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Revista de Gestão e Projetos - GeP

e-ISSN: 2236-0972
DOI: 10.5585/gep.v6i1.305
Data de recebimento: 18/08/2014
Data de Aceite: 20/02/2015
Organização: Comitê Científico Interinstitucional
Editor Científico: Marcos Roberto Piscopo
Avaliação: Double Blind Review pelo SEER/OJS
Revisão: Gramatical, normativa e de formatação



The steady increase in project failure rates is leaving businesses searching for better integration techniques to virtualize
their project environments. Through virtualization, organizations may have positive impacts on communities across
geographical boundaries and resource constraints. The focus of this phenomenological study was to explore, via the
experiences of successful project management practitioners, best practice strategies for integrating virtual project
teams through data analysis. The conceptual framework included von Bertalanffy’s general systems theory,
decomposition model of business process and project management frameworks, and the recomposition approach.
Twenty-two senior project managers with more than 5 years of experience managing virtual project environments
participated in semistructured telephone interviews. The van Kaam process employing normalization and bracketing
approaches in data analysis resulted in the emergence of 34 thematic categories. The 10 most common themes
culminated in the identification of strategies relevant for virtual project teams. The major themes pertained to 3 broad
areas: (a) structure that accommodates skills and technology for virtual team success, (b) governance leading to
efficient virtual project team management, and (c) collaboration practices across diverse environments. This study
involved the exploration of the experiences of the participants. Using the van Kaam method for normalization of the
data and clustering like experiences into thematic statements, the study provided a plethora of new information
concentrated on 10 themes that emerged.

Keywords: Project, Project Management; Governance; Communication; Strategy; Diversity; Structure; Virtual;
Virtuality; Virtual Project Teams.

Bill Hamersly1
Denise Land2

Doctor of Business Administration (IT Project Management), Walden University. United States of America. E-
Doctorate of Management (DM) in Organizational Leadership. Professor of Walden University. United States of
America. E-mail:
HAMERSLY/ LAND Revista de Gestão e Projetos - GeP
1 Vol. 6, N. 1. Janeiro/Abril. 2015
Building Productivity in Virtual Project Teams

1 INTRODUCTION stakeholder understanding about the issues that are

important parts of an innovation strategy (Coughlan,
The benefits of virtual project teams 2014). The identification of those issues as they
(VPTs) include dynamic work environments that relate to successful strategies with VITPM practices
enable cross-synthesis of cultures, values, and work is a critical aspect of stakeholders' project
ethics (Richards & Bilgin, 2012). Project governance responsibilities (PMI, 2014).
management (PM) and business governance (BG),
linked to corporate frameworks, have repeatedly
contributed to the fluctuations in project success 2 PURPOSE
(Harding, 2014; Ofori, 2013). Moreover, the lack of
governance and business knowledge in PM There was a significant lack of literature on
organizations has led to project failure rates as high virtual project team integration (Bullen & Love,
as 80% (Kovach & Mariani, 2012). Hence, the 2011; Kornfeld & Kara, 2011). VPM is a new
overwhelming statistics to failure rates globally, the technology, without documented best practices in
lack of business acumen with respect to the contemporary literature, especially for integration
governance of the incorporation of new technology models (Kornfeld & Kara, 2011). A lack of literature
relative to virtual project team integration continues on virtual project innovation and strategies, coupled
to change. Thus, project management practitioners with the significance of each topic associated for
recognize the important of virtualization and are implementing best practices was the deciding factor
searching for comprehensive strategies effect for for sselection of six research topics. These topics
implementing best practices for virtual project team were structure, operations, strategy,
governance. communications, PM concepts, and diversity. The
The heightened complexities of integration two overarching topics (BG and project
of new technologies into standardized business management) and (collaboration) were additions to
frameworks lead the requirements for the six subtopics. They added to the qualitative,
comprehensive solutions to advance the aspects of conceptualized, research framework to provide
program governance (Devos, Hendrik, & further information to answer the research question
Deschoolmeester, 2012). This integration of (Mathur, Jugdev, & Tak, 2013; Yu, Chen, Klein, &
advanced technology within the virtual community James, 2013). Appropriately, the seven interview
may help solve complex problems that involve cost- questions were open-ended, and using the
savings efforts, reductions in excessive workforces, semistructured interview approach allowed for slight
and adaptations to changes in global markets deviation and flexibility throughout the interview
(Martinic, Fertalj, & Kalpic, 2012). The intended process (Allen & Geller, 2012; Mathur et al., 2013;
research broadens the perspectives of project team Yu et al., 2013).
members and primary stakeholders regarding issues
surrounding the integration of virtual project
management (VPM) (Andersen, 2012). The strategic 3 NATURE OF THE STUDY
and tactical advantages for organizations that
virtualize PM frameworks include improved The nature of this phenomenological study
integration of technology to advance and optimize encompassed an exploratory understanding of the
business dynamics (Riemer & Vehring, 2012). information was necessary to establish
Strategies for best practices involving comprehensive, conceptual, fact-finding, research
modern technology stem from a combination of VIT questions (Bulley, Baku, & Allan, 2014; Jarratt &
project governance and business best practices that Thompson, 2012; Maylor, Turner, & Murray-
continue to evolve (Martinic et al., 2012). At the Webster, 2013). Brandt, England, and Ward (2011)
same time, less than adequate governance practices stated VIT PM is a new technology with
involving modern technology undermine efforts to undiscovered best practices in business.
solve complex problems (Ofori, 2013). Hence, a Requirements for virtual teams (VTs) represent a
collaborative organizational structure facilitates the business necessity. Accordingly, a paradox emerged
flow of information, rational decision-making, between the need for best practices and the lack of
clarification of responsibilities, and coordination knowledge about optimal strategies for technology
between departments (Wesner & Hobgood, 2012). management (Madsen, 2013; Martinic et al., 2012).
Building such a governance system requires intense The research involved an exploration of business
planning with the support of relevant stakeholders strategies for the implementation of virtual
throughout the organization (Smet & Mention, information technology (VIT) project teams into
2012). Furthermore, integration of advanced virtual standardized project management (PM) methods.
technology into legacy environments requires the The combination of virtualization and VIT project

