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WARRING: READ BEFORE USING YOUR PLAYSTATION® GAME CONSOLE, A very sll percentage of Individuals may experince epiantic seizures wlten exposed o certain ight patterns clashing lights Exposute t corte patterns or backgrounds on a television sorean or while saying video games, inclatng gars payac on the PlayStation geme corsole, may Induce an electicselzure in hese individuals. Geren condtions may inde orevicush; unde- tected eplepic symptoms ever in 2ersons who have ro history of prorseiutes o* epilepsy t you, or anyone in your family. res an eplep%c coniton, consult your ptysician prior o playing t you exnerience ary of te folowing symptoms while paying ‘ideo Gama dzaness, allered vision, ee cr muse tite, loss of anatenass, dsorentation, ary involuntary movsmert, ot conmisions ~ IMMEDIATELY discontinue use and consult your physieen before resuming ola WARNING TO OWNERS OF PROJECTION TELEVISIONS: a not sonnact your PlayStation game console to a projection TV without fst consulting te Unless itis ofthe LOD type, Otherwise, itmay permanently damage your TV sozen ion, 3 manual for your proe USE OF UNOFFICIAL PRODUCT: ‘Tho use of unotfeal pr ao and cetioherals my damage your PlaySaton game console and invaldete your conscls warrany, HANDLING YOUR PLAYSTATION DISC: “© This compact css Itardad for use only witn the PlayStation game console, “= Do-not bend crush itor submerge iin liquids + Do not ave it in erect sunight or near a radiator or other source of heat + Be sure to tke an occasional rest brook string extended ae, 4+ Keep tie compe: dlc clean. Always hod tha dso oy the edges end keg tn is prcectve case when not in use. lean tha ise wih int-t2e, so, dry cloth, wing in straight fies fram canter to outer eg, Never use solvents cr abrasive cleaners Serious Fun™ ATSUMI Harvest Moon) and Matsume ae register trademarks of Natsume in, Sorious Fun is a rademark ct Nateum ‘©2000 Natsumo Ine, ©2000 Vitor iterative Sotwara. | Fights Reserved RE. CONTENTS GETTING STARTED. «6. eee eens 3 STORE: fied oie «2etede ioe, tne dtye serie eles cvice 4 SETTING! CPE Nie ales ohh she Goes sete S, GAME SCREENS ..... 6b vee essen 7 FARM MAP ccc ccc cence ene 9 YOUR HOUSE, citer tenes 1 PLANTING & HARVESTING.......... 13. RAISING LIVESTOCK... 2... ee seae 7S) TOOLS OF YOUR TRADE ........4.. 7 TALE VILLAGE ae ce eed fe i6ee nie 76 oy Me eee 13 YOUR STAMINA. 2.0 ccc ce cccvues 19 ISISHES FORCIOU? hE Xcess eo aes ZO SEASONS) 17s be apt sin te saat aetrie®s eee ae 21 WARRANTY i. Pe 5 Mais sald ahe bela sho 30 42) GETTING STARTED There's lots of chores waiting on your farm, but the most important thing now is starting the game. These easy instructions will get you on your way: Start a New Game Enter Your Name This an important step Ack name fry it's a Good one. You don’t ‘rant toa folk calling you by a name that you don't like tor the next three yeas Choose the "New PS oe SOE oo used Enter Your Birthday Name Your Farm The fois down atthe Yodel Farm named thelr igs, you should take t upon yourself to name ‘your place too, Choose & {ood one tha the folks inthe villoge wil ice and vemerbst choose the season ond the day for your charac- ters birthday. Everyone has a birthday. if youte really nice to people, they might even remember it and give You something spacial Name Your Dog Start Farming! PRN yng Ut on 2 far by your Let's see... ame, bith, farm self can get litle lonely name, and dog's name-yep Unless you Have a dog eround BY you'e all set and ready to farm! Pick 2 name for your best Just remember to pace yoursel frieadand don't forge to give Don't get tuckeved out on your him 3 hug every day! -yesy fist day! and maye on. Memories might be precious, but nothing will give you more satisfaction than making all of your childhood dreams come true. dreams, like those happy times when you visited your grandiather on his farm. There was a girl-or maybe she was part of a dream. All you know is that a decade has passed and all that you own are memories and the tired, dilapidated remains of your grandfather's labor. While the J local villagers remember your grandfather, they don’t know you. } You're a stranger-an