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Urban Studies
2018, Vol. 55(13) 2886–2902
Ó Urban Studies Journal Limited 2017
Entrepreneurialising urban Article reuse guidelines:
informality: Transforming DOI: 10.1177/0042098017726739
governance of informal settlements
in Taipei

Ker-hsuan Chien
National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Informality is a common urban experience among cities in the Global South. Given the thin social
welfare and weak regulations, the urban subaltern has therefore had to improvise housing and
employment in order to survive. Urban informality is hence conceived as a negotiation process
through which spatial value is produced. However, under the current wave of urban entrepre-
neurialisation, informality is often deemed to be inefficient and unproductive in the new economy
that the local governments are trying to build. Many of the informal settlements have been subject
to demolition in order to make room for new urban development projects. With the cases of
waterfront regeneration projects in Taipei, this paper argues that entrepreneurialism and inform-
ality are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Rather, through their co-evolution, urban informality
actually contributes to the variegation of urban entrepreneurialism. This paper demonstrates
how the urban squatters have managed to re-engage informality and urban development by
actively participating in the shaping of the entrepreneurial discourses, reinventing their informal
settlements as a key feature that contributes to the city’s economic development. However,
although this entwining of entrepreneurialism and informality has brought new opportunities to
the informal settlements, it has at the same time presented new threats to their current way of
life. By focusing on the entrepreneurialising of urban informality, this paper offers a grounded per-
spective on the ways in which the urban subaltern has reacted to the unfolding urban entrepre-
neurialism in Taiwan.

entrepreneurialism, Global South, Taiwan, urban informality, urban redevelopment, urbanisation
and developing countries

Corresponding author:
Ker-hsuan Chien, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Sec. 4,
Roosevelt Rd., Taipei City 10617, Taiwan.
Chien 2887



Received October 2016; accepted July 2017

Introduction lived in. Examining different forms of urban

In recent years the concept of urban inform- informality therefore contributes to the var-
ality has been discussed comprehensively in iegated understanding of urbanisation and
urban studies. To postcolonial urban theor- subaltern conditions under neoliberal urban
ists (Robinson, 2016; Roy, 2016), studying transition.
the formation and evolving process of urban Informality has been a part of Taipei’s
informality is not only an addition to urban life throughout its development.
empirical cases in the understanding of Informal settlements have always been cru-
urban formation, but it also offers us a cial facilities that absorb newcomers, foster-
grounded perspective from the Global South ing the urban subaltern given the city’s thin
cities. Since it focuses on what struggling welfare system. However, since informal set-
people go through in order to survive, it illu- tlements have been deemed inefficient and
minates our understanding of contemporary chaotic in relation to modern sanitation and
urban subaltern lives. The focus of urban public safety standards, they have also often
informality offers a way to conceptualise the been subject to control, reformed (forma-
delicate interaction between local housing lised), or demolished under new urban devel-
demand, urban governance, local knowledge opment plans.
of negotiating with urban regulations, and This paper aims to bring this conversa-
most importantly, the creative methods tion into the discussion of entrepreneurial
which people use to cope with the neolibera- urbanism, exploring the impact that entre-
lising urban development (Ascensão, 2016; preneurialism has had on Taipei’s urban
Erman, 2016; McFarlane, 2012a; Yeo et al., informality, especially informal settlements.
2012). In these cases, informality under With the case of Taipei’s waterfront regen-
urban development is more than a subject of eration project, this paper demonstrates how
oppression and exclusion, it is also an active people in urban informal settlements man-
agent capable of co-shaping and co- aged to retain their houses by participating
cultivating the urban reality that is being in the shaping of entrepreneurial discourses.
2888 Urban Studies 55(13)

In order to keep living in the same place, Urban informality and

they reinvented their informal settlements as entrepreneurial urbanism
a key feature that would contribute to the
city’s economic development. The discussions on entrepreneurial urbanism
This paper is based on research I con- over the last two decades have provided dif-
ducted in 2011 and 2012. During this period, ferent approaches to urban transition in cit-
squatters along the Liu-Gong channel and ies worldwide. Along with economic
some from the Xi-Jou tribe were working globalisation, cities are competing with each
with planning experts from National Taiwan other for the role of key strategic node of
University (hereafter NTU) against local ‘command and control’ in the global urban
government plans to demolish the informal network (Sassen, 2001). New types of urban
houses for waterfront rehabilitation. I car- space production are also spreading rapidly
ried out 21 interviews, including ones with across cities. Entrepreneurial city therefore
squatters, local residents, local government became the common urban strategy for the
officers, and planning experts from NTU to spatial restructuring to cope with economic
see what discourse was employed in the globalisation. Urban governments thus
waterfront renovation project, and how evolve accordingly to be more innovative
squatters and local people were responding and entrepreneurial to attract the flows of
to the renovation project. The interviews capital and talents (Harvey, 1989). Urban
were conducted in Chinese and later trans- strategies such as urban renewal and place
lated into English by the author. making were also employed to create
This paper begins with a brief introduc- location-specific advantages, making cities
tion to its main scope. In the second part, I more suitable for living and consuming
specify what I mean by entrepreneurialisa- (Jessop and Sum, 2000). Under this urban
tion and urban informality through review- space restructuring, concerns about social
ing previous works on these two issues. I exclusion have also been raised. With new
also elaborate on how urban entrepreneuri- partnerships formed by local governments
alism and urban informality intertwine, and private investors, urban spaces have
becoming a co-producing force that shapes been reclaimed by global capital and tourists
the urban landscape. In the third part, this in the name of urban regeneration (Smith,
paper illustrates how entrepreneurialism gra- 2002). As a result, people such as squatters,
dually made its way to Taiwan and was homeless people, beggars and prostitutes
translated into Taipei’s urban policy. In the were systematically excluded from this con-
fourth section, this paper stresses how this sumerist landscape. In this sense, urban
entrepreneurialisation of urban informal set- regeneration is the embodiment of gentrifi-
tlements has reshaped the way of life in cation. A revanchist city became the urban
informal settlements, and transformed the policy widely adopted in European and
local informality. In conclusion, I argue that North American cities to gain their advan-
entrepreneurialising urban informality tages in global capital circulation (MacLeod,
should not be understood as a solution for 2002; Swyngedouw et al., 2002). Along with
the social exclusion led by urban entrepre- the policy transferring between cities
neurialism. Rather, it offers a closer look at (McCann and Ward, 2011), this new form of
the variegated forms of urban entrepreneur- urban space production has become a com-
ialisation, and new ways to conceptualise mon issue across cities around the world
the local issues caused by the encounter of (Lees, 2012). Under the circumstances, com-
informality and entrepreneurialism. parative urbanism has been proposed to
Chien 2889

