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A Semi-detailed Lesson Plan

In Mathematics 5

I. Objectives

At the end of the discussion, the pupils are expected to:

A. distinguish percentage, base, and rate in word problems;
B. use percentage, base, and rate to understand a daily life experiences;
C. solve for percentage, base, and rate.

II. Content

A. Subject Matter
Percentage, Base, and Rate in Word Problems

B. Materials
Pictures, charts, manila paper

C. Values
1. Finding out how percentage, rate, and base matter to our life.
2. Group cooperation.

III. Learning Experience

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Identify the rate, base, and amount in each statement or question. Do not solve
the exercise at this point.
1) 23% of 400 is 92.
2) 150 is 20% of 750.
3) 40% of 600 is 240.

2. Review
Solve the following:
1) What percent of 50 is 125?
2) Find 18% of 40.
3) 48 is 12% of what?
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
Show pictures of real-life situations wherein percentage, base, and rate were
 Supermarket
 Mall
Have you been on this place? Why do people love to buy on these places?
2. Lesson Proper
Let’s see some of the buyer’s problem while they are on a store

a) A bag worth P850.00 is on sale at P595.00. What percent is the bag on sale?
Ask: What is asked in the problem? (The percent of the bag on sale.)
What are the given information or data that can help us solve the problem?
(original price= P850.00; discounted price= P595.00)
What is the formula to be used? (R=P/B x 100)
What is the solution on the given equation?
R = 595 / 850
R = 0.7 x 100
R = 70 % (The shirt was 70 % on sale)

b) At a sale, shirts were sold for P500.00 each. This price was 80% of their
original price. What was the original price?
Ask: What is asked in the problem? (The original price of the shirt)
What are the given information or data that can help us solve the problem?
(rate of the shirt = 80 % ; sold price= P500.00)
What is the formula to be used? (B= P/R)
What is the solution on the given equation?
B= P/R
B= 500 / 0.80
B= P625.00 (The original price of the shirt is P625.00)

c) In National Bookstore, 15% of 40 students bought dictionary. How many

students bought dictionary?
Ask: What is asked in the problem? (The number of students who bought
What are the given information or data that can help us solve the problem?
(rate of students who bought dictionary = 15 % ; Total number of
students = 40)
What is the formula to be used? (P = B x R)
What is the solution on the given equation?
P = 40 x 0.15
P = 6 (The number of students who bought dictionary is 6)

3. Fixing Skills
a. 200 people ate ice-cream in a park. 45% of the people had chocolate ice-
cream. How many people did not have chocolate ice-cream?
b. A theater increased its 50,000 seat capacity by 22%. How many seats
were added to the theatre?

A. Application (Group Work)

Solve the following.
1) If 68% of students in a class of 300 passed a test, how many students passed
this test?
2) The children had to pick their favorite sport from basketball, volleyball and
badminton. 35% chose basketball and 28% chose badminton. What
percentage chose volleyball

4. Generalization:
What are the steps in solving word problems?

IV. Evaluation
Solve the following word problems:
A. 200 people watched a movie. 55% of the people liked the movie. How many
people did not like the movie?
B. Rachael gets 94 marks in her exams. These are 47% of the total marks. Find
the maximum number of marks.

V. Assignment:
Solve word problem:
A. On a Super Sale at the mall, a pair of shoes is 20 % off of its original price
which costs P650.00. How much will Tina pay for the shoes?

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