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ROUGH The Sons of Confederate Veterans – Camp 265



Home of the Rankin Rough & Ready’s – Brandon, Mississippi

Commander’s Report
Our May 1st, 2021 meeting is a go. We still need to follow CDC
guidelines. Everyone is encouraged to wear a mask and social distance.
We will have hand sanitizer and masks available, and instead of shaking
hands, maybe fist bump! I heard bringing desserts will ward off the
COVID! If you do not feel comfortable attending the meeting, please
continue doing what you think is best for yourself and your family. I look
forward to seeing everyone that is not running fever!
Our May speaker will be Fellow Camp Member Lynn Gaskin. He is
the Quarter Master of our camp, has some great weapons to show off this
month and along with Jim Tyrney will have the best period display you
have ever seen at our upcoming Relic Show! Please come out and show
your support!! We will swear in officers that could not attend last month’s
meeting, discuss May events, Our upcoming Relic Show, and more. So,
come early, and bring a someone with you! We will have good food, great
friends, a short business session, and as sure as time and tide waits for no
one, I will probably see you at Fernando’s in Brandon on May 1st, 2021.
– Tim Cupit

Meeting Agenda for May 1st:

Agenda For May 1, 2021 Meeting
- Open with prayer at 7pm sharp by Tom Fortenberry
- Pledge of Allegiance to the US flag and salutes led by 2nd Lt.
Commander Tom Lilly
Trivia by Ralph Smitherman
- Speaker - Lynn Gaskin / topic: Weapons – Q&A

Unfinished Business
- Adopt minutes from April 3, 2021 - motion, 2nd, discussion, vote
- Did everyone sign in and get a door prize ticket?
- and Facebook stats from Chris Merck
- First Thursday Coin Club at Brandon library 6:30pm hosted by Ed
Lofton, draw for door prize
- OCR report from Brandi Gray
- April events
- A Show of Hands on who will commit to working the Relic Show on
June 11-13, 2021?
-Scrapbook update Tara Bradley
-Protests, Initiatives, Politics & our Camp
Our very own Camp Chaplain, Mr. Tom Fortenberry spoke at the April 3rd
New Business meeting. Such an inspirational and spiritually motivating speaker!
- New members
- Easy eat snacks for Vets
- May events
- Civil War fiddle
- Officer Installation Keep up with what’s happening in and around
- Draw for AR15 Camp 265 by checking out the official
- Volunteer to call a Sponsor! Rankin Rough & Ready’s Facebook page!
- Open floor / Door prizes
- Close meeting with prayer at approx. 8:25pm

Please help with clean up, and tip your waitress!

Commander’s Quote:
“If it’s important to you, you’ll find a way.
If not- you’ll find an excuse.”
The last few months have been busy for us! We continue to
do our community service projects by collecting food items
for the VA Freedom Foods Pantry as well as a flood of
Memorial Services. We are super pleased with our positive
place in our community and we are going to continue our
pledge to support our SCV Camp in all of their endeavors.

We had a cutest baby contest at our April meeting and

Camp member Brandon Audirsch won!! There were so
many adorable pictures that helped us raise almost $200 for
our ongoing projects.

We are looking forward to the Annual Civil War Relic show

coming up in June as well as the OCR Tea/Reunion. If you
haven’t joined yet, what are you waiting for?

We look forward to the rest of this new year and can’t wait
to see you all at the next meeting!

– Brandi Gray, President, MAFOCR

For more information on the Mary Ann Forrest Chapter of the

Order of Confederate Rose, or to become a member, please
visit them online at

You can also visit them on Facebook at:

Mr. Brandon Audirsch, son of MAFOCR President, Brandi Gray, was crowned
“Cutest Baby”!

The Lowery Rifles Confederate Memorial Service

at the Old Brandon Cemetery, Brandon, Mississippi
by Tom Fortenberry

Imagine you had a bank account that deposited $86,400 each morning. The account carries over no balance from day to day,
allows you to keep no cash balance, and every evening cancels whatever part of the amount you had failed to use during the
day. What would you do? Draw out every dollar each day!