recontextualise the encounter and mutate marks the subaltern production of urban
between the mobile entrepreneurial urban space as subaltern urbanism, bringing the
policy and local political economy (Harris, idea of subaltern to the realm of urban stud-
2008; McFarlane, 2010). Urban informality ies. Yet, though Roy (2011) employs slums
therefore offers a subaltern perspective on as the main ‘itinerary’ of subaltern urban
entrepreneurial urbanism. space, Schindler (2014) argues that other
Urban informality is often comprehended urban spaces should not be precluded from
in two ways. From the perspective of private qualifying as subaltern urban space. By cast-
ownership, squatters were people who have ing slums as one in the many forms of subal-
no private ownership of the properties they tern urban space, subaltern urbanism thus
live in. This lack of legal entitlement makes can be broadened into a comparative inves-
the informal houses ‘dead capital’, leaving tigation between the North–South divide,
the squatters with little access to capital thinking urban space in terms of subaltern/
market (De Soto, 2000). Nevertheless, given non-subaltern meshwork. Urban informality
the complex effect legalisation may bring, therefore can be applied as a conceptual tool
legalising informal properties does very little for elucidating the political agencies of sub-
for alleviating poverty (Durand-Lasserve altern urban life.
and Selod, 2009; Gilbert, 2002; Payne et al., In light of their work, McFarlane (2012b)
2009). From the planning point of view, argued against thinking about informality in
urban informality is construed to be an territorial terms, regarding informal settle-
idiom of urbanisation, through which the ments merely as a space excluded by urban
differential spatial value is produced (Roy entrepreneurialism. Instead, urban informal-
and AlSayyad, 2004). Since informality is ity could be understood as a local agency
often understood as the dwelling without contributing to diverse trajectories of entre-
planning apparatus, it indicates a mode of preneurial urbanism. Focusing on the co-
grassroots urbanisation, providing a down- production of urban entrepreneurialism
to-earth perspective of the local struggle of between global institutions, local states, civil
poverty and inequality (Roy, 2005). Such society activists, and the informal settlements
elucidation of local agency makes informal- in Mumbai, McFarlane (2012a) delineated
ity instrumental to subaltern study. Given how the entrepreneurial urbanism has
that the power relation and local norms reformed to include the urban poor. In this
from the megacities are often different from sense, urban informality is a path to under-
the urban experiences from the West, scruti- standing how risk-taking, self-managing
nising these local nuances may shed new minorities co-produce entrepreneurialisation
light on urban studies (Roy, 2011). By stres- with the urban elite, and how new techniques
sing the agency local people exhibit in their and models are forged through variegated
daily encounters with local construction forms of entrepreneurialisation. This paper
rules, or their entrepreneurial practices to therefore aims to delineate how urban
extricate themselves from poverty, we can informality, especially informal settlements,
therefore move beyond the stereotypical co-produces entrepreneurial urbanism with
understanding toward cities of the Global the state, and with planning experts.
South. This overstepping ‘limits of archival Urban informality is often overthrown by
and ethnographic recognition’ (Roy, 2011: entrepreneurialising urban policy. As urban
223) could foster new epistemological and informality was a spontaneous effort made
methodological understanding toward urban by local people to improve their living con-
(see Schindler, 2014). Roy (2011) therefore ditions, the unmethodical construction or
2890 Urban Studies 55(13)

flexible employment can seem to be disorga- informalisation of the middle class-oriented

