MGDAPAI Guidance Notes

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Marine Geophysics Data Acquisition, Processing

and Interpretation

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Marine Geophysics Data Acquisition,

Processing and Interpretation
Guidance Notes

List of acronyms ................................................................3 7 Processing and analysis of geophysical data ...............32
7.1 General data processing, presentation
Preface ................................................................................4 and interpretation ......................................................32
7.1.1 General geophysical data processing ..........................32
Part I Standards for geophysical survey .....................4 7.1.2 General geophysical data presentation .......................33
7.1.3 General geophysical data interpretation .....................33
1 Legislation, existing standards and guidance ...............4 7.2 Side scan sonar processing, presentation
and interpretation ......................................................34
2 Geophysics and maritime archaeology .........................6 7.2.1 General side scan sonar processing, presentation
and interpretation ......................................................34
3 General guidance .........................................................6 7.2.2 Side scan sonar processing, presentation
3.1 Justification for a geophysical survey ...........................6 and interpretation for wreck sites ...............................35
3.2 Fieldwork .....................................................................7 7.2.3 Side scan sonar processing, presentation
3.3 General equipment statement ......................................8 and interpretation for submerged landscapes .............36
3.3.1 Navigation ....................................................................8 7.3 Bathymetry processing, presentation
3.3.2 Side scan survey ...........................................................8 and interpretation ......................................................36
3.3.3 Bathymetric survey .......................................................8 7.3.1 General bathymetry processing, presentation
3.3.4 Sub-bottom profiler survey ...........................................8 and interpretation ......................................................36
3.3.5 Magnetometer survey ...................................................8 7.3.2 Bathymetry processing, presentation
and interpretation for wreck sites ...............................37
3.4 Data treatment .............................................................8
7.3.3 Bathymetry processing, presentation
3.5 Data interpretation .......................................................8
and interpretation for submerged landscapes .............38
3.6 The survey report .........................................................8
7.4 Sub-bottom profiler processing, presentation
3.7 Data archiving and dissemination ................................9
and interpretation ......................................................39
7.4.1 General sub-bottom profiler processing,
Part II Planning and reporting for a marine
presentation and interpretation ..................................39
archaeo-geophysical survey ...........................................9
7.4.2 Sub-bottom profiler processing, presentation
and interpretation for wreck sites ...............................40
4 Archaeology and planning ............................................9
7.4.3 Sub-bottom profiler processing, presentation
and interpretation for submerged landscapes .............40
5 MoRPHE – a project’s life cycle ....................................9
7.5 Magnetometer processing, presentation
5.1 Start-up and project proposal .......................................9 and interpretation ......................................................41
5.2 Initiation and project design .........................................9
5.3 Execution stages .........................................................10 References and further reading ..................................42
5.3.1 Desk-based assessment ...............................................10
5.3.2 Fieldwork ...................................................................10 Contacts and useful addresses ....................................47
5.3.3 Data processing and analysis ......................................11
5.3.4 Assessment of data potential for further analysis .......11
5.3.5 The survey report .......................................................11
5.3.6 The main project report ..............................................11
5.3.7 End of project report ..................................................11
5.3.8 Final (digital) archiving and dissemination ................11

Part III Practitioner’s guide – techniques

and geophysical instrumentation ..............................12

6 Application of techniques ...........................................12

6.1 Navigation, positioning and datum ............................12
6.1.1 Navigation and positioning ........................................12
6.1.2 Datum, coordinate system and projections .................14
6.2 Side scan sonar survey ...............................................15
6.2.1 Instrumentation – side scan sonar ..............................15
6.2.2 Survey design – side scan sonar .................................17
6.3 Bathymetry survey ......................................................19
6.3.1 Instrumentation – bathymetry ....................................19
6.3.2 Survey design – bathymetry .......................................20
6.4 Sub-bottom profiler survey .........................................23
6.4.1 Instrumentation – sub-bottom profiler .......................23
6.4.2 Survey design – sub-bottom profiler ...........................25
6.5 Magnetometer survey .................................................26
6.5.1 Instrumentation – magnetometer ...............................26
6.5.2 Survey design – magnetometer ..................................28
6.6 Integrated surveys ......................................................29
6.7 Other systems .............................................................30