outsider, someone they don’t trust. The mayor has generously allowed you to return to your ancestral § home, but on the condition that you restore the farm and fit in with your neighbors. At the end s! of three years, the village will vote to determine if you can stay, or if you need to pack your bags , SETTING UP Set Up your PlayStation® or PlayStation® 2 com. puter entertainment system according to the instruc tions in its Instruction Manual. Make sure that the power is off before inserting or removing a compact disc. p~) Insert the Harvest Moon® Back to Nature disc and close the Disc Cover. Insert the game controller and turn on the PlayStation® or PlayStation® 2 com- puter entertainment system. Follow the on screen instructions to start a game. Memory Cards You can save your game play progress using a MEMORY CARD [sald sepa- rately), Each game will take up four memory blocks on the card. Be sure that the MEMORY CARD is firmly plugged into the appropriate slot. Access the Save Game option from the diary by your bed (Write in Diary) If you turn off the console power without saving the game to a MEMORY CARD you will lose any unsaved data, Controller directional ein Prd Lt button Whistles for your dca 12 button BY button Whites for your ose ‘wilenes baleen equinped tools ‘adds or removes an ifem from your knapsack Treksaek content and gives Gescristion of highightod tors, Cancels option and all (run you hold the button down button 3% hutton Uses the tool that you have in your hand elects menu choices, harvests and pleks up or drops tam in you buttons ‘Moves your character or menu cur START button SELECT button ANALOG mode switen left stick el fi ¢ the geme and brings up the Status Screan. (see pane 6 Tisplays the map soreen, (see page 7) ‘etivatos Analog stick meds on DUALSHOCK™ analog controller. ‘Movas your o oF menu cursor around on the screen G2) GAME SCREENS ‘A good farmer isn’t just a hard worker; he’s a smart worker. Besides using the right tools for the job, he knows how to use tools properly. This is also true for the game menus and displays. Use this information properly to work smart and you'll save yourself plenty of time without any runaround, i Your ile unolds onthe main seen Keep in mind that unless youl on a mend Main Screen ‘scieen or inside a building, time is elweys licking, and time fs money on the farm. EISEN) 12" icon 0x ctsplays the curent season. Each season has 30 days, The current day of the week. Sat ‘and Sun. are noted in ted and dive The current time, Time ticks off in lemininute intervals. Map Screen There ar penty of leces to explore and vst, viel Gri oct cle cotta fate iN th 9st somevinets Press LECT button to see 9 bree ol yeast abc cyt a 3 age Rucksack ‘Your rucksack is probably the mast important tool inthe game, Press A) button to dis play the contents inside Buying a large rucksack wl allow you to cairy mare goods. Status Screens ‘The key to having a productive farm is to keep track of what you need to do and to priottize your tasks. The best way to da this is with the game's status screens. Here's how they work: ANE ‘Main status Screen ays your inventories, livestock count, fodder levels, form improvements ‘and cash reserves, aoa The Harvest Sietus screen keeps tally ofall of the fruits, vegetables and daly products you've shipped from yous farm. Peaews cle ; Know how your animals are doing at a glance on the Livestock Siatus Seven, Here you can track age, happiness and ther important stu Geta Looking for an extra hand on the farm the Helper Steen displays which Harvest Spiites are available and how much they lke you pees You can't upgrade a too unless you kaov/ how to handle it. check the ‘upgrade information on the Tool Status screen, much cash you'te spending versus how much you're ‘eaining pet season on the | | Keep track of exactly how | Eainings Status screen. A. -ARM MAP You oe ‘t inherit a poor farm-your place is one of the biggest around. Not counting additions and impravements, you have six buildings to manage. Aside from the woodshed and the mill, you'll need to visit these places daily. Vena aaa MAIL BOX This ts where you can. ‘the apple tree can do. Even if you don't have watch