nised, or even chaotic. These characters apartments via the dwellers’ everyday prac-
make them appear primitive and counter- tices of gathering, cooking, and fluffing
productive, which makes the informality carpets in the public spaces. This re-
incongruous with the state’s vision of a mod- informalisation also creates new conflicts
ernised city, and therefore should be between the squatter practices and the mod-
reformed by state power. In previous cases ern, middle-class lifestyle that the social hous-
in Africa, Asia and Latin America, we have ing project was seeking in the first place
seen urban informal settlements denied access (Erman, 2016). The focus on human agency
to infrastructural services, such as water, elec- in urban informality distinguishes the resili-
tricity, public transportation, (Desai et al., ence of the urban subaltern, which seems to
2015; Graham and McFarlane, 2014; always manage to negotiate a way to more
Graham and Marvin, 2001; McFarlane, living spaces and a more flexible management
2008), or being subjected to formalisation, system under tightened urban regulations. In
upgrading or demolition by new regeneration order to further scrutinise how exactly the
projects (Desai and Loftus, 2013; Erman, squatters’ agency functions in the urban
2016; Ghertner, 2008; Harris, 2008). Urban entrepreneurial project, this paper stresses the
informality appears to be rather vulnerable to interactions between the globalised urban
the entrepreneurial urban development, espe- entrepreneurialism and the local agency of
cially via the measure of urban regeneration. Taipei’s squatters. With the cases of Taipei’s
However, in certain cases urban informality waterfront redevelopment project and the
and entrepreneurialism have grown into each local squatters’ resistance for relocation, this
other, co-forming the contemporary urban paper focuses on a few questions. How was
landscape. In the case of the informal market- urban entrepreneurialism employed by the
place in Singapore, the informal night-time local government as its urban strategy? How
economy became an incubator for small busi- do the squatters interpret and react to such
nesses started mainly by new immigrants, urban transformation? What kind of impact
providing easy access to the market for new has this urban entrepreneurialism had on
enterprises and a hospitable environment for Taipei’s informality? And how does this
migrant workers. In short, they provide urban urban entrepreneurialism variegate upon its
migrants with a new chance to thrive in this encounter with urban informality?
world city (Yeo and Heng, 2014; Yeo et al., Before further discussion, in the next sec-
2012). In Lisbon, the informal settlements tion I explain how informality became a part
gradually developed as different waves of of Taipei’s urban life, and how this inform-
migrants from the country’s former colonies ality and urban entrepreneurialism were first
settled in the city. As time elapsed these infor- regarded as mutually exclusive in urban
mal settlements became an urban assemblage development.
of squatters and their low-fi living conditions.
Although this urban assemblage did provide Informality in
roofs over heads and social networks for the
migrants to survive urban life, the basic archi-
entrepreneurialising Taipei
tectural forms and the shaming of slums also Urban informality has existed since Taipei’s
made the squatters vulnerable to sickness and rapid post-war urbanisation back in the
difficult for them to find decent jobs 1960s. Since the local government was
(Ascensão, 2016). In Northern Ankara, this unable to provide sufficient urban housing,
human agency is also shown in the re- the local administration had to let the
Chien 2891

informal building issue slide. Therefore, infor- physical infrastructures and environment
mal settlement became a common solution for investment, the city was undergoing
for the lack of urban housing to the urban spatial restructuring (Chou, 2005).
poor, especially the migrants from mainland Financial liberalisation and public–private
China after the Chinese Civil War in 1949 partnership were thus introduced to urban
(a.k.a. mainlanders) and the urban migrants. governance, along with the implementation
In order to fit themselves into the urban life, of urban renewal plans and urban mega-
people improvised under the circumstances. projects (Wang, 2004). With new CBDs
Informal houses were built on the unused planned, roads widened, and sewage pipes
waterfronts and parklands so people could unfolded, private capital was channelled to
afford to live in the city. Throughout the urban spaces to facilitate urban redevelop-
urbanisation process, the urban informality in ment. Given that shanty towns and encroach-
Taiwan evolved into variety of forms, accom- ments were often built in public spaces such as
modating people from different economic sta- reserved parkland and waterfront, the urban
tuses and social backgrounds. Shanty towns regeneration ended up enveloping the revan-
were built to shelter the mainlanders and chist urbanism that reclaimed urban spaces
urban migrants with low income; informal from the squatters (Jou et al., 2016).
extensions to formal constructions were built Therefore, the new law launched to regulate
so that people could have additional rooms to informal constructions could be understood a
use in the densely packed city. By the 1990s, policy tool to outlaw the informal buildings
the informal constructions had become a that were incompatible with Taipei’s new
common urban experience, a way of living in entrepreneurial strategy. The existence of
Taipei. However, this form of urban inform- squatter settlements was problematised as an
ality was not unregulated. In order to stop obstruction of urban redevelopment, a defi-
the informal buildings from further increase, ciency that needed to be rectified, or elimi-
a new policy was announced in 1995 to tackle nated. This policy-led urban regeneration plan
the issue. In the ‘Direction Regarding Illegal combined with the newly launched illegal con-
Construction Management’ announced by struction management rule made the informal
Taipei City Government, all the unlicensed buildings extremely vulnerable to demolition.
new constructions would be demolished The eviction of informal settlement in the
immediately once reported. As for the infor- reserved parklands fourteen and fifteen in
mal constructions built before 1994, they 1997, for instance, was one significant case in
would be demolished only if they were threa- the conflict between the city’s entrepreneurial
tening public safety, breaching the public policy and informality. This informal buildings
sanitation code, or were at odds with the new agglomeration consisted of more than 900
urban plan. This new law could be construed informal buildings with roughly 2000 squat-
as a local policy to cope with urban entrepre- ters, accommodating mainlanders and urban
neurialism. Since Taiwan was undergoing an migrants since the urbanisation of the 1970s.
economic transition under globalisation in As this informal settlement was situated in the
the 1990s, the Taiwanese government old urban centre, it soon became a clear target
therefore actively intervened in Taipei’s for demolition under the city’s regeneration
development, aiming to make Taipei a hub plan of 1997. To the then mayor, the demoli-
of capital and product flows in East and tion of the informal buildings was essential for
South East Asia (Hsu, 2005). In order to Taipei to become attractive to the global talent
make the city more competitive in terms of and capital flow:
2892 Urban Studies 55(13)