We all have such a bank. Its name is Time. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off, as
lost, whatever time you have failed to use wisely. It carries over no balance from day to day. It allows no overdraft so you
can’t borrow against yourself or use more time than you have. Each day, the account starts fresh. Each night, it destroys any
unused time. If you fail to use the day’s deposits, it’s your loss and you can’t appeal to get it back.

There is never any borrowing time. You can’t take a loan out on your time or against someone else’s. The time you have is
the time you have and that is that. Time management is yours to decide how you spend the time, just as with money you
decide how you spend the money. It is never the case of us not having enough time to do things, but the case of whether we
want to do them and where they fall in our priorities.”

God gives you the 86,400 seconds a day! Spend some of that time on God and accept the blessings freely given!

May God Bless each of you and keep you.

– Thomas Fortenberry, Chaplain, Camp 265

Please welcome new member Robert Tyler Moore to the Camp #265 family! Please welcome new member Douglas Brent Bigby as well, a great addition to our
by Charles Lewis

"In all my perplexities and distresses, the Bible has never failed to give me light and strength." – Robert E. Lee

On April 3rd the Rankin Rough and Ready's held their monthly meeting. Fifty two people signed in for door prizes. Commander Cupit
called the meeting to order at 7:00 P M. Rabi Tom Fortenberry opened the meeting with prayer and 2nd Lt. Tom Lilly led the pledges. Mr.
Ralph Smitherman tested our Confederate history knowledge with his trivia questions.

April's speaker was our own camp Chaplain, Rabi Tom Fortenberry. He spoke on chaplains and their roles in the War between the States,
how they ministered to all soldiers, and how soldiers from both sides and of different faiths would come together during and after a hard
fought battle. He stressed how the Bible never changes, even though our country has, and how God is the center of our faith. During periods
of strife people of different faiths come together.

Brandi Gray gave the OCR report. This month the OCR held a "Cutest baby photo" contest. As part of her report she crowned the winner,
camp member, and her son Brandon Audirsch.

Reports were given on the Drake Confederate Prayer/Decoration Service at the Drake United Methodist Church cemetery in Flowood, MS
and the Lowery Rifle Confederate Memorial Service at the Old Brandon Cemetery in Brandon, MS. Both events were well received.

Tara Bradley reported on the camp scrapbook and ask people to send her pictures.

New member, Brent Bigby received his certificate of membership into the Rankin Rough and Ready's. Welcome Brent.

REMINDER: Any and all help is needed to set up, run, and take down the Relic Show.

Commander Cupit closed the meeting and we began our in camp Candlelight Memorial Service for our ancestors. Each person present was
given a candle. Commander Cupit explained the meaning of the lit and extinguished candle. People were then instructed to, one by one, say
their ancestor's name and extinguish their candle. Commander Cupit then explained the meaning of the single candle left burning and ended
the service with seven tolls of a bell.

Confederate Events along the front attended by the SCV Rankin Rough and Ready's and/or the Mary Ann Forrest OCR:
1) Drake Confederate Prayer/Decoration Service - Drake Cemetery, Flowood, MS
March 27th. Hosted by Mary Ann Forrest OCR
2) Lowery Rifle's Confederate Memorial Service - Old Brandon Cemetery, Brandon, MS
April 3rd - Hosted by Lowery Rifles SCV
3) Confederate Memorial Day Program - Blue Mountain Cemetery, Blue Mountain, MS
April 18th - Hosted by MS Society Military Order of Star and Bars, Brigadier General Mark Perrin Lowery - Chapter # 313
4) Confederate Memorial Day Service; Beauvoir - Biloxi, MS,
April 24th - Hosted by Beauvoir The Jefferson Davis Home and Presidential Library
5) Captain Hiram Morgan Dedication; Morgan/Gordon Cemetery - Gillsburg, MS
April 24th
6) Confederate Memorial Day Observance - Soldier's Rest City Cemetery, Vicksburg, MS
April 25th - Hosted by John C. Pemberton SCV
7) Confederate Memorial Day Service - Greenwood Cemetery, Jackson, MS
April 25th - Hosted by Jefferson Davis SCV

