Names of Ramadan

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Names of Ramadan


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The Blessed Names of the Month of Ramadān

Name Meaning

Shahru Ramadān The month of Ramadān

Shahr-ul-Bishāra The month of Glad Tidings

Shahr-ul-Burhān The month of the Proof

Shahr-ul-Ghufrān The month of Forgiveness

Shahr-ul-‘Ibāda The month of the Worship of Allāh

Shahr-ul-Ihsān The month of Sincere Faith

Shahr-ul-Īmān The month of True Faith

The month of the Blessed Night of

Shahru Laylatil-Qadr
Power for night-long worship

Shahr-ul-Mahāmid The month of the Praises of Allāh

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Names of Ramadan

Shahr-ul-Masābīh The month of Luminous Lamps

Shahr-ul-Masājid The month of the masājid

Shahru Nabiyyunā The month of our Prophet

Muhammad ‘alayhis -salātu Muhammad, peace and blessings be
was-salām upon him

Shahr-ul-Qiyām The month of Standing-up for Prayer

The month of the Qur’ān, when it

was first revealed

The month of Happiness, the month

of Bliss

Shahr-ush-Shahāda The month of Witnessing

Shahr-us-Siyām The month of Fasting

The month of Purification, of body,

heart and soul

Shahr-ut-Tarāwīh The month of Tarāwīh prayers

Shahr-ut-Tawba The month of Repentance

The month of Increase (in Allāh’s

Blessings and Bounties)

Source: Tawdī‘ Shahru Ramadān (Farewell to the Month of Ramadān), a qasīda (poem) in
Tabāraka Dhul ‘Ulā (Blessed is The Possessor of Exaltation), by Hujjat-ud-Dīn Muhammad bin
‘Abd al-‘Azīz al-Warāq, Published by Sulaymān Mar‘ī, Singapore, n.d.

Note: Various other attributive names of the month of Ramadān can be found in many other kutub

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Names of Ramadan

Du‘ā’: O Allāh! Give us good health to fast the whole month of Ramadān, protect us from evil,
bestow peace on all the Muslims in the whole world, accept our worship and make the month of
Ramadān a means of our salvation and a means by which non-Muslims accept Islām. Āmīn.

References: Reminiscences of Ramadān in Kenya

A Poem in Swahili to Greet Ramadān

Key to the Arabic Transliteration

Siddiq Osman Noormuhammad.

Ramadān 1423, November 2002. Toronto, Canada.

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