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Project Governance Plan


(Global Patch Management Tool)

100439676 - FR01I007/GDC/B/PatchMgmtMS lic
100439678 - FR01I007/GDC/B/PatchMgtIBM lic

(Global Infrastructure – Data Center


Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_V0.9)
Version: (PGP-GPMT_v0.9)
Date: (October 19, 2017)
© Copyright 2015 by Capgemini
Global Patch Management Tool / Project Governance Plan Page 2 of 46

1 PROJECT GOVERNANCE PLAN OVERVIEW...........................................................5
1.1 Purpose Of The Project Governance Plan...........................................................5
1.2 Scope Of The Project Governance Plan...............................................................5
1.3 Control Of The Project Governance Plan.............................................................5
1.4 Deviations From Standard Structure....................................................................6
2 PROJECT OVERVIEW...............................................................................................7
2.1 Project Description...............................................................................................7
2.2 Project Objectives................................................................................................7
2.3 Project Critical Success Factors...........................................................................7
2.4 Project Scope and Services.................................................................................7
2.5 Deliverables......................................................................................................... 8
2.6 Project Milestones..............................................................................................11
2.7 Business Obligations..........................................................................................11
2.8 Assumptions.......................................................................................................12
2.9 Constraints.........................................................................................................12
2.10 Dependencies....................................................................................................13
3 PROJECT APPROACH.............................................................................................14
3.1 Phases............................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Development Methods and Standards...............................................................15
3.3 Ongoing Support................................................................................................15
4 PROJECT GOVERNANCE.......................................................................................16
4.1 Project Management Method.............................................................................16
4.2 Organisation.......................................................................................................16
4.3 Governance Roles and Responsibilities.............................................................17
4.4 Project Reporting................................................................................................18
4.5 Meetings.............................................................................................................18
4.6 Acceptance........................................................................................................ 19
4.7 Monitoring of Actions..........................................................................................19
4.8 Handover............................................................................................................ 19
4.9 Warranty.............................................................................................................19
5 PLANNING AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT.........................................................20
5.1 Estimating..........................................................................................................20
5.2 Project Plan........................................................................................................20
5.3 Project Cost and Budget Management...............................................................20
5.4 Invoicing............................................................................................................. 21
Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_V0.9) Version: (v0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Global Patch Management Tool / Project Governance Plan Page 3 of 46

6 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT....................................................................................22
6.1 Team Organisation.............................................................................................22
6.2 Team Roles and Responsibilities.......................................................................22
6.3 On Boarding.......................................................................................................24
6.4 Training and Coaching.......................................................................................24
6.5 Team Member Evaluations.................................................................................24
6.6 Team Member Release......................................................................................24
7 SCOPE AND REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT.....................................................25
7.1 Scope Baseline..................................................................................................25
7.2 Requirements Traceability..................................................................................25
8 CHANGE CONTROL.................................................................................................26
9 RISK MANAGEMENT...............................................................................................27
10 ISSUE MANAGEMENT.........................................................................................28
11 CLIENT RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT............................................................29
11.1 Business Steering Board Description.................................................................29
11.2 Business Kick-Off Meeting.................................................................................29
12 SUPPLIER AND PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT.............................................30
12.1 Supplier Selection..............................................................................................30
12.2 Supplier Agreements..........................................................................................30
12.3 Supplier Management........................................................................................30
12.4 Supplier Acceptance..........................................................................................30
12.5 Supplier Audits/Reviews.....................................................................................30
12.6 Supplier Performance.........................................................................................30
13 COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT.....................................................................31
13.1 Capgemini Communication Plan........................................................................31
14 INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT....................................................................32
14.1 Project Management Environment.....................................................................32
14.2 Project Delivery Infrastructure............................................................................32
14.3 Infrastructure Reviews........................................................................................32
14.4 Security Management........................................................................................32
14.5 Storage and Archiving........................................................................................33
15 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT......................................................................34
15.1 Configuration Identification.................................................................................34
15.2 Configuration Control.........................................................................................34
15.3 Document Configuration.....................................................................................34
15.4 Configuration Status Reporting..........................................................................34

Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_V0.9) Version: (v0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Global Patch Management Tool / Project Governance Plan Page 4 of 46

15.5 Configuration Reviews.......................................................................................34

16 QUALITY MANAGEMENT.....................................................................................35
16.1 Compliance Checks...........................................................................................35
16.2 Project Audits.....................................................................................................35
16.3 Quality Schedule................................................................................................36
16.4 Deliverable Reviews...........................................................................................36
16.5 Continuous Improvement...................................................................................36
17 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT.............................................................................37
17.1 Knowledge Object Reuse...................................................................................37
17.2 Knowledge Object Sharing.................................................................................37

Appendix A Document Control

Appendix B Reference and Applicable Documents
Appendix C Glossary
Appendix D PGP URLs

Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_V0.9) Version: (v0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Global Patch Management Tool / Project Governance Plan Page 5 of 46


1.1 Purpose Of The Project Governance Plan
This Project Governance Plan (PGP) provides a high-level view of the Global Patch
Management Tool project. It describes Capgemini’s scope, objectives and overall
approach for planning, designing, developing and implementing the solution for the
The Project Governance Plan provides for a common understanding between
Capgemini’s project participants, helps manage expectations, and becomes the
standard against which changes and deviations to process or product are identified and
formally managed within the Capgemini project team. It is for Capgemini internal use
The PGP explicitly is not used to resolve contractual omissions or ambiguity. These
issues are escalated within the Capgemini project governance structure and addressed
as agreed with the Capgemini Domain Manager / Regional CIO. This may require a
formal change (if the omission or ambiguity impacts on Capgemini’s services,
obligations, resources or costs; or on the Business obligations) or an agreement with the
Business to be documented in the Decisions Log.

1.2 Scope Of The Project Governance Plan

The PGP covers the processes that Capgemini will use and Capgemini’s means and
personnel for the following areas:
 The planning activities (schedules, milestones, and delivery dates, etc.)
 The production activities (writing documents, producing software, modelling, etc.)
 The management activities (project management, preparation of reviews, training,
installing tools, configuration management, etc.)
 The verification activities (walk-through, review, audit, test, etc.)