In a wealthy city like Taipei, this [community] Taipei’s entrepreneurialisation. Since county
is the tumour of the city, the shame of citizens. waterfronts were normally neglected spaces,
It is unimaginable that right next to the world occupied by illegal factories and informal
famous Regent Taipei Hotel are more than a settlements, they have been targeted to be
thousand people living in a graveyard. (United
renovated and prettified, as a way to attract
Daily News, 10 November 1996).
capital investment and tourists to the county.
As the aforementioned case of informal set-
To the local government at that time, infor-
mal settlements represented the city’s disor- tlement in the reserved parklands fourteen
ganisation and inefficiency, and were ill- and fifteen in 1997, informal settlements
fitted to the entrepreneurial city that Taipei were soon problematised under such entre-
was eager to become. In order to make the preneurial urban policy.
city more attractive to foreign investment, The informal houses along the Liu-Gong
the issue of informality had to be contained. channel were built along the one-time irriga-
This is to say that informality was recog- tion system. Given that the channel flows
nised as unsuitable for the entrepreneurial along a military camp, the Liu-Gong channel
urbanism, and therefore had to be elimi- informal house occupiers therefore mostly
nated. However, this antagonism was later consisted of mainlanders who came with the
transformed through the co-production of Chiang Kai-Shek regime after the Chinese
entrepreneurial urban policy, local commu- Civil War. Since many mainlander-veterans
nities and planning experts. Although the were discharged without proper housing
informal settlements were often considered plans or with only a small pension, they had
to be incompatible with the urban entrepre- to improvise in order to survive. Therefore,
neurialising projects, and were relocated and some of these veterans ended up dwelling
demolished in these projects, this form of along the small space between the Liu-Gong
exclusion also triggered a new wave of rising channel and the Zhong-Xin military camp.
local entrepreneurship. In response to the Over years, this informal settlement became
demand for a more enticing metropolitan an agglomeration of people who could not
area, the local communities started actively afford housing in the private housing mar-
participating in the making of entrepreneur- ket. Through urbanisation, the channel had
ial Taipei. In the following sections, I been turned into urban drainage and had
demarcate how waterfront regeneration is become heavily polluted. Therefore, in 2005,
employed by Taipei County as an entrepre- Taipei County Government decided to reno-
neurial strategy for urban development, and vate the channel, making the waterfront
how two communities – Liu-Gong informal more efficient for the local government, as a
settlement and Xi-Jou tribe – have co- part of the county’s redevelopment plan, the
evolved with urban entrepreneurialism. ‘River County’ project. As informal houses
were not licenced constructions, they were
normally excluded from the sewerage sys-
Entrepreneurialising urban tem. The informal settlement was thus con-
informality veniently problematised for both sanitary
and economic reasons, being shamed for dis-
River County project: Taipei County’s
charging sewerage into the channel and
waterfront regeneration remaining an eyesore for the county. Fu-Te
The ‘River County’ project served as Taipei is the borough chief of the Hsin-De neigh-
County’s spatial restructuring to facilitate bourhood, where the informal settlement is
Chien 2893

situated. Like many people in the city, he environment, but also their houses would
attributed the deterioration of the Liu-Gong worth a lot more and being much easier to
channel directly to the informal settlement: sell.

The neighbourhood by now has mostly con- By engaging the unfolding of sewerage sys-
nected to the sewerage system, only the front tems with the economic incentive of real-
ones [meaning the informal houses] were left estate growth, the River County project
out. [.] Some of the houses even have no sep-
became a hegemonic project among local
tic tank, so the sewerage just goes straight to
property owners, forming a new consensus to
the channel.
revitalise the local economy through boosting
Held responsible for the channel’s pollution, the housing market. In order to ensure this
urban informality is seen to be at odds with renovation could be carried out smoothly,
modern sanitation standards, and therefore the local government thus employed the com-
must be demolished for the waterfront reno- munity planning system to engage the local
vation to unfold. As a civil servant in the people into the renovation project.
Urban and Rural Development Department The community planning system was
pointed out in an interview: introduced in Taiwan in the 1980s as the
government’s penetration to the local soci-
If we don’t demolish the informal settlement, ety. Along with the democratisation and
we wouldn’t be able to accomplish what we’ve neoliberalisation of Taipei’s urban govern-
envisioned [for this channel].
ance, the community planning system has
In this way, the demolition of the informal been professionalised, and has become a
settlement was directly engaged with the main measure for authorities to negotiate
channel’s renovation, encompassing both with local communities (Huang and Hsu,
sanitation and development reasons. This 2011). These community planners are usually
engagement rendered the demolition a from academic backgrounds, trained by the
technical issue for the waterfront renovation government programme and licensed. Under
project, sequentially depoliticising the dis- the community planning scheme, the com-
placement it would inevitably lead to, since munity planners are expected to have long-
the squatters were unlikely to be able to term partnerships with the local commu-
afford other housing in the same neighbour- nities, so that they could propose proper
hood. Being part of the County’s regenera- community projects that would respond to
tion plan, this renovation project emphasises local needs. Although the community plan-
the revitalisation of the waterfront, instead ning projects are often local propositions to
of just the upgrading of the urban infra- be reviewed and approved by the planning
structure. It aims to bring new investment, committee of the local governments, some
urban migrants and new job opportunities projects, such as the Liu-Gong channel’s
to the area, regenerating the local economy. renovation, are directly contracted out by
As stated by another civil servant in the the government as a part of the urban devel-
county government: opment plan. This is when the community
planners can be mobilised by government as
Once the sewage was piped to the main sys- a means of finding a way for its grand plan.
tem, you would stop smelling the stink almost In the case of Liu-Gong channel’s renova-
immediately, and all the rats, roaches, and tion, local meetings were held to explain how
mosquitoes would be gone. They would not the renovation project might enhance the
only be able to enjoy a better living local environment, without fully disclosing
2894 Urban Studies 55(13)

