Argument Essay Final Draft

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Fox 1

Jessica Fox

Mrs. Cramer

Comp Pd. 5a

5 March 2021

The Importance of Doing Chores

Do you know what the benefits are of giving children chores? Although, only about a

quarter of children do chores, household tasks can be beneficial in several ways. One benefit of

giving children chores is it teaches them the responsibility of having a job. Teaching children

how to accomplish skills needed for life is also incorporated within household duties. To teach

children responsibility and everyday skills, they should be given chores at home at a young age.

First, chores can be used in several ways to teach children about how to be responsible.

When given an everyday task, children will learn the responsibility of getting that job done. If

the child does not do their task, there could be a punishment, that is not too harsh. This will show

them that if they do not do what they are supposed to, there will be a consequence. Also, if the

child gets paid, it can teach them the worth of a dollar. As stated by Amy Morin, you can create a

system of allowance that is like the way you get paid at a job. This will prepare teenagers for

jobs and that they need to do their work to make money. The child could do what they want with

the money earned from chores and it could teach them the value of saving and spending. This

could teach children how to save money, or even if they spend it, they will understand that

maybe next time they would rather save their money. In all, chores can help kids learn

responsibilities in ways that parents cannot teach.

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Next, chores can teach children how to do everyday tasks in a household. When several

children grow up, they do not know how to do simple tasks around the house. For example,

learning how to do laundry is an important skill needed for life. There are numerous students in

my school who do not do their own laundry. In addition, when kids grow up and finally move

out of their parents’ house, they would be clueless and need to learn all the daily life skills along

with everything else that comes with growing up. It should be parents jobs to prepare their

children for the real world, “By expecting children to complete self-care tasks and to help with

household chores, parents equip children with the skills to function independently in the outside

world,” (Responsibilities and Chores). Therefore, children will tend to be more successful when

they get older because of doing chores. Also, helping parents cook and clean will help them in

the future. Learning how to cook and clean up properly after will prevent accidents and possible

illness. Once kids move out on their own, they are going to need to know how to cook. Lastly,

giving children chores will teach them countless skills that will help them in the long run.

On the other hand, many would argue that parents should let their children be kids and let

them have fun. Children should have time to have fun but doing chores for a few minutes a day

will not interfere with that. Mother Brandi Jordan states that chores can teach children time

management skills. Therefore, children will have to do their chore before being able to have fun,

and if they push off doing the task then they will miss out on fun time. There are also several

chores that parents can give their children that will not take them long and are easy. Parents are

not going to make a child’s whole day revolve around doing chores, and instead they will give

their child a few certain chores to do every day or even on a specific day of the week. Overall,

children will have plenty of free time to do fun stuff when they are young, so doing chores for a

small amount of time a day or even a week will leave enough free time.
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By contrast, some could argue that certain chores can be dangerous for children, and it

will take them longer to accomplish than it would if an adult did it. While these concerns are

valid, parents should teach their children how to do a chore that would be considered dangerous

before they send them to do it. There are different skill levels for chores for different aged

children for example, “Preschool children can be given simple chores that involve picking up

after themselves,” (Morin). This proves that there are chores that even little children can do that

will be safe for them. Parents are supposed to teach their children real life skills as they grow up

which would lead to the child being taught properly so they will not get hurt. The parents will

also not give their children chores that could harm their child if they are not ready. Even if the

speed that a child does a chore is slower than the time an adult would take, the child is still

helping their parent. Also, the longer and more they do the chore they will typically get faster as

time goes on. Lastly, children should not have chores that are unsafe, although there are plenty of

chores that are safe for younger kids.

In conclusion parents should give their children chores at a young age to teach them

about responsibility and everyday skills. Giving children chores will assist them in understanding

the responsibilities of having a job and understanding the value of a dollar. Chores will also give

children skills that are useful in life every day. Will these benefits change your opinions of

household chores?
Fox 4

Works Cited

"Responsibilities and Chores: Part 1 - Benefits of Chores." The Center for Parenting Education,


chores/part-i-benefits-of-chores/. Accessed 28 Apr. 2021.

Morin, Amy. "The Importance of Chores for Kids." Verywell Family, dotdash, 1 Oct. 2020, Accessed 28

Apr. 2021.

Jordan, Brandi. "Should Kids Have Chores?" The Organization House, shemedia, 2 Jan. 2020 Accessed 28 Apr. 2021.

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