"Hamilton's America" Documentary Notes

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“Hamilton’s America” Documentary Notes

Anticipation Guide

Agree or Disagree? Put an A or D on the line next to the statement.

___ A great individual—a hero—is someone with no flaws.

___ Morality—what is considered right and wrong—is something that changes

over time.

___ A person should not be defined by their mistakes.

___ A great leader should never make compromises.

___ There are some mistakes that cannot be forgiven.

___ You can respect someone and disagree with them at the same time.

___If the leader of our country makes a mistake, it’s ok if it’s for a good reason.

___It’s ok to judge a historical figure by our current standards.

___ We should reconsider who we think is a great person in history, especially if

they did something we consider terribly wrong today.

“Immigrant’s Story”

1. How did Hamilton write “his way out of his circumstances?”

“First Secretary of Treasury”

1. Explain what President Obama means when he states that the founding
fathers were “flying by the seat of their pants.”
2. Why did the creators of Hamilton choose to have Thomas Jefferson sing

“Washington’s Right Hand Man”

1. What was the result of the Battle of Yorktown?

“Reconciling History: Founding Fathers”

1. How does the casting in Hamilton attempt to address the flaws of the
Founding Fathers?

2. What is your opinion of the song “One Last Time?” Why do you think Lin-
Manuel Miranda chose to perform that song at the White House?

“Hamilton and the Election of 1800”

1. Describe how the musical depicts Hamilton’s involvement in the election of

1800. On stage, where is Hamilton standing? Why?
“Adapting History into Musical Theatre”

1. Pick two characters portrayed in the song “My Shot” and list any
characteristics, personality traits or opinions you were able to see/hear
about them from watching the “My Shot” clip.

2. Why do you think Hamilton is so popular?

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