1.3 Control Of The Project Governance Plan

1.3.1 Preparation
The PGP has been prepared by the Capgemini Engagement Manager and reviewed and
approved by Capgemini’s Domain Manager / Regional CIO and Group IT PMO.

1.3.2 Approval
The PGP has received ‘internal approval’ by the Capgemini Domain Manager / Regional
CIO and Group IT PMO and final approval by the SteerCo.

1.3.3 Updating
The Capgemini Engagement Manager is responsible for maintaining the PGP.
Once this PGP has been agreed, by signature Capgemini representatives in Appendix A
of this document, it may be deviated from by Capgemini only under internal change

Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_V0.9) Version: (v0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Global Patch Management Tool / Project Governance Plan Page 6 of 46

1.4 Deviations From Standard Structure

There are no deviations from the standard UK UPM Project Governance Plan.
Any deviations from the UK UPM Project Governance Plan template are documented

Section Section Name Deviation and Reason


Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_V0.9) Version: (v0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
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Global Patch Management Tool / Project Governance Plan Page 7 of 46

2.1 Project Description
Currently there is no central uniform Global Patch Management tool, to patch the
Windows / Unix / Linux / Virtualization Production and Non Production environments,
either through automated or manual patch deployments or a combination of both.
Multiple tools at various regions, resulting in complex reporting and time consuming
processes. Current decentralized, manual patch management process is time
consuming, takes longer cycles to detect & report the gaps, roll out the patches.
The proposed Global patch management process will ensure a centralize control- in-time
alerting, effective patching, reporting on overall global computing platforms, are Patched
up to date & Secured, in line with vendor’s recommendations, reducing the risk of non-
compliance and compromises
With this project multiple teams within Global Infrastructure as well as representative
from the regional Capgemini BU’s are to be involved.
A summary for the Capgemini project team can be found below:

2.2 Project Objectives

The objectives of the Business with the Global Patch Management Tool project are to
implement a solution that will:
 Complement existing global process, we need to have a Global tool for effective &
uniform Global Patch Management across Windows/ Virtualization (SCCM tool),
Linux/Unix (IBM Bigfix)
 Lead to a centralized, uniform reporting & dashboards.
 In addition to Patch Management, have additional features like; Patch deployment
automation, Asset Inventory snapshots, Patch compliance and Software

2.3 Project Critical Success Factors

The Business critical success factors for the project are:
 Ensure adequate Change Management & Communication to end users or to
server/application owners pre & post migration to minimize any possible impact due
to lack of awareness
 Maintain service levels for IT applications, there should be minimum disruption to
the end user due the changes scheduled as part of Migration

2.4 Project Scope and Services

The project will undertake the following activities to support the delivery of its obligations
for the Deliverables defined in section 2.5 below.
In Scope:
 All servers (Windows, Unix and Linux ) managed by global infra & hosted across
45 Global Data Centres. (details at appendix)

Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_V0.9) Version: (v0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Global Patch Management Tool / Project Governance Plan Page 8 of 46

 Patch Management, Automation, Asset Inventory, Patch compliance.

 Reporting & Dashboards.
 Change Management, Communications, Training.
Out of Scope:
 Desktops, laptops, Mac OS & any other OS which is non-standard.
 Non Global Infra. Managed servers (Region, BU Managed)
 All standalone and / or Non-Corp-domain Windows servers
o (to be discussed /aligned with WinTel and SCCM teams).
 Poland Servers (Managed by the business)
 ESX servers (as it is expected that the ESX Update Manager can provide
required patching report details)

2.5 Deliverables
The following table lists the Deliverables in scope showing those requiring Business
review and acceptance.
Any document identified during the course of the project that is not a Deliverable for
acceptance but requires formal acceptance by the Business, a change control must be
raised requesting it to become a formal project deliverable. The change control
procedure also needs to define the Acceptance Criteria for the new Deliverable but must
not contradict anything already defined in the PGP.

Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_V0.9) Version: (v0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Ref Deliverable Deliverable Description Acceptance Criteria Approved By Deliverable
Due Date
D01 PGP This Project Governance Plan Domain 10/31/2017
  Content matches the deliverable
(PGP). Manager
 Covers the scope of the Project
 Sign off by Business Lead
D02 Project Schedule Details the tasks, duration, Domain 10/31/2017
 The team members should first
dependencies and resources Manager
evaluate their task
required to deliver the scope and
deliverables of the Project.  Provides sufficient detail in
All the tasks of the project and outlining the project schedule for
Milestone should be planned, and a the duration of project.
resource affected to each task. Part
of the PGP  Covers the scope of the services.
 Appropriate stakeholders have
been consulted in its production.
 Sign off by Business Lead
D03 Staffing Plan and Budget Part of the PGP Domain 10/31/2017
 Provides sufficient detail to
define the budget required to
deliver the project.
 Covers the scope of the project.
 Appropriate stakeholders have
been consulted in its production
 Validate in Steering committee
D04 Decision and overall High Agreed and documented designs 11/09/2017
Level Design on Tooling per and decisions.  Created and validated by Data Domain
Centre Technology Manager
 Design is inline and agreed with
GIT Infrastructure compliance

Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_V0.9) Version: (v0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright 2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
management team
 Validate by the business Lead
D05 Detailed Design on Tooling Agreed and documented designs 11/17/2017
 Created and validated by Data Domain
per technology. and decisions.
Centre Technology Manager
 Design is inline and agreed with
GIT Infrastructure compliance
management team
 Validate by the business Lead
D06 POC IBM BigFix and/or Document describing the POC Domain 11/17/2017
 Validate by the business Lead
Lessons Learned results Manager
D07 Updated Roll-out plan per Document with a more detailed Roll- Domain 11/17/2017
 Validate by the business Lead
technology / OS out plan per stream Manager
D08 SCCM client installed on Migration Reports, Dashboards & Domain 03/09/2018
 Validate by the business Lead
Wintel servers statistics Manager
D09 IBM BigFix / installed on Migration Reports, Dashboards & Domain 03/16/2018
 Validate by the business Lead
Unix and Linux servers statistics Manager
D10 Consolidated report / Overall Migration Reports, Domain 03/23/2018
 Validate by the business Lead
findings Dashboards & statistics Manager
D11 Project Closure Report Closure Report with Observations, and Domain 03/30/2018
learnings.  Validate by the business Lead


Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_V0.9) Version: (v0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright 2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
2.7 Project Milestones
The milestones (M) and Tollgate milestones (TM) for the project are:

Ref. Milestone Description Associated Deliverables Completion Date

(D01, D02, etc.)
M1 Set Up Regular Steero 11/03/2017
TM Project Initiation D01, D02, D03 11/03/2017
M2 Purchase Orders 11/10/2017
regarding licenses patch
management tooling
TM Detailed Design D04, D05 11/17/2017
M3 POC Activities Completed 11/17/2017
and Licenses Delivered
M4 SCCM client installed on 3/9/2018
Wintel servers completed
M5 IBM BigFix installed on 3/16/2018
all Unix/Linux servers
TM Build: Installation of D06, D07, D08, D09 D10 3/23/2018
3 Patch Management on
all servers completed
TM Post Deployment / D11 3/30/2018
4 Closure

2.8 Business Obligations

Business Obligations are defined in the table below. Any additional obligations
emerging during the project together with the required delivery date will be identified in
the Project Progress Report or Monthly Project Status Report and managed under the
formal change control procedure. The Project Progress Report and Monthly Project
Status Reports include the status of Business Obligations relevant at the time of the
If the Business does not meet a Business Obligation then Capgemini will report this in
the Project Progress Report and the Monthly Project Status Report. The impact will be
managed using the change control process.

Ref. The Business Obligations Date Required By



Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_V0.9) Version: (v0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Ref. The Business Obligations Date Required By

2.9 Assumptions
The following Assumptions have been made in connection with the Services and

Ref. Assumption Description

A1 IBM BigFix will not be installed on the ESX hosts

A2 IBM BigFix licenses are available by the end of October

A3 IBM BigFix will be used on Linux and Unix systems

A4 SCCM licenses are all available by the end of October

A5 The GPO’s required for the Windows servers will be in place on time.

A6 A patching schedule per region

Any new assumptions identified during the project will be recorded in the Project
Progress Report or the Monthly Status Report and jointly discussed with the Business.
An action plan will be agreed and documented in the Decisions Log.
If any of the assumptions prove to be incorrect, this will be reported in the Project
Progress Report and the impact will be managed using the change control process.

2.10 Constraints
The following constraints have been identified and apply to this Project:

Constrain Constraint Contract Reference

t No
1 SCCM to cloud project Umesh Tambe
2 Ongoing Unix / Linux projects To be checked and aligned
with Prakash Periyasamy
3 CIS contract is to be use to place the Ramarao Sudhir
IBM BigFix order
4 Procurement of Microsoft SCCM Ramarao Sudhir
Licenses will be part / in scope of the
ongoing Global EA negotiation with
Microsoft. We can’t order any Microsoft
license now until the full scope of the EA
is defined and Capgemini Board
approves to proceed.

Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_V0.9) Version: (v0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
2.11 Dependencies
The following dependencies have been identified and apply to this Project:

Ref. Description Impact if Missed Owner Date

1 Procurement and Delay in approvals Steerco & 11/13/2017
the delivery of or PO process will Procurement
licenses of the delay the overall Team
required Tools implementation
2 Availability of Will delay the Steerco & TBD –
Production servers installation related server depending on
for Reboot cycle milestones owners migration
3 Asset or server Will delay the Steerco & TBD –
Owners / BUs installation related server depending on
competing the milestones owners migration
suggested timelines batches
4 Creation of the IBM Will delay the Steerco & 11/13/2017
Big platform / virtual installation related server
servers milestones owners

These and other known external dependencies associated with this project i.e.
dependencies this project has with other projects, areas of work, people or events
outside of this project are included in the projects Dependency Log.

Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_V0.9) Version: (v0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
The general approach to the Project will conform to the Capgemini standards defined in
DELIVER Unified Project Management methodology (UPM v6.5).
Below is a summary of the project approach:

3.1 Phases
The Waterfall method structures the project lifecycle and the development into 4 distinct
phases, each of which have the following typical focus for the project team:
 Start-up
 Proof of Concept & Design
 Rollout in multiple batches & per technology
 Closure
Each of these phases by definition has a pre-defined set of objectives and evaluation
criteria, for the project to meet. This process is managed through the use of the Quality
Management procedures as provided in Section 16. Risk is assessed and mitigating
actions defined as the project progresses, to provide sound foundations of the solution
being built.
The following tables have been added as a guide and show the common phases that
apply depending upon the methodology used. Select the table which is appropriate to
the methodology being used and modify the naming of the phases as appropriate.
i) Waterfall:

Phase Activity
Start-up Project Preparation, PGP, Schedule, Planning

Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_V0.9) Version: (v0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Phase Activity
Requirements gathering, startup of procurement process
Preparation of the POC test cases
Creation of HLD, setup of the test environment, determine
POC & Design
exact number of servers per technology
Exploring and testing IBM BigFix Functionality (eg. Determine
hardware firmware detection), POs
  Creation of Detailed Designs, Lessons learned, rollout plan
Installing and monitoring Patch management roll out SCCM /
Installing and monitoring Patch management roll out BigFix /
Linux & Unix
Progress and compliance reports
Issue resolving, Transition /handover to operations
Close Down Lessons learned
Run - system live

3.2 Development Methods and Standards

No Development is required to execute the Global Patch Management Project.

3.3 Ongoing Support

Ongoing support will be provided by Group IT Infra. Handover to the ongoing support
organisation is defined in section 4.8, Handover.

Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_V0.9) Version: (v0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
4.1 Project Management Method
Capgemini will manage Capgemini’s work on the project using Capgemini's UK Project
Management method Unified Project Management (UK UPM).

