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BC Alumni Newsletter

April 2021
We have boasted more than once about
Alumni Spotligtht going to the best high school ever!
When we graduated, we were excited
Larissa Compito ‘16 about our future as a pre-med and fash-
ion majors but felt like we would be
Jessica Compito ‘20 leaving a piece of us behind at BC. We
thought that we would go to college and
occasionally return for a sporting event
or two, but we could never really let this
school go. We wanted to give back to the
BC community, a wonderful community
that gave us so much, and help others
who now find themselves where we were
not too long ago. Our amazing experi-
ences and memories with our prior
coaches and teachers really were what
inspired us to continue to be involved in
BC. Sharing our love for cheerleading
and BC lead us back here as cheer
coaches. Coaching the sport we love at
the place that
was and al-
Once an Eagle always an Eagle. Burke ways will be
has always been a home away from home our home is
for us. The teachers, faculty, and staff are an amazing
some of the kindest people ever! They experience.
helped us through a lot during our time We want our
at BC, and to this day we can count on team to feel
them to guide us and listen when we like we’re
need to talk. Coming from a Catholic ele- family and
mentary school, BC was the choice for us, watch them
it was an extension of our values. The BC grow as a fam-
atmosphere, people, and surroundings ily. That is
make everyone feel safe. During the past the BC tradi-
year, we have reflected a lot on our years tion. To all
at BC. We have reminisced about going those looking
to football games with the cheer team, to spread
Disney trips, and hanging out with all their wings
our old friends. Many of those friends we and live their
still talk to today. Burke has helped shape lives go for it,
us into the women we are and instilled but always re-
lifelong values in us. We both did cheer member you’ll
throughout our four years of high school. always have a
We were part of clubs; loving every sec- home at
ond of our high school careers. Burke.
Upon graduation from Burke, I attended Marywood
Alumni at BC University from September, 2007 to June, 2001 and
earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics Second-
Lauren Breitfeller ary Education. I immediately continued my education

‘07 at SUNY New Paltz, where I earned my Masters of

Science Degree in Mathematics Education in 2013.
“Room 13” Having obtained my teaching degree, there was no
question as to where I wanted to teach. I began teach-
ing in 2013 at BC; as I was offered Mr. Wengenroth’s
position when he retired that year. I can still clearly
Room 13 at BCHS has been an integral part of my life
remember the day that I walked back through the
since I was a young girl. Unbeknownst to me at the time,
front door of the
it would define my future and shape me into the woman,
school. My former
teacher, wife, and mother that I am today.
Economics teacher,
My grandmother, Annette Petry, taught Social Studies at Matt McGinnis re-
BC in Room 13 from the early 1980’s to 1998. I have so minded me, that
many fond memories of helping my grandmother as a on the day I gradu-
little girl to decorate and set up her classroom at the end ated high school I
of every summer. As we worked together to get Room 13 said to him, “Don’t
ready for her students to begin the new school year, she worry; I’ll be back!”
would tell me teaching stories from the past with an ex-
It was 2015 when I
citement and enthusiasm that left a lasting impression
met my future hus-
upon me. Later in life, it was my grandmother who ulti-
band, Thomas Breitfeller, a former Guidance and Ad-
mately inspired and encouraged me to pursue a teaching
mission Counselor at BC. We married in 2019 and just
career in Catholic education.
had our first son, Ryan Thomas, in June, 2020. For the
In the early 90’s to early 2000’s, my mother, Laura last nine years, I have been teaching Mathematics in
(Bianchetti) Beezer, also worked at Burke. She held many Room 13 and love where I am, and what I do. The
positions, but eventually became the Secretary of Guid- sense of family and community is what brought me
ance and Admissions. I can remember coming in to help here as a
her over the summers; but my favorite job was to help her young girl;
to “collate papers”. I would take the piles to the library and is what
where I could spread them out all over the tables. Thanks has kept me
to the technology of today, collating papers is a time- here ever
consuming task that’s a thing of the past. since.
I attended BCHS as a student from September, 2003 to Burke Cath-
June, 2007. At this point, it felt like home to me, and I olic and its’
have never regretted my decision to be a member of the Room 13
Burke family. I quickly became involved in sports, and have deline-
was proud to be a member of both the softball and volley- ated my life
ball teams that brought home Section IX titles in my over the last
sophomore and junior years. I was a member of the Na- several
tional Honor Society, graduated 5th in my class, and was years. I am
extremely proud to be chosen to receive the Scholar Ath- proud to be an alumni and equally proud to teach the
lete Award my senior year. It was in Mr. Wengenroth’s students who enter my room each day. It is my sin-
Room 13 that I decided I wanted to become a math teach- cerest hope that I have, or will inspire some of my stu-
er. I considered him to one of my mentors; and over the dents to return back home to BC. Perhaps Room 13
course of my four years at Burke, he helped me to develop has had a positive influence on their future as well.
a love for mathematics.
Voice of Eagles Past
Anette Petry
BC Social Studies 1982-1998
(Lauren Bianchetti’s Grandmother)