the impact the project might have on local reason, if not the only one, for the bad shape
squatters. As a second-generation squatter of the Liu-Gong channel. Through combin-
Jing-Yi1 stated: ing the renovation with the local economic
development, the renovation aimed to shape
When they told us they were going to renovate a subject that would prioritise local develop-
here in 2007, everyone was excited about it.
ment, seeing the demolition of informal set-
We thought they were only planning to
tlements as inevitable for both economic and
straighten the area, make it more beautiful. It
wasn’t until they held the second meeting, sanitary reasons. In order to keep their
mentioning about turning this area into a homes, the squatters then organised a local
park, that we started to realise what this whole movement to defend their way of life. Jing-
project is all about. Yi became a main organiser of this move-
ment. As many squatters were old veterans
To the local government, rehabilitating the and their spouses, who were mostly over 70
waterfront, and regenerating the local real- years old by this time, they decided to take
estate development was its primary concern. relatively mild action, petitioning to keep the
The community planners were merely informal settlement, instead of protesting
employed to ensure the government’s water- against the renovation project. As Jing-Yi
front renovation could be carried out with- further explained:
out problems. Given that the rehabilitation
of the urban waterfront was deeply framed We avoid the word ‘protest’ in our movement.
in the economic rationale of gaining Taipei Since there were many seniors involved in this
County’s advantage in the competition for [movement], confronting [the local govern-
middle class urban migrants and invest- ment] might be too onerous for them.
ments, it overwhelmingly incorporated the
middle class in the city, leaving local squat- In order to keep their homes without direct
ters alone facing demolition and possible confrontation with the local government,
displacement. However, although the water- they decided to negotiate with the local gov-
front renovation was expected to regenerate ernment for sustenance of the community by
the area, it turned out that this was not the re-shaping the local regeneration project. To
only proposal for local regeneration. In sustain their dwellings along the waterfront,
order to keep their homes in the waterfront, they re-joined urban informality with entre-
squatters started taking part in the shaping preneurialism, strategically embracing urban
of the local development project. Rejecting entrepreneurialism, presenting themselves as
their being shaped as an impediment for the living history, evidence of Taipei’s informal-
local regeneration, the squatters instead rein- ity, so the value of their existence could be
vented themselves as a local attraction that acknowledged.
would facilitate the county redevelopment. Using community planning as the chan-
nel, the informal settlement in 2011 counter-
Liu-Gong informal settlement as an historic proposed different versions of waterfront
renovation, actively reincorporating the
site informal settlement into the urban entrepre-
The Liu-Gong channel renovation project neurialism to fit themselves into the new
appeared as a top-down entrepreneurial proj- urban project. In the case of the informal
ect that aimed to regenerate the local econ- houses along the Liu-Gong channel, they
omy. In this renovation project, the informal proposed the idea of turning the community
settlement was treated as a part of the into a cultural landscape. They argued that
Chien 2895

the informal houses along the Liu-Gong attraction, as a cultural, historic facxade of
channel existed not only as a witness to modern Taipei.
Taipei’s urban development, but that their This style of building is not only peculiar
existence also added another layer to the in appearance, but it also shapes people’s
city’s cultural essence, which could easily be interaction within the community. In many
cashed in on through the city’s real-estate cases of informal buildings, the houses
and tourist development. To fit the commu- would start as a small private room on the
nity and the channel into the county govern- shore, then gradually extended toward the
ment’s plan of water renovation, local channel as a walkway, then as kitchen or toi-
people began to actively engage with the let, since the channel was expected to take
renovation project. Jing-Yi illustrated her the household sewage away. This unconven-
vision for the channel in our interview: tional way of spatial arrangement largely
increased the community’s solidarity, as
If we can separate the sewer [from the channel] Jing-Yi portrayed in our interview:
and treat it, the channel should be a nice place,
where we can enjoy the stream running beside Granny Wang is the elder, and the representa-
us. [.] Sometimes when I walk along the alley, tive of the community, so we often go chat in
I do find the zigzag of the alley enjoyable. I her place or play Chinese chess in No. 7 [refer-
notice there were some nostalgic trends going encing the number of a house]. These are our
on, why can’t we keep the old houses, instead public spaces, where we engage with each
of tearing them down, while building new, fake other. Every day we chat, we share our lives
ones? together, and it has been like this for thirty
By suggesting the connection of informal
buildings to the sewerage system, Jing-Yi As described by Jing-Yi, extension spaces
deconstructed the antagonistic relationship were flexibly used as walkways, storage, or
between urban sanitation/development and rooms for gathering; they greatly increased
the sustaining of informal settlements. To the chances for people to meet and interact
Jing-Yi, renovation of the channel and the with each other, and consequently enhanced
existence of the informal settlement were the closeness of the community.
compatible. By subsuming the informal set- Together, the crooked alley, the rustic
tlement as a part of the rehabilitation, not buildings, and the intimate social relations
only would the urban waterscape be sani- interweave into an unadorned way of living,
tised, but also the quirkiness of the informal in contrast with the condominiums lining
buildings could at the same time offer more nearby, filled with households that barely
opportunities for tourism or real-estate know each other. To counteract the county
development. Since the Liu-Gong channel government’s plan of rationalising the neigh-
community was formed over a long period, bourhood, the Liu-Gong channel squatters
constructed entirely according to the needs engineered the cultural features of their
of each individual household, the rustic, houses to re-engage them with the urban
untidy appearance and the unmethodical redevelopment project, turning the commu-
clustering of the informal buildings were in nity into a cultural/tourist attraction. With
drastic contrast with the modern congregate the help from many associated NGOs, the
housing nearby. To Jing-Yi, it is this unique local residents actively marketed the settle-
semblance of the informal settlement that ments as an historic/cultural site in the city
should be considered as a part of the city’s by holding a photo gala in the community
2896 Urban Studies 55(13)