the news, fixa more than ave you time to visit the village, meal (after you remod- sutumn apples-plant a you can still keen up el) and catch up on ‘couple of petches of with events and sales some needed shuteye. flowers around your by reading the mal in Your house is iuther fields to attract bees. your mailbox. explained on page 11. The bees will build 3 hive, allowing you to hrarvest honey, Unopened mil will stay eve for up to thir days. when you purchase fish food from Jeff at the supermarket, the bags end up inthe fish food bin. No matter how ‘many fish you have in your pond, you only need to feed them one bag of food per day. SHIPPING BIN ‘CHICKEN COOP JT FEED SHED This is where you Ifyou ceteh fish wth You Initially have room —_uying chicken feed is deposit your harvested your fishing rad, you for five chickens in your expensive, but if you crops for pick up. All can release them into chicken coop, but if you. toss corn into the corn produce rust be in the your farm pond and: pay Gotz the woodeut- nil i will grind it up drop box before 5:00 raise more fish, Just ter to remodel the ato your ovin blend of pm, excluding holidays, remember, if you start coop, youl find enough chicken feed. One ea or you wont recewe raising fish, you'll need room for ten chickens _of corm is enaugh to payment. to feed them every day. and Saibara’s amaring _make ten chicken-sois- ‘mayonnaise machine! fying servings. Eeenenea Ex Meee Bien This is wheve your Your barn will hold up The wacd that you chop Your horse sleeps in the pooch sleeps when he toten sheep ar cows in upwith your ax ends stable. He would prefer isnt protecting your any combination. Ilyou up in your wood shed. ta be outside iit’ not fields and livestock remodel the barn, you'll You can remove pieces raining, but it’s impor- from wild beasts. OF be able to accommo: and build fences in your tant to call him (L2 but course, having a dog- date up to twenty live- J, or store the wood tan) and quide him house wan't stop your stack. Thankfully time here for Gotz to use inside if the weather dog from curling up stops whenever you during his remodeling report calls for rain in anywhere and sleeping work inside 2 bilding. projects the morning at his lebure aed This incredibly expar: sive field is where you grow crops and plant grass. To save harvest time, plant your cops close ta the shipping bin and the house. Plant Your grass on the oppo- site side of the field 9EN-YOUR HOUSE Your day begins and ends in your house, which is filled with practical devices for helping you plan your workloa i and your week. If you plan each day properly, you'll find that you'll have extra time to squeeze in social events. TS The calendat on your wall displays all of the impor- lant holidays for each sear n. The shipper won't pick up crops on holidays. Greeaerg Store your tools and seeds Inside the toolbox. if you Duy a larger rucksack, you'll be able to carry more tools at one time. ea Looking at baoks on the bookshelf activates a spe- cal option menu that allows you to cont your controller and other game options. After your temodel your house, you'll be able fo use a second bookshelf to store important terns like o¥ and stuff that takes space in your rucksack EATEN Your television receives four channels, Press the divectional buttons te choose a chaanel. the ‘weatlier and news chan: nels will alert you to upcomming events, but the Farmer fran show has advice and tips on how to maniimize your farming performance. I youre starting out, don't miss it Es The diary ison the table next to your bed Whiting in your dary will save You game to a MEMORY ARO. Reading your diary vil load a previously saved game from 3 MEM ORY CARD. Ifyou know someone who is playing Harvest Moon®: Back 19 Nature, you can also exchange animals After you remadel your chicken coop, Gotz the woadeutter wil o'fer (for a course) (0 remodel your house. Remodeling and expanding your house is essential to improving your farm and your love life, One of the mast important new features in your house wil be your kitchen and its state-of-the-art ep GEFEN | Pe Baar ea Gotz will need 47006 and Balter you own a kitchen, 370 pieces of lumber to stait