Diurnal Variation of Maximal Fat-Oxidation Rate in Trained Male Athletes

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In te rn a tio n a l J o u rn a l o f S p o rts P h y sio lo g y a n d P erfo rm a nce , 2019, 14, 1140-1146

https://doi.Org/10.1123/ijspp.2018-0854 Human Kinetics £QU

© 2019 Human Kinetics, Inc. ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION

Diurnal Variation of Maximal Fat-Oxidation Rate

in Trained Male Athletes
Francisco J. Amaro-Gahete, Lucas Jurado-Fasoli, Alejandro R. Trivino, Guillermo Sanchez-Delgado,
Alejandro De-la-O, Jorn W. Helge, and Jonatan R. Ruiz

Purpose: To analyze the diurnal variation of maximal fat oxidation (MFO) and the intensity that elicits MFO (Fatmax) in trained
male athletes. Methods: A total of 12 endurance-trained male athletes age 24.7 (4.1) y participated in the study. The authors
measured MFO, Fatmax, maximum oxygen uptake (V 0 2max), and V 0 2 percentage at ventilatory threshold 2 with a graded
exercise protocol performed on 2 days separated by I wk. One test was performed in the morning and the other in the afternoon.
The authors assessed the participants’ chronotype using the HOME questionnaire. Results: MFO and Fatmax were greater in the
afternoon than in the morning (A= 13%, P < .001 and A = 6%, P = .001, respectively), whereas there were similar V 0 2max and
ventilatory threshold 2 in the morning, than in the afternoon test (A = 0.2%, /* = . 158 and A = 7%, P = .650, respectively). There
was a strong positive association between V 0 2max and MFO in both morning and afternoon assessments (R2 = .783, P = .001 and
R~=. 663, P c . 001, respectively). Similarly, there was a positive association between V 0 2max and Fatmax in both morning and
afternoon assessments (P2 = .406, P = .024 and P 2 = .414, P = ,0 2 6 , respectively). Conclusion: MFO and Fatmax may partially
explain some of the observed diurnal variation in the performance of endurance sports.

Keywords: Fatmax, V 0 2max, circadian rhythm, resistance, fuel oxidation

Carbohydrates and fats are the primary substrates oxidized to reported that individuals with higher V 0 2max present greater muscle
fuel energy metabolism during exercise.1 Humans predominantly capacity to oxidize fat,12,13 the relation of V 0 2max with MFO and
store carbohydrates as glycogen in skeletal muscle and the liver, and Fatmax in endurance-trained male athletes remains to be elucidated.
- 4 g circulating in plasma as glucose.2 However, these storage Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the diurnal
depots are limited, whereas human fat energy storage is effectively variations of MFO and Fatmax in endurance-trained male athletes.
unlimited during prolonged exercise.3 Therefore, the capacity to We also determined the diurnal variations of V 0 2max and VT2
adapt fuel oxidation to fuel availability (known as metabolic and examined the association of V 0 2max and VT2 with MFO and
flexibility) is a key determinant of endurance sport performance.4 Fatmax. We hypothesized that MFO, Fatmax, V 0 2max, and VT2 are
Therefore, the maximal fat oxidation (MFO) capacity during higher in the afternoon than in the morning, and that V 0 2max and
a graded exercise protocol is considered an important factor in VT2 are positively associated with MFO and Fatmax in endurance-
endurance exercise performance as well and in cardiovascular trained male athletes.
health.5 Moreover, another important variable is the exercise inten­
sity at which MFO occurs, so called Fatmax. Both MFO and Fatmax,
together with maximum oxygen uptake (V 0 2max), V 0 2max per­ Methods
centage at ventilatory threshold 2 (VT2), and running economy are
considered important outcomes in endurance sports performance.5,6
Endurance sport performance, specifically running and cycling A total of 14 endurance-trained male athletes age 18 to 32 years
performance, seems to present diurnal variation, being higher in the voluntarily participated in the study. Two out of 14 participants did
afternoon than in the morning.7 This might be explained by a higher not meet the predetermined conditions (see below) for MFO and
body temperature, higher neural activation and contractile properties Fatmax measurements on one of the testing days, and were retro­
of the skeletal muscle, or higher plasma catecholamine concentra­ spectively excluded from further statistical analyses. All athletes
tions immediately after exercise in the afternoon than in the morn­ had extensive experience in endurance events and had a minimum
ing.8,9 It has been observed a higher MFO and Fatmax in the afternoon of 2 years of cycling or running practice as a part of their main
than in the morning in nonathlete male students10 and in untrained training schedule. They had a body mass index between 18 and
normal weight and obese individuals.11 Whether the observed 25 k g /n r, were nonsmokers, did not take any medication, and had
diurnal variations in MFO and Fatmax also apply to endurance- no acute or chronic illness. All participants provided written
trained athletes is unknown. Moreover, despite that it has been informed consent to participate in the study, which was performed
in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. An ethical approval
was obtained from the University of Granada research ethics
Amaro-Gahete, Jurado-Fasoli. Trivino, and De-la-0 are with the Dept of Medical committee (ethical approval code no 507/CEIH/2018).
Physiology, School of Medicine, and Amaro-Gahete, Sanchez-Delgado, and Ruiz,
the Dept of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Design and Methodology
Granada, Granada, Spain. Helge is with the Dept of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of
Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. Amaro-Gahete The study was conducted between March and April 2018. MFO
(amarof@ugr.es) is corresponding author. and Fatmax were measured on 2 different days separated by 1 week.
Diurnal Variation of MFO Athletes 1141