as a showcase of their everyday lives. They gone. [.] If the government could remodel the
hoped the old pictures taken from this com- street, like they did for the Shen-Keng Old
munity’s past could remind people of how Street, then it would be a different case. [.]
this community had struggled through the Like in the case of the Shen-Keng Old Street,
the small businesses [along the street] really
city’s development, showing this community
picked up since the place was rehabilitated.
as a survivor from the poor days, not just
However, if they stay unrefined, then I would
the heavily polluted informal settlement it prefer them to be torn down. [.] As the head
appears to be right now. During the gala, of the neighbourhood, I think the houses could
the squatters intentionally left their clothes stay if the government can turn the place into
on hangers in front of their homes as a part a tourist attraction. If they don’t, then the
of the exhibition, like they normally do in place should be demolished.
the mornings, to provide people a sense of
the informal settlement’s daily lives, and to In this sense, the River County project could
make the community more relatable. be understood as a discursive practice that
By distinguishing the cultural value of the shapes the subjectivity of people like Fu-Te.
community, the commercial potentials of the To Fu-Te, the meaning of sustaining the
informal settlements could thus be recognised. informal settlement depends entirely on the
The idea of distinguishing the local informal- tourist potential they could possibly provide
ity as a form of urban lifestyle is the result of for the county. To the neighbourhoods
consulting with the planning experts from nearby, the informal settlement in the cur-
NTU. As these planning experts are mainly rent state was a source of negative environ-
scholars and graduate students with a back- mental and aesthetical impacts. Hence the
ground of architecture and urban planning, informal settlement had to be transformed,
they were quite familiar with the entrepreneur- converted into a more pleasant environment
ial discourse that engages waterfront renova- in order to fit the liveable urban space that
tion with local redevelopment. Hence, instead local government had committed to creating.
of stressing the local squatters’ rights to the In this sense, the strategy of incorporating
city, putting them at the opposite side of the urban informality into urban entrepreneuri-
urban hegemonic project, they decided to alism is an act of pragmatism, through which
adapt to the urban entrepreneurial project. By the squatters negotiate their stay by market
making the counter-proposal of redefining rule, rather than their right to the houses
urban informality as Taiwan’s urban cultural per se.
character, it reconciled the informality with
the urban entrepreneurialism, turning the
Making Xi-Jou tribe an Aboriginal Cultural
informality into a strength of Taipei County’s
competiveness in terms of living and tourism. Park
Such combining of urban informality Another case of entrepreneurialising inform-
with entrepreneurialism also offers economic ality is the establishing of the Xi-Jou tribe as
incentives for the neighbourhood nearby, the Aboriginal Cultural Park. The Xi-Jou
gaining support for the counter-proposal. tribe was an urban tribe that was mainly
As Fu-Te told me, the cultural landscape made up of indigenous people from eastern
project changed his opinion about the sus- Taiwan, who migrated to the city to seek
taining of the informal settlement: jobs during the urbanisation of the 1980s. In
order to deal with economic hardship, and at
Of course the people at this side do not want the same time maintain their traditional life-
them to become a ‘historic site’, we want them style, they ended up settled in the watershed
Chien 2897