Upcoming Events:
- May 1st - Camp meeting
- May 1st - 1st History Highways and Heroes in Gray - Southwest MS and South LA area, 10 AM - 4 PM
- May 8th - Picnic at Southern Cedars (home of Jerry and Kay McWilliams), 9 AM - Hosted by Lowery Rifles
- June 11 - 13, 2021 - SCV MS Division Reunion and OCR Tea - Vicksburg, MS, Hosted by John C. Pemberton SCV
- June 12 - 13, 2021 - Civil War Relic Show - Brandon City Hall - Brandon, MS, Hosted by Rankin Rough and Ready's SCV

– Charles Lewis, Adjutant, Camp 265

Camp #265 Adjutant, Charles Lewis at the grave of his ancestor, CSA Pvt. Alfred Camp #265 member Steve Lampkin showing off his first turkey of the season, with
A. Lewis. a 10” beard and 1” spurs! Congrats Steve!

Joy Redwine with the future of the OCR & SCV!

For more information about SCV Camp 265,

the Rankin Rough & Ready’s, visit us online at:


Copied from the Vicksburg National Military Park Facebook Page (@vicksburgNPS) post on Wednesday April 21, 2021

Here at Vicksburg National Military Park, we have a lot we could share on #waybackwednesday! But anytime we have an opportunity
to highlight the #USSCAIRO gunboat we’re going to!

Discovered by Vicksburg National Military Park historian Edwin Bearss with Warren Grabau and Don Jacks in November 1956, the
USS Cairo is the sole-surviving city class ironclad gunboat in the world! During the salvage operation to remove the Cairo from the
Yazoo River, the boat was broken up and placed on a barge. Eventually, it was brought to Ingall’s Shipyard in Pascagoula, Mississippi
in 1965.

Of note, the USS Cairo sat disassembled in Ingalls Shipyard when Hurricane Camille ravaged the Mississippi and Louisiana coasts in
August 1969. Preservationists and Civil War buffs alike feared the worst that the Cairo was entirely lost. A news reporter surveying the
damage around Ingalls Shipyard noted that it “bears few physical scars, and even the Cairo which couldn’t survive a Rebel mine in the
Yazoo during the bloody fighting around Vicksburg in the Civil War seems safe…”

Here are some great pictures spanning the 1960s and 1970s of the recovery and initial preservation efforts for saving the USS Cairo.

Do you have a great story about visiting the USS Cairo or were you present during these impactful years of preserving this amazing
artifact? Let us know in the comments below!

For more information on the USS Cairo, visit:

#WayBackWednesday, #NationalParkWeek, #USSCAIRO, #preservation, #hurricanecamille, #history

A modern color image of the ironclad plating, cannons, and wooden hull of
the USS Cairo.
A black and white photograph of the gunboat's pilot house emerging
from the Yazoo River.

A black and white photograph of derricks pulling the forward section of the Black and white photography of the Cairo sitting on a barge.
Cairo onto a barge.



The Chatham Company

Sustainable Natural Resources
and Forestry Products
Willard & Maureen Chatham
Membership MFA, RCFA
317 Lake Heather Road BRANDON, MS
Brandon, MS 39047 PERMIT NO. 265

Our next meeting is May 1st at:

Fernando’s Mexican Restaurant
2146 Hwy 471
Brandon, MS 39047
at 7:00pm. Come early!
LTG. John C. Pemberton Camp #1354
Sons of Confederate Veterans
128 Lightcap Blvd., Vicksburg, MS 39180
Ph: (601) 634-1483
E: Web:

JANUARY 1, 2021

Dear Mississippi Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans,

The LTG. John C. Pemberton Camp in Vicksburg is honored to host the 125th Reunion of the Mississippi Division,
Sons of Confederate Veterans and the 27th Reunion of the Mississippi Society, Order of the Confederate Rose. We have
looked forward to this event for some time and have been planning for over two years. The COVID-19 crisis forced us to
postpone this Reunion twice last year. We are confident, now that lifesaving vaccines are being administered daily, that we
will gather in Vicksburg, the River City on June 11-13, 2021. All events except for the Sunday Memorial Service will be
held at the Vicksburg Convention Center downtown.