HAMERSLY/ LAND 2 Revista de Gestão e Projetos - GeP

Vol. 6, N. 1. Janeiro/Abril. 2015
Building Productivity in Virtual Project Teams

teams provides an alternative to older, 5 A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE

technologically-structured metrics, that significantly
impacts an organization's overall cost savings and The general systems theory and systems
ability to invest (Gaan, 2012). approach, grounded in the literature review,
pertained to the fragmenting of the enterprise model
into different technology parts and processes
4 FOUNDATION AND CONCEPTUAL involved in business and project management
FRAMEWORK governance. This fragmentation process then led to a
comprehensive understanding of the elements of the
The specific business problem was that technology (Mostafavi et al., 2012). The alignment
some senior project management practitioners lack of the system’s dynamics of conventional
business and project management strategies organizational development with the strategies for
relevant to virtual project team governance. the VPM best practices occured after the recognition
The purpose of this qualitative of thematic elements in the data (Moustakas, 1994).
phenomenological study was to explore the business The use of a systems approach for the literature
and project management strategies relevant to review led to the organization of segregated modules
virtual project team governance. or subtopics present in business and PM frameworks
The overall research question was: What (Kruger & Mavis, 2012). Therefore, the literature
are the business and project management strategies review encompassed PM business topics to provide
relevant to best practices in virtual, project a foundational understanding of PM strategies.
management, team governance? The literature review consisted of peer-
General systems theory grounded the reviewed articles, published (2011-2014). Sources
conceptual framework of this study. The focus was included seminal resources of PM books,
operating with enterprise governance best practices dissertations, and publications for grounding the
using a general systems approach (systems thinking) theories and approaches. The contents of the
to business governance (Medvedeva, 2012; literature review provided a solid baseline
Stephens, 2013; von Bertalanffy, 1968; White & understanding of project management and business
Fortune, 2012). The structure of the literature review governance best practices broken down into six main
formed a hierarchical configuration approach to themes (Gressgård, 2011). Resources also included
building an understanding of the project governance literature about implementing governance practices
topic through a system theory lens (Mostafavi, that support standard business operations (Hanson,
Abraham, & Lee, 2012). Sheffield, Sankaran, and Balmer, & Giardino, 2011; Morris, 2012). A balance
Haslett (2012) stated the systems approach between operational capability and pioneering
represents a strategy defining the overall technology integration is an important business
organization's support, segregated by operational concept. Acting on theories and research-driven
entities, and defined by particular characteristics. recommendations leads to competitive advantages
Additionally, each system is defined as a whole, and that can positively affect organizational and
all systems have a feedback loop for self- stakeholder objectives (Yasir & Majid, 2013).
communications (von Bertalanffy, 1968). The
systemic approach to innovation identifies
operational elements to determine the internal and 6 FINDINGS
external dependencies of innovation (Mulej et al.,
2004; Stephens, 2013). Furthermore, adaptability to Table 1 depicts the saturation elements and
new technology needed a basic structure with an percentages obtained from the raw data analysis of
open-source technological approach to innovation three levels of analysis. Redundancy of information
(Allen & Geller, 2012). Thus, integration of an open- indicator in the far right column depicts the thematic
source management system accounts for the saturation levels of the data. The communications
adaptability of the business processes with futuristic subtopic split into two subtopics (communications
technology (MacKenzie, Buckby, & Irvine, 2013; and collaboration) due to their size and discussion
Rahmansyah & Ford, 2013). Furthermore, impacts, and the general subtopic divided into two
segregating the internal processes of a governance subtopics (governance and PM and virtual) to
system provides accurate focus on a subsystem provide a greater scope and definition of the
(subtopic) within the governance super system interview questions and relevance to the research
(Söderlund, 2012). Additionally, boundaries define, topic. Direct references percentages indicated the
support, and control the operations of the subsystem, overall direct representation of the category
that also influence objectives, structures, and discussion statements with direct representation to
operations in a standalone mode. the IQ and Subtopic.