4.2 Organisation
The Governance organisation structure is defined in the following diagram, for more
details please see section §Error: Reference source not found.
Exec Steering Committee
Pieter Schoehuijs (Sponsor)
Steve Wanklin
Chella Namasivayam M (Shivam)
Sudhir Ramarao

Operating Steering Committee

Sudhir Ramarao (Business Lead), ) - Chairman
Chella Namasivayam M (Shivam) (L1 Global Infra)
Deepu George (Data Center Tech. / Arch. Tools)
Rodney Brussee / Rakshit Dhamija (SMO TPM
Team lead)

Tool / Design Overall Project Management

Sandeep H – Deepu George (team leader) Dennis Gebbink (PM) - Lionel Newitt (Leader)
Alex Zuiderwijk (review design)

Spoc’s per team / streams

Linux / Unix Windows

Linux / Unix Wintel

Jesan T Amol Belhekar
Prakash Periyasamy Sunil Kumar Poojary (TM)
Snehal Kharul Pranab Misra (TM)


Jesan T Umesh Tambe
Prakash Periyasamy Vasu Miriyala,
Snehal Kharul VinodKumar Devaragatla

Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_V0.9) Version: (v0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
4.3 Governance Roles and Responsibilities
The Capgemini Group IT key roles and their responsibilities within the governance
structure are defined below. The allocation of the responsibilities for the Capgemini
project management team roles at a more detailed level are also defined in the table
The table below shows a RACI for the key Capgemini roles and responsibilities. By
Capgemini this means Group IT. The Business involvement by role is shown where
applicable annotated by a ‘Y’ within the table.
 R (Responsible); Those who do the work to achieve the task. There is at least
one role with a participation type of responsible, although others can be
delegated to assist in the work required
 A (Accountable); The one ultimately answerable for the correct and thorough
completion of the deliverable or task, and the one who delegates the work to
those responsible. There is only one person accountable.
 C (Consulted); Those whose opinions are sought, typically subject matter
experts; and with whom there is two-way communication
 I (Informed); Those who are kept up-to-date on progress, often only on
completion of the task or deliverable; and with whom there is just one-way

Activity Business Project Project Group IT Project
Lead / Manager Sponsor Steering Team
Domain Committ members
Manager ee
Preparation & maintenance of C/I A/R I I C
Sign Off PGP R A/R I C
Appropriate Capgemini R A/R C
Planning & control of work C/I A/R C C
Iteration planning and control I A/R C C
Management issues and risks R A/R I C C
Status & Progress reporting I A/R I I C
Manage budget R A/R I
Negotiation with Capgemini A/R C C
Implementation of Supplier A C C/R
Overall delivery & quality of R A/R I R
Change Management & C A/R I I R
Configuration Management I A/R R
Sign Off Change Requests R A/R I I I
End of project archiving I A/R I R
Maintenance of the live system A

Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_V0.9) Version: (v0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Where a Capgemini person is absent though e.g. sickness or holidays, a deputy may be
nominated to undertake some or all of that person’s activities.

4.4 Project Reporting

Internal Capgemini Reporting is completed weekly in EMl. The following reports will also
be produced by the Capgemini Engagement Manager:

Report Type/ Contents Circulation

Normal Frequency
Internal Capgemini: Progress last period / planned work Internal Capgemini
Weekly Project for this period access via EMl as needed
Progress Report Variations against plan
Key issues and risks
Change requests this period (new or
signed off this period, or awaiting
sign off)
Deliverables and Obligations Status
Planned work for next period
Weekly Milestone Excel based milestone status sheet Business Engagement
Tracker using a simple RAG assignment Manager (for onward
extracted from EMI distribution within

4.5 Meetings
The table below sets out key meetings that will take place:
Steering Domain Project Capgemini
Board Meeting Manager/ Management Project Team
Regional CIO Meeting Meeting
Objective Review Review Review Co-ordinate
progress and progress and progress and team, review
make make policy make tactical progress,
policy/strategy decisions decisions issues/actions,
decisions work for next
Frequency Monthly Monthly Weekly Weekly –
Reports for input to Monthly Project M-Review Pack Verbal EMI Project
Meeting Status Report Progress Progress Report
Report from
Suggested Agenda
Agree previous minutes Y Y Y Y
Outstanding actions Y Y Y Y
Review Progress this Y Y Y Y

Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_V0.9) Version: (v0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Steering Domain Project Capgemini
Board Meeting Manager/ Management Project Team
Regional CIO Meeting Meeting
Issues arising/foreseen Y Y Y Y
Plans for next period Y Y Y Y
Financial Status N Y N N
Any Other Business Y Y Y Y
Date of next meeting Y Y Y Y

4.6 Acceptance
The procedures for accepting document and software deliverables are defined below.
The Business shall within five (5) working days of the Deliverable being submitted for
acceptance notify the Engagement Manager of acceptance or any questions of non-
conformity in a consolidated list and the parties shall work together to address the
concern and/or produce a new version of the particular Deliverable. If no questions of
non-conformity are received from the Company within five (5) working days of
submission, then the Engagement Manager shall escalate the matter to the Business
Project Manager for resolution.

4.7 Monitoring of Actions

Actions arising from meetings, reviews, audits, risk management, problem management
are reviewed on at least a monthly basis by the Engagement Manager or nominee in the
absence of the Engagement Manager.

4.8 Handover
A Handover Plan to the ongoing support organisation, Group IT Global Infra, will be
written. The ongoing support will be provided through already established Group IT
processes & Group IT Global Infra organisation.

4.9 Warranty
No Warranty applies.

Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_V0.9) Version: (v0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
5.1 Estimating
The initial estimation of effort and duration for this project has been completed by the
project team. As the project progresses the estimates will be revisited and reviewed at
the end of each project phase by the Capgemini Engagement Manager.
An estimate may also be carried out by the Capgemini Engagement Manager at an
intermediate stage where there has been a change in scope, where further information is
known which is likely to impact the overall estimate or where there are variances against
the project forecasts.

