First Draft The Refrigerator

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First Draft of : The Rapacious Refrigerator

The Treatment

The date is the 12th of June 1958 in London. The night is silent, the sky is velvet blue and the
moon is brighter than ever- the best combination for a great Romantic Dinner. Wayne lights
up the candles on the table and smiles. He lines up the crockery and glasses meticulously
and takes a deep breath. He fixes his bowtie and takes a look at the wall clock.

It’s nearly time! Brenda , his girlfriend, will soon be there and he needs to make a good
impression and show he is a sensible gentleman. But there is someone in the kitchen who
intends to destroy this beautiful event and will do whatever it takes to eat the delicious
meal himself. It is Francis, the bright pink fridge, feels hungrier than ever as he observes this
mouth-watering meal Wayne has been preparing all day long. Wayne firstly serves the salad
and turns to get the Italian Spaghetti with tomato sauce and meatballs.

Francis raises his eyebrows and stares at the food. He cannot resist so he sticks out his huge
tongue like a frog and grabs it. Wayne then turns back and serves the Pasta. He realises
there is something missing so he is shocked. He turns back to see if he left anything behind
then turns his head to the table again and realises the pasta is gone! He gasps and in panic
he looks around for it. He realises there are drops of tomato sauce near the fridge. He
suspiciously approaches it. Suddenly, Francis sticks out his enormous tongue again and
grabs the red wine from the table. Wayne grabs his enormous tongue trying to get the wine
from him but the fridge takes him in with it. Wayne then struggles to get out so Francis spits
him out leaving him covered in food and saliva. Francis laughs as Wayne tries to fix his
messy hair. Suddenly, footsteps are being heard from the distance. It’s Brenda! She walks in
the kitchen, shouts in shock and drops her handbag. Wayne smiles nervously to cover the
disaster but it’s too late. Francis spits a plate on Wayne’s head leaving him unconscious.

The End

The Step Outline

The night looks perfect for Wayne’s Romantic Dinner with his girlfriend Brenda. He prepares
the table with great care but is unaware of a greedy monster in the kitchen that intends to
destroy his plans-Francis The Rapacious Refrigerator.

Francis does whatever it takes to eat the delicious meal Wayne has been preparing by
sticking out his tongue and grabbing it every time Wayne turns. But Wayne quickly notices
his food is disappearing from the table so he approaches the refrigerator.

The fridge sticks out its tongue to grab the wine but Wayne grabs it and goes in with it.
Wayne is now left messy with food dribbling from his clothes and embarrassed for his looks.
Suddenly, Brenda walks in and screams to see the Wayne in this awful state. He smiles in
guiltiness but then gets knocked out from Francis who spits a plate on his head.

The Premise

Monsters can be found in the most unexpected places.

The Logline

A Rapacious Refrigerator destroys a Romantic Dinner by deciding to have the food for itself.

Character Biographies

Character 1: Wayne (The young man that tries to impress his Girlfriend)

Age: 26

Height: 1.74 cm

Weight: 75 kg

Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: Brown

Wayne comes from Wales but has been living in London for the last 5 years developing his
career as a journalist. He is quite timid but has had great success working for a famous local
newspaper. He quickly became famous in his working area for his achievements and
received good money. He finally got whatever he always desired: a successful job, a good
life, a nice apartment and of course living in London one of the most beautiful towns in the
world. But of course there was something missing from his life and that is someone to share
his happiness with. That year he met the girl of his dreams and cannot wait to spend time
with her. After a month being together he decides to prepare a romantic dinner to surprise
her and celebrate their first month as a couple.

Character 2: Francis The Rapacious Refrigerator

Age: 5

Height: 2 m

Weight: 150 kg
Brand: Gibson

Origin: USA

Decade: 1950’s

Colour: Pink

Francis is a Refrigerator that has spent most of its life in the specific apartment Wayne moved in. For
a long time now it’s been trying to control itself and not steal Wayne’s delicious achievements in
cooking. But being a greedy monster he unfortunately decides to break out the night Wayne was
expecting his girlfriend and ended in a disaster.

Note: There will be no Character Biography for Brenda as only her feet will be shown when she
enters the kitchen on the last scene.

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