HAMERSLY/ LAND 3 Revista de Gestão e Projetos - GeP

Vol. 6, N. 1. Janeiro/Abril. 2015
Building Productivity in Virtual Project Teams

Table 1 - Thematic References with Subtopics (Overall)

Theme Direct Redundancy

Subtopic IQ References Avg.
reference reference variance
Structure IQ1 248 16.53 20.84% 35.94% 34.66%
Operations IQ2 133 11.08 11.17% 35.29% 52.00%
Strategy IQ3 79 7.9 6.64% 29.41% 55.38%
Communications IQ4 138 11.5 11.60% 35.29% 56.95%
PM concepts IQ5 116 10.55 9.75% 32.35% 58.83%
Diversity IQ6 142 10.92 11.93% 38.25% 61.05%
PM and virtual IQ7 156 14.18 13.11% 23.53% 46.21%
governance IQ7 82 8.2 6.89% 35.29% 45.63%
Collaboration IQ4 96 7.39 8 .07% 38.25% 65.86%

Note. Participant reference counts for each subtopic, average of subtopic participation to total, thematic
reference percentage, direct reference to the subtopic for all references, and redundancy factor when comparing
direct reference participation to the total participation.

Table 2 depicts the level of participation for and columns 9 and 10 represent BG and PM. Column
each subtopic after completion of the final analysis. 11 represents collaboration
The subtopics represented by columns 3 through 8

Table 2 - Theme Significance Cross Reference Table


Reference Category Total R O S Com P D V G Col

Accountability 22 4 6 12
Collaboration 66 9 12 10 10 4 9 6 6
Communications 68 14 7 5 17 6 12 7
Consistency 8 8
Contribution 8 8
Culture 12 12
Diversity 31 4 11 9 7
Efficiency 66 6 13 9 10 16 12
Environment 122 18 13 12 7 21 15 23 13
Expectations 18 14 4
Governance 31 10 7 6 8
Infrastructure 18 18
Language 19 19
Location 12 12
Manage 147 17 27 9 16 21 13 33 16 10
Methodology 5 5
Metrics 13 13
Mindset 24 13 6 5
Objective 6 6
Operations 31 16 7 8
Personnel 13 13
Policy 11 11
Preparation 8 8
Procedure 25 17 8
Productivity 31 14 10 7
Professional 14 14


HAMERSLY/ LAND 4 Revista de Gestão e Projetos - GeP

Vol. 6, N. 1. Janeiro/Abril. 2015
Building Productivity in Virtual Project Teams

Proficiency 10 10
Risk 4 4
Skills 77 17 7 6 12 19 16
Standards 38 21 11 6
Strategy 9 9
Structure 89 37 5 6 13 7 9 12
Technology 36 18 11 3 4
Understanding 83 30 6 14 7 5 7 4 10

Note: Subtopic categories: R = Structure; O = Operations; S = Strategy; Com = Communications; P = PM concepts;

D = Diversity; V = PM & virtual; G = Governance; Col = Collaboration.