List of acronyms


Archaeology Data Service Joint Nautical Archaeology Policy United Nations Educational, Scientific and
ALSF Committee Cultural Organization
Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund JNCC UKHO
BGS Joint Nature Conservation Committee UK Hydrographic Office
British Geological Survey LBL UKOOA
BMAPA Long Baseline United Kingdom Offshore Operators
British Marine Aggregate Producers LINZ Association
Association Land Information New Zealand USBL
BODC MAG Ultra-short Baseline
British Oceanographic Data Centre Maritime Affairs Group USGS
CEFAS MBARI United States Geological Survey
Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute US MMS
Aquaculture Science MCA United States Minerals Management
COWRIE Maritime and Coastguard Agency Service
Collaborative Offshore Wind Research Into MEDIN UTM
the Environment Marine Environmental Data Information Universal Transverse Mercator
Desk-based Assessment MESH Virtual Exploration of Underwater Sites
DCLG Mapping European Seabed Habitats VORF
Department for Communities and Local MEPF Vertical Offshore Reference Frame
Government Marine Environment Protection Fund WGS84
DCMS MMO World Geodetic System 1984
Department for Culture Media and Sport Marine Management Organisation
Defra MoRPHE
Department for Environment, Food and Management of Research Projects in the
Rural Affairs Historic Environment
Differential Global Positioning System milliseconds
Department of National Heritage nanotesla
Department of the Environment Northern Ireland Environment Agency
English Heritage National Oceanic and Atmospheric
EIA Administration
Environmental Impact Assessment OASIS
ETRS89 Online AccesS to the Index of archaeological
European Terrestrial Reference System investigationS
1989 PPK
GEBCO Post-Processed Kinematic
General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans RCAHMS
GPS Royal Commission on the Ancient and
Global Positioning System Historic Monuments of Scotland
Geodetic Reference System 1980 Royal Commission on the Ancient and
HER Historic Monuments of Wales
Historic Environment Record REC
HWTMA Regional Environmental Characterisation
Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime ROV
Archaeology Remotely Operated Vehicles
Hz/kHz RTK
hertz/kilohertz Real Time Kinematic
International Council on Monuments and Synthetic Aperture Radar
Sites SAS
IHO/IHB Synthetic Aperture Sonar
International Hydrographic Organisation/ SBL
Bureau Short Baseline
Institute for Archaeologists Two-way Travel Time

