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COVID-19 Mitigation Policies - Fall 2020 

Bhaktivedanta Academy is committed to providing a safe and friendly environment for our students 
when they return in the fall. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact daily life, we are doing all 
we can to mitigate its spread within our school community.  
These guidelines have been carefully considered utilizing guidance from state health authorities, 
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and have been applied to 
our particular context in consultation with our own medical professionals.  
The procedures and policies outlined below will be in effect starting August 3, 2020 and will be 
periodically reviewed and updated as circumstances warrant. They supersede any conflicting policies 
or procedures in our ​Family Handbook​.  
Our COVID-19 policies are organized into several areas. Click the links below to jump to a specific 
area of interest. 
Campus Access​ | ​Classroom Cohorts​ | ​Occupancy​ ​ | ​Indoor Air Quality​ | ​Sanitization
Morning Drop-off​ | ​Meals and Snacks​ | ​Student Activities​ | ​Meetings​ | ​Health Policies​ | ​Travel
Face Coverings/Shields​ | ​Student Hygiene​ | ​Social Distancing​ | ​COVID-19 Exposure Response
Campus Access 
● Classroom access will be limited to teachers assigned to the class, administrative personnel, 
and licensing authorities.  
● No visitors will be allowed on campus.  
● Families will be limited to the pick-up/drop-off areas and school office only.  
● Playgrounds and outdoor common areas will be restricted to student use only during 
scheduled recess times. 
Classroom Cohorts 
To reduce the potential spread of infection and to minimize the impact of a COVID-19 exposure, 
classes will be organized according to the following: 
● Each class will be kept as a discrete cohort of students and assigned teachers. They will not 
interact on campus with other classes. 
● Adults in each class will not engage with students in other classes nor will they enter other 
● Students and teachers may only use their classroom bathrooms. 
● Lunch and snack will be consumed in class or in designated outdoor areas away from other 
classes with appropriate distancing. 
● Recess times will be staggered to only allow for 1 class at a time to be on the shared 
Per Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines, all 
interior spaces will have set occupancy limits and seating arrangements: 
● Room occupancy will be limited to 2 people per every 100 sq. ft. to allow for 6 feet of available 
space per occupant. 
● Seating will be spaced at least 3 feet apart. 
● Larger desks will be separated with transparent dividers to allow students to sit next to each 
Indoor Air Quality 
Classroom air conditioning systems will be upgraded to improve indoor air quality and to help reduce 
possible viral transmission. The measures that will be put in place are: 
● Upgrade our central A/C system filtering to MERV 13 along with more regular filter replacement 
● Install UV disinfection equipment within our classroom A/C systems. 
● Setup stand-alone HEPA air filtration systems within each classroom and office. 
● As weather and airborne allergen levels permit, introduce outdoor air into classrooms at regular 

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Regular cleaning and sanitization will be enhanced to include: 
● Sanitization of all high-touch surfaces, desks, and bathrooms will be conducted twice daily 
using EPA approved disinfectant products. 
● Student supply lists will be expanded to include materials that are typically shared in the 
● Each student in grade 1 - 10 will be assigned their own computing device for use in the 
● Montessori work rugs will be replaced with a material that can be more easily sanitized and will 
be assigned to each student. 
● Shared classroom manipulatives will be placed on a “to be sanitized” shelf after each use. 
Materials will be cleaned and sanitized using EPA approved disinfectant prior to return to 
circulation in the classroom. 
● Outdoor play equipment (balls, jump ropes, etc.) will be sanitized after each use. 
Morning Drop-off 
● Families will be asked to keep health policies in mind each morning and if possible to 
self-screen their children prior to coming to school.  
● Each class will have a designated path to their classroom for health check and sign-in. 
● Sign-in will be conducted via a touchless system. 
● The drop-off time frame will be expanded to allow for less congestion related to health checks 
each morning.  
Meals and Snacks 
● Communal snacks will be discontinued. Students will bring their own snacks from home to eat 
in class. 
● Lunch and snack will be consumed in class or in designated outdoor areas away from other 
classes with appropriate distancing. 
● Each student will be required to bring their own water bottle. Drinking fountains will be 
Student Activities 
● Assemblies will be held outdoors with appropriate distancing and limited to a single classroom 
● All field trips and organized off campus activities, including temple visits, will be restricted.

