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 Electrons can be though as waves confining  He suggested that when electrically charged

electrons to atoms means the electron waves can particle moves under acceleration alternating
only have certain energies and frequencies and and electrical magnetic fields are produce and
atoms emit light and absorb light that has transmitted. So this field transmitted is called
energies and frequencies that corresponds to the electromagnetic waves or electromagnetic
differences between electron energy levels radiation
 Quantum Mechanic Model – 1930 Erwin  In an electromagnetic radiation which differ
Schrodinger developed the model which treats from one another in terms of wavelength or
electrons as matter waves and this treats frequency called electromagnetic spectrum.
electron as both wave and as particle that deals Wavelentgh is the distance between
with the probability of location and these corresponding points of two consecutive waves
orbitals represents clouds of negative charge like and this values are the freuqncy. The number of
waves that surround the nucleus and based on waves that pass in a given point in 1 second.
schroindger equation thus model shows the  Radiowaves. Long radio waves FM AM used for
likelihood of finding an electron in a certain broadcasting/ It has a longer wavelength but
position shorter frequency smaller frequency. Fllowed by
 Application of Electronic Structure the microwave region used for rada. Infrared
 All field of science became interested in the used for heating and these tiny part is the visible
electronic structure of atoms to explain the spectrum the small portion that our eyes can see
chemical properties its behavior and mechanism or detect.
 Example for biologist, they are interested in the  Red 750 nm
change of size and shape of molecules. Since  UV – the component of a suns radiation. It has a
Rutherford discovered that the nucleus occupies higher frequency compared to visinle light. That
only 10% of an atoms volume, nucleus was is why when exposed to uv rays od the sun it can
essentially tiny pint and the shape and size due burn the skin.
to a very sparse of electron cloud of some kind.  X-ray usually used for radiation
This realization was critical to biology, because  Gamma rays – highest frequency but the shortest
the shape and size of molecules is critical to wavelength find at the atmosphere
understanding their biological function, this  Thesea radiations are characterized by properties
electron cloud constituent atoms determines – tehses are the wavelength, frequency , and
their shape and size. This is very subtle wavenumber. Number of wavelength per unit
 There 2 diff forms of carbon molecule. R carbon length
and S carbon. R carvone smells like spear mint  Evidence for the quantized electronic energy
used for aroma therapy alternative medicine and levels: atomic spectra when electriomagnetic
room freshener. S carvone smells like scar away radiation interacts with matter atoms and
the difference in smell is an indication in molecule may absorb energy and reach to a
difference in biological activity that come from higher energy state with higher energy these are
difference in shape. Factor that usually in an unstable state.
encountered in drug industry. But also,  For returning to their normal or more stavle
impossible to understand photosynthesis and lower enery stat the atoms and molecules emit
vision. Color of leaves and flowers without radiations in various regions or EMSpectrum.
understanding the electronic structure of atoms.  Yhe spectrum of radiation emitted substance that
There would be no lip, color, or photochemical has absorb energy is called an emission
reactions if not for electrons and their ability to spectrum
absorb and release energy  Atoms molecules are ions that have absorb
 Physiscist are interested because they wanted to radiation are said to be excited. In order to
explain the color and spectra of atoms which is produce an emission spectrum, energy is
the light emitted when gaseous atoms when supplied to a sample by heating or radiating and
raised to high temp bombarded by electrons. the wavelength or frequency emitted is recorded
 Developments Leading to the Bohr Model of since the sample gives up the absorbed energy
Atom  While the unabsorbed spectrum is like the
 Dual character of the electromagnetic radiation photographic negative of an emission spectrum,
which means that radiations possess both wave A continuum is passed through the sample that
like and particle like properties. absorbed radiation of certain wavelengths the
 Experimental results regarding atomic spectra missing wavelength which correspond to the
which can be explain ony by assuming quantized radiation absorbed by the matter leave dark
electronic energy levels I atoms. spaces in the bright continuum spectrum the
 James Maxwell gave comprehensive explanation spectrum of the visible light was continuous as
about interaction between charge boduies and all wavelengths
behavior of electrical and magnetic fields on a  The emission spectra of atoms in the gas phase
macroscopic level do not show a continuous spread wavelength
from red to violet rather they emit light at
specific wavelength with dark spaces between
them. Such spectra are called light spectra or
atomic spectra because the emitted radiation is
identified by the appearance of bright light in the
 The study of emission or absorption spectra is
referred to as spectroscopy
 The term spectroscopy defines a large number of
techniques that use radiation to obtain
information on the structure and properties of
 R(n) = n^2 x r(1)
 Bohr radius = r (1) = 0.529 x 10^10 m
 Electrons could only orbit the nucleus in specific
orbits or shells with a fixed radius
 Considered as the smallest allowed radius for
 As long has the photons energy equal to the
energy diff between the initial and final energy
 Assumptions of Bohr Model
 The electron in a hydrogen atom moves in a
circular orbit around the nucleus. Only the
certain orbits around the nucleus
 Only certain orbits are allowed where the
angular momentum in the nth allowed orbit is
 Electrons is allowed orbits do not radiate
photons. Rdaiation is emitted when an electron
changes from one orbit to another with requency
given by the enrgy difference

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