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How prepared am I to be responsible/informed consumer and skilled producer of communication

processes and mass media messages in the 21st century?

As a millennial, I think I am well-prepared to be a responsible and informed consumer in the 21st

century. As mass media has shifted from television to online channels, such as Twitter I have

been honing my skills on these platforms. I have adapted very well to these platforms and

understand how the news is now disseminated on a global scale. Online communication is the

future and I am blessed to be born in the era that may it all happen.

What skills have I learned about processing, editing, presenting and evaluating information?

Some skills that I have learned about processing, editing and presenting information is

communication skills. The way you interpret and then react to information is crucial. Body

language plays an important role in delivery of a speech as well. The key is to listen first,

evaluate any bias, and then come to conclusions that you can share with others. Being well-

informed and not reacting instantly are so important in presenting information.

How prepared am I to effectively gauge the effects of communication and mass media?

I am very prepared to gauge the effects of communication and mass media. I already know the

effect that social media channels have on us. It is addicting but I am cognizant of what I need to

do to stay informed. At the same time, I understand the code of communication in mass media

and can decipher the messages that are disseminated.

How can I become a responsible/ethical media producer?

I can become a responsible and ethical media producer by verifying my sources. Misinformation

is plaguing our country right now and the more we are aware of the information and our sources,

the better we will be. We need to present facts over opinion.

How prepared am I for careers in the industries of communication and mass media?

I think I am well prepared for a career in communication. My relevant coursework has been a

great stepping stone, along with my written work in principles of public relations. I am a great

writer and continue to get better each and every day.

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