ASSIGNMENT - Surah Al-Baqrah 180421

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Topic: Islamic Principles of life in the light of Surah Baqra

Submitted By: Moh Zain Abbas
Roll No: 20-10098
Section: ………..
To: Dr. Abdul Ghani
Course: ISLM 101
Date: 18th April 2021


Quran is the last divine book and is a complete code of law. We being muslims read it and act
according to its teachings throughout our life. Al-Baqarah means the “Cow” is the second and
longest Surah of the Quran. Its a madni Surah and consists of 286 verses and 6,201 words. It
covers almost every aspect of Islam. It contains stories of different prophets and Islamic Law.
Almost Every topic is touched upon in this Surah. It can rightly be said that it is the most
comprehensive Surah in the Quran. Above all it contained Ayat Al Kursi which is considered a
greatest verse of Quran.

Major Theme(s):

The main theme of this Surah are the Laws of Islam and the importance of obeying them. This Surah
was revealed in Madina when the Islamic State was being devised and the importance of the laws
was essential for the strong foundation of the state. It tells the story of Satan how he disobeyed
Allah and refused to bow in front of Adam. This story teaches us about the origins of mankind, the
beginning of evil, the dangers of arrogance and the purpose of life. In addition to this there are other
indicative topics such as ‘no compulsion in religion’ and ‘obedience of parents’ etc.

1. Three Important Principles of Life in Surah al-Baqarah:

Surah al-Baqarah contains many important principles of life to show us the right path, solve
everyday problems, and make decisions. However, I have selected following three important
teachings/principles which I have derived from Surah al-Baqarah. These teachings are
significant to understand Islam, its law and tolerance towards others.
a. Importance of Obeying the Law
The most important feature of this is laws in this Surah are addressed to the believers,
the very first commandment in the Qur’an is addressed to all of mankind,

“Oh Mankind, worship your Lord,” (2:21)

There are many stories of those who disobeyed the law. Satan was the very first one who
disobeyed the law and refused to bow in front of Adam and was cursed. This story should
be studied carefully and reflected upon to discover its many lessons. The bulk of it
encompasses of the stories of Bani Israel and how time after time in array of different
ways, they violated the laws of Allah, and consequences of not obeying Allahs commands.

b. The Laws of Islam:

The second part of the Surah is linked to the first part which focused primarily of stories
reminding us about the importance of obeying the laws of Allah. It contain all the key
topics of Islam like Islamic criminal law, fasting in the month of Ramazan, laws of Jihad,
laws relating to marriages etc. It is the most Fiqah laden part of the entire Quran.

c. Deeds of a believer vs non-believers (believer, disbeliever and hypocrites):

In Surah Al Baqarah refer to the hypocrites. In the Meccan phase of Muhammad, there
existed two groups, the Believers and the (non-believers). However, after Hijrah
(Emigration to Medina) Muhammad had to deal with the opposition of those who openly
accepted Islam while secretly plotting against Muslims.

Their leader was Abd-Allah ibn Ubayy who was about to be crowned king before the
arrival of Muhammad in Medina.

“….so whenever guidance comes to you from Me, then whoever follows my guidance,
then there will neither be any fear on them nor will they grieve.” (2:38)

d. No compulsion in religion

The right path has become distinct from the wrong path. (There is no compulsion in
religion), meaning, “Do not force anyone to become Muslim, for Islam is plain and clear,
and its proofs and evidence are plain and clear”. Therefore, there is no need to force
anyone to embrace Islam.


This Surah is a magnificent chapter of the Holy Quran which highlights all necessary
principles of instantaccomplishment. It covers almost every aspect of Islam, ranging from
theology to stories of the prophets to nearly every chapter of Islamic Law. It also put
emphasis on the most important rule of humanity that laws of islam are not enforced on
non-religious communities and show tolerance toward others.

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