Notes: 03.03 How Do I Allocate My Resources?

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03.03 How do I allocate my resources?

1. Allocation: is the ability to spend your time, money and energy wisely.
2. Instant Zone: these are all the thing in life that do not matter much because they
do not help you accomplish your most important goals.
3.Lasting Zone: these are all the things in life that do matter, such as getting home
on the train.

Instant Zone situations

-checking Facebook for the 47th time in one night
-sending a text message at 3 a.m.
-eating your fourth bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos in a day
Lasting Zone
-working out
-studying ahead of time for a big test
-helping your mom with the dishes
*Life is an endless tug of war between the Instant Zone and the Lasting Zone.
Some people have no idea that they are in this tug of war—that every day, every
moment, they choose which zone they are in. Successful people understand the
value of the Lasting Zone and they allocate their time, energy, and money to
things that matter.

Money, Time, and Health

To get a better sense of how the Instant Zone and Lasting Zone differ, consider the
chart below. The chart shows different ways that people spend their money, take
care of their health, and use their time. What will happen to the person who lives in
the Instant Zone? How about the Lasting Zone?
Instant Zone Lasting zone
Helping others
Buy latest clothes & gadgets Saving money
MONEY Purchase things they don’t need or like Buying essentials
Overspending Starting a business

Eating chips & candy Working out

HEALTH Drinking soda Eating vegetables
Sleeping all day Getting regular sleep
Eating fried foods Drinking lots of water

Checking Facebook Studying

TIME Watching TV Volunteering
Staying up all night Working
Socializing too much Balancing social time

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