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Captian Burke trom Tee ers tare Ba] Hamish First Mate M"P0 “stron taming Paso [] Spee Speed Strength E, Strength ef 8 i EF 1 RE Will to tive ze Will to tive zee 258 o8e 8 Eas 7 boxe oom ren (BEE owen ron (BEE ooo 000 Benny the stowara "0 o Wong the cook BP ear CJ Speed Speed 3 4 strength E Strength es : 5 53 4 S ‘ 3 i i tote 3 tote a a. be 5 Bs 4 4 ee -_— *, ooo ooo Fiery Path 0m Conrad Berg "r= ‘Tomahawk always hae +2 Pip Harpoon atwaye-o2 strength PA? Speed Speed 5 8 = Strength Strength Ey ‘ Hg Will to live . Will to Live ee 5 é 6 gE Drown Fungus E Droena | Tut ooo Big Jeb tervom Lil’ Jeb arv0en sete ey vom PH] cmotiecied en] et shee 3 1 strength EE strength FE : ie ‘ ki vite Ha So He ‘ Eu ‘ ay eg, rm (ES prom Fangs (BEE Jedediah | term Mr. CI Harpoon equip [] Mr, Chandu ar Speed strongth ie strength BE ry H 7 ee 7 es ‘Will to live ges Will to live ee sit 25 1 oS q| 7 ee prom roncu [EEE prom uns (BE ooo ooo Gravedigger = Lost Seaman om eau] rau [] : ‘ : ; : i ; i : F Cem os es Drown Fungus an ooo Mermaid Sera em] Joseph [tm Speed Neutral Speed Neutral anit rnin 6 rater ms, A ut of water 3 my) Strength é trength 3 : 7 ‘ i 7 Will to live ‘Will to live : 6 23 u 33 Dem Feoe roe [SE ooo Mini Black Wizard Haroon Oskar Harpoon ‘ers ant >] stack tit 93 tomy Ean] cer Nesta Spee ie Speed rnin 6 8 Strength é Strength g 5 i ‘ i Witltotve ie Witlto tive i 2 2 6 3% 5 $e Drown aia Drown Fungus ae ooo ae ooo e as Olde Pissed Serpent Off Whale a 88 g I Speed i Speed f > : @ 8 a Strength head 35 Strength head 40 15 tail 25 aes Tall can wp 7 Ror nfo Will to Kill Sasa 20 a en Revesad: Gan place adjacent to ship or boat Kraken Sea Witch — "1p0m 11 act rn ot Pa? Speed f Speed 4 5 a head 5 tentacless @ Strength Strength 6 head 30 ‘each tentacles 15 Will to Kill 20 Great White Tarquinius Shark { @ Speed 10 Wil to live Great Crab tauip] 2 f Speed monn Strength @ % 20 Will to Kill Ry 8 Sa a ee oR eee Be Se Sing anyoeacters nin Ein [_] etre are, camo can EAP ela Speed 2 Speed Mf i ° Fe Strength Strength sci i 1 = Bas ae Will to live ‘Will to live = & € 0 7 zo ship or adjacent to best Speed 6 Strength ° ‘Will to live 9 Drown oon Sea People Harpoon ean [] Begins with a sword aun] Sea People Speed Strength 4 Wil to ive i Drown 3 ooo Bos Sea People Harpoon aur] Harpoon Sea People er] ach tm conduct 3 shipbet fF shipboat 3 Galley tkes 2 Flood. 71h Flod token ind direction, all ex-3 wind mow -S 2, Roll D6 for Hurricane effets: = Move all characters 1 hex Wes, can we all characters 1 ex East, can Speed Speed ‘ 5 strength E strength i a a . i S Will to tive a Will to live i ee ae | _ TIDAL WAVE Speed 6, Wave size entre hexline, move forward, cannot tam, Return to cup moving cost map*, Roll based om how wave bits ship. Roll D6: 346 = Capsize See 129.3 Roll D6: 6= Capsize See Boats, move 6 in wave direction Roll D6: 346 Remove Boat (place characters in B Ai Characters in Water, nove 6 wave ZES, ‘ivecion. WhaerinewralSea People dr rym excel Kill Card, i Wer (Aspyxia) = Death, WINDS OF SATANIS. ind Diveton to SEA FUNGUS When reveled place on any’ hex of ship, oF Ship exo boat forthe eto the game Fungus turn Any adjacent character must roll D6 for Infection. {6 nfeted, Mark Fungus on character sheet. Any infected Character Roll Damage Ie *iled™ Character remains on hex a8 a figs. Amputation: If infictod, character can Ampatate Fungus a an action, Take imme ae -$ damage. Cured, but can be infested Ship Ishara Speed 1 per 2 manned sail 1 for manned wheel sewind Strength 15 per ship side nex Mast Strength Ao B10 C10 SENPY Sea Peoples 4 Ship Speed 1 por Character, Strength B15 per ship side nex ineanmave crows to adacent ships Boats Boat A Speed ? Str 10 Boat B Speed ? Str 10 Boat € Speed ? Str 10 Boat D Speed ? Str 10 Joseph Boat Speed ? Str 10 SINISTER ROLL Rell BS foreach Result 6 = On Ei side they appear in game. Keo secret! NEUTRAL ? NEUTRAL e NEUTRAL

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