Preface We have tried to make these guidelines On a European scale, the UK govern-
both practical and informative and able ment has ratified the European Convention
These guidelines are part of the ALSF’s dis- to be used alongside other guidelines and on the Protection of the Archaeological
semination of heritage information, which standards without major conflicts. It is Heritage (European Commission 1992)
is managed by English Heritage. Previously impossible to produce fixed standards that and has signed the Charter on the
the ALSF has funded studies of the potential can be used in all circumstances. Therefore, Protection and Management of Underwater
and applicability of geophysical techniques the surveyor and researcher should have Cultural Heritage (ICOMOS 1996). Both
for maritime archaeology, to provide basic some freedom to apply his or her own documents encourage the use of non-
information for and characterisation of experience and adapt suggested strategies. destructive techniques in preference
wreck sites and submerged prehistoric We therefore stress that this document is for to excavation. Moreover, EU law (EIA
landscapes. In preparing these guidelines guidance, not a fixed standard or legislation. Directive 97/11/EC – introduced in 1985,
we have assessed several projects: Seabed Our aim is to improve the consistency and amended in 1997; European Commission
in Prehistory: Gauging the Effects of quality of geophysical data acquired for 1997) requires an EIA to be conducted in
Marine Dredging undertaken by Wessex archaeological purposes. advance of certain types of development (ie
Archaeology (2008), which ultimately Further, these guidelines will have to be this often coincides with the license applica-
comprises four ALSF projects, 3876, 4600, revised over time as techniques, methods, tion). As part of the assessment, the direct
5401 and 5684, and the project archive software, strategies and legislation change. and indirect effects on the historic environ-
comprises eight individual project reports; We suggest that the users of this document ment need to be identified before granting
Wrecks on the Seabed/Multibeam Sonar report comments and contributions to a license will be considered. However, this
by Wessex Archaeology (2007), which English Heritage in order to improve and document does not provide any information
is again an amalgamation of three ALSF update it in future years. on the methods, techniques and strategies
projects, 3324, 3594 and 3877; Innovative that should be adopted.
Approaches to Rapid Archaeological Site Part I: Standards for geophysical UK-wide, there are four relevant pieces
Surveying and Evaluation, Bates et al (2007) survey of legislation dealing explicitly with the
(ALSF project 3837); and High Resolution underwater cultural heritage, although
Sonar for the Archaeological Investigation 1 Legislation, existing standards none specifically mention geophysical
of Marine Aggregate Deposits, Dix et al and guidance surveying techniques:
(2006) (ALSF project 3364). We have also
consulted the English Heritage-funded It is beyond the aim of these guidelines to • The Protection of Wrecks Act (Act of
Historic Environments project Developing discuss all legislation, standards and guide- Parliament (UK) 1973)
Magnetometer Techniques to Identify lines relating to our underwater heritage. • The Ancient Monuments and
Submerged Archaeological Sites by Cornwall However, despite the fact that none of the Archaeological Areas Act (Act of
Council (Camidge et al 2010) and the existing legislation explicitly regulates the Parliament (UK) 1979)
English Heritage publication Geophysical use of geophysical tools for underwater • The Protection of Military Remains Act
Survey in Archaeological Field Evaluation archaeological research, it is important to be (Act of Parliament (UK) 1986)
(2008). The conclusions of these projects, aware of this legislation, as it can put restric- • The Merchant Shipping Act (Act of
existing guidelines from archaeological tions even on non-destructive surveying. Parliament (UK) 1995b)
and industrial sources and from other ma- This section lists current relevant acts,
rine disciplines, and personal experience conventions, standards and guidelines. On a regional scale there are the
help provide guidance notes for a wide The reader is referred to the individual National Heritage Act (Act of Parliament
range of users. documents or to JNAPC 1995 Code of (UK) 2002) in England, The Historic
This document provides information Practice for Seabed Development and Monuments and Archaeological Objects
on the most commonly used geophysical to COWRIE/Oxford Archaeology 2007 (NI) Order (Act of Parliament (UK) 1995a)
techniques in shallow water surveying and Guidance for Assessment of Cumulative in Northern Ireland, and The Planning
guidance on the acquisition, processing Impact on the Historic Environment from (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas
and interpretation of geophysical data Offshore Renewable Energy for comprehen- (Scotland)) Act (Act of Parliament (UK)
for the assessment of the archaeological sive contents summaries of such documents. 1997) in Scotland. However, in the near
potential of the marine environment. It is Currently the UNESCO Convention on future, there may be some changes to the
aimed at archaeologists (with or without the Protection of the Underwater Cultural legislation regarding the protection of
previous geophysical knowledge), geophysi- Heritage (2001) is the only global conven- the marine historic environment in the
cists/surveyors (with or without previous tion concerned with maritime archaeology. UK. A draft Heritage Protection Bill was
archaeological experience), and developers Although the UK government has not published in April 2008, which sets out
and planners, thus encompassing people ratified this convention, it has accepted the the legislative framework for a unified and
working in industry, government, academia/ Annex of the document as ‘best practice’. simpler heritage management and protec-
research and the heritage sector. Targeting Rule 4 of the Annex explicitly encourages tion. It is based on proposals set out in a
such a diverse audience means that these the use of non-destructive techniques White Paper on Heritage Protection for the
guidelines contain technical information and survey methods in preference to the 21st Century (2007). At time of going to
that might seem obvious to one or other recovery of objects. The geophysical tools press this bill had been dropped from the
group. However, including different levels and survey methods discussed in this government’s legislative programme.
of information should make this document document are prime examples of non- However, on 12 November 2009 the
useful both to people unfamiliar with marine intrusive and non-destructive techniques Marine and Coastal Access Act received
archaeological geophysics and to experi- that can be used to obtain historical and Royal Assent and is making major changes
enced surveyors or researchers. archaeological information. to the frameworks governing economic