5.2 Project Plan

Capgemini’s project plan will be managed by Capgemini using Clarity with Open
Workbench. This plan will contain activities for which Capgemini is responsible and
dependencies on the Business and other third parties. It will not contain detailed tasks
and activities of the Business and other third parties.
Tasks are assigned to each Capgemini team member on a weekly basis on a weekly
timesheet. At the end of the week, the Capgemini team member submits the completed
weekly timesheet showing for each activity the time spent and an estimate to complete.
The weekly timesheets are used to update the Capgemini project plan on a weekly

5.3 Project Cost and Budget Management

At the outset of the project, the budget is agreed with the SteerCo (this is initially defined
in the Project Charter).
Details of the Project Budget are shown below:

On a monthly basis, the Capgemini Engagement Manager provides to Group IT a Report

showing the Original Budget, the Agreed Budget, Actual Costs to Date, Forecast
Remaining Budget and Total Forecast Budget, for each of Capgemini man days and
cost. Capgemini Actual Costs to Date is updated from Capgemini monthly timecards and
expenses forms (which are completed by the Capgemini project team members) and
from the updated Capgemini project plan and purchase invoices raised.

Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_V0.9) Version: (v0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
5.4 Invoicing
5.4.1 Supplier Invoices
Supplier invoices received by the project are checked by the Capgemini Engagement
Manager. Valid invoices are passed for payment authorisation and payment within

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The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
The Capgemini Engagement Manager will liaise with Capgemini’s Resource
Management Team to obtain resources to deliver the project. The Business will be
advised, at project meetings, of planned project joiners/leavers.

6.1 Team Organisation

The Capgemini project team is organised in the following structure. Each of the roles in
the structure will be assigned to at least one member of the team. As described in
section §Error: Reference source not found.

6.2 Team Roles and Responsibilities

The following table describes the responsibilities of the roles within the Capgemini
project team:
The Capgemini Offshore team’s role, their scope and responsibilities are documented in
the Offshore Team Terms of Reference.

Area Responsibilities / Team

Domain Manager / Defined in Section 4.3

Project Manager Maintenance of the risk and issue registers, Preparation of

weekly/monthly Group IT reporting, Maintenance of the
Project Plan, Maintenance of the project’s financial
information , Maintenance of the Risk / Issue and Change
Dennis Gebbink

Data Center Producing Elaboration Approach, Solution Document, Design,

Technologies / Tools Handover to Design and Test plan to implementation team
& Technologies
Deepu George (L2)
Sandeep H
Alex Zuiderwijk (review design)
Data Center Producing implementation approach, Coordinate the
Operations / WinTel installation batches, Report issues as observed, Apply
Solutions/workarounds, Provide Updates for
Amol Belhekar (L3)
Pranab Misra
Sunil Kumar Poojary
Alwarsamy Perumalsamy
Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_V0.9) Version: (v0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Area Responsibilities / Team

Mahanthesha Tuppada,
Arvind Singh
Maruti Kumbhar
De La Monneraye, Aubin
Sagar Sawant
Data Center Define and execute POC, Producing implementation
Operations / Unix / approach, Coordinate the installation batches, Report issues
Linux / AIX as observed, Apply Solutions/workarounds, Provide Updates
for Status/dashboards
Jesan T (L3)
Prakash Periyasamy
M S, Ramajanarthanan
Chinnasamy, Ramya
Muthyala, Hema Varun
Narhe, Sunil
Sarade, Tejas
Data Center Define and execute POC, Producing implementation
Operations / approach, Coordinate the installation batches, Report issues
Virtualization / Cloud as observed, Apply Solutions/workarounds, Provide Updates
for Status/dashboards
Raphael Demange
Gurjit Dhilion
Global PPT / SCCM Producing implementation approach, Coordinate the
installation batches, Report issues as observed, Apply
Solutions/workarounds1, Provide Updates for
Umesh Tambe (L3)
Vasu Miriyala
Naba Das

During migration and after moving into production stage, SCCM team is responsible for
SCCM Server and/or Client level issues while Wintel Team takes care of Server OS level
issues concerning patching or Software Distribution due to fact that many OS, core OS
components can play vital role in patching or SWD. Access rights, in case of issues, will
be aligned between both teams.

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The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Area Responsibilities / Team

VinodKumar Devaragatla
Service Management Audit on Patch management process, Report issues as
Office / Infra Risk & observed, Provide Updates for Status/dashboards,
Compliance Assessment and advice on the reports produced by Patch
Management / Global Management Tools (SCCM and BigFx)
Rakshit Dhamija
Abhayeet, Kumar

6.3 On Boarding
New Capgemini team members are on boarded using the projects Onboarding Pack.
They will be given an overview of the project by the Capgemini Engagement Manager
and the appropriate project team lead for technical aspects of the project. Training on
standard project tools will be given as needed.

6.4 Training and Coaching

The Project Manager is responsible for the provision of project related training for
Capgemini team members. Where necessary coaching will be given by the Capgemini
Delivery Unit or other members of the team.

6.5 Team Member Evaluations

Assignment Details are produced for each Capgemini team member by the Capgemini
Engagement Manager or Project Team Lead, as relevant. An Assignment Appraisal will
be held either every six months/year according to his or her grade and/or at the end of
the assignment for each Capgemini team member.
The Capgemini Project Team Leads are responsible for holding the Assignment
Appraisals for their team members including those working onshore. The Capgemini
Engagement Manager holds the Assignment Appraisals for the Project Team Leads.

6.6 Team Member Release

The Project Manager is responsible for assessing the impact of a team member release.
Before a team member is released, the Project Manager checks that the Assignment
Appraisal, knowledge capture, and time records are completed. Prior to releasing a team
member the Project Manager (or nominee) will inform the Business of the pending
leaver. When a team member is released the Project Manager will communicate the
release to the appropriate Capgemini Delivery unit or to his Team Manager. At the end
of the project all Capgemini team members will be released to their respective
Capgemini units or teams.

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The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
7.1 Scope Baseline
The scope of this project is as detailed in Section 2.4 Project Scope of this PGP.
Any deviation from that scope, inclusions or exclusions, will require a formal Change
Request (CR) which is duly approved by the project owner.