The emerging themes of this qualitative (at the bottom of the Figure), shown in combination
phenomenological study represent responses with the percentage of statements relative to the total
identified with a 40% or greater contribution level to 1,190 references during the interview process that
the major thematic development. The remainder of qualified as direct references. The remaining 24
the significant statements discovered in the data ideas that emerged in this research, discussed in this
analysis included significant textual categories section, included 17 of the most significant
directly relevant to BG and PM frameworks. Figure categories that had relevance and characteristic
1depicts the total relative statements after Level 2 elements essential to BG and PM.
analysis. All 34 subtopics represented in this graph

Figure 1 - Summary of subtopic percentage of overall statements.

7 EMERGENT THEMES Theme 1: Management is the primary

component of successful
This research resulted in the identification virtual project teams.
of 10 emergent themes leading to the strategies for Theme 2: Environments are diverse for
implementing the best practices of integration of virtual project teams.
virtual project teams. Data revealed undocumented Theme 3: Collaboration is mandatory for
thematic references for integrating innovative the success of virtuality.
strategies when businesses are trying to implement Theme 4: Understanding the elements of
virtuality in their PM frameworks. Consequently, the virtual project management
concepts of BG and PM were the overarching focus provides clarity to the
that controlled the subcategories for the research and environment.
thematic statements relevant to each subcategory. Theme 5: Structure of virtual project teams
The emergent themes are as follows: is essential.
Theme 6: Efficiency is the key to prolonged

HAMERSLY/ LAND 5 Revista de Gestão e Projetos - GeP

Vol. 6, N. 1. Janeiro/Abril. 2015
Building Productivity in Virtual Project Teams

virtual project team success. theme) of the organization is the cornerstone of

Theme 7: Skills are requirements to success. People collaborate about all components of
integrate team members into the PM framework, resources, management
virtual project teams. decisions, and essential resources required for the
Theme 8: Diversity is inherent in projects. Employing the collaborative efforts of a
geographically dispersed virtual team requires added effort on many fronts and
virtual project teams. requires diverse abilities applied to governance and
Theme 9: Governance is a major part of management. Decision makers will use the elements
business and project prominent in the third thematic statement to train,
management structure. mold, and communicate with their staff.
Theme 10: Technology is a requirement for Collaboration is much more than working together.
virtual team collaboration. It is a way of being, a way of thinking, and a way of
operating in disparate environments.
Understanding (prominent in the fourth
8 DISCUSSION theme) is such an important factor in BG and PM. It
provides the basis of how people work and conduct
Governance is an integrated part of the business. The virtual team may understand concepts
business. Without governance, there would be chaos. in local organizations but may not understand the
Organizations grow by using governance. They use essential nuances of the business for optimal virtual
metrics that are part of governance, to make the team success. Variety is almost mandatory in
primary decision about what to invest in, where to business; having an infrastructure built to allow this
expand, or why a product is no longer useful. Policy to happen may be considerations for an
helps to govern businesses; when a company wishes infrastructure that provides high-performance teams.
to expand into the virtual community, they need to The participants’ statements that led to the fourth
look at their plans and policies as well as their theme relate an understanding and point out the more
governance process that support them. The important elements of the business and PM
governance references emerged with respect to communities.
theme nine about new technologies. Making changes Structure (prominent in the fifth theme) is
to monitoring processes, efficiency processes, and one of the most valuable assets to a virtual team. The
productivity are all parts of the virtual project fifth theme encompasses the idealization of some of
integration process. the structure components that are relevant to the best
Management (prominent in the first theme) practices of business systems. Integrating virtuality
is an integrated subsystem within business into those conventional systems leads to many
frameworks used to implement the governance to organizational infrastructure changes to
monitor the various processes. The elements of accommodate the new environments. The more
leadership, management style, perceptions, structure that is available, the stronger the virtual
aggressiveness, and understanding are all tools that team will be. Findings related to the fifth theme
are part of the management infrastructure. Many indicated 248 different elements of structure
factors identified in the theme discussion indicated requiring some consideration when trying to
the primary items that had a significant presence in integrate virtual project teams into business
the interviews of the study. Regardless, the frameworks. An understanding of the characteristics
statements in this study would require prioritization of structure, capabilities, assets, and virtuality, and
when implemented and represent the higher levels of what makes them work improve the confidence in
concern as perceived by the participants. decisions that are important to businesses that want
The environment (prominent in the second to engage in virtual project teams.
theme) of a virtual project teams is much different With virtual project teams being a new
from localized project teams. Each member details technology, becoming more prevalent during the
his or her workspace to a level of liking because 21st century, to operate successfully, the metrics of
normally the individual is in his or her home. The businesses that govern those processes must
virtual environment encapsulates many facets of PM incorporate efficiency as part of the decision-based
and directly relates to the efficiency of the metrics. Companies cannot succeed if they fixate on
organization. Whether the team meets face-to-face the loss columns of financial reports. The efficiency
or telephonically, the environmental conditions add theme (prominent in the sixth theme) indicates the
value, or deter from, the efficiency; those many components of effectiveness, as seen by senior
environmental attributes need comprehensive practitioners of the BG and PM fields. Applying
thought, governed and idealized for the optimal those efficiency factors to the business frameworks
situation of the project team. will enhance the application of the virtual project
Collaboration (prominent in the third teams, thus ratifying their efficiency by increasing