sharing your crops remodel yout home. This with vilagers and they'll might seem a little pricey, begin giving you their but its worth every favorite recipes. You'll also Penny. No woman in her learn new recipes on the Fight mind would live in Tuesday cooking show, ‘you little bachelor pad. ‘ite the recines down on Besides, you can woo her 2 piece of paper so you with the great meals that zn cook up these fancy you make in your new dishes in your newly kichen, expanded home. Gieaaecers Once you have recipes, ingredients and utensifs, you can start cooking in your kithen. After you've successtully cooked a meal, the recipe will be automatically recorded in ‘your coakbaok. Cooking is an outstariding way to make friends, Besides, 2 ‘guy who can cook won't be a bachelor very long, Eien a You'll also need utensils to cook in your kitchen. Lucky for you, there's 9 new TY program on Saturdays that sells them. Watch the show, then go to the Innand use the phone to make a cal to the shopping program to buy the great stuff you sawon Ne With some careful planning you can run a really efficient farm. Pay attention to the date and the planting cycles of your crops. It’s best to try to plant on the first day of a season, that way you can reach the farms full potential. Gia Gia Each bag contains enouch seeds to fill nin tilled squares In 3:6 ofid. Aside froin throwing seeds on ntilled soi there is no ‘way ta contol how your sees fall tothe groune. ‘Once you select your seecs ‘and press(&) bution, there’ no way to eerrange ‘he seeds on the ground, s0 plan belore you plant. After you cleat an area of focks, weeds and sticks, you'll need to use your hoe to cleat a patch for planting seeds. Seeds won't take root on ord: sary ground. You'l need to tl the earth with your hoe to make it easy for foots to grow. youre stuck on how to plan your field design, read page 14 Grea ‘STEP 4: HARVEST With the exception of You can't pick a fruit or veg grass, all seeds and crops table until it matures ‘Must be watered daly to Stand in front of the crop ‘maximize your seasonal and press the ©} button to profit, Watering crops pick it, Press @button twice daly won't speed up again in front ofthe ship plont growth and you don't ping bin or basket to store need to water crops on tf you use the basket, rainy days. your water ‘aaty it over tothe shipping cen ums dry, you can bin when it’ full, press replenish it atthe fishpond button to empty the basket next to the apple tree. c into the shipping bi. Crop Circles? Since the game wont give you al the time you need to complete your daily chores, its important to plan your fel to optimize crop yield and save time, untl you buy 2 basket, plant your crops close to your shipoing bin, Leave paths for access and wotering and read about the plant patterns below: eae ee ie] a eerie! papain ==] until your watering can is upgraded twice, the most Reel Geld PE] productive field patterns are the ones shown on the left. if you plant your crops in a 3x3 plot, you won't FETETES) [EEIEEIER] 8 atte to water the center square. Some farmers | feclecieel fecieegee) insist on doing this anyway with non-renewable ee Fe] EET zit trios and omons. you decte todo tis, a ee | keep in mind that you're leaving eight crop spaces = Fa] 2H whe wating or one lent 9 more pel Goal Es] S| Geet i | EEE Br] Beets fal = ‘AN EXCEPTION Gea oma Alter you've powered up your watering can twice, ‘you'll be able to reach the crop square in the middle of a 3x3clled plot. To maximize your profit potential with non-renewable crops snd 2 powered-up water- ing can, plant yout seeds in 2 3x3 grid, Some farmers will even resort to using this 3x3 grid format on renewable cops, cutting path on the last day of the season to the center crop fr a final bonus, . \ "1 RAISING LVESTOCK You can raise 3 types of livestock on your farm: Chickens, cows and sheep. Chickens ‘AL15006 each, chickens ate the most aifordable livestock in the game. Your chickens will constantly lay eggs as long as you remember to feed them dally. Miss a day of feeding and you'll miss a few days of ecg laying Buy ONE CHICKEN EGGS VS. MAYO FET] While i's never a good idew to FT iter you pay Gotz to remodel