Measurements were perfonned between 8 AM and 11 AM (MFO- An oronasal mask (model 7400; Hans Rudolph Inc, Kansas
moming, Fatmax-moming, V 0 2max-rnoming, and VT2-moming) City, MO) equipped with a preVent metabolic flow sensor (Medical
and between 5 PM and 8 PM in the afternoon (MFO-aftemoon, Graphics Corp, St Paul. MN) was fitted, and breath-by-breath
Fatmax-aftemoon, V 0 2max- afternoon, and VT2-afternoon). The test respiratory measurements were recorded throughout the test with
order (morning vs afternoon) was randomized using a simple the use of an automated gas analysis system (CPX Ultima Cardi02;
random function of the software MS Excel for Windows® (Micro­ Medical Graphics Corp, St Paul, MN). Gas analyzers were calibrated
soft, Redmond, WA). Participants arrived at the laboratory by car or immediately before each graded exercise protocol according to the
by bus (avoiding any physical activity) in a fasted state (between manufacturer’s recommendations. Heart rate was recorded using a
7 and 10 h). They were instructed to avoid moderate or vigorous heart-rate monitor (Polar RS800; Polar Electro Inc, Woodbury, NY).
physical activity 24 and 48 hours before the testing day. A nutri­ V 0 2, V C 02, and ventilation data were averaged over the
tionist prescribed an individualized pretrial diet (ie, 24 h before most stable 5-consecutive-minute periods (after discarding the
each testing day: 2653 (162) kcal; 50% carbohydrate, 30% fat, and first 5 min) for analysis of the resting metabolic rate applying
20% protein), and the participants adhered to it of their own accord. the Weir abbreviated equation (assuming negligible protein oxi­
When the tests were perfonned in the afternoon, we instructed the dation) and expressed as kcal/day: resting metabolic rate =
participants to consume the same menu (same energy intake and (3.9 [V 02]+1.1 [VC02])x 1.44. V 0 2, V C 02, and ventilation
percentage of macronulrient in each meal) in the same order that was data were averaged over and the last 60 seconds of each graded
consumed in the morning test (ie, the breakfast in the morning test exercise protocol stage. Stoichiometric equations described
[24 h ago] was the lunch in the afternoon test [24 h ago]). Energy by Frayn20 were used to calculate fat oxidation rates with the
demand was determined using the Harris-Benedict equation based assumption that urinary nitrogen excretion was negligible in all
on body mass, height, and age. An activity factor of 1.8 was used.14 cases. Fat oxidation rates were plotted against the relative exercise
On day 1, the body weight and height were measured using a intensity (% V02max), and a third-degree polynomial regression
seca scale and stadiometer (model 799, electronic column scale; was used to determine MFO and Fatmax for each individual
Seca, Hamburg, Germany), and the body mass index was calcu­ participant.
lated as weight (kg)/height (nr). Participants wore light clothing
and no shoes during the measurements. Fat mass was assessed Statistical Analysis
by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (Hologic Discovery Wii;
Hologic, Bedford, MA). The participants also completed the HOME The determination of the sample size and power of the study are
questionnaire,15 which is a validated questionnaire that determines made based on the data of a pilot study. We considered MFO
the participants’ chronotype (momingness-eveningness). The ques­ differences between the morning and afternoon tests to assess
tionnaire consists of 19 questions related to sleepAvake behavior the sample size requirements for the 1-way analysis of the variance.
