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1st terminal exam – 2077

Sub: Estimating, Costing and supervision full marks:30

Time:1 hrs. Pass marks:12
GROUP A – Very Short Questions (1x5=5)
Attempt any five Questions
1. What is an estimate?
2. What are various types of estimate?
3. Write down the various methods used for calculating quantity of earthwork?
4. Define specification?
5. Write the various items of work in construction of masonry footing?
6. Define concrete flooring?
7. Define long wall and short wall?

GROUP B – Short Questions (2x5=10)

Attempt any five Questions
1. Write about importances of an estimate?
2. Describe in brief about detailed estimate?
3. Draw the cross sections of various types of regular trenches and write formula to calculate
their volume?
4. What do you mean by general specifications? Describe.
5. What do you mean by detailed specifications? Describe.
6. Write the specifications of masonry wall in short ?
7. Define the term Lead and Lift?

GROUP C – Long Questions (3x5=15)

Attempt any three Questions
1. For a road embankment of width 10m and side slope are 2:1, the depth along the centerline of
road at 50m intervals are recorded as:
1.25, 1.10, 1.50, 1.20, 1.0, 1.10, 1.15m
Calculate the quantity of earthwork by any methods.
2. Draw a simple concrete floor, write name of various pars and write its specifications in details?
3. Write the unit of measurements of given items of works:
a. Earthwork in excavation
b. 10cm thick concrete floor
c. Brick edging
d. Wood works in door and window shutters
e. Supplying of glass panel
f. Expansion joints
g. Blasting of rock
h. 12mm thick cement plaster in celling
i. Skirting
j. Half brick thick wall
4. A brick masonry footing is shown in the figure below. Calculate the following items of work for
masonry footing:
a. Earthwork in excavation
b. 10cm flat brick soling
c. 10cm thick PCC
d. Brick work

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