count your chickens before Your chicken coop, youl be they're hatched, all you really able to buy a mayonnaise nees is cne egg to start your maker for the blacksmith. the pouly empire. Use the ince mayo maker is expensive, but Bator to hateh eggs and add to the result better proft than the test of your tock ftom eacs Cows Cows require mare work than chickens, but cow's milk is worth 2 lot more than a handful of eggs. You need to brush and talk to your herd daily to keep ther happy. A happy cow produces rrore milk than a sad one. Cae Ee f you have enough fodder, vail sell you a cow. Att you buy your first caw, you can false a calf from CM. Poti While raising a calf makes yout expectant cow vary happy, you can't milk her. Base your choices MILK VS. CHEESE on what you can afford. It you expand your barn, (which allows you to have more cows and sheepas many as twenty total) the blacksinith will airy ¢ cheese maker at his shop. Guy I the cheese maker to make cheese from the milk aarley at the Youel Ranch wor't ee ei oa te Wes lhe alenty of haivested grass in B your silo. A remodeled barn will fold 20 livestock —grow lots of 91055 belore winter. Sheep Your buyer is willing to pey a high sum tor wool, especially if itis from a happy sheep. Like cows, sheep require brushing, talking and feeding every day to keep them happy, but the extra effort pays off big profits, ON ea aa WOOL AND YARN FETS] I you invest the money ar lumber in expanding your Es the blacsmith wll cary a yarn maker in his shop. investing in a Yan maker wil mcrease the profit of the wool you collect. ‘rom your flock TT] | you have enough forder, Batley ot the Yodel Ranch vali sell You sheep. like cows, you 1 aise more sheep yourset if you bay $4, Potion. You won't be able ta sheet preg rant sheep, but a happy mom vail produce extra wool. ere az ‘he dog race held on the 1oth of winter. Practice playing bal with your best fiend ducing the fll. Ife ean follow your scent and you don't run too far ahead, you'll probably win Your Dog thug your dag every éay. Take good Care of him and rel protest your fa estack from wild animals and your Your Horse PA happy Horse is fast horse. Brushing your horse dally will make it much easier to win the liorse Race each 18th of Spring. Keay i ind Wat yee stilt a spectator dung the ist yea. onsicering that you don’t have to fe Your hase every dy es of ti) TOOLS OF YOUR TRADE Tools are the lifeblood of your farm. As you use the hoe, ax, hammer, sickle and watering can, you'll be able to upgrade with a special ore at the Blacksmith Shop. Upgrading your tools will make you more productive. EOIN ea Your hammer will (Jie) Use the sickle to You'll need to till Use the ax to cut crush the ll Ul grass. You can the soil in your ‘Up sticks in your rocks in your also use it to trim field to make field. You'll ages field. You'll need to weeds, but you'll save eds take hold. Also, to improve this tool improve it twice to energy if you pull the use the hoe to dig for —_befare you can bust up break up all the big weeds by hand. fre in the mine the tee stumps. stones, WATERING CAN If you grow any. Carty ore, flowers: You'll save trips Won sells you the [el ccops, youl need aie aus ip the shipping | ball during the the watering can. ples in your ruck bin if you buy a first Summer, Use Hyou run out of water, sack. Later you can buy proshice basket at the it to improve your dog's refllitfrom the pond a larger rucksack at the Supermarket. it holds up retrieving sils for the near your field Supermarket. to tity crops dog race Ewer aaa a3 antec To keep your You can't cut the saibara the Talk to Greg on Dy ors cg ns wel om yor | steers ets het horse happy, be sheep unless you ‘the milker at his = mineral Beach to ed uh ieaierey, covithecenen Say Goce eclhits ease rast Ge oelinacta cies. Wanton ecbst i Ae pomanorew wes guns kei SU RcUsei cach | Wares stip.” 2 uawimocped ganas eh atk tar pond, Weiieaseoma The hot springs, a hidden cave ‘and mine are all on Mother's il, the highest point for miles! POULTRY FARM Poput, Rick ane Lilia work and live here, which is where you need fo go if you want fo buy of sell your chickens. You can also buy extta chicken feed here. The