of Xin-Dian stream, a tributary of the Tam- an indigenous cultural zone, in which the
Sui river. When the county government indigenous people could live and develop
decided to redevelop the county by restoring tourism. This plan emphasised the cultural,
the waterfronts, the Xi-Jou tribe became the and potential tourist value that this could
target of another waterfront renovation contribute to the urban redevelopment. By
project called ‘The Big Bi-Tan project’. The keeping the tribe in this aboriginal cultural
Big Bi-Tan project is also a part of the River park, not only is the living style of an urban
County project. It aimed to remove all the tribe thus maintained, but also the tradi-
constructions in the waterfront and relocate tional indigenous rituals and ceremonies
the people to a public housing estate, as the may provide an authentic experience for visi-
waterfront squatters were deemed to be tors interested in indigenous culture. In other
endangered by the floods. However, this words, there is a potential economic prospect
relocation plan jeopardised the squatters’ that the tribe could contribute to the local
way of life on two levels. First, compared redevelopment and so earn its keep. As an
with their current state, living in public hous- interviewee, Mayaw, stated:
ing would raise their household expenses
since they would be obliged to pay rent. This The government initially wanted us to move,
financial burden would have the greatest but after we made a counter proposal, they
started considering the possibility of letting us
impact on those who were currently unem-
keep our tribe. In the end, they agreed to let
ployed, and were in difficulties. The second us to rebuild the tribe in another place.
impact on the tribe was cultural. To the peo-
ple in the tribe, living in the place they had Mayaw is a middle-aged man who moved to
co-developed was a crucial part of maintain- the tribe along with his father when he was a
ing their tribal way of life. The relocation child. Spending most of his life here, he is
project planned to re-accommodate the
deeply involved in the life of the tribe, and
squatters in huge condominiums 20 km
had been advocating saving the tribe. To
away, which would sabotage their existing
him, turning the tribe into an aboriginal cul-
function as a tribe. Therefore, people in the
tural park was a pragmatic way to maintain
tribe organised a local movement, protesting
the life of the tribe. Nonetheless, in the end
against the relocation plan. In this move-
the tribe was partially relocated because of
ment, the tribe was argued to be culturally
significant in terms of its well-balanced style security reasons. Since part of the tribe was
between tribal and urban life. People in the demarcated as in danger of flooding, the
tribe could work as construction workers, households in the lower ground had to be
delivery people, or any other jobs during the relocated to an adjacent yet higher ground,
day, while living as elders and villagers when so that the tribe could keep its current func-
they were home. Once the tribe was relo- tion while not being exposed to the threat of
cated, this unique lifestyle would also gradu- floods. Even so, this partial relocation was
ally be extinguished. With the assistance of not accepted without dispute in the tribe.
the volunteering planning experts from Since the aboriginal cultural park proposal
NTU, the Xi-Jou tribe eventually proposed included the relocation of the tribe, some
the Xi-Jou Aboriginal Cultural Park to residents, especially the first generation of
negotiate their way into the urban entrepre- urban migrants, were worried about the
neurial project of waterfront regeneration. impact that relocation would have on the
In this renewed plan, the informal settlement tribe, and remained reluctant about the
was re-assigned by the local government as aboriginal cultural park proposal. However,
2898 Urban Studies 55(13)

to the younger generation such as Mayaw, the grungy walls, and the tatty roofs that
turning the tribe into an aboriginal cultural mark the informal buildings, are now recog-
park and the formalising of the informal set- nised as momentous features of Taipei. This
tlement meant the prospect of a more secure, unconventional engagement between urban
long-lasting tribe living in the city, and hence entrepreneurialism and informality reshaped
they eventually persuaded the older genera- the local political reality in the county. To
the local squatters, this engagement decon-
tion. As Mayaw stated:
structed the assumed antithesis between
It’s not just about us. We have to think about informality and economic development.
our children. Though it will be a huge change Though it spared them from the public
for us, yet the tribe will live on, and the way of shaming of being unsanitary and economi-
our life will be passed on. cally unviable, at the same time it re-
enforced a new form of entrepreneurialism
To the people in the tribe, their primary con- among squatter communities.
cern about the aboriginal cultural park pro- In the case of the Liu-Gong channel reno-
posal is whether the tribe could maintain its vation, since the informal settlement became
function after the relocation. a part of the urban redevelopment project,
Relocating to a designated aboriginal cul- they had to meet the modern sanitary stan-
tural park not only granted the tribe appropri- dards in order to make the redevelopment
ate land use categories, letting them off the possible. Under the circumstances, though
hook of the original relocation plan, but it also most parts of the informal settlement contin-
reconnected the tribe with an urban tenant sys- ued to exist, some small detached rooms in
tem, formalising the informal settlement. close proximity to the channel were torn
In this sense, turning the Liu-Gong chan- down in order to obtain the necessary space
nel informal settlement into a historic site for constructing a new sewerage system.
and the Xi-Jou tribe into an aboriginal cul- This meant that some of the households lost
tural park are both the entrepreneurialisa- their storerooms, kitchens or bathrooms in
tion of urban informality. Urban informality the renovation project, and had to figure out
was therefore no longer treated as the stum- a way to readjust these lost facilities into the
bling block of local development, but instead space they had kept hold of. In short, this
remade as a token of Taipei’s urbanisation informal settlement may be able to keep liv-
path, an element of the metropolitan attrac- ing the same place, but the spatial arrange-
tion for further economic development. ment of their homes and the customs they
developed accordingly all had to be re-habi-
tuated. The impact of entrepreneurialism on
Local impacts under entrepreneurialising
Xi-Jou tribe is more evident. Now that the
informality tribe had become a part of the indigenous
Through its entwining with entrepreneurial cultural zone, it could no longer be an
thinking, and the mediation of community enclosed community. Furthermore, since it
planning, urban informality was thus rede- is expected to provide some tourist attrac-
fined from a housing strategy to a new tion to the local redevelopment, it had to be
urban economic strategy. The unsystematic more open and welcoming to the public.
building of houses, which was once regarded Unsurprisingly, this transformation has
as a compromise of a modern urban plan, raised some concerns that the entrepreneur-
has now been reimagined as having cultural ialising of Xi-Jou tribe would erode its exist-
significance to the city. The crooked lanes, ing way of life. As Mayaw stated:
Chien 2899