The Agenda remains basically the same as last year. Registration begins Friday, June 11th from 3 - 7 p.m. at the
Convention Center entrance lobby with vendor set up from 2 - 8 pm. The Commanders Reception which will cost $15 per
person to attend and begins at 6 p.m. with a cash bar provided. Period music is planned for entertainment along with an
exciting talk by famed historian Grady Howell.

The Convention continues on Saturday morning June 12th with our Opening Ceremonies, Business meeting with
elections of Division Officers for the next two years, and our Awards Banquet on Saturday evening with keynote speaker
Dr. Samuel “Sandy” Mitcham of Monroe, LA. Dr. Mitcham is a wonderful historian and Southern scholar who will be giving
a talk on an interesting facet of the Vicksburg Campaign.

Saturday afternoon, for those who choose to return to the Convention Center after a short meal on their own, author
Scott Bell, will speak on his book, “The Camel Regiment," A History of the Bloody 43rd Mississippi Volunteer Infantry,
CSA 1862-65. Scott will give you more insight into “Old Douglas” that our camp’s first commemorative coin was patterned
after. Others may want to use the free time for self-guided tours of the Vicksburg Military Park, Old Courthouse Museum,
Old Depot Museum, or other historic venues in our city. Local shopping is just a few blocks away from the Convention
Center historic Washington Street.

The Reunion ends Sunday morning June 13th with a memorial service at historic Soldiers Rest Cemetery, where
memorial gravestones and an historic marker for those who served aboard the C.S.S. Arkansas will be dedicated. Compatriot
Bryan Skipworth has spearheaded this on-going project with support from the SCV, UDC and OCR and we are honored to
closeout our Reunion with this event. Dr. Brandon Beck of Columbus, MS will be the keynote speaker for this dedication.

I had the honor over 2019 and 2020 to visit a number of SCV Camps and personally invite you to this Reunion. I hope
to do the same this Spring, and hope to include some that I did not get to visit last year. We are here to assist in any way, so
don’t hesitate to call or email me with any questions you might have. Please join us on June 11-13, 2021 for the Reunions of
the MS Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans, and the Order of Confederate Rose. Due to scheduling conflicts with the
Convention Center, this year’s reunion will be held at the same weekend as the Rankin Rough and Ready's Relic Show in
Brandon. If you choose on Saturday afternoon to attend the Relic show, it’s a quick hour drive to Brandon.

Hotel information with group rates is listed on the registration forms, which are now updated on the Division website,
our Camp website and our Camp Facebook page. Each registrant from last year with an email, will receive a registration
package by email. Feel free to call me for any additional questions. See you in the River City this June.


Edward Campbell Commander

LTG John C. Pemberton, Camp #1354
2021 SCV MS Division Reunion
Registration Form
125th Reunion – Mississippi Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans
27th Reunion – Mississippi Society, Order of Confederate Rose
Vicksburg, Mississippi – June 11-13, 2021
Hosted by the LTG John C. Pemberton Camp #1354 And Mary Ann Forrest Chapter #23, MSOCR
All Events Will be Held at Vicksburg Convention Center, 1600 Mulberry St., Vicksburg, MS 39180

SCV Member Name

Title / SCV Camp Name & Number
Title / OCR Chapter Name & Number
Address City State Zip
Phone # Email
Spouse/Guest /Guest
All registered SCV members will receive a name badge, a convention medal, a program, and a bag of goodies (quantities limited).
Registration at the door will receive the same as long as supplies last. OCR members will have a Tea in lieu of receiving a medal.

SCV Member - on or before May 3, 2021, $50.00 / After May 3, 2021, $55.00 QTY $

OCR Member - on or before May 3, 2021, $20.00 / After May 3, 2021 $25.00 QTY $

* Friday Night Commanders Reception - $15.00 (Adults and Children) QTY $

* Awards Banquet: $35.00 per Adult QTY $

$15.00 per Child (12 years & under) QTY $
* (No Reception or Banquet Registration after May 28, 2021, including walkups.)