and yields scores ranging from 16 to 86. Based on the HOME score, As a result, we expected to detect an effect size of 0.05 g/min
the participants were categorized into 1 of 5 chronotype categories: considering a type I error of 0.05, with a statistical power of 0.85
16 to 30 (definite evening type), 31 to 41 (moderate evening type), with a minimum of 10 participants. Assuming a maximum loss of
42 to 58 (neither type), 59 to 69 (moderate morning type), and 70 to 20%, we decided to recruit a total of 12 participants.
86 (definite morning type). Results are reported as the mean (SD), otherwise stated. We
The resting metabolic rate was measured by indirect calo­ used the Shapiro-Wiik test, a visual check of histograms, and
Q-Q plots to verify the normal distribution of all variables. A
rimetry during 15 minutes in peaceful and relaxing room
repeated-measures analysis of the variance was applied to deter­
(temperature: 22.6 [0.7]°C; humidity: 44.5% [6.1%]). After
mine differences between MFO-morning versus MFO-aftemoon,
that, a maximal walking speed protocol on a treadmill (H/P/
Fatmax-morning versus Fatmax-alternoon, V 0 2max-moming ver­
cosmos pulsar; H/P/Cosmos Sports & Medical GmbH, NuBdorf,
sus V 0 2max-aftemoon, and VT2-morning versus VT2-aftemoon.
Germany) was performed on the first day before the graded
A 1-way repeated-measures analysis of covariance was conducted
exercise protocol to determine MFO, Fatmax, V 0 2max, and
to study morning versus afternoon differences, including fat mass
VT2 adapted from a validated protocol.16’17’18 In brief, the
percentage and chronotype as covariates.
protocol started with a 3 minutes warm-up at 3.5 km/h, and
To analyze the association of V 0 2max and VT2 with MFO and
1 km/h speed increments were programmed every 3 minutes until
Fatmax, we conducted a simple linear regression analysis as follows:
the maximal walking speed was reached. Subsequently, the
(1) V 0 2max-moming with MFO-morning, (2) V 0 2max-moming
treadmill speed was constant, and the gradient was increased
with Fatmax-moming, (3) VT2-morning with MFO-moming,
by 2% ever)' 3 minutes until the respiratory exchange ratio was
(4) VT2-moming with Fat^-m om ing, (5) V 02max-aftemoon with
>1.0. Then, after a 5-minute break, a maximal incremental exer­
MFO-aftemoon, (6) V 02max-altemoon with Fatmax-afternoon,
cise test, using the modified Balke protocol (3-min walking at
(7) VT2-aftemoon with MFO-aftemoon, and (8) VT2-aftemoon
5.3 km/h and 1%, followed by increments of 1% every minute)
with Fatmax-altemoon. We also included fat mass percentage and
until voluntary exhaustion, was performed. The final 30 seconds
chronotype as covariates.
of the V 0 2 measurement were considered to be maximal (V 02_
The analyses were conducted using the Statistical Package for
max) when the following conditions were met: (1) a plateau (an
Social Sciences (v 22.0, IBM SPSS Statistics; IBM Corp, Armonk,
increase of <2 mL/kg/min) in V 0 2 with a further increasing
NY). For all statistical procedures, the significance level was set
workload, (2) a heart rate at least higher than the age-predicted at P < .05.
maximum minus 10 bpm, and (3) a respiratory exchange ratio
>1.1. If any of these criteria were not met, a V 0 2peak value was
taken, defined as the highest V 0 2 measured over a 30-second Results
period. VT2 was estimated from gas exchange data by 2 inde­
pendent researchers following a validated standard methodology, Descriptive parameters of the study participants are listed in
as previously described.19 Table 1. Most of the participants did not lit in definite morning
IJSPP Vol. 14, No. 8, 2019
1142 Amaro-Gahete et al

