Abaid Ur Rehman 70105132 Assignment of Visual Field Defects in POAG

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Abaid Ur Rehman 70105132

Assignment of Visual Field Defects in POAG

Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, the health of which is vital for good
vision. This damage is often caused by an abnormally high pressure in your eye. Glaucoma is one of the
leading causes of blindness for people over the age of 60.

Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma:-

Primary open-angle glaucoma is a syndrome of optic nerve damage associated with an open anterior
chamber angle and an elevated or sometimes average intraocular pressure (IOP). Symptoms are a result
of visual field loss.

Visual Field Changes in Glaucoma:-

1. Relative Paracentral Scotoma
2. Nasal Step
3. Seidel Scotoma
4. Arcuate Scotoma
5. Double Arcuate or ring Scotoma
6. End-stage or near total field defect

1)Relative Paracentral Scotoma:-

 Relative Paracentral Scotoma areas where smaller/ dimmer objects are not visualized by
patient but larger and brighter objects are seen.
2)End-stage or near total field defect:-
 Small island of temporal vision

3)Nasal Step:-
 Appearance of a horizontal shelf in the nasal visual field.
 Caused by asymmetrical nerve fiber loss at the poles

4)Seidel Scotoma:-
 Starts at the poles of the blind spot, arches over the macular area without reaching the
horizontal meridian nasally.
5)Arcuate Scotoma:-
 Starts at superior or inferior poles of blind spot
 Arches over macular area
 Ends as a horizontal line nasally
 Does not cross the horizontal divide of visual field

6)Double Arcuate or ring Scotoma:-

 Two Arcuate Scotomas expend to involve the peripheral visual field
 Central and temporal islands of vision are left

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