activity and conservation in the marine • Welsh Office Circular 61/96: Planning • Protecting our Marine Historic
environment. This Act now forms the chief and the Historic Environment: Historic Environment: Making the System Work
legislative instrument in the government’s Buildings and Conservation Areas Better (DCMS/Historic Scotland/Welsh
drive to achieve its vision for ‘clean, safe, (Welsh Office 1996b) Assembly Government/Environment
healthy, productive and biologically diverse • Welsh Office Circular 11/99: and Heritage Service (Northern
oceans and seas’. The Act aims to intro- Environmental Impact Assessment Ireland) 2004)
duce a forward-looking, strategic spatial (Welsh Office 1999) • Protocol for Reporting Finds of
planning system for the sustainable use, Archaeological Interest, Wessex
management and protection of the marine Guidance on planning and EIA in Scotland Archaeology, commissioned by BMAPA
environment and its high-level objec- specifically includes and English Heritage (BMAPA/English
tives are outlined in Our Seas – A Shared Heritage 2005)
Resource. High level marine objectives • National Planning Policy Guideline 5: • Ports: The Impact of Development on the
(2009a). The Act also saw the creation Archaeology and Planning (The Scottish Maritime Historic Environment (English
in April 2010 of the Marine Management Government 1994) Heritage 2006a)
Organisation, which acts as the marine • National Planning Policy Guideline • Historic Environment Guidance for
planning authority on behalf of the UK 13: Coastal Planning (The Scottish the Offshore Renewable Energy Sector
government and as its regulator of most Government 1997) (COWRIE/Wessex Archaeology 2007)
activities (see Defra 2009b Managing Our • Planning Advice Note 42: Archaeology • Guidance for Assessment of Cumulative
Marine Resources: The Marine Management – the Planning Process and Scheduled Impact on the Historic Environment from
Organisation). The MMO is tasked to work Monument Procedures (Scottish Office Offshore Renewable Energy (COWRIE/
with English Heritage as the government’s Environment Department 1994) Oxford Archaeology 2007)
statutory advisor on the historic environ- • Planning Advice Note 58: Environmental • Accessing England’s Protected Wreck
ment, on licensing and marine planning Impact Assessment (Scottish Office Sites: Guidance for Divers and
activities. The MMO needs to take account Environment Department 1999) Archaeologists (English Heritage 2010)
of both the marine heritage landscape and • Environmental Assessment Handbook
historic sites in developing marine plans (Scottish Natural Heritage 2005) Most of these guidelines are aimed at
and when determining licenses. planners and developers. They provide a
Besides legislation, a large number of Guidance on planning and EIA in Northern good background to maritime archaeology
guidelines have been issued, both on plan- Ireland specifically includes and are a guide to good practice. They do
ning and EIA, and on the maritime historic not, however, offer detailed information or
environment specifically. Guidelines on plan- • Planning Policy Statement 6: Planning, guidance on the exact geophysical methods,
ning and EIA in England specifically include Archaeology and the Built Heritage (DoE techniques, survey planning, processing and
for Northern Ireland 1999) interpretation of data that should be followed.
• Planning Policy Guidance 16: By contrast, a ‘manual style’ approach has
Archaeology and Planning (DCLG 1990) Maritime historic environment guidance been used in other disciplines and other
• Planning Policy Guidance 15: Planning includes countries. Examples of this include:
and the Historic Environment (DoE/
DNH 1994) • Maritime Cultural Heritage and Seabed • Standard and Guidance for Archaeological
• Planning Policy Guidance 20: Coastal Development: JNAPC Code of Practice for Geophysical Survey (IfA 2011)
Planning (DoE/Welsh Office 1992) Seabed Development (JNAPC 1995 and • Geophysical Survey in Archaeological
• Offshore Wind Farms – Guidance Note amended versions in 1998 and 2008) Field Evaluation (English Heritage 2008)
for Environmental Impact Assessment in • England’s Coastal Heritage – A • Marine Monitoring Handbook (JNCC 2001)
Respect of FEPA and CPA Requirements Statement on the Management of • Guidelines for the Conduct of Benthic Studies
(CEFAS 2004) Coastal Archaeology (English Heritage/ at Aggregate Dredging Sites (CEFAS 2002)
• Environmental Impact Assessment: A RCHME 1996) • Review of Standards and Protocols for
Guide to Good Practice and Procedures – • Conserving the Underwater Heritage Seabed Habitat Mapping (MESH 2007)
A Consultation Paper (DCLG 2006) (Historic Scotland 1999) • IHO Standards for Hydrographic Surveys
• Caring for our Coastal Heritage (Welsh Special Publication No 44 (5 edn) (IHB
Guidance on planning and EIA in Wales Historic Monuments) (Cadw 1999) 2008)
specifically includes • Taking to the Water: English Heritage’s • Manual on Hydrography (M-13) (IHB
Initial Policy for the Management of 2005)
• Planning Guidance (Wales): Planning Maritime Archaeology in England • Archaeological Damage from Offshore
Policy Section 5: Conserving and (English Heritage 2002) Dredging: Recommendations for Pre-
Improving Natural Heritage and the • Marine Aggregate Dredging and the operational Surveys and Mitigation
Coast (Welsh Assembly Government Historic Environment: Assessing, During Dredging to Avoid Adverse
2011a) Evaluating, Mitigating and Monitoring Impacts (US MMS 2004)
• Planning Guidance (Wales): Planning the Archaeological Effects of Marine • Archaeological Resource Surveys and
Policy Section 6: Conserving the Aggregate Dredging, Wessex Reports (US MMS 2005)
Historic Environment (Welsh Assembly Archaeology, commissioned by BMAPA
Government 2011b) and English Heritage (BMAPA/English The suggested guidelines in this document
• Welsh Office Circular 60/96: Planning Heritage 2003) can be seen as a supplement to the general
and the Historic Environment: • Coastal Defence and the Historic guidelines and standards of the maritime
Archaeology (Welsh Office 1996a) Environment (English Heritage 2003) historic environment guidance documents