village might ‘ook small, but It has everything You need. Just remember that everyone there has a schedule and shops are open at different times. rete Upgrade your tools and buy new machines and other helpful gadg ats at Salbara’s Blacksmith shop. eee If you need to buy acow ora sheep, see Barley atthe Yodel Ranch) You can also buy teed and sheep oF cow potion here. It's your one-stop animal shop! WOODCUTTER’S HOUSE jary creftsman and has the skills you feed to remodel your fain, if you stow up wrth the proper amount of lumber snd money. He'll even sell you wood in a pinch, @ PIN Maty works long and hard at the Library, Your learn many things about the village here. SUPERMARKET You can buy seed, rucksacks and cooking essentials here, This is usually where youl find Karen, helping her parents during afternoon store hours CLINIC IH you work yourself to a state-of ulter exhaustion or you feel sick, the Clinic is the place to co. Ell helps the doctor by runing the ‘reception desk in the main foyer CHURCH Pastor Carter vvotks at the church. lif spends a lot of time here, thinking about his future and his past. If you'e lucky, you might even get married here someday, aaah Karen, Greg, Zack and Kai lave to walk bsrefoat in the sand and hhang out at Mineral Beach. You can fish off the pier of swim hete fon the test day of Summer. 98)- YOUR STAMINA How much you complete each day on your farm isn’t just limited to time—it also depends on how much energy you have and how you use it AS you work, you'll grow tired, If you work too hard, you'll even pass out! How Long Can This Go On? Your body will star to falter end you'll stumble 3s you grow tire. IT you keep on working, youtl wake up Inthe inic and end up Irissing full day's worth of work. 1 Don’t Feel Well Working long and hard outdoors ia 2 rainstorm or during a snowstorm will wear you out. Recover in the hot soring of eat food or you'll end Up sleeping in late the next day. Power Berries Power Rerries are possibly the mast valuable item jn the game, swallowing a Power Berry vill permanently raise your stamina, THE HOT SPRING Soaking in the hot spring will fevive @ partion of your stamina, but yout need to soak for at least an hour to receive eiy benefit Of course, you can soak longer than an hour and replenish more of your strength, but this tends to t2ke a big chunk out of your workday, CARBO LOADING ating food will also restore a por- tion of your stiength, if youre not strapped for cosh or the war Important to miss for the day, esting a ripe tit or vegetable from your field. Dezending on the season, you'll also find food in the ioe e M.S SHE FOR YOU? You don't have to be a romantic to get hooked on courting the girl of your dreams-the chase is all part of the fun. But if you're not careful, you'll miss critical signals. Here's some important relationship tips: i) Bring Her Gifts Share gifts with all of your neigh- bors, but bring as many cits as possible tothe git of Your seams. During conversations, shell hint at her favonte item. pear) Does She Like It? If she likes the oift, you'll see it in her expression. if your gift is a favorite item, she'll have an ‘amazed or dreamy look. Hint: Repeat, repeat, repeat Get to Know Her While your sweetheart often men- tions the same topics, sometimes shell thio’ a question at you. Thing hefore you answerit wil alfect your relationship. Tickle Her Fancy watch the love meter (see right) to see if your sweetie is ready for a long-term commitment. if so, uy the Blue Feather at the Supeimotket snd give tt het fi eNecaia Des she lke you? The easiest way to tell is by checking the heart color in tie dialogue box. fa git doesn’t have one, she's taken, SPRING The work that you start in the spring won't let up or even slow down until you're into the short days of winter. Each of the four seasons has thirty days. These handy calendars show you what to expect so you can plan ahead. THE SEASONS 7 Zee 4 S 6 Zz e ‘New Yous Day @D} | _Lavits Brincar Bulga Bitar Bn |G | POs | 7a ea (PS ell lca eomelle od a eed 6 \\é |7 |e (79 20° \[2r & suse arrey sate ntcay | | Baeeye arteay eee acre srtaay | | ewe ertey D 22 |\[22 ||2¥ |[25 |[z6 [27 |[22 ee 29 |(/30 oll | 8 SPRING PLANTING Plant as early as possible. The sponer the seeds are in the ground and wetered, the soon: er you'll be on your way to har- vesting cash from your crops | The Supermarket has an excel lent assortment of seeds NATURAL RESOURCES [Eg] White your crops are sprouting in the fel, take @ moment to Z collec tie wild bamboo shoots and blue gress growing in the nveaby forest. You can eain 2s much a5 3506 pet day from these resources NEW YEARS DAY While you don’t celebrate New Year's Day during your frst yeor fon the farm (you were too busy unpacking), you'll gather at the tovn square to celebrate inthe following yeas. THANKSGIVING FESTIVAL This holiday is tough to celebrate your first year becouse you don't Know your neighbors yet, Give Someone you like something sweet to eat, preferably some- thing you made from home. oop bays to row _ Renewable vaiue keh Tub # ATR Potatoes 7 " 206 ‘Cucumbers re) ne eae cabboge 14 N 2506 sia TB ees *RENEWAQLE - This means that as long as you contin- luc to water the crop, it will produce throughout the season, tem Amount Value tach ‘Bamboo shit. 3 by Hot Spring 5007) Blue Grass 1 Gotz House/1 Hot spring 1006 a= eae These’ plenty of dancing in the square during the Goddess Festival. the day before the event, ask a gil thal you like I to attend the celebration. i she likes you, she'll agree, COOKING FESTIVAL he tastiest dish in the village at'the Cooking Festival You'll be able to participate in this fun event ance you adé a kitchen to your farmhouse. SUMMER ‘As the Spring rains subside, you'll need to plant a new batch of Summer crops and water your fields regularly. Cor and tomatoes will continue to grow in the same plots even after you harvest them-provided you remember to water. a 2 3 a S 6 = & iS a z é opine amare || vance Seay carseeraty Sy 3 9 Vom 7 72. \\78 ta L ronal | mad || ac 6 \\é \[7 __ |e \\7@ \|20 | 27 ol 2 : dee _s 22.\23 \e¢ 25 lize liar lize Sorsernen | 29 |\20 zee SUMMER PLANTING The moment Spring is over, cut dawn wilted plans swith your sickle and vi the Supeimarket, Buy the Summer crop seeds and stait planting Raed While the bamban shosts are cone, you can stil earn 200g daly by pick- Ing the red grass growing neat the hat springs and the woodcutter’s house Value Fach 1006 Amount ‘Teoir House Hot Spring eA ‘ happy chicken isa tough chicken! If you own a heppy clucker, enter your prize fowl the Chicken Sumo cortest dur the chicken Festival. Any other contest is chicken fi in your first year) are eligible to enter the Cow Festival. If your cow is the happiest, ( biggest) she might even start producing prized golden milk Renewable Value Fach crop. Days to Grow ‘Snioe 7 8 as: Tomatoes 9 y os Gin a a 008 Pineapple 20 y 5006 (imine Ww N 2506 ean ICAL ee ‘The first day of summer begins wit 2 splash atthe big swim race at Mineral Beech, The Wick to winning this rece Is to time your breathing with youl biesistiokes isa food fight in the town squaie! You toke pai em oie of Ba] two teams lobbing tomatoes at Bea) c2ch other, The last team standing wins! I's important to chose your team wisely eaeewas SS in The last days of summer go out with a glittenng bang at the Fireworks Display af Mineral Beach. Make this a romantic event hy inviting the gil nf ms to st next to you. d @ FALL There might be a few more rainy days in the Fall than there were during the Summer, but the work on your farm is intensifying as the days grow shorter. Harvesting grass for your livestock should be a high priority. 7 Ben | eae eam 7 &| ube || are aE ENO ey i ek en We é 9 e mene || oe |e wn ed, 7% |e (\|7 (|e (9 \[20. ler 9 give ‘secs ccna Esaseny | | senna i 22 2324 25 26 27. Iles oy vo 29 (30 Nas SRR] [he vortn weather plants of 3 Sumnmer wil waitin the crisp Fall alr. On the fist day of Fall visi the Supermarket and B stock up on new seeds. Cut wun youtr Simmer crops and stat plaiting and watering. Rr Srna Nature's best bounty is most plen tifulin the Fall. Althouch youte working hardin the fields, take a moment to pick the tuflies, sushrcams and wild grapes in the forest. if you can fit it into yur day, 2 frp will net 1 18061 (eEreaia=ar ry Ta] Pastor Carter is depending on you to attend and play