HAMERSLY/ LAND 6 Revista de Gestão e Projetos - GeP

Vol. 6, N. 1. Janeiro/Abril. 2015
Building Productivity in Virtual Project Teams

the bottom line of profit margins. 9 BENEFITS OF THE STUDY

A virtual team, or any team, requires the
necessary skill sets from human resources to operate The perceived benefits of this study are to
efficiently. The seventh theme related a number of provide businesses a list of best practices for the
messages that directly pertained to the selection integration of virtual project teams. Research
processes of skilled individuals, how the proper findings stemming from the inquiry into the nine
strengths provide the essential foundation for virtual subtopics include 10 major themes resulting from the
project team operations, and the importance of data analysis. VPM is a new technology, leaving
adaptability skills. There are a number of assets documented best practices in contemporary
identified in association with the theme that, when literature scarce for integration models (Kornfeld &
applied to a business infrastructure will heighten the Kara, 2011). The lack of literature defining the
abilities of the organization and broaden the niche business concepts and best practices for VPT
perspective of the entire business. Skills are so integration drove the study from a governance
diverse, complex, and simple at the same time, but perspective (Bullen & Love, 2011; Kornfeld & Kara,
remain at the top of the list of essentials for the 2011). Application of VPM and the strategies for
successful integration of virtual project teams. implementing best practices that emerged from the
When an organization wants to go beyond data derived from a combination of VIT project
the usual in business, they need to consider the governance and business experts. Practices continue
effects of diversity. Diversity (prominent in the to evolve while less than adequate governance
eighth theme) is significant to virtual team practices involving modern technology could
development in many ways. The related discussions undermine the process of solving complex problems
represented by the interview data included 142 major (Cavaleri, Firestone, & Reed, 2012). Furthermore,
statements relative to diversity. This level of the requirements for comprehensive solutions to
contributions to the data from the 22 participants advance program governance become more
elevates diversity well above an average demanding with the integration of new technologies
consideration. Diversity of language, diversity of into complex business frameworks (Devos et al.,
location and customs, diversity of thought 2012).
processing, and diversity of business acumen are just With the increasing failure rate of projects,
a very few of the necessary considerations that business communities need to recognize alternatives
deserve thought when designing a virtual to conventional business practices, and upgrade to
environment. Organizations cannot get away from cost-effective business strategy models (Kovach &
diversity if they want to grow; globalization of the Mariani, 2012). The business world needs options,
trade industry almost mandates the use of diversity. pre-empting best practices to avoid failures when
Without embracing diversity, organizations severely attempting integration of virtual project teams.
limit their resources, narrow negatively the business Brandt et al. (2011) stated VIT PM was a new
niche, and cripple their infrastructure. Research technology, and associated undiscovered practices in
results indicated that diversity needs embracement, the age of globalization increased the need for
acceptance, and must be incorporated effectively relevant best practices of business. Furthermore,
into virtual communities. requirements for VTs have become more of a
Technology (prominent in the tenth theme) business necessity developing under a paradox of
is what businesses use to operate their companies. unknown territory in technology management
Virtual integration will require expanded technology (Martinic et al., 2012).
adaptable to changing environments; leaders must be Businesses can use the research
able to provide the essentials for operations. Theme information to manage business processes that are
10 emerged from discussions of the many conditions relative to the virtual concept and implement best
where the virtual design process would require practices that seamlessly transform standard
management consideration and decisions to align the organizations into virtual organizations (Gallego-
virtual community to collective business Álvarez, Prado-Lorenzo, & García-Sánchez, 2011).
infrastructures. Virtualizing brings new The combination of virtualization and VIT project
requirements for technology, like increasing teams provides an alternative to older
bandwidth, collaboration and communications tools, technologically-structured metrics previously
engagement protocols, and consideration for the defining business strategy. Moreover, the
stability of the virtual technology and environment. combination can have a significant impact on an
Management must consider the expense of organization's overall cost savings and ability to
virtualization and must be willing to accept the invest (Gaan, 2012). VTs provide increased social
associated expenses for their increasing business impact on companies requiring additional business
forums. acumen to build high-performance teams for
operation on a global scale (Riemer & Vehring,

