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Prometheus and Io

How do you make a decision?
Can you share some instances wherein you have been able to make a good or bad decision in
Is there someone who are giving you helpful advice which helps you in decision making?
This time, we will be tackling about the story of Prometheus and Io.
Make an essay by answering the question:
If you were Prometheus, what are the things that you will tell to Io in order to comfort her from
the problem that she’s facing?

Do you believe that monsters existed in this world? Why or why not?
Are monsters possible to exist?
Today, I will be discussing the story of a one-eyed creature Polyphemus.
Now, in 5-10 sentences, you are going to explain why Polyphemus acted in a negative way
because of his jealousy. Do you think what he did is reasonable? Why or why not?

Adonis and Aphrodite

In what way can you make your loved ones safe?
How can you make sure that your advices to make them safe are being followed?
This time, I’m going to discuss the story of Adonis and Aphrodite
Make a slogan by describing the word “love” in your own words.

Apollo and Hyacinth

Do you have a best friend?
What are the characteristics that he/she possess?
How did you end up as best friends?
Today I will be discussing about the story Apollo and Hyacinth.
Make a poster by illustrating your perception about friendship.

Europa and Zeus

In your own words, is abduction acceptable if you are deeply in love with someone? Why or why
Is it a right way to tell someone that you love him/her?
This time, I will be tackling about the story of Europa and Zeus.
I will be dividing the class into five groups.
All you need to do is to role play about how abducting someone you love has become good or
bad in your own point of view.

Echo and Narcissus

In what way can you express your love to someone?
Is it only through spoken words?
Can you express your love to someone without actually saying that you love them?
This time, we will be tackling about the story of Echo and Narcissus.
Write a short paragraph by answering the question:
If you were Echo, how would you tell Narcissus that you love him?

Adonis in the underworld

Find your pair and discuss the following questions with your partner.
Do you believe in the existence of underworld?
Is life after death possible?
Today, we are going to tackle about the story of Adonis in the underworld.
Write an essay by answering the following guide questions:
What would you feel if one of your loved ones died?
If you would have the chance to talk to them, what would you tell them?

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