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● Meetings that require more space than a room occupancy allows for or involve students or 
adults from different classroom cohorts shall be conducted virtually. 
● Participants of internal class meetings should maintain at least 3 feet of distance (children) or 6 
feet of distance (adults) from each other and continue to wear face coverings. 
Health Policies 
Existing student and and school personnel health policies will be expanded to include Centers for 
Disease Control (CDC) guidelines: 
● Prior to entering the classroom all students and school personnel will be temperature and 
symptom screened. The following conditions will be evaluated to determine if someone can be 
admitted to their classroom: 
○ Temperature of 100.4 degrees or greater 
○ Chills 
○ Cough 
○ Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath 
○ Fatigue 
○ Muscle or body aches 
○ Headache 
○ New loss of taste or smell 
○ Sore throat 
○ Nausea or vomiting 
○ Diarrhea 
○ Congestion, or runny nose that is not allergy related. 
● Although each circumstance will be evaluated on a case by case basis, our general policy will 
○ Symptomatic students and school personnel will be referred to their physician to 
determine if a COVID-19 test is warranted.  
○ Symptomatic students and school personnel with a negative COVID-19 test will be able 
to return to school 72 hours after symptoms resolve.  
○ Students or school personnel with a positive COVID-19 test will be required to remain 
home for 7-14 days in consultation with their physician. They may return back to school 
after the quarantine time frame, with a repeat negative test, and at least 72 hours after 
symptoms have resolved.

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● After traveling by air, bus, train, or cruise ship domestically or internationally where there is 
community spread of COVID-19 employees or students should remain off-campus for 14 days. 
● Alternatively, 6 days after returning from travel employees or students may opt to test for 
COVID-19 and with a negative test result, return to campus.  
● 14 days after returning from travel, monitor for COVID-19 symptoms and inform the school if 
you or any member of your family have become symptomatic.
Face Coverings/Shields 
Based on all available guidance from local health authorities, Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and 
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and emerging research studies, face coverings are highly 
effective in limiting the spread of COVID-19 within indoor environments. For the protection of all 
members of our school community the following will be required: 
● All students, staff, and parents are required to wear face coverings while on campus, including 
drop-off and pick-up. 
● Face shields that extend below the chin are an allowable alternative for students in 
● Accommodations, such as regular outdoor breaks, will be made for students who have 
documented medical conditions that make the use of a face covering difficult. 
● Students will not be required to wear a face covering or shield while engaged in lunch, outdoor 
recess and physical education activities.  
● (K)N95 masks will be made available for all teachers who choose to wear one while engaged in 
up close interactions with students.  
Student Hygiene 
● All students will wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer 
in the following circumstances: 
○ Entering the classroom 
○ Before eating snack or lunch 
○ After eating snack or lunch 
○ After blowing their nose or sneezing 
○ Before exiting the classroom 
○ Change of context or moving to another area of their classroom. 
○ Students in grade 1 or above may bring their own personal hand sanitizer that is at least 
70% alcohol.  

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Social Distancing 
● Immediate contact (such as shaking or holding hands, or hugging) should be avoided as much 
as possible.  
● When possible students should maintain at least 3 feet of distance between each other while 
wearing a face covering. 
● When possible adults should maintain at least 6 feet of distance between each other while 
wearing a face covering.  
● If outdoors and a face covering is not being worn, maintain at least 6 feet of distance when 
COVID-19 Exposure Response 
For the protection of the entire school community families and school personnel are expected to 
report any known exposure to someone who has tested COVID-19 positive. In the event that a student 
or teacher has tested positive for COVID-19 the impacted classroom cohort will be closed for a 72 
hour period. During that time the following will occur: 
● The Alachua County Health Department will be notified. 
● The classroom will undergo a deep clean and sanitization. 
● The families of each student in the cohort will be contact traced and asked to complete a 
family health questionnaire.  
● Health questionnaire response will be evaluated by our medical team to determine who can 
return to class or be referred for further evaluation. 
● Upon re-opening, the classroom will be closely monitored for any indication of infection 
amongst teachers or students.  

6   Updated 08-17-2020 

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