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Name: Mr.

Naveed Nasir


Visit Date: 20-April-2020 11:52am Final Report Report Date: 23-April-2020 1:02am
Ref. By: Dr. Zulfiqar

Test Name Results *Last Available Results Unit Reference Ranges

Molecular Biology

Corona Virus RNA PCR Not Detected

SARS-Co-V2 (Novel coronavirus)


 The test for SARS- Co-V2 (Novel Corona virus) is performed by Real Time RT-PCR method on
Nasopharyngeal / Oropharyngeal swabs, sputum and bronchial washings.
 The negative result must be interpreted along With clinical observations. patient's history and
epidemiological information. A single result might not exclude possibility of corona Virus
infection; repeat test might be required between 24-48 hours if symptoms persist. The patient
should consider himself/herself as suspected case for corona virus and should remain under self
quarantine and maintain social distancing.
 In case of positive result, it is strongly advised that the patient should stay at home under self
quarantine and maintain social distancing. Additional tests required for timely decision of
treatment are Blood CP With absolute lymphocyte count, Serum Ferritin, LDH, D. Dirner, CPK,
Troponins. CRP and X. Ray chest PA view.
 In case patient develops shortness of breath, he/she should immediately seek medical advice.
 A Single negative result of already known positive patients or patients in quarantine would
require re-confirmation with fresh sample in 24-48 hours.

This is digitally verified report

and does not require manual signatures

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