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Name: Reg no:

M. Muneeb Alam BBA183102

Course: Marketing Management

Assignment: 3

Submitted to:
Dr. Arif Vaseer
Q: What is organizational buying?
Organization buying is the decision-making process by which formal organizations establish the
need for purchased products and services and identify, evaluate, and choose among alternative
brands and suppliers.

Q: What buying situations do business buyers face?

Common types of buying situations include the straight rebuy, the modified rebuy, and the new
Straight rebuy: The purchasing department reorders supplies on a routine basis and choose from
suppliers on an approved list.
Modified rebuy: Buyers who want to change product specification, prices delivery requirement
or other terms.
New task: Purchaser buys a product or service for the first time.
New task passes through several stages
1. Awareness
2. Interest
3. Evaluation
4. Trail
5. Adoption

Q: Who participates in the business to business buying process?

In a business setting, major purchases typically require input from various parts of the
organization, such as finance, accounting, purchasing, information technology management, and
senior management. The five main roles in a buying center are the users, influencers, buyers,
deciders, and gatekeepers.

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