Ifthakharul Alam Shuvo 1530421045 - Mid Assignment - EEE211

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EEE 211: Digital Logic Design

Spring 2021
Mark: 40 (Written + Viva)
Instructions: Please do answer all the questions in numerical order. Any sorts of plagiarism, or unauthorized
assistance will be considered as a serious act of violation of academic conduct and integrity which will
certainly result in disciplinary action in accordance with NSU official policy.

Q1. Suppose, the password for a security lock system is 5-digit in length and consists of binary digits only. Design an
optimized circuit using basic logic gates only for the system which opens the lock when there are even number of 1’s in
the password. Show your work in detail and draw circuit diagram neatly for the lock system. [10]

Q2. Suppose, the password for a security lock system is 3-digit in length and consists of binary digits only. Implement
a circuit using a 4 x 1 multiplexer only for the system which opens the lock when there are odd number of 1’s in the
password. Show your work in detail and draw circuit neatly for the lock system. [10]

Q3. (a) Implement a circuit using decoder which adds three binary digits B0, B1, and B2. [05]

(b) Implement the following Boolean function using decoder: [05]

𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧) = 𝑥 + 𝑦

Q4. Suppose, a water-level detector with multiple sensors has been installed is a reservoir to sense the level of the
water. Once any of the sensors senses the water, it becomes activated (i.e., logic high), otherwise it remains deactivated
(i.e., logic low). Implement a circuit using decoder and/or encoder only for the water-level monitoring system that works
as follows: [10]

- If S4 senses water, L4 will turn on only (indicates high level)

- If S3 senses water, L3 will turn on only (indicates medium level)
- If S2 senses water, L2 will turn on only (indicates low level)
- If S1 senses water, L1 will turn on only (indicates the reservoir is empty)
- If none of sensor senses anything, L1 will turn on only (still indicates the reservoir is empty)

L4 S4



L2 S2

L1 S1 Water

Show your work in detail and draw a circuit diagram neatly for the above-mentioned system.

Submit the PDF version of your answer script in Google classroom

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