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10 Amazing and Incredible Space Facts for Smart Kids

The word space has its meaning, but whenever we think about it, there may be some mysterious and
beyond-brain things appear in our mind. This is due to the uncertain nature of space towards different
planets and can be examined as space facts for kids. Moreover, space is not fully discovered yet and the
size is not even computable but scientists have studied some component laws that can firmly predict the
nature of its nature.

Therefore, space is giant and so amazing and incredible. In this article, we have gathered 10 amazing
and incredible space facts for smart kids.

1. The Dark Energy

Even after the Big Bang. It took 180 million years for the universe to attract stars. The reason for
this extraneous pull is likely to be said Dark Energy. Due to this energy, the universe is
continuously expanding from the Big Bang to the present day. Although, all the stars and planets
you know are just 5% of the universe. You can consider the amount of dark energy which is
unknown in composition.

2. Sun Never Sets

Day and night happen due to the position of the earth on its invisible axis and orbits. The earth keeps on
rotating and the side faces the sun is responsible for time running on earth.

It is one of most interesting facts about space and planets that their time on any planet is managed by
its motion.

3. Footprints on Moon
Due to the absence of atmosphere on the moon, every print that is being set on the surface can last up
to 100 million years.

Therefore, the 12 astronauts who visited the moon decades ago have their footprints on the moon
today without any disturbance and they will stay there even after 100 million years.

4. Sun is Sizeable but Small

Surely, the sun is a giant star but only if we talk about our solar system. And how it would not be? It
consumes the 98.86% mass of our solar system, making itself the heaviest body of our solar system.

Comparing with others, the sun is an average-size star. There are numerous stars which are smaller and
larger than the sun as 100 times.

5. The Space is completely silent.

There is no wind, no gravitational pull, and no medium. When the astronauts are on their journey
towards the space, they use radio communication to talk to each other because the radio wave is
transmittable in space.

6. Black Holes
They are a source of great energy in the space. Black holes attract all the matter which passes through it;
even light and electromagnetic radiations.

Because we see an object when light reflects through it and falls in our eye, black is invisible they attract
every light falling through it.

It is counted in unusual space facts because there’s a much mystery left to discover about Black Hole

7. Day on Venus
Looking for the best space facts for kids? Here’s a good one. Day changes due to the rotation of the
planet on its axis.

Venus takes 243 earth days to complete one revolution. Hence, we can say that one day on Venus would
be longer than one year on earth.

8. There’s water in Space

No denying that water means life but it's not suitable to the term when the water is floating in a
quantity of more than 140 trillion times of earth's oceans.

Accordingly, the enormous quantity is termed as the oldest and largest mass of water ever discovered. It
is surrounded by a huge black hole called a quasar.

9. Our Solar System ages 4.57 Billion

Through the study of meteorites, scientists discovered that or solar system is 4.671 billion years old. It
has 8 planets (formerly 9), 170 moons, and countless asteroids.

Scientists also predicted that the age of the earth is 4.543 billion years and the oldest rock found is aged
as 3.8 billion years.

10. We can see Vanished Stars

Usually, the distance of stars is calculated in light-years because light takes years to reach there. Hence,
it is a possibility that the star we are seeing has its light reaching the earth now and it is already
It’s one of the great fun space facts for 5 year olds because they usually stare towards the stars and
wonder that stars are following them, although they may be destroyed.

The Universe is mostly Un-known and there are Billions

of Possibilities!
The cosmologists suggested that the existence of the universe is heavenly. Almost 96% of the total mass
of the universe is still a mystery. Although we have known that the 4% would be discoverable.

Moreover, most of the matter lying in the universe is undiscovered subatomic particles. It is called Dark
Matter, which is consisted of 80% of the total universe and cannot be seen until now.

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