Assignment Quiz 1: by Introducing Policies and Processes That Ensure That People Are Valued and

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Assignment Quiz 1

BUS 601: Human Resource Management

Section 05
Spring 2021

Course Faculty:
Dr. Nazmul Amin Majumder, PhD

Submitted by:
Syeda Ariba Alam
ID: 2035543660
Date: 11th April, 2021

Helping “Roseate Paints Bangladesh Limited”

Q. 1. What human resource management (HRM) related steps did Syeda

Ariba Alam take to help get Roseate Paints Bangladesh Limited back on
the right track?

Ans. 1. The Top executives of Roseate Paints Limited had been supposedly
accused of using the company as a private ATM. Mrinal Sen fired the entire
board of directors along with dismissing the entire headquarters staff.

Hired by Mrinal Sen, Syeda Ariba Alam had to revamp the company following
the process of Human Resource Management and we know that the Aim of
HRM is to make an organization capable enough to go further ensuring full
responsibility enhancing motivation, job engagement & commitment. by
introducing policies and processes that ensure that people are valued and
rewarded for what they do and achieve, and for the levels of skill and
competence they reach.

Having said that, Syeda Ariba Alam had to prioritize setting up a

Compensation system and controls along with Corporate Governance
due to the fact that some of the former Company Officers had been using the
Company as a private ATM as mentioned before. In addition to that, it was
important to ensure a draft of strict company code of ethics, given the way
the former officers misused the company taking wrong advantage. She had to
ensure the Code of ethics so that the company can conduct business
honestly and with integrity. Therefore, every employee of Roseate had to
be taught and trained regarding the Ethical code.
Along with that, setting up a Compensation system was necessary as well
following which Ariba advised and guided the compensation committee in
order to replace the old policies regarding Bonus and Salary targeting a
new system based on Measurable company Performance. In addition to
that, she also had to help hire a new Management team.

Also, Objective Measurement is a good way based on how well the people
in the Company can perform a specific task irrespective of what they
experience. Ariba can also take advantage of granting restricted company
shares to employees along with Bonuses. This can be based on their length
of employment or performance goals which will be a good initiative given
the previous bad reputation. At the same time it will help the new
Management team hired by Ariba to adapt to the Roseate Company with
ease & if any of them leave before the agreed period, their Restricted stock
reward will be cancelled accordingly. As the stocks will be issued on a
Vesting Schedule, the team & employees must continue working with
Roseate for a specified period of time before they can get the full rights to
the stock. Not just that, they will also be motivated feeling like the owner of
the company.
Therefore, the main key points addressing the steps Syeda Ariba Alam had to
take can be summarised in a nutshell:
Reward Management, Employee Motivation, Performance Management,
Organizational Effectiveness, Code of Ethics, Compensation system,

Q. 2. Do you think she took the appropriate steps? Why or why not?
What, if anything, do you suggest she do now?

Ans. 2. Syeda Ariba Alam, who came to Roseate after a very impressive
career had her work cut out for her when she took the senior vice president of
HR position in the company. Based on the initiative and steps she had to take
aiming for strong ethics, motivation, rules and regulations, measurable
performance etc, I believe she has taken the appropriate steps.

Extensive research depicts how such practices taken by her can make a
significant impact on the Company’s performance concerned with the
development of continuous improvement and relation policies. Also, the
human capital in a company is one of the most important things to consider,
their skills, expertise, performance, knowledge can provide the organization its
distinctive character which Ariba is focusing on highly prioritizing here which
can ensure long term survival of the organization. Also, focusing on reward
management in addition to adhering to code of ethics will ensure that people
in the company are valued and rewarded for what they do.

Ariba had to do something about what the outside world viewed as a culture of
questionable ethics at her company. Based on that, my suggestion was to
provide Restricted Stock Grant because owning stock options tend to make
employees focus on short-term activities that can raise the stock price and in
addition to that if Code of Ethics is also properly implemented along with
Training and Motivational practises, in that way the bad reputation of the
company can be altered as employees will focus more on achieving the
overall corporate goals of the company. The practice of awarding huge
bonuses to anyone who drove the numbers up is a good way to encourage
the growth of the company initially given the state that it was in. Also
Knowledge Management is a good way to enhance learning and performance
in an organization.

To conclude, I wanted to add some of the encourage quotes of HRM that I

look up to and is important in this context:

“Nothing we do is more important than hiring people. At the end of the

day you bet on people, not strategies” - Lawrence Bossidy

When Ariba will hire a new Management Team, she will ensure the right
people are picked for the Company focusing on proper Job Analysis, Selection
and Recruitment procedure. These people will be an asset in the organization
clearing the reputation that has been tarnished.

“Human Resource is not a thing we do, it is the thing that runs our
Business” - Steve Wynn

Needless to say, HRM Policies and Procedures are vital as they provide
structure, control, consistency, fairness and reasonableness. In addition, they
also provide transparency in how recruitment processes will be managed, and
should be easily accessible by all team leaders and employees alike. We
cannot imagine a workplace without HR Policies, it would be a chaos. Syeda
Ariba Alam, ensuring proper HR Policies will surely be able to revamp the
“Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so
they don’t want to” - Sir Richard Branson

Along with implementing all the above procedures, Ariba will ensure the
employees are treated well enough along with being given proper training
ensuring Motivational practises, rewards also making sure they adhere to the
Company Code and ethics.

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