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Programming Principles 1 (7001ICT)

This course teaches the fundamental concepts underlying the object-oriented approach to programming
through the widely-used Java programming language. Concentrating on aspects of Java that best
demonstrate object-oriented principles and good practice, students gain a solid basis for further study of
the Java language, and of object-oriented software development.
Systems Analysis and Design (7002ICT)
A system can be defined as a set of components that interact or depend upon each other, forming an
integrated whole. Systems thinking can be used to tackle almost any problem imaginable, in order to
identify requirements (systems analysis) and find solutions to meet them (systems design). This course will
provide you, as future business analysts and Information Technology (IT) professionals, with analysis and
design competencies that will underpin your entire career. You will learn how to plan the development of
an information system, analyse and discover requirements, and select optimal design solutions.
Introduction to Information Systems (7610ICT)
For 2014 this course will be offered in semester 2 at Nathan only. This course introduces aspiring ICT
professionals to two topic areas that are fundamental to their working life. First, the course covers
information, and how information underpins organisational activity in many forms. Second, the course
describes typical information systems that are used to control organisational activities, and for changing
and improving an organisation's way of doing things. Note: Mt Gravatt offering is only available to
Queensland Institute of Business and Technology (QIBT) students
Corporate Communications (7001MKT)
This course provides you with an understanding of the concepts, principles and factors of corporate
communication. This course examines the various factors of planning, developing and implementing
corporate communications. It also supports the development of your skills in critical evaluation, problem-
solving and decision-making. This course is offered: Gold Coast: Trimester 1 Day, Trimester 2 Night;
Nathan: Trimester 1 Night, Trimester 2 Day; Online: Trimester 1, Trimester 2 and Trimester 3.
Incompatible: 7601GBS - Corporate Communications
Strategic Supply Chain Management (7102IBA)
This course considers the challenges facing the managers of supply networks as they attempt to balance the
need for efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability, resilience, security and innovation. The course adopts a
strategic focus that reflects the latest thinking and best practice in the public and private sectors which are
increasingly required to operate in a turbulent international business environment. This course is offered:
Online: Trimester 1 South Bank: Trimester 1 Day Incompatible: 7602MGT: Strategic Supply Chain
Global Business Logistics (7103IBA)
This course provides a study of business logistics in a global context. Business logistics is presented as
enabling ethical and socially responsible business. Logistics is an integral part of the business supply
chain, and essential to the effective management of goods, services and information. The course includes a
focus on logistics in a global environment, logistics innovations, and logistics and the environment.
Commencing with an overview of logistics as an essential element of sustainable business, the course then
considers logistics systems and finally contemporary issues in logistics management. Incompatible:
7603MGT or 7103IBA (Business Logistics, OR Business Logistics) This course is offered at Southbank in
Semester 2 Intensive Mode (Day) and by distance learning.
Database Design (7003ICT)
From 2013, this course will only be offered in semester 2. The course investigates the concepts and
practices necessary for designing, using and implementing database systems. Practical experience with
modelling techniques serves to support an understanding of stable data structures within changing
operational and technological environments.
