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D&D Adventure Template for (initials go here)

Name of your adventure: GET OUT OF MY CAVE !!!!

Adventure synopsis (three sentences that sum up what will happen during your adventure):

They will find a boy in front of a cave being attacked by 3 monsters. The boy runs in the cave which
is a trap at will put them in the boss room which they will have to fight for their lives to escape the
water terrain cave filled with monsters in the water.

What are you hoping will happen to the party during this adventure?

I was hoping it would be challenging for the party to fight in a area that we haven’t fight in yet,
Also some characters deaths by monsters, traps and an ambush of sorcerers.

Non Player Characters in your game:

Character Name: Character Type, Level: Personality:
Jason well Noble fighter 10 Dickish
Monsters in your game:
Monster: Type (undead, drake, etc.) Challenge Rating:
Sorcerer 4 Half orc 12

Elder water elemental 6 elemental 14

Dragon turtle dragon 17

Aberrant giant shark 6 beast 13

human human 10

Locations in your game:

Name of place: Type (forest, town, swamp): How important is it?
Waterdeep cave Waterdeep important

Rewards in your game:

Type of Reward (treasure, boon): How it is achieved: What it does:
Gold 10,000,000 Kill the dragon turtle Buy stuff

Horn of monsters Find it in cave summon monsters

Reflection: How did your adventure go? Did it go the way you wanted it to? What did not work the
way you were hoping? What happened that was cool that you weren’t expecting? What might you
do differently in the future?

Everything went well. Yes and no you just can’t stop a high level fighter through monsters. I wasn’t
expecting the fighter to jump into the mouth of the giant sharks while he was sinking by his heavy
armor. I wasn’t expecting for them to keep a sorcerer life and use charm person for 6 hours using
him as they see fit. Bombs lots and lots of bombs.

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