7.2 Requirements Traceability

Not Applicable

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The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
The Change Control process for the project is described in DELIVER Project
Management Method.
The responsibilities / timescales for affecting these procedures are:

Task Timescale Responsibility

Raise Change Request/ Reason As they occur Project Manager
for raising
Impact Assessment As they occur Project Manager
Approval of Scope and Budget Within 5 working Project Manager via the
Changes days from issue of SteerCo

The Capgemini Change Control Log will be maintained using EMI.

Should a change internal to the Group IT project be identified then this will be raised
following the project Change Control process but will not require Business approval.

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The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
The Risk Register will be maintained using EMI. In summary, risk assessment and
monitoring will take place at regular intervals throughout the project. These are normally:

Task Timescale Responsibility

Initial Risk Assessment During Start Up phase Project Manager
Subsequent Risk Weekly and on scope Project Manager / PMO
Assessment change
Technical Risk Daily as Required Project Team / Project Manager
Reporting Weekly Project Manager
The Project Manager and the Project Team will assess the likelihood of each risk
occurring and the potential consequence for the project. They will identify the
actions/responsibilities for mitigating the risk, with input from the Business where
required. The impact on the costs and timescales may also be assessed.
The Risk Register will be maintained using EMI and the following will be documented:
Reference Consecutive number
Risk Description of potential event
Impact Impact on the project if the event occurs: high/medium/low
Probability Probability of the event occurring: high/medium/low
Action Action to be taken to contain risk with associated costs
Responsibility Person responsible for carrying out containment action
By When Timescale for containment action to be carried out

Where necessary, the Project Plan will be updated to reflect the impact of any agreed
containment actions, and Change Control will be invoked if appropriate.

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The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
The Issue Register will be maintained using EMI. Issues are situations that could affect
project performance or quality.
In summary, issue assessment and monitoring will take place at regular intervals
throughout the project. These are normally:
Task Timescale Responsibility
Raise Issue Report As they occur Any person working on or related
to the project
Assessment/ Periodically Project Manager / PMO
management of problems
Reporting Periodically Project Manager / PMO
The Project Manager and the Project Team will assess the impact of each issue on the
project and identify the actions/responsibilities to resolve the issue, with input from the
Business where required. The impact on the costs and timescales may also be
The Issue Register will be maintained using EMI and the following will be documented:
Reference Consecutive number
Issue Description of Issue that has occurred
Action Action to be taken to resolve issue
Responsibility Person responsible for carrying out resolution actions
By When Timescale for resolution action to be carried out
Where necessary, the Project Plan will be updated by the Project Manager to reflect the
impact of the issue and the resolution actions, Change Control will be invoked where
there is any impact on project timescales, Capgemini’s services, resources or costs or
the Business obligations.
The Issue escalation route is defined below.
Escalation within the Project Project Manager to
Team Domain Manager to
Project Board to
Steering Board to
Executive Steering Board
Escalation within Group IT Project Resources to
Project Manager to
Domain Manager / Regional CIO to
Capgemini Group IT CIO

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The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
11.1 Business Steering Board Description
The Group IT steering board and all related activities are described in §Error: Reference
source not found

11.2 Business Kick-Off Meeting

The Kick-Off meeting was held on 11-Sep-2017. The objective of the Kick-Off meeting
was to communicate the objective and the high level approach of the project.

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The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Procurement Management will be carried out by Capgemini using Capgemini’s standard
procurement tool, GPS. The information in this section refers to both Capgemini
suppliers and sub-contractors involved in delivering the Project.

12.1 Supplier Selection

Standard Capgemini Group IT procurement process will apply.
Additional Microsoft SCCM Licenses will be part of the Capgemini global EA and
because we are talking about more than 11M € per year, the negotiation is at Capgemini
Board level.
Procurement of the the required IBM BigFix Licenses will be done by leveraging existing
contracts with Cloud Infrastructure Services

12.2 Supplier Agreements

Capgemini Group IT procurement has signed individual contracts with each involved
supplier, documentation is stored by the procurement and/or Group IT operational teams

12.3 Supplier Management

Not Applicable.

12.4 Supplier Acceptance

Standard IT Procurement & Acceptance Criteria will be applicable

12.5 Supplier Audits/Reviews

Not Applicable; Standard IT Procurement processes are applicable

12.6 Supplier Performance

Not Applicable.

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The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Communication Management will establish and implement effective communication to
the Business, End Users and Support Teams in the progress and overall outcome of the

13.1 Capgemini Communication Plan

Project team will develop a Communication Plan that describes the communications to
be made with the Business, suppliers, the project team and Management. It will include
the objective, content, medium and schedule for the communications.
The communication plan should provide understanding and awareness to members of
the project team of how communication with the stakeholders will be handled.

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2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Global Patch Management Tool / Project Governance Plan Page 32 of 46

14.1 Project Management Environment
The project management environment will support the Program Manager in running and
managing the project. It will be set up using the standard Capgemini project
management tools of Open Work Bench for Planning and Troom for the project
The project repository which will hold all management and delivery documents produced
during the project's lifetime. In addition the project will have use a Troom for work in
The project management environment will be managed by the PMO / Project Manager
with support from the PMO Managed Service.

14.2 Project Delivery Infrastructure

The project team will be located at multiple office locations throughout India.
The development infrastructure will be / is defined in documents provided prior the start
of a project phase or migration wave.
There is no development infrastructure required. For the POC the existing infrastructure
will be used (which is capable to host Test and/or development servers etc)

14.2.1 Deliverable Defect Tracking

Issue Tracker will be used

14.3 Infrastructure Reviews

Existing standard Group IT infrastructure process are applicable.

14.4 Security Management

14.4.1 Site Access
For all work carried out on a Capgemini site normal working practices will apply.

14.4.2 Data
No Capgemini customer data is involved.

14.4.3 System Access

The Project will use TRoom as the Project Repository. In order to access the Project
Repository Access to certain parts of this shared area will be restricted (e.g. where
signed-off documents are kept or where Group IT confidential information is kept). The
team members will be given access to the shared area if required.