I began my tenure at Burke

Catholic in 1982 when the
new wing was opened. I re-
member the excitement that
the Bishop caused when he
came to impart his blessing
on the classrooms and on
us. I felt then and there
that I had made the right
I decided to become a part of The Wayne
My teaching career began at Pike Adult Literacy Program. I began to
Sacred Heart School in work with adults who wanted to obtain
Monroe but I began to realize that I wanted to pur- their GEDs, learn to speak and write in Eng-
sue my passion which was the teaching of subjects lish, or who needed help in basic skills.
related to the Social Sciences. My years at Burke
were many and varied and knew I was doing what I After twenty years, I am still with the pro-
loved. I wanted to instill my love of History in the gram. Some of my students are now Ameri-
minds of my students so that by studying other cul- can Citizens, some have obtained their
tures they would come to understand our govern- GEDs and some have improved their Read-
mental system, its history, and its greatness. ing and Math skills.
Some of my best memories include the reenactment As I am writing this, I realize that I have
of the Nuremberg Trials with the 10th grade Honors been blessed with so many happy days as a
Class. It made the pages of the Times Herald Record Burke Catholic teacher and have so many
and I still have the article and the video tape. I was wonderful memories of my students whom I
moderator of the Model UN club and still have vivid will never forget.
remembrances of helping the students write resolu-
tions during the four day conferences at the various
universities. I was also placed in charge of the Sen-
ior Class. Helping my students plan for Senior-
Parent Night and Prom Night were exciting times
for the Seniors and for me.

Due to the fact that my Masters Degree was that of

Reading Specialist and Learning Differences, I was
called upon to establish a resource room to work
with students who needed extra help. It was my
passion to help them and to see them succeed.

When I retired, I sorely missed not being able to im-

part the knowledge acquired over my lifetime.
Not Words, But Deeds...

She showed up unwavering every

single day including weekends.
She worked tirelessly to ensure
she could provide whatever ser-
vice was necessary to each and
every person that needed it
whether they asked or not. She
also played Santa to many fami-
lies by providing items they
needed on their wish lists for
themselves or their children, in-
cluding coats, clothes, toiletries
or toys for the littlest ones. She
was, and is, completely commit-
ted to helping all of those in
Michele McKeon (‘86) need that have been impacted in
any way by the pandemic. She
COO RECAP has been a vital resource to so
many people in our surrounding
Congratulations to Michele McKeon! Michele is
COO for RECAP and is a Catholic Charities' Com- communities since last March
munity Champion. She's a friend and supporter of and continues to be a bright light
many organizations throughout our region and a in a very dark time to so many
true champion for the marginalized and vulnera- people."
One of Michele's nominators wrote, "Michele
Congratulations Michele!
stood on the front lines every single day during
this pandemic and is still providing essential ser- Non Vox Sed Votum
vices to those in need in our surrounding commu-
nities. Whether it was delivering meals to homes
of those that couldn't go out or were too afraid to When you are in the service of
go out, handing out boxes of food at distribution
centers to those that needed it, assisting with
your fellow beings you are in
housing for those that could no longer pay rent, the service of God
helping people find jobs or just being there for —anonymous
moral support, Michele was there to lend a hand.
Burke Catholic Hall of Fame
The Burke Catholic Hall of Fame recognizes and honors BC alumni, faculty, staff, and extended
family who exemplify the highest ideals of Catholic education and live by the standards of our school
motto, “Non Vox Sed Votum” – Not Words but Deeds.

