x )=
3 x 3
_____ 3. It is a function that satisfies both vertical and horizontal line tests.
A. Inverse B. One to many C. One-to-one D. Many to one
x +1
_____ 4. If y= and its domain is the set of real numbers, what is the range of its
A. R={ x ∈ R∨x ≠ 2 } C. R={ x ∈ R∨x ≠ ± 2 }
B. R={ x ∈ R∨x ≠−2 } D. R=All real numbers ( R)
_____ 5. A function has an inverse function if it is a/ an:
A. Inverse B. One to many C. One-to-one D. Many to one
_____ 6. The inverse of a one-to-one function is a:
A. Function B. Relation C. One-to-one D. Rational
_____ 7. The inverse of a not one-to-one function is a:
A. Function B. Relation C. One-to-one D. Rational

_____ 8. The relation pairing a barcode to its product is an example of?

A. One-to-one function C. Many to one function
B. Inverse function D. One to many function
_____ 9. The domain of an inverse function is the _______ of the original function.
A. x-intercept B. y-intercept C. Domain D. Range
_____ 10. The range of an inverse function is the _______ of the original function.
A. x-intercept B. y-intercept C. Domain D. Range
_____ 11. The graphs of inverse functions are reflections of their one-to-one
functions through the line _______.
A. y=x B. y= C. y=0 D. y=−x
_____ 12. Which of the following mathematical statements is/ are true?
I. f −1 ( f ( x ) )=−x
II. f ( f −1 ( x ) )=x

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A. I only B. I and II C. II only D. Neither I nor

_____ 13. Arrange the following steps in finding the inverse of a one-to-one function.
I. Interchange x and y. The resulting equation is f −1 ( x).
II. Solve the equation for x in terms of y.
III. Write y=f (x ).
_____ 14. What is the inverse function of the table of values below?
x −2 −1 0 1
y 1 0 −1 −2
x 1 0 −1 −2 x −2 −1 0 1
y −2 −1 0 1 y 1 0 −1 −2

A. C.
x −2 −1 0 1 x −1 0 1 2
y −1 0 1 2 y 2 1 0 −1

B. D.

_____ 15. Which of the following graph has the correct one-to-one and inverse

A. C.

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B. D.

Additional Activity
Activity: Number-guessing Game
You and a friend are playing a number-guessing game. You ask your friend to
think of a positive number, square the number, multiply the result by 2, and then add
3. If your friend’s final answer is 53, what was the original number chosen? Use an
inverse function in your solution.

Page 22 of 25
Baguio City National High School
General Mathematics
One-to-one and Inverse Functions
Week 5, Quarter 1

Name: ____________________________ Section: __________ Date: __________
Please Read:
1. Keep these answer sheets NEAT and CLEAN. Use separate sheets of papers for your drafts before writing your final answers
here. Use black or blue ink ONLY in writing your answers.
2. Read the instructions carefully before doing the activities. You may use your calculator.
3. The module stays with you but you have to detach these answer sheets for submission. Your parent or guardian should also
at the end page.

What I Know
1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____ 6. ____ 7. ____ 8. ____ 9. ____ 10. ____
11. ____ 12. ____ 13. ____ 14. ____ 15. ____

What’s New: Your Half, My Half

What’s More: Activity 1 – Opposites
1. Original Function
D=¿ ¿
R=¿ ¿

Inverse Function
D=¿ ¿
R=¿ ¿

2. Original Function
D=¿ ¿
R=¿ ¿

Inverse Function
D=¿ ¿
R=¿ ¿

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What’s More: Activity 2 – Sketch Time
1 2 3 4

What’s More: Activity 3 – Reverse Effect

1. f ( x )=3 x +1 2. f ( x )=x 3−2 x+1
3. f ( x )=

What I Have Learned: Activity – Concept Check

1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________

What I Can Do: Activity – Inverse Models

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____ 6. ____ 7. ____ 8. ____ 9. ____ 10. ____

11. ____ 12. ____ 13. ____ 14. ____ 15. ____

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Additional Activity: Activity – Number-guessing Game


Congratulations! You are done with the fifth module!

If you have any question, clarification, and concern regarding the lesson, the module, or
answer sheets, email me at Keep your important messages short,
concise, and academic.

Parent’s/Guardian’s Name and Signature / Date

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