14.4.4 Confidentiality
Not applicable

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14.5 Storage and Archiving

14.5.1 Storage
Documentation and information regarding the management of the project is filed in the
Project Repository.

14.5.2 Archiving
TRoom will be used for Archiving of project related documents

14.5.3 Backup Procedures

There is no code or scripts developed as part of this project. Configuration documents
will be stored on Project Repository on TToom. Standard Troom Backup and Restore
procedures will apply to Project repository.

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Global Patch Management Tool / Project Governance Plan Page 34 of 46

For Configuration Management the ITSM records will be updated where needed.

15.1 Configuration Identification

A list of items under Capgemini configuration management will be maintained by the
Capgemini Configuration Manager. ITSM is the Standard tool for the Group IT
Infrastructure configuration management

15.2 Configuration Control

The Group IT infrastructure configuration changes are managed through the IT change
management process, the change requests are raised in ITSM and reviewed &
approved by Change Control Board.

15.3 Document Configuration

Project documents will be held in TRoom in standard Capgemini project repository
structures. The standard TRoom Document Standards Process User Guide will be

15.4 Configuration Status Reporting

Not Applicable.

15.5 Configuration Reviews

Not Applicable.

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Global Patch Management Tool / Project Governance Plan Page 35 of 46

Capgemini Quality Management (QM) within the project is provided by a number of
Capgemini roles operating independently of the project team, and each providing a
different perspective to the overall QM role.
The Capgemini roles involved in providing QA within the project are:
 Domain Manager / Regional CIO – Responsible for the project’s delivery within
Capgemini, and providing QM in the areas of commercial and financial management,
together with overall mentoring of the Engagement Manager.
 Independent Quality Advisor (IQA) –Responsible for providing independent quality
assurance and coaching.
 Technical Quality Advisor (TQA) - Responsible for providing independent quality
assurance for the software development of the project.
Each of these roles will initially report findings and recommended actions to the
Capgemini Engagement Manager to be implemented. The quality status of findings is
also reported to the Group IT leadership team. Non-compliance with QM requirements is
escalated to the Capgemini Domain Manager / Regional CIO.
All information and reporting from the Capgemini QM process is internal and confidential
to Capgemini.

16.1 Compliance Checks

The Capgemini Engagement Manager may also request Compliance Checks on an ad-
hoc basis against the delivery methods. This is recommended at the end of the start up
phase of the project and at a minimum of six monthly intervals and is undertaken by
Capgemini personnel
Completion of the Compliance checks is monitored by Capgemini staff who will review
and inform the relevant Capgemini parties about the findings and resulting actions of the
check that will include responsibilities and target completion dates.

16.2 Project Audits

Project audits (including Tollgate reviews) are carried out by Capgemini staff who are not
involved in the project. There is a standard approach for Capgemini Project Audits with
audit checklists and a standard report template available for use during the audit. The
approach taken normally involves interviewing selected members of the Capgemini
Project Team (arranged with the Capgemini Engagement Manager) and, where relevant,
it is preferred that key Business staff involved with the project are included. A report is
produced from the audit, which is internal to Group IT, although key findings may be
discussed with the Business Project Manager after internal discussion.
Project Audits are usually planned at the start of the project. The schedule is defined in
section 16.3 The Capgemini Engagement Manager, Domain Manager / Regional CIO
and/or the IQA may also call audits on an ad-hoc basis.

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2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Global Patch Management Tool / Project Governance Plan Page 36 of 46

16.3 Quality Schedule

The following compliance checks, reviews and audits are planned to take place during
the course of the project according:

Type of Check, Responsibility for Estimated Business Output

Audit or Review Organising Date Involvement
UK UPM Engagement Monthly No Completed EM
Compliance Manager Portal
Assessment Compliance
Project Audit IQA End of Project Audit
Startup Report

16.4 Deliverable Reviews

All Contractual deliverables and Supporting Documents are reviewed prior to delivery to
the Business. Reviews are performed within the project using a Deliverable Review
Report template.

16.5 Continuous Improvement

As improvements to the Capgemini standard ways of working within the project are
identified, they may be captured and implemented, where appropriate, as suggested
enhancements to the methods used.

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17.1 Knowledge Object Reuse
Capgemini has a policy of re-using best practices gained in its projects. Each project
has access to a range of functional descriptions, system designs, frameworks,
components, and code.

17.2 Knowledge Object Sharing

All the project related documents will be available in Team Room.

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The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.


Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_v0.9) Version: (V0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Appendix A: Document Control
Version History
Version Date Comments
0.1 29 Sep. 2017 First draft of PGP
0.2 6 Oct. 2017 Processed initial feedback teams
0.3 10 Oct. 2017 Processed feedback Sandeep H.
0.4 13 Oct. 2017 Processed feedback Team members
0.8 17 Oct. 2017 Processed comments and feedback Team Leaders
0.9 19 Oct. 2017 Processed comments and feedback Program & Project
Office - Sonika Sharma and from Domain manager /
Senior Director, Global Datacenter Ops - Sudhir
0.91 21 Oct. 2017 Processed comments of PMO CoE, updated and aligned
on the dates regarding the dependencies.
Document Sign Off
Name Capgemini Responsibility PGP Signature
Role Section
Sudhir Domain Review to confirm the ALL See email
Ramaro Manager / PGP meets and does Wed
Regional CIO not exceed the needs 10/18/2017
of the Group IT
RE Patch
Management Tool Review of the Proje

Group IT PMO Review to confirm the ALL

PGP meets
Capgemini’s quality
Document Reviewed By
Name Location Responsibility
Sandeep H Capgemini Data Center Technologies / Tools &
Jesan T Capgemini Data Center Operations / Unix / Linux / AIX
Amol Belhekar Capgemini Data Center Operations / WinTel
Umesh Tambe Capgemini Global PPT / SCCM
Dennis Gebbink Capgemini Capgemini Project Manager
Sudhir Ramaro Capgemini Data Center Operations / Domain manager

Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_v0.9) Version: (V0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Document Distribution
Name Location Responsibility PGP Action/
Sudhir Capgemi Capgemini Domain ALL Action
Ramarao ni Manager / Regional CIO
tbd Capgemi Capgemini Group IT ALL Information
ni PMO
Sandeep H Capgemi Data Center ALL Action
ni Technologies / Tools &
Jesan T Capgemi Data Center Operations / ALL Action
ni Unix / Linux / AIX
Amol Capgemi Data Center Operations / ALL Action
Belhekar ni WinTel
Umesh Capgemi Global PPT / SCCM ALL Action
Tambe ni
Dennis Capgemi Capgemini Project ALL Action
Gebbink ni Manager
Key Capgemi Team member Global ALL Information
stakeholders ni Patch Management Tool
Project team
Project Capgemi ALL Information
Repository ni
Source File Location – Office 365\ Group IT \ Infra \ DC Global \ Tools& Technologie \

Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_v0.9) Version: (V0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Appendix B: Reference and Applicable Documents
B1 Reference Documents
The following table lists documents which are referenced within this Project Governance
Plan. They are for supplementary information.

Document Title Version

UK Unified Project Management v6
Project Charter: DC Patch Management Tool V1.8 06-Jun-17
V1.8 06-Jun-17.pptx
Options Comp. & Project Plan v0.31.xlsx v0.31

B2 Applicable Documents
The following table lists all documents, which may not be explicitly referenced within this
Project Governance Plan, but provides background or supplementary information to the

Document Title Version


B3 Global Datacenters
This appendix defines key abbreviations and acronyms contained in this document.
S. Datacenter Site City Cou Region
N Name ntry
1 IN-MAA-PCT Chenn India East
2 Hyderabad H07 Hydera India East
(phoenix) bad
3 IN-BLR- Bangal India East
4 IN-BOM- Mumb India East
Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_v0.9) Version: (V0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
MINDSPACE (Airoli) ai
5 Mumbai IKP Mumb India East
6 AU-MEL- Melbou Austr East
COLLINSS rne alia
7 AU-SYD- Sydne Austr East
8 Chennai DLF Chenn India East
9 Pune Hinjewadi Pune India East
1 IN-HYD- Hydera India East
1 IN-KOL- Kolkat India East
1 Bangalore Campus Bangal India East
2 (whitefield) ore
1 Mumbai CKP Mumb India East
3 ai
1 IN-PNQ- Pune India East
1 DE-FRA- Frankf Ger North EU
5 DCTAUBENST urt man
(FR1) y
1 Luxembourg Luxem Luxe North EU
6 bourg mbo
1 NL-ALM-KPN Almere Neth North EU
7 (DC3) erlan
1 NL-AMS-AMSDC Amster Neth North EU
8 dam erlan
(DCA) ds
9 n
2 DE-FRA- Frankf Ger North EU
0 DCKRUPP urt man
(FR2) y

2 IT-MIL-VIASTEND  Milan Italy South EU

2 IT-ROM- Rome Italy South EU
Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_v0.9) Version: (V0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
2 MA-CAS- Casabl Moro South EU
3 ALQUODS anca cco
2 ES-BCN- Barcel Spai South EU
4 DIAGONA199 ona n
2 FR-NTE-AXEO Nantes Fran South EU
5 ce
2 ES-MAD- Madrid Spai South EU
2 FR-REN-SPIREA Renne Fran South EU
7 s ce
2 FR-TLS- Toulou Fran South EU
2 FR-STD- Paris Fran South EU
3 FR-STD- Paris Fran South EU
3 BR-RDJ-CENTRO Rio de Brazi West
1 Janeiro l
3 BR-SAL- Salvad Brazi West
2 BAHIA2487 or l
3 BR-BRA- Brasilia Brazi West
3 QUAD114BD l
3 Verizon Chicag Ame West
4 o (FS) rica
3 AT&T Chicag Ame West
5 o (FS) rica
3 ARCO Bueno Arge West
6 s Aires ntina
3 US-SAR- Sarasot Ame West
3 MX-AGU- Aguas Mexi West
8 ZARAGOZA caliente co
3 US-PHX-615N48 Phoeni Ame West
9 x rica
4 Redwood City San Ame West
0 Jose rica
4 Billerica Boston Ame West
1 rica
4 MX-MEX- Mexico Mexi West
2 SANTEFE City co

Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_v0.9) Version: (V0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
4 BR-BAR- Sao Brazi West
3 ALPHA1930 Paulo l
4 CA-MIS- Toront Can West

Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_v0.9) Version: (V0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Appendix C: Glossary
This appendix defines key abbreviations and acronyms contained in this document.
C1 Terms
Term Meaning
Review (e.g. of a deliverable prior to A formal documented review by one or more
delivery to the Business people, either from within or outside the
project team
Walkthrough (e.g. of a deliverable A peer group review of any deliverable
prior to delivery to the Business conducted by the project team members.
This should normally include the originator of
the deliverable
Inspection (e.g. of a deliverable prior A semi-formal check that the deliverable
to delivery to Business meets the specifications and conforms to
standards. This may not include the originator
of the deliverable
Formal Inspection (e.g. of a A formal methodical inspection (e.g. Gilb
deliverable prior to delivery to the Inspection)
Testing (e.g. of a deliverable prior to A series of formal tests against a set of
delivery to the Business documented expected results. The types and
level of testing will depend on the stage of the

C2 Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym or Meaning
Apps Application Services
CR Change Request
EM Engagement Manager
PGP Project Governance Plan
WAN Wide Area Network
SCCM System Center Configuration Manager
POC Proof Of Concept
SoW Statement of Work
BU Business Unit
OS Operating System
ESX ESX is the primary component in the VMware Infrastructure
software suite
GPO Group Policy Object; is a feature of the Microsoft Windows
family of operating systems that controls the working
environment of user accounts and computer accounts

Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_v0.9) Version: (V0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Reference: (DGe\PGP-GPMT_v0.9) Version: (V0.9) Date: (October 19, 2017)
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright
2014 by Capgemini. All rights reserved.

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