Since 2002 we have been honoring the inductees at our annual BCHS Family, Friends & Alumni Gala.
We are looking forward to celebrating our 2020 Hall of Fame Inductees when we can all gather togeth-
er again. In the meantime, we will highlight one these amazing men and women in each month’s
2020 Burke Catholic Hall of Fame Inductees

Ron Biore

Rory Brady

Andrew Rivas

Katherine Juliano

Cynthia Philips

I have known Andy Ri-

vas in two capacities, as Andrew Rivas
a valued member in our
Social Studies depart-
BC History Department Chair
ment, and as a friend
who can inject enjoy-
“Mr. Rivas always stood out as one of my favor-
ment in any process to
make it more enjoyable. ite teachers and had a major, positive impact
He projects a passion on my experience at Burke. I was fortunate to
and knowledge of many have been a stu-
subjects and interests that connects with practically
dent of his for two
everyone he meets, faculty, staff, students. I have
seen him connect with students in such a way that it years. His classes
injects the ideal environment for learning while mak- were always inter-
ing students comfortable and secure in their own skin.
esting, thoughtful,
There is real enjoyment in their faces as they leave his
class in rm. 3. He can inspire even the most difficult
and challenging. I
student with his dry sense of humor, his empathy, and am lucky to have
his connections that he can make that makes his clas- been influenced
ses fun and enjoyable. He is the Zen Master. When I
by the lessons
think of Andy, I think of the statement from the late
Maya Angelou; People will forget what you did, People learned in Mr. Ri-
will forget what you said, but people will never forget vas’s classroom.”
how you made them feel. That’s what he does.
- Michael Coffey ‘14
-Bob Turner ‘71, BC History Department
Why Burke Catholic?
Tracy Shust ‘87
My name is Tracy Shust and I am a proud
1987 Burke Catholic graduate, the parent
of 2 BC grads and a future BC Ea-
gle. These are exciting times at Burke
Catholic High School especially with the
addition of the newly announced Burke
Catholic Academy. As an alum, a parent
and as a member of the BC Foundation
and the Board of Trustees I am honored
to be a part of all the amazing things
BCHS is accomplishing. Its commitment to excellence provides
It is a privilege to be part of these boards an atmosphere that sets high stand-
and partner with incredibly knowledgea- ards for students and school person-
ble and talented members. The Burke nel.
Foundation exists to support and promote Students are placed in a college pre-
the BC mission as the premier high school paratory environment where they are
(and now middle school) in the Hudson given the opportunity to succeed aca-
Valley. The efforts put forth have enabled demically, spiritually, socially and ath-
some significant improvements in the re- letically.
cent years, including a new track, updated
My sons, Colin ‘18 and Christopher ‘20
science labs and re-design of the library to
were provided an excellent founda-
house a student union.
tion, were equipped with the tools to
With the continued engagement of the thrive as life-long learners and will
incredible "BC Family"— existing fami- take their experience into the larger
lies, community and our supportive community throughout life. I am ex-
Alumni network, there is much more that cited to be part of BC’s future.
can be done.
Non Vox Sed Votum!
Burke is a pillar of its community and a
place where students feel safe and sup-
ported. A place where faith, personal
character and service to others are just as
important as academic success.
May 26, 2021
Celebrate with us…

BC Day of Giving

Together we can continue to

build a school where
success is a tradition.

Join us in celebrating BC’s Inaugu-

ral Day of Giving on May 26. Cele-
brate all things BC while support-
ing our students. This is a day for
the entire BC community: alumni,
parents, faculty and staff will show
their love for BC and our students.

Your donation will go towards helping us close out the final $25,000 of our
$150,000 Bleacher Project –the 1st phase in our ReVitalization Campaign.

We could not do this without you!

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Give today at

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for all the latest Day of Giving updates.
BC Eagles Soaring..
Brendan Tierney ‘20
Brendan completed his post graduate
year at Trinity Pawling Prep, after being
named to the Headmaster List with a
GPA of 4.0. Brendan has received his
appointment to West Point and will re-
port in June. Brendan will be playing
for the Army Spirit Football Team.

Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord

–Ephesians 5:19

Burke Catholic Class of 2021 Senior Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral

Blessed and thankful!

Keep the prom pictures coming...

We will share them

all in our May

Send us your prom pictures…

The BC Family & Friends Facebook

Page is a great way to keep up on all
the happenings at BCHS. Check our
page often for updates and to learn
about upcoming events. You can al-
ways reach out to us there with any
Are you in?