or definite evening chronotypes (-92% ). The test order was Fatmax -morning and Fatmax-afternoon (59.0% [8.1%] vs 62.6%
morning-afternoon in 7 participants and afternoon-morning in 5 [7.0%] V 0 2max, respectively; P = .0 0 1 , Figure 1C and ID) that
participants. Fasting time was similar in the morning and in the remained once fat mass percentage and chronotype were included
afternoon (8.4 [1.2] vs 8.2 [1.0] h, respectively, P = .554). in the model (P = .018 and P c . 001, respectively).
We observed significant differences between MFO-moming There were no significant differences between V 0 2max-moming
and MFO-aftemoon (0.55 [0.12] vs 0.63 [0.15] g/min. respectively; and VCHmax-aftemoon (63.7 [9.5] vs 63.9 [9.7] mL/kg/min, respec­
P < . 001, Figure 1A and IB), which persisted after controlling for tively: P = .158, Figure 2A and 2B). which persisted after controlling
for fat mass percentage and chronotype (P = .288 and P = .5 6 l,
fat mass percentage and chronotype (P = .023 and P < .001, respec­
respectively). Similarly, there were no significant differences between
tively). Similarly, there were significant differences between
VT2-moming and VT2-aftemoon (78.2% [4.9%] vs 78.8% [6.9%]
V 0 2max, respectively; P = .650, Figure 2C and 2D) that remained
T a b le 1 D e s c rip tiv e P a ra m e te rs of S tu d y P a rtic ip a n ts once fat mass percentage and chronotype were included in the model
(N = 12) (P = .309 and P = .784, respectively).
V 0 2max was positively associated with MFO in both morning
Age, y 24.7(4.1) ( P c . 001, Figure 3A) and afternoon assessments (P = .001,
Weight, kg 69.5 (9.2) Figure 3B). A positive association was observed between V 0 2max
Height, m 1.75 (0.04) and Fatmax in both morning (P = ,024, Figure 3C) and afternoon
assessments ( P - . 026, Figure 3D). VT2 was positively associated
Body mass index, kg/m2 22.7 (2.3)
with MFO in both morning (P = .005, Figure 3E) and afternoon
Fat mass, % 16.7 (3.7)
assessments ( P = .034, Figure 3F). A positive association was
Resting metabolic rate, kcal/d 2096.8(212.8) observed between VT2 and Fatm;ix in the afternoon assessment
Resting fat oxidation, g/min 0.068 (0.014) (P = .024, Figure 3H), whereas a tendency toward significance
Maximal oxygen uptake, mL/kg/min 63.8 (9.6) was noted in the morning assessment (P = . 105, Figure 3G). We
HOME questionnaire score 47.1 (13.7) repeated all the regression analysis after controlling for either fat
Definitive evening type 1 (8.3%) mass or chronotype, and the results did not change (data not shown).
Moderate evening type 2 (16.7%)
Neither type 6 (50.0%) D is c u s s io n
Moderate morning type 3 (25.0%)
The main finding of this study shows that MFO and Fatmax are higher
Definite morning type 0 (0 %) in the afternoon than in the morning in endurance-trained male
Note: Values are presented as mean (SD) or n (%). athletes. Moreover, we observed no differences in V 0 2max and VT2