in the Music Festival at the church, Unike the surrimer contests, this festival doosn't require MOON VIEWING DAY The Hervest Moon rises high avove Mothers Hill in the fall This (sa romantic opportunity for you and your sweetheart to spend sume intimate quality time beneath the stars, Giop __Days to Grow Renewable value Each (eGaplait SREIEEY, 806) Carts 7 N 1206 ‘Sweat Potatoes 5 mane Green Poppers 7 Y 206 pinged et ACRES Item Amount Value Each (Mllshtoems | 4AM lover Forest 706 Poisonous M.1 By Gotz House 1006 ‘Berries 2 By take: fi 506 ruffle 1 By take 5006 (Gieen Grass 1 Gott House/1 Hot Spring 1006 HARVEST FESTIVAL The Harvest Festival fs 2 fun potluck event in which everyone inthe vilage brings an ingredi- ent for 2 special stew balling in Bie middle of the town square BB bring something good! Bea If you own a full-grown sheep, (especially ane that is happy!) be sure to enter It for judging al the Sheep Festival at Yode: Farm. if you win, your sheep ‘will grow golden fleece! @ WINTER Your fields might be buried beneath heavy snow, but Winter is no time to rest. Improve your tools and strengthen bonds with your neighbors, Spring is just around the corner, and with it comes more work and surprises! / 2 = 4 a 6 a re} g 70 || 72 |(73 14 ee coo | on man 1s 16 7 13 19 ZO 27, alse, smoeeemes | | vanresreay 22 ||23 ||24 ||25 ||26 |/27 \[26 sertige ronal || ayesenaey | | Naresh 29 |/20 GROWING CROPS IN WINTER HOTHOUSE STYLE ag | RaT ee ese ae eeu grow in 2 hothouse ere pineepples, which } Worth 5006 per plant. Remember that you don't have to inside the hothouse:time stops whenever you wotk indoors WINTER IS’ A TIME FOR MINING AND WOOD CUTTING It you don't own e hothouse, you can stil build up your reserves for the coming ‘months by cutting wood and digging for fore in the mines. Winter is the only time you can crass the ice and explore the oe- fich eave located on the sland in the mid: dle of the lake on Mothers il, WINTER THANKSGIVING STAR NIGHT FESTIVAL Do you have an admirer? You probably tind out thet you have more then one at the Winter Thanksalving, a day when citls give siveet treats to the special people in their lives, DERG ein What resolutions do you have for the flew year? Share thern with yout fiiends and neighbors 2¢ the summit of Mathers Hill at sunrise, The celebre tion Uegins at 10:00 pm on the 30th Good relationships and com- ‘munication are essential for celebrating the Star Night Festival. Talk to your sweot- heart aften and she may invite you to dinner wit lier parents LIMITED WARRANTY Natsume, ne, warrants tothe original purchaser ofthis Natsume produc that tne medium on which his software program bs recorded is trea trom detects in maercts and workeanship fr 2 garicd of ninety (90) cays from the ot ot purcha Natsu agress fora period of ninety (80) days to ether raciro replace, el its option, the Natsume product. This warenty shall ot be applicable ard shall be vod if the dfet inthe atsure product fas arisen through abuse, unreas treatmnt or neqlact ‘THIS WARRANTY IS IV LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND NO OTHER REPRESENTATIONS OR CLAIMS OF ANY NATURE SHALL BE BINDING ON OF OBL|GATE NATSUME ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES APPLICABLE TO THIS SOFTWARE PRODUCT. INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR. A PARTIGULAR PURPOSE, ARE LMITED TO THE NINE- ‘TY (@0] DAY PERIOD DESCIBED ABOVE. IN NO EVENT WILL NATSUME BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM! POSSESSION, USE, OF MALFUNCTION OF THE NATSUME SOFTWARE PRODUCT, clusions cr iillios of consequent ives you specif lege Some states do not alow fniations 3s fo how ong an implied waranty ists andor ‘othe above limtations and/or exclusions of Vabity may not apply to you, Ts waa rights, and you ray lao have thar slabs which vary from state to state amage Seriows Pun ATSUMI 1818 Gilbreth Road, Suite 229 Burlingame, CA 94010 Fie ey Cipla Mele Ro ome Te) beeen rete kT amet nietaicd Ce Event calendars for each ae ero cao ca items, crops, and livestock oa Crees anes) cd your form to a land of plenty ee eee canieens Serious Fun™ WINW.NATSUME.COM

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