It’s Getting closer and we couldn’t be more excited!


Business Spotlight
Jen (Bennice) Hall ‘03
Michelle (Bennice) Funk ‘09

Sisters and self-proclaimed “bestest

friends” Michelle Funk and Jen Hall
grew up baking cookies with their
mom, Lisa.
Now almost a decade after her pass-
ing, they continue this family tradi-
tion in their own kitchens, making
custom sugar cookies for all occa-
Weddings to baby showers, birthdays to holidays– or even just
to bring a bit of sweetness to some-
one special.
Their moniker “BeeNice Cookies” is
of course a nod to their family
name, but also designed to honor
the greatest joy of their lives—
Michelle’s now 2 year old daughter

For information regarding their cookies you

can reach Michelle and Jen at:

Instagram: @beenicecookies
JOB OPPORTUNITIES Patrick Spear ‘89 - Licensed Electrician
at Tesla Energy
Faith Ferguson (BC Class of ‘82) - Stage Coach Erika Utter ‘07- Contract Manager at
Inn. We are hiring! Calling all hospitality profes-
sionals to join our stellar team. Stagecoach Inn is
a great place to work and we welcome everyone Holly King ‘08 - Brand Manager –
to apply for all positions on our website. We are Northeast at Anheuser– Busch
looking for bartenders, servers, dishwashers and
Zachary Schiller ‘12 - started at Goose-
housekeepers. Click here to apply: https://
head Insurance Agency
Lyndsey Moss ‘14 - Leasing Consultant
Camden Oliver (BC Class of ‘18) - sign up to be for The Benjamin, Boston MA
a ClothesLyner. Must live in Orange County NY.
Jack Dwyer ‘14 - named Co-Chair of
Visit for more information
International Essay Management Desk
and to apply.
at Thinktown Education

Ellen Roesch (BC Class of ’78) – CEO of Ellen Madison Olivero ’15 - Associate, Private
Roesch Your College Coach. Let Ellen simplify Client Services at Lido Advisors, LLC
the college process for you. She offers full service
Derek Zhou ‘15 - Data Analyst at
college selection and application coaching. Ellen
is experienced and knowledgeable in selection
criteria, application success & how to write a Yu (Claire) Li ’16 - Started as Assistant
great essay. You will get personal one-on-on at- at Accenture
tention from beginning to end. Priced to fit all
Madelyn St Amand ‘20 - New Venture
budgets and needs. Learn more at yourcol-
Challenge Intern at Polsky Center at the You can reach Ellen at taxlaw-
University of Chicago

Jeanine Grillo (BC Class of ‘12) - Jeanine is

graduate of St. Thomas Aquinas (2016) and
works as a Senior Associated for Innovation &
Enterprise Solutions at KPMG. She has been
working with students through KPMG’s Univer-
sity and Internship Program and also offers ser-
vices independently. Jeanine is ready to help
young professionals navigate the job market and
coach them early on in their careers. Contact
Jeanine at
BC Family, Friends & Alumni Gala
New Date!

We are looking forward to celebrating together in 2022!

A Re-Imagining of Catholic Education in Orange County

Burke Catholic Academy

Burke Catholic Academy is a new middle school program that allows for students to
attend 6th-8th grade on the campus of John S. Burke Catholic High School.

To be chosen by the Archdiocese of New York to launch this innovative pilot pro-
gram is a testament to Burke Catholic’s commitment to being the premier college
preparatory school in the New York Hudson Valley Region.

We are excited to expand our legacy of academic excellence to our new Burke
Catholic Academy middle school students.

Registration information contact:

John Douthit, President –

Tracy Sullivan, Director of Admissions –

BC Alumni Newsletter
February 2021

ReVitalize, ReEngage, ReConnect

Office of Alumni and Advancement

Your gift will have an immediate impact on all BCHS students.

Light the way for today’s students, so that they can find their way to impact
the world.

To make your gift today, please visit

To double the impact of your donation check to see if your company participates in a matching
gift program - please visit
If you would like to be in-
cluded in the next news-
letter or have a Milestone
or story you would like to
share, contact Karen Dwyer:

Contact Information
John S. Burke Catholic High School
Office of Admissions, Alumni and Advancement
80 Fletcher St, Goshen, NY 10924
(845) 294-5481 ext 132

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