Ete 424 Lab03 Sir

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North South University

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

ETE 424: Mobile and Wireless Communication System

Lab No: 03

Co-channel interference: Signal to Interference Ratio Prepared by: Sayma Shammi

For any cellular system, the received power for a cell from its interfering co-channel cell is:


Considering a cluster size of N=7, d can be D, D+R or D-R, where D is the distance between
co-channel cells and R is the cell radius.

For a particular tier (t) the number of interfering cells:

Interfering cells = 6*t

So if the tier no. increases the number of co-channel cell increases but their distance from the
receiving cell increases more significantly. As a result the total received power decreases,
which indirectly means summation of interference decreases with higher tier numbers.

From the above received power equation, we can see that if the path loss factor (n) increases,
then the received power from a particular interfering cell decreases. If the received power
decreases, then the total interference decreases as well. This causes the Signal to Interference
Ratio (SIR) to increase assuming that the output power is fixed.

Assume that a mobile is located at the boundary of the cell. Compute the contribution of co-channel
base stations in each tier to the total co-channel interference received at the mobile. Also compute
the SIR considering 8 Tiers. Present the result for cluster size N=1, 4, 7 and path loss component
n=2, 3, 4.
More Information:
D = 2200m
R = 500m
North South University
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Transmitted Power = 10µW. (Ref.3.9)

Step 1: For part (a), calculate the total interference from tier 1-8 individually
Step 2: Find the total interference for n=2,3,4

Step 3: Check from the figure whether the interference decreases or not as the tier number

Matlab Code:
p_t = 10;
d = 2;
r= 0.5;
for n=2:4;
t = [1 2 3 4 6 7 8];
cell = 6*t;
i = 0;
for c = 1 : cell/N
i = i+ p_t.*((1./(d.*t)).^(n));
j = j + p_t.*((1./((d+r).*t)).^(n));
k = k + p_t.*((1./((d-r).*t)).^(n));
SIR(n,t) = 10*log10(p_t./t_c(n,t));
plot (t, t_c(2,t),'r-o')
hold on
plot (t,t_c(3,t),'s-g')
hold on
plot (t,t_c(4,t),'k-s')
hold on
grid on
title('Tier vs. Interference')

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