HAMERSLY/ LAND 7 Revista de Gestão e Projetos - GeP

Vol. 6, N. 1. Janeiro/Abril. 2015
Building Productivity in Virtual Project Teams

2012). Furthermore, discovering best practice models for business operations. Leadership can
information from within the organizational hierarchy screen candidates and implement best practices by
can lead to the application of research-driven, placing personnel based on their characteristically
substantial information. This information can serve similar strengths. These strengths-based placements
to conceptualize policy and procedures that enhance can align with projects and staff members'
the integration processes of virtual project professional traits, enhancing the success rate of
governance (Lundberg, 2011; Richards & Bilgin, projects (Kapoor & Sherif, 2012; Vinayan,
2012; Staadt, 2012). Jayashree, & Marthandan, 2012). Political and
Organizations may use the findings from technological knowledge exchange shows social
this study to integrate practices to reduce the costs of influence of diverse project teams adds a benefit
innovation by learning what the senior practitioners linked to adaptable, progressive, innovative
think is most valuable for the research topic. A clear techniques (Andersen & Dag, 2013). International
and comprehensive understanding of best business competition, fragmented and challenging markets
practices requires the consideration of the and various rapidly changing technologies indicate
surrounding issues. Development of mitigation the necessity of expansion outside traditional PM
methods to potential problems is essential. The boundaries. Virtual collaboration, regarded as an
process involves the acknowledgement of advancing essential futuristic technology in modern
research on best practice evolution that parallels organizations, requires social skills as a primary
advancing technology (Brandt et al., 2011). The prerequisite for effective teamwork within virtual
revelation of professional experiences of PM team environments (Iverson & Drake, 2014). The
practitioners working in a virtual environment is indication is that the personal and social skills of
critical to identifying foundational structure and best business individuals will become more dynamic in
practice strategies for the new virtual technology nature and more diverse when challenged with
(Lohle & Terrell, 2014). Participants revealed a international business clients. Core competencies
plethora of information, culminating in 10 major training will enhance the collective capabilities of
themes that emerged through the research study data the company that will enhance the local community
analyzes processes. through associated education about key adaptations
to new business tactics. Social collaboration and
understanding among members of VTs are critical in
10 BUSINESS IMPLICATIONS this respect; a network of external contacts will
increase the social capital of the organization
All of the recognized themes provide (MacKenzie et al., 2013). Additionally, open
insight into how PM businesses can understand in collaboration involves participants with different
order to address better the phenomenon. The study motivations and interests, thereby enhancing social
contributes to positive social change by increasing dynamics within the collaboration process of diverse
the practical knowledge base of information to workforces (Jang, 2013; Madsen, 2013; Pacuraru,
integrate VTs into structured BG practices. With a 2012).
clear understanding of multiple perspectives on
business concepts, leadership has the ability to
provide smoother transitions throughout a company. 11 SUMMARY AND STUDY CONCLUSIONS
These transitions apply to changing human relations,
communications, diversity, ethics codes, and Historically, the hierarchical structure
practices relative to their own personal leadership allowed for integrations at many levels. For
characteristics (Crespo, Pedamallu, Özdamar, & example, larger organizations could integrate
Weber, 2012). Consequently, these business governance committees into their project
processes directly relate to job retention with respect governance infrastructure to manage the rapid-paced
to business expansion of virtual operations. They are sets of operational compliance requirements
essential for increasing the availability of suitable (Oktavera & Saraswati, 2012). The operational
jobs and addressing skills necessities among job acumen of a control position depends on the veracity
types, thus possibly reducing the level of of relationships and dependencies between other
unemployment during virtual development in an age business concepts of the organization. The objective
of globalization. of a control office is to structure and support the
Businesses that are trying to increase their execution of projects to gain a competitive
standard of business engage with distant advantage in the marketplace. Additionally, the
organizations and use resources that are available organizational plan provides a conceptual approach
throughout the world. Accordingly, the themes, to the administrative, political, and operational
derived from real-world experiences, can help with aspects of the organization (Cavaleri et al., 2012).
the formulation of strategic decisions and prepare Project governance is one of the most essential