B 0 .9 P < .0 0 1

M orning Afternoon

M orning A fternoon

Figure 1 — MFO (A and B) and Fatmax (C and D) in the morning and in the afternoon. Results are shown as the individual observations for each
participant (gray lines) and as the mean for all participants (black line). P value obtained by repeated-measures analysis of variance. Fatmax indicates the
intensity at which MFO occurs: MFO, maximal fat oxidation; V 0 2max, maximum oxygen uptake.

IJSPP Vol. 14, No. 8, 2019

Diurnal Variation of MFO Athletes 1143

A 90 B

o> ra
E 70-
x x
.......... . * "7 O
> 60- >

M o rn in g A fte rn o o n M orning A fterno on

M orning A fterno on

Figure 2 — V 02max (A and B) and VT2 (C and D) in the morning and in the afternoon. Results are shown as the individual observations for each
participant (gray lines) and as the mean for all participants (black line). P value obtained by repeated-measures analysis of variance. V 02max indicates
maximum oxygen uptake; VT2, V 02max percentage in ventilatory threshold 2.

in the morning versus the afternoon. We also observed a significant In addition, a number of studies suggest that body temperature,
positive association of V 0 2max and VT2 with both MFO and time to the exhaustion, and V 0 2max are higher in the afternoon
Fatmax. These findings support the idea that the MFO and Fatmax than in the morning in active and untrained individuals.11-23
diurnal variation should be considered for repeat laboratory testing in Moreover, our data indicate that both V 0 2max and VT2 are similar
research, clinical, and athlete monitoring settings, as maintaining the in the morning and in the afternoon, which does not agree with
same fasting time does not seem to nullify these effects. In addition, others.11>23 Other studies are warranted to determine diurnal differ­
these findings may partially explain the observed increased endur­ ences in V 0 2max and VT2 in trained athletes.
ance sport performance in the afternoon, specifically in events The association of V 0 2max with MFO and Fatmax remains
limited by endogenous carbohydrate availability.7 unclear, as controversial results have been reported. Several studies
Our results extend those reported by others in untrained showed positive associations of V 0 2max with MFO in moderately
individuals.10,11Mohebbi and Azizi11reported that MFO and Fatmax trained men (V 0 2max ranged from 50 to 55 mL/kg/min),24 in trained
were higher in the afternoon than in the morning in untrained male endurance athletes (VO2m ax> 70 mL/kg/min),25 in healthy
normal weight and obese individuals aged 19-25 years. Similarly, young adults (V 0 2max = 43.9 [7.2] mL/kg/min),13 and in a very
Darvakh et a l10 observed significantly greater MFO and Fatmax in heterogeneous group of 300 men and women (V 0 2max = 46.3
the afternoon than in the morning in nonathlete male students. The [0.7] mL/kg/min),12 which concurs with the results obtained in our
MFO differences observed in the present study were larger than study. However, these findings differ from those obtained by
those observed by Mohebbi and Azizi11 (14.5% vs 8.9%) and others,26-27 who did not find significant associations between V 0 2_
Darvakh et al10 (14.5% vs 6.7%), whereas Fatmax differences max and MFO in healthy trained individuals (VO2max = 58.0
were smaller than those obtained by Mohebbi and Azizi11 and [1.6] mL/kg/min)26 and in male ironman athletes (V 0 2max ranged
Darvakh et al10 (6.1% vs 12.2% and 10.7%, respectively).10’11 from 43.9 to 72.5 mL/kg/min).27 It has been suggested that this
It is well known that the catecholamine peak induced by association is only present when heterogeneous groups are com­
exercise is higher in the afternoon than in the morning.9 Consider­ pared. 12’27-2S These results concurred with our findings that showed a
ing that the catecholamine release activates the lipolysis in skeletal strong positive association between V 0 2max and MFO in a hetero­
muscle and in adipose tissue,21 it seems reasonable that this will geneous cohort of endurance-trained male athletes (V 0 2max ranged
lead to increased plasma fatty acid content, which could explain the from 52.9 to 83.7 mL/kg/min). The fact that individuals with higher
elevated fat oxidation rates observed in the afternoon. However, a V 0 2max normally had greater capacity of the muscle to oxidize fat12
higher catecholamine release in the afternoon may also increase the could partially explain the observed association. In addition, it has
glycogenolysis during exercise,22 producing a potential decrement previously reported that trained individuals use more fat at the same
of fat oxidation during exercise. Future studies are needed to relative exercise intensity than untrained individuals in both longi­
investigate whether a higher plasma catecholamine concentration tudinal29 and cross-sectional28 training studies.
can induce higher MFO and Fatmax levels in the afternoon, as Previous studies suggested that greater endurance performance
we have no data on exercise-induced catecholamine release. is most frequently observed in the afternoon.7 Atkinson et al30

1 J S P P V o l. 1 4 , N o . 8 , 2 0 1 9
1144 Amaro-Gahete et al

A Morning B Afternoon

VT2 (% V 0 2max) VT2 (% V 0 2max)

Figure 3 — Association between (A, B) V 0 2max and MFO. (C, D) V 0 2max and Fatmax, (E, F) VT2 and MFO, and (G, H) VT2 and Fatmax in the
morning and in the afternoon. (3 indicates unstandardized regression coefficient: Fatmax, the intensity at which MFO occurs; MFO. maximal fat oxidation;
R2, coefficient of determination; V 0 2max. maximum oxygen uptake. VT2. V 0 2max percentage in ventilatory threshold 2. P value obtained from a simple
linear-regression analysis.

showed that aerobic cycling performance (measured by peak power) variation, rather than of V 0 2max and VT2, specifically in events
is greater in the afternoon than in the morning in trained cyclists. limited by endogenous carbohydrate availability.
Moreover, Souissi et al23 also found greater peak power and V 0 2max The results of this study should be considered with caution.
in the afternoon than in the morning, yet no differences were observed The lack of body temperature data and blood parameters assess­
from morning to afternoon in V 0 2max when corrected for total work ments during the graded protocol lest did not allow us to confirm
done. Taken together, it is plausible that the diurnal variation of MFO whether metabolic and hormonal variables play a role in MFO and
and Fatmax might be the key factor in endurance performance diurnal Fatmax diurnal variation. It should also be acknowledged that the

IJSPP Vol. 14, No. 8, 2019

Diurnal Variation of MFO Athletes 1145

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