Ancestor Memorial: $10.00 each QTY $

Please type or print memorials on a separate page or back of form & submit by May 3, 2021

Please Make Checks Payable to SCV Camp #1354 & Mail to:
Edward Campbell, 128 Lightcap Blvd, Vicksburg, MS 39180

Contact Information: SCV Contact: Edward Campbell: 601-405-0719 or

OCR Contact: Joy Redwine at (662) 654-1590 or
Hampton Inn & Suites at 3330 Clay Street, Vicksburg, MS SCV Rate - $139.00 plus tax Ph: 601-636-6100.
. La Quinta at 4160 S. Frontage Rd. Vicksburg, MS. SCV Rate - $90.00 plus tax Ph: 601-802-0525.
Best Western at 2445 N. Frontage Rd. Vicksburg, MS. SCV Rate - $89.00 plus tax Ph: 601-636-5800.
**All Reservations must be made by April 30, 2021**
Registration will be at the Vicksburg Convention Center between 3pm & 7pm Friday and between
7am & 8:30am Saturday.
Vendor & Advertiser Registration Form
125th Reunion – Mississippi Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans
27th Reunion – Mississippi Society, Order of Confederate Rose
Vicksburg, Mississippi – June 11-13, 2021
Hosted by the LTG John C. Pemberton Camp #1354 & The Mary Ann Forrest Chapter #23, MSOCR
All Events Will Be Held at Vicksburg Convention Center: 1600 Mulberry St. Vicksburg, MS 39180

Address City State Zip
Phone # Email

Payment for Vendor Tables Due by May 3, 2021

Number of Tables ________ @ $50.00 each Total: $__________

It is recommended that each camp in the division purchase a Half page or Full-page ad to promote
and identify their camp.

NOTE: Ads purchased for the 2020 Reunion and agreed to carryover to 2021 will be listed and updated
as necessary. You will be contacted by April 1, 2021 for any changes.

NOTE: No Ancestor Memorials will be listed in Ads unless purchase of Half or Full-Page Ads.

Full-Page $100.00 QTY: $

Half-Page $50.00 QTY: $

Quarter-Page $35.00 QTY: $

Business Card $15.00 QTY: $


All advertisements will be in black and white. Color artwork submitted will be converted.
Minimum resolution for scanned digital images should be 300 dpi.
Payment for advertisements is due May 3, 2021

Please send a copy of your advertisement/business card to:

Edward Campbell at
or mail to: 128 Lightcap Blvd, Vicksburg, MS 39180
Mississippi Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans
& MS Society, Order of Confederate Rose
2021 Division Annual Reunion
June 11 – 13, 2021 Reunion Agenda
* All activities are located at the Vicksburg Convention Center unless otherwise noted.

2:00 - 8:00 pm: Vendor setup and Sales
3:00 - 7:00 pm: Reunion SCV/OCR Registration - Entrance Lobby
6:00 - 8:00 pm: Commanders Reception and Social (Cash Bar)
Period Music and Guest Speaker: Grady Howell

7:00 - 8:30 am: Reunion SCV/OCR Registration - Entrance Lobby
7:00 am - 3:00pm: Vendor Sales
7:30 am: MS Division Color Guard Muster - Entrance Lobby
8:00 am - 8:30 am: Opening Ceremony/ All SCV/OCR Members and Guests
8:30 am - 12:00 pm: MS SCV Division Business Meeting
9:00 am - 1:00 pm: OCR Business Meeting & Ladies Tea

*******Break for Lunch on Your Own*******

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm: 43rd MS Vol. Reg. - Old Douglas - Speaker: Scott Bell

Self-Guided Tours of:

Vicksburg National Military Park
Old Courthouse Museum
Old Depot Museum
Jesse Brent Lower Mississippi River Museum
Soldiers Rest Cemetery

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm: MS Division Reunion Awards Banquet

Guest Speaker: Dr. Samuel W. Mitcham, Jr.
Professor and Author

9:00 am: * Memorial Service & C.S.S. Arkansas Memorial
Dedication at Soldiers Rest, Vicksburg Cemetery
Guest Speaker: Dr. Brandon Beck, Author and Historian
On behalf of the LTG. John C. Pemberton Camp 1354 membership and staff, we sincerely
hope you enjoyed your stay and hope you have a safe trip home!

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