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Gabriella 8C/13


Once upon a time, there were a married couple lived in a small village. They felt lonely
because there was no child accompanying them. Having waited for so long, God gave them a
reward for their patience; his wife was finally pregnant. They were very happy.
But their happiness didn’t last long. His wife got a strange ill and there was no medicine
could cure her. He had tried so many ways of treatment. But suddenly there was and old
woman suggested him to take the rampion flower growing in the deep forest.
On the next day, he went to the forest to pick it. But, while he was picking the flower, the
witch caught him stealing the flower.
“How dare you to stealing flowers in my favourite garden ! I’ll kill you”, The witch said.
“Forgive me please, my wife is pregnant and get a strange ill. Only this rampion flower can
cure her”. the man begged.
“Hahaha, I see. Okay, you may bring that flower from my garden as much as you need. And I
also forgive and let you go. But on one condition. When the baby is born, you have to give it
to me. Don’t worry, I will treat the baby as a baby of my own”, the witch said.
He accepted the requirement to save his wife and the child later. And when the baby was
born, the witch appeared and took the baby from her parents and gave a name, Rapunzel.
Rapunzel grew into a very beautiful girl. When she was 12 years old, the witch locked her in
a tower in the middle of the forest. It didn’t have a stair and door. It had only a small window
at the top of it. When the witch wanted to visit her, the witch ordered Rapunzel to lose her
long hair.
Yup, Rapunzel was blessed with a very beautiful hair, long and shiny as gold. Rapunzel had
to lose the hair through the window down, so the witch could climb to the top of the tower.
Rapunzel did it every time the witch visited her.
After several years living in the tower, Rapunzel felt lonely living alone, so she always sang.
One day, a handsome prince who was hunting in the woods accidentally heard a beautiful
voice coming from the tower. He tried to find out and wanted to get into the tower, but he
could not find the door or stairs to climb. The prince fell in love with Rapunzel’s voice. One
day he saw the witch came to the tower and said:
“Rapunzel, Rapunzel, lose your hair down for me”.
As always Rapunzel lowered her hair.
On the next day, the prince came and tried the same way as the witch did.
“Rapunzel, Rapunzel, lose your hair down for me”.
Yup, Rapunzel lose her hair down and the prince climbed to the top.
Rapunzel was shocked and scared when she saw the prince. Rapunzel had never met anyone
except the witch. But, listening the prince’s talking and his friendly character, her fear was
slowly driving lost and turned to be love. After several time the prince visited her, he
proposed her to marry him and lived with him outside.
“I will go with you, but I don’t know how to get out of here. Bring me a roll of silk every
time you visited me, and I am going to weave the silk rope. When the rope is ready, I will
come down and take me to the palace”. Rapunzel told him.
Then, Rapunzel asked the prince to come at night because the witch visited her in the
morning. But one day, the witch climbed to the top of the tower at night and Rapunzel
thought it was the prince.
“My dear prince, why are you so heavy today ?” asked Rapunzel.
“What ?! Prince ?!” The witch was surprised. “I think, I have separated you from the outside
of world, but I was wrong !”. The witch said angrily.
The witch took scissor and cut Rapunzel’s long hair. The witch discarded her to the desert.
Then the witch tied Rapunzel’s hair in the window to find out who visited Rapunzel. Later,
the prince came. The witch lose Rapunzel’s hair. When the prince climbed to the top, he was
surprised, it was not Rapunzel, but the ugly witch!.
“Ahhaa.. Rapunzel has gone, you’ll never met her anymore.” She said.
The prince was so sad and desperate. The witch who was angry with him pushed him down
and his eyes thorns pierced into its and made it blind. He felt hurt and walked aimlessly,
lamented his fate who lost the woman he loved. But he kept walking and looking for her.
After several years walking, he arrived at the desert where Rapunzel lived. He suddenly heard
a beautiful voice which was very familiar. Yups, it’s Rapunzel’s. They both finally reunited.
Rapunzel cried to know that the prince was blind. She hugged him and cried until her tears
fell down to the prince’s eyes. Then, the miracle happened, the prince opened his eyes and
got his sight back. Afterwards the prince brought Rapunzel to the palace, and they both lived
happily forever.

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