HAMERSLY/ LAND 8 Revista de Gestão e Projetos - GeP

Vol. 6, N. 1. Janeiro/Abril. 2015
Building Productivity in Virtual Project Teams

elements of management that controls all facets of Vrecko, & Barilovic, 2011).
business operations (Cooper & Edgett, 2012). Businesses struggle with technology
Building a governance structure to manage projects adaptation and their niche in a focused area of
involves a variety of levels, and the size of the business. Globalization of markets has opened up
company and task workload determines the levels of many doors for progress; with this newfound
involved governance (Espinosa & Porter, 2011). application in business comes many issues when
Consistency in program management is attributable dealing with other people. Project management has
to the concept of governance (Macnaghten & Owen, been around for millennia and became a more
2011). formalized concept in the last 60 years. With this
Well-defined enterprise designs enable formalization is a requirement for governance to
modular type systems to operate as an individual provide structure to new business processes and
entity while governed by the larger corporate using those processes for the integration of PM
organization (Janssen & Klievink, 2012). The frameworks; combining into a single structure are
internal governance of a project or program include operational, personnel, policy, and process changes
the organization's operational capabilities, value that take on entirely new meanings.
systems, objectives, and decision support systems Organizations have been failing with
required to sustain the organizational goals and projects for many reasons. With this failing rate is a
vision (Demirag & Khadaroo, 2011). Multiple levels decrease in the bottom line or returns on investment;
of PM have different characteristics and objectives therefore, businesses are scrambling to find new and
but commonly consider decentralized subsystems innovative ways to do business. Components, or
within the control hierarchy (Gunnarsson & Wallin, subsystems, must operate within their area of
2011). In conventional business and PM consideration, but also integrate with other
architectures, program level will be immediately subsystems, to provide the total business the
superior to the project level, and portfolio level framework to support virtuality. The benefits of
superior to the program level. Leveling business virtual project teams (VPTs) include the creation of
strategy with project governance and decision dynamic work environments that enable cross-
support systems becomes a high priority requirement synthesis of cultures (Richards & Bilgin, 2012).
for organizational leaders who decide on and control Virtual technology provides communications
their investments (Wang & Moon, 2013). Constant infrastructure. This infrastructure allows businesses
technology environment change created the need for to thrive in remote areas, thereby integrating
a centralized control vector in the organizational cultures, ethics, collaboration theories, and
hierarchy (Moutinho & Kniess, 2012). techniques to form prominent, innovative, business
Strategy is the cornerstone of innovation portfolios (Lohle & Terrell, 2014).
and is one of the foundational system infrastructure Operational stability of project
elements that depict the organization's prioritization management demands clear direction and
and execution of project implementation (Yeow & consistency of communication (Reed & Knight,
Edler, 2012). It methodically links to general 2013). A 2011 survey by Datsenko and Schenk
systems theory as it provides a model of operations (2013) aimed at identifying the most important
controlling the implementation of business processes personal characteristics of ideal project leaders.
in a systemic relational or aggressive nature (Kruger Participants reported the critical elements of project
& Mavis, 2012). Strategy is visible at all levels of governance with (a) 44% communication, (b) 38%
project, portfolio, and enterprise PM (Smith & personal characteristics of leaders, and (c) 34%
Sonnenblick, 2013). It relates to organizational, having clear goals (Datsenko & Schenk, 2013).
foundational, and business processes; then a However, statistics from a global survey of 10,000
competitive advantage in a market-based, service- projects at 35 Fortune 500 companies found 70% of
oriented architecture (SOA; Schoemaker, Krupp, & projects were unsuccessful due to lack of
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