To protect this community’s way of living, become a process that mobilises the entre-
they have to stop bothering us with so many preneurship of the squatters, making them a
things. They have to stop making all these new forming force in the shaping of the
rules for the tribe, this is not a zoo! [.] If they urban redevelopment. During this process,
want to make the tribe a tourist spot, fine by
although squatters have minimised their
me, but we have to figure out the way to sepa-
rate our private lives to this. chances of being displaced, they have still
had to sacrifice some old ways of living,
Though the entepreneurialising of the infor- adjusting to the new aspects of their lives
mal settlement did spare the tribe from dis- that the entrepreneurialisation has brought.
placement, the people in the tribe are still In terms of local government, the entre-
worried about losing privacy in their new life preneurialising of informal settlements not
in the Aboriginal Cultural Park. Besides only made sure that the urban redevelop-
these concerns about privacy, living in the ment could be carried out smoothly, but it
Aboriginal Cultural Park could also affect also conveniently spared local government
the tribe in terms of household finances. In from directly confronting the squatters, and
its previous form, the tribe lived in an infor- the political consequences for the displace-
mal settlement, and the people did not have ment. By making the informal settlements a
to pay rent. Now that the tribe has been part of the redevelopment plan, the local
made a part of park, the people have thus government was able to shift away its
become the tenants of public land, and are responsibility for accommodating people,
therefore obliged to pay rent for the land since the entepreneurialisation of informal
they use. This could create a new financial settlements lays particular stress on the
burden for people in the tribe, especially agency of local squatters. Consequently, the
those who are currently unemployed, jeopar- squatters have to demonstrate their cultural
dising the sustaininability of the tribe. uniqueness and economic value in order to
Therefore, the people also had to develop ‘earn’ their privilege to stay, instead of just
new ways to cope with this potential threat having their right to the city. That being the
to the tribe. As Mayaw further elaborated: case, the local government avoided their
responsibility to accommodate these people,
We will found our own association, establish- making housing a personal responsibility,
ing a legal person to run the tribe, pay the not a public one.
rent. [.] Some people will be not able to pay
Since this new form of informality is
the rent. So we are thinking about learning to
run some small businesses, something the tribe
negotiated through urban entrepreneurial-
could manage together, so that the tribe could ism, it should be thus understood as ‘entre-
have a mutual fund. That way, if there are preneurialising informality’, which has
some people in the tribe have difficulties, we redefined the spatial value of informal settle-
can still maintain our living. ments in terms of their entrepreneurial value
to the urban redevelopment. This entrepre-
By running the tribe communally, the tribe neurialising informality, although it may not
is thus able to absorb the impact of rent to be the preferable entrepreneurial plan for
the residents in financial difficulty, keeping the local government, it has become a new
the integrity of the tribe. Under the circum- way to enable urban entrepreneurialism. It
stances then, entrepreneurialising of urban helps entrepreneurialism to negotiate its way
informal settlements is not just a strategic into a city that is dominated by informality,
policy that makes the sustaining of informal re-engaging informality with globalised
settlements possible, but it has actually urban development.
2900 Urban Studies 55(13)

Conclusion inequality. This co-production of space

between entrepreneurialism and informality
The entrepreneurial city is often treated as
creates new tensions, raises new questions
being at odds with urban informality. Since
through this intermeshing process. In the case
it often accompanies the introduction of pri-
of Xi-Jou tribe and Liu-Gong channel reno-
vate capital and the redevelopment of urban
vation, though the informal settlements were
space, it is usually perceived as a force of
not completely excluded by the local redeve-
exclusion by local people (Jou et al., 2016).
lopment plan, they have had to endure
However, by examining the new discourses
changes in spatial orders and financial
and strategies produced by local squatters,
arrangements just to keep their living in the
we can see how local people exhibit their
neighbourhood. Furthermore, although this
agency, changing the course of entrepreneur-
entrepreneurialising informality presented
ialisation (McFarlane, 2012a). This paper
some new possibilities to the local actors,
has shown that entrepreneurial urban policy
enabling some squatters to participate in
mutates and transforms though its encoun-
shaping the urban redevelopment plan, at the
ter with urban informality. The cases of Xi-
same time it remains a threat to the less
Jou tribe and Liu-Gong informal settlement
resourceful informal settlements. Since this
demonstrated the unlikely co-evolution
entrepreneurialising informality has shifted
between urban informality and urban entre-
preneurialism. With the mediation of almost all responsibility for the housing plan
community-planning system, the residents to the local squatters, it may cause displace-
actively participated in the transformation ment to the squatters that were unable to
of waterfronts, incorporating themselves make an entrepreneurial plan for their own
into these entrepreneurial projects, turning informal settlements. Therefore, instead of
themselves into the cultural attractions of seeing entrepreneurialising informality as a
the city. Entrepreneurialising informality solution for the exclusion of informal settle-
could therefore be a powerful tool in deli- ments in the urban development, it should be
neating subaltern urbanism. It stresses the employed as a way to scrutinise the trans-
ways in which urban entrepreneurialism is forming local interactions between globalised
mediated, interpreted, and actualised in dif- urban entrepreneurialism and local agency.
ferent political-economic contexts. By mobi-
lising the features of urban informality as Declaration of conflicting interests
part of the city’s cultural appeal, the squatters The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of
actively took part in the shaping of the urban interest with respect to the research, authorship,
regeneration project, turning informal settle- and/or publication of this article.
ments into a cultural asset to the city. In this
sense, the squatters negotiated themselves out
from the immediate threat of displacement.
This narrative of subaltern stresses the agency The author(s) received no financial support for
of local squatters, moving attention from the the research, authorship, and/or publication of
this article.
policy end of entrepreneurialism to the local
end, illuminating the way in which entrepre-
neurialism is exercised and lived. Note
While entrepreneurialising informality 1. Jing-Yi and another interviewee, Mayaw,
enables new hopes for the squatters, it also were both the main participants in the local
creates new forms of exclusion and redevelopment projects. Since they both have
Chien 2901

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