described above. These guidelines strive to through the Net? Maritime Archaeological 3 General guidance
provide a single, but flexible, protocol that Archives in Policy and Practice (IfA/MAG
can be used in all shallow-water environ- 2007). Subsequently in 2009, Hampshire Recommendations made in these guidelines
ments (ie <200m: lacustrine, riverine and and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology represent the ideal planning stages and
coastal), and that will assist the marine and the Institute for Archaeologists, with acquisition, processing and interpretation
industry in the EIA process, as well as being support from the Archaeological Data parameters for geophysical surveying of
useful to people in marine development, Service, undertook the project ‘Securing a underwater archaeology. However, a clear
survey, research and heritage. Future for Maritime Archaeology Archives’ distinction needs to be made between data
(2009), which dealt with Mapping Maritime collected specifically for archaeological
2 Geophysics and maritime Collection Areas, Review of Maritime purposes, and data acquired primarily for
archaeology Archaeological Archives and Access, and other purposes (eg pipeline survey) with
Analysing and Assessing Future Archive predetermined survey line spacing and
The underwater archaeological resource Creation. The project should be regarded as direction, which can subsequently be used
can be divided into two parts: (1) wreck the most recent overview of the state of the for archaeological research (see Part III).
sites, ie sunken ships and aircraft, and any nation’s maritime archaeology archives. In the former case it is highly recommend-
material associated with such vessels, and Since 2008 it has also been possible ed to follow the proposed guidelines, while
(2) landscapes and sites, predominantly to gain access to the Historic Seascape in the latter case, the suggested guidelines
prehistoric but also more recent structures Characterisation (HSC) maps which will have to be adapted. Nonetheless, it is
(eg harbours and quays), inundated by provide an understanding of the cultural hoped that, where there is the freedom to
rising sea levels. Maritime archaeology is processes shaping the present landscape change survey strategies, the recommenda-
a non-renewable resource which is lost in coastal and marine areas (http://www. tions made in this document will be taken
forever if destroyed. It is therefore impor- on board.
tant to preserve or record the artefacts research/landscapes-and-areas/charac-
as well as the context in which they are terisation/historic-seascape-character/). 3.1 Justification for a geophysical survey
found. Preservation in situ should always The HSC method has now been implemented Archaeological artefacts are a non-renewable
be considered as a first option and non- along the following section of coastline: resource. It is therefore important to preserve
destructive methods of investigation should Liverpool Bay and waters off the Fylde; or accurately record any discoveries, together
be used wherever possible (UNESCO 2001). The Solent and waters off the Isle of Wight; with the context in which they are found.
High-resolution geophysical instruments Southwold to Clacton; Withernsea to Preservation in situ should always be
are fast and cost-effective tools that leave Skegness; Scarborough to Hartlepool; considered as a first option and non-
sites and artefacts undisturbed. They can Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary; The destructive methods of investigation should
therefore be used for the non-destructive Irish Sea (English sector); Newport to be used wherever possible. Therefore, from
detection, imaging, research, inspection and Clacton and Adjacent Water; and Hastings the viewpoint of maritime archaeological
monitoring of submerged sites, whether to Purbeck and Adjacent Waters. Resources management, fast, cost-effective and
they are exposed on or buried within a river, for the characterised areas are available non-destructive high-resolution marine
lake or seabed. from geophysical tools offer great potential.
However, archaeo-geophysical survey seascapes.cfm. Despite the great potential of such tools,
is only part of a larger staged approach, If a geophysical survey is to be conducted an archaeo-geophysical survey should always
which should always be preceded by a over a protected wreck site, the appropriate be a part of a larger staged approach and
desk-based assessment (DBA), using the survey license form should be obtained from: good planning of each stage should be the
standards and guidance set out by the IfA priority before doing fieldwork. The complete
(2012). Existing archaeological, geological • English Heritage (http://www.english- planning steps, from start-up to closure of
and oceanographic databases should be a project, are based on the English Heritage
consulted in order to study the nature and • Historic Scotland (hs.inspectorate@ (2006b) Management of Research Projects in
potential of the archaeological resource in the Historic Environment (MoRPHE) guides
addition to geological and hydrographical • Cadw ( and can be found in Part II of these guidance
information (see section 3.1). An inventory • Northern Ireland Environment Agency notes. Important steps before the actual
and/or discussion of maritime archaeologi- ( fieldwork should include the production
cal sites can be found in: of a project design detailing the aims and
If archaeological sites are detected or im- objectives, an outline of the planned stages,
• English waters: English Heritage aged on geophysical data, national herit- a justification for the choice of survey
Archive and HER age bodies should be contacted for further methods and an estimate of the time and
• Scottish waters: RCAHMS advice: resources required. At the start of each
• Welsh waters: RCAHMW project, one should think carefully about the
• The Regional Research Frameworks • English Heritage type of data that is needed and the reasons
compiled by the Association of Local • Historic Scotland for the project in order to justify the use
Government Archaeological Officers • Cadw of geophysical equipment and shape the
• NI waters: NIEA • NIEA survey design.
A necessary step that should be per-
Furthermore, there are several government, This document represents the first set of formed before deciding on the need for a
museum, heritage and archaeological guidelines specifically for the acquisition, geophysical survey is a thorough DBA, as
bodies holding maritime archaeological processing and interpretation of marine ge- this will support or oppose the justification
archives. A full list can be found in Slipping ophysical data for archaeological purposes. for such a survey. It is not only important

