Mechanical Properties/Slip: Ductility

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Lecture 14

Mechanical Properties/Slip

ChE 31000

04/05/21 Lecture 14 Slide 1 Intro to Materials Science ChE 31000

• Plastic tensile strain at failure:
smaller %EL
tensile Ductile
stress,  larger %EL lo
Af lf
Adapted from Fig. 6.13,
Callister & Rethwisch 8e.

Engineering tensile strain, 

Another ductility measure: Ao - Af

• %RA = x 100

04/05/21 Lecture 14 Slide 2 Intro to Materials Science ChE 31000

• Modulus of resilience, Ur: Ability of a material to
store energy up to the point of yielding.
Ur   d
If we assume a linear stress-
strain curve this simplifies to

Ur  y  y

Adapted from Fig. 6.15,

Callister & Rethwisch 8e.

04/05/21 Lecture 14 Slide 3 Intro to Materials Science ChE 31000

• Energy to break a unit volume of material
• Approximate by the area under the stress-strain curve.

Engineering small toughness (ceramics)

tensile large toughness (metals)
stress, 
Adapted from Fig. 6.13, very small toughness
Callister & Rethwisch 8e. (unreinforced polymers)

Engineering tensile strain, 

Brittle fracture: elastic energy

Ductile fracture: elastic + plastic energy

04/05/21 Lecture 14 Slide 4 Intro to Materials Science ChE 31000

True Stress and Strain
• True stress σT : the load F divided by the instantaneous
cross-sectional area Ai

04/05/21 Lecture 14 Slide 5 Intro to Materials Science ChE 31000

True Stress and Strain

If no volume change:
• True stress:

• True strain:

exponent: n

04/05/21 Lecture 14 Slide 6 Intro to Materials Science ChE 31000

Elastic Recovery after Plastic Deformation

yi D


2. Unload


1. Load 3. Reapply

Adapted from Fig. 6.17, Elastic strain

Callister & Rethwisch 8e. recovery

04/05/21 Lecture 14 Slide 7 Intro to Materials Science ChE 31000

• Resistance to permanently indenting the surface.
• Large hardness means:
--resistance to plastic deformation or cracking in
--better wear properties.

most brasses easy to machine cutting nitrided

plastics Al alloys steels file hard tools steels diamond

increasing hardness

Adapted from Fig. 6.18, Callister 6e. (Fig. 6.18 is adapted from G.F. Kinney, Engineering Properties
and Applications of Plastics, p. 202, John Wiley and Sons, 1957.)

04/05/21 Lecture 14 Slide 8 Intro to Materials Science ChE 31000

Hardness testing methods
• Qualitative methods: Mohs scale (1-10)
• Quantitative methods:
– Rockwell Hardness Tests (HR / HRB)
– Brinell Hardness Tests (HB)
– Knoop and Vickers Microindentation Hardness Tests (HK
/ HV)

apply known force measure size

e.g., (1 to 1000g) of indent after
10mm sphere removing load

Smaller indents
D d mean larger

04/05/21 Lecture 14 Slide 9 Intro to Materials Science ChE 31000

Formula for Hardness

04/05/21 Lecture 14 Slide 10 Intro to Materials Science ChE 31000

Correlation between Hardness and Tensile Strength

04/05/21 Lecture 14 Slide 11 Intro to Materials Science ChE 31000

Design/Safety Factors
• For less critical static situation, a factor of safety,

Working stress

04/05/21 Lecture 14 Slide 12 Intro to Materials Science ChE 31000

Design Example 6.2

=197 MPa

04/05/21 Lecture 14 Slide 13 Intro to Materials Science ChE 31000

Summary of Mechanical Properties

04/05/21 Lecture 14 Slide 14 Intro to Materials Science ChE 31000

Dislocations and Strengthening Mechanisms

(The photo micrographs in figures (a) and (d) are taken from W. G. Moffatt, G. W. Pearsall,
and J. Wulff, The Structure and Properties of Materials, Vol. I, Structure, p. 140. Copyright
© 1964 by John Wiley & Sons, New York. Figures (b) and (c) © William D. Callister, Jr.)

04/05/21 Lecture 14 Slide 15 Intro to Materials Science ChE 31000

Dislocations and Plastic Deformation

• Why plastic deformation occurs at stresses that are much
smaller than the theoretical strength of perfect crystals?

• Slip: plastic deformation is produced by dislocation motion.

• Slip plane: the crystallographic plane of dislocation motion.

04/05/21 Lecture 14 Slide 16 Intro to Materials Science ChE 31000

Movement of Slip
Note that for an edge,
the dislocation line
moves in the direction
of the applied shear
stress; for a
screw, the dislocation
line motion is
perpendicular to the
stress direction.
(Adapted from H. W.
Hayden, W. G.
Moffatt, and J. Wulff, The
Structure and Properties of
Materials,Vol. III,
Mechanical Behavior, p.
70. Copyright © 1965 by
John Wiley & Sons, New

04/05/21 Lecture 14 Slide 17 Intro to Materials Science ChE 31000

Movement of Slip

The analogy between caterpillar and dislocation motion.

Copyright © by John Wiley & Sons, New York.)

04/05/21 Lecture 14 Slide 18 Intro to Materials Science ChE 31000

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