Programming Principles 2 (7005ICT)
This course teaches the fundamental concepts underlying the object-oriented approach to programming
through the widely-used Java programming language. Concentrating on aspects of Java that best
demonstrate object-oriented principles and good practice, students gain a solid basis for further study of
the Java language, and of object-oriented software development. Prerequisite: 7001ICT Programming
Business Intelligence Systems (7117IBA)
Business intelligence (BI) is a broad term which refers to the combination of software tools, architectures,
databases, models and methodologies for assisting decision makers to achieve business objectives. The
course provides students with an understanding of the principles of decision making in organisations, an
appreciation of the concepts of business intelligence systems (BI) across various disciplinary areas, and the
acquisition of basic skills in the construction of BI systems. This course is suitable for students with
minimal information systems background since students are introduced to the fundamentals of decision
making and BI. This course is offered: Nathan: Trimester 1 Day (odd years) Night (even years)
Incompatible: 7707IBA OR 7707GBS OR 7117IBA OR 7908IBA OR 7908MKT OR 7304MGT (Data
Analysis OR Business Intelligence Systems OR Management Support Systems OR Business Intelligence
OR Understanding Data for Decision Making)
Information Policy and Governance (7118IBA)
The focus of this subject is the governance and management of Information. Particular attention is paid to
how policy is framed and implemented in modern organisations. Students will also be exposed to theories
of IT governance, deep insights into modern policy problems surrounding information and be assessed on
their ability to be able to effective critique and develop policy. This course is offered: Nathan: Trimester 1
Day (odd years) Night (even years) Incompatible: 7308MGT (Information Policy & Governance OR
Critical Issues in Information Systems OR Strategic Enterprise Planning)
Managing Complex Projects (7115IBA)
Twenty first century projects are complex because goals are unclear; stakeholders are dispersed and have
multiple views; requirements are volatile and poorly understood; and assumptions are likely to change over
the duration of the project. Therefore, solutions need to be novel, multidisciplinary and adaptive to ever
changing conditions. Taking a multidisciplinary approach, this course provides a combination of
theoretical insights and practical conceptual tools to diagnose project complexity, and to make decision
about organizing complex projects. It is expected that at the end of the course students will be able to
understand the different dimensions of complex projects; select the most adequate conceptual tools to deal
with the type of complexity of projects; adapt tools to specific project situation; and be aware of the
implications of the decisions made for internal stakeholders, customers, suppliers and project goals. This
course is offered: Southbank: Trimester 1 Day Incompatible: 7401MGT Quality Project and Change
Research Design (7010GBS)
Research is the heart of social inquiry. This course fulfills one of the core requirements in preparation of
researchers, by providing an introduction to the variety of approaches to designing good research. We will
survey both quantitative and qualitative designs, from experiments to case studies, and map their fit to
theory and research question, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. This course is offered: Gold
Coast: Trimester 2 Day Online: Trimester 1 Trimester 2 Nathan: Trimester 1 Day Online Mode: material
will be provided week-by-week in accordance with the course schedule. Prior to enrolling in this course it
is expected that you have nominated a supervisor for your dissertation and have discussed a topic of
research with that Supervisor. Incompatible: 7001GBS - Research Design and Methods (Research Methods
and Design).
Information Management and Control (7114IBA)
Information systems (IS) play a vital role in today's organisations and information is considered a valuable
asset. Rapidly changing information technology (IT) is increasing the complexity of information
management, while concerns about the confidentiality, privacy, validity, and accuracy of the data stored
have been heightened. As a result there is a growing need for both IS users and IS professionals to be
aware of issues concerning information management and control and to develop appropriate practical skills
in this area. Incompatible: 7305MGT Information Management and Control This course is normally
offered at: Nathan Semester 2, DAY (even years), NIGHT (odd years)
Data Resource Management (7116IBA)
The course closely examines issues of data management when data are considered as a strategic resource.
In so doing data are looked in a different light, stressing their intertwined (symbiotic) relationship with
business. Data should be protected, categorised, understood in their atomic from as well as in their
relationships. But above all they should be managed within the context of the domain of the enterprise that
owns them. Incompatible: 7503MGT Data Resource Management This course is normally offered at
Nathan Night (even years) and Day (odd years)
Mobile Workforce Technologies (7113IBA)
Organisational cultures and their sub-cultures play a significant part on the success of adopting new
technology. Function rich applications provide an effective framework for changing how workers work.
This course examines the trends towards mobile, networked work practices. It aims to provide students
with knowledge of the strategic uses of information technology to bridge the gap between traditional work
practices and newer forms of mobile work practices to achieve the goal of mobilising and networking an
organisation's workforce. Incompatible: 7303MGT OR 7303MGT Mobile Workforce Technologies OR
Information Communications Technologies, Current Topics in Data Communications This course is
normally offered at: Nathan Semester 2, DAY (even years), NIGHT (odd years)

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