to research the archaeological potential geophysical/geotechnical data. When We can further sub-divide this group
of an area before surveying (see sources an EIA is required as part of a marine based on the commissioning industries:
described above), but also to collate as much development, a full geological and
geological and oceanographic data as pos- oceanographic review has to be presented, a Regional environmental characterisa-
sible. Apart from published information and independent of the archaeological poten- tions – led by the aggregate companies
Admiralty charts, much of this information is tial of the development area. This review through the ALSF-MEPF scheme but
presently available from online resources or will either be the result of a separate DBA providing published outputs of region-
can be purchased from data service compa- or newly acquired data. It is important that al information for all offshore users.
nies. Data that are of particular use, include this information is made freely available to
the archaeologist in charge of the archaeo- b Aggregate prospection and extraction –
• Bathymetric data: data sources include logical assessment. Although this implies surveys at several stages, including
global data-sets such as the GEBCO 30 that archaeologists are only consulted after resource assessment, Regional
arc-second grid (c 1km grid spacing: the acquisition of geophysical data, it is environ-mental assessment (tradi-, ETOPO1 1 arc-minute recommended that the companies request- tionally done for each licensed area
grid ( ing the EIA communicate with the archae- but becoming more site specific as
and the SRTM30_PLUS 30 arc-second ologist during the survey planning stage. the results from the RECs become
grid ( This will ensure data are gathered that can widely available) and syn- and post-
topo/); regional data-sets including serve archaeological, geological, oceano- extraction monitoring.
SeaZone Ltd. 1 arc-second (c 25m) graphic and biological purposes and avoid,
grids developed in partnership with in extreme cases, the need for repeat c Pipeline and cable surveys – again
the UKHO (, CMAP surveys for archaeological purposes. both pre-laying and post-laying sur-
6 arc-second grids (c 100m grids: veys are typical but with very narrow 3.2 Fieldwork corridors of survey focused on the
corporate/marine/lightmarine/gb/) Before beginning fieldwork, the project proposed cable routes.
and Olex data acquired through the manager should make sure that all legal
collation of 2,500 users contributing requirements needed to survey the site are d Wind farm development – requires
echo sounder data from all over north- authorised. These include legal require- pre-consent regional-scale surveys
west Europe (; ments to survey over protected wreck sites and environmental impact assess-
and local swath bathymetry data-sets and access permission from landowners/ ments; engineering, archaeology and
including Maritime Coastguard Agency, local authorities if necessary (eg access unexploded ordnance surveys based
Civil Hydrography Programme data to a pontoon or to set up an RTK antenna on precise installation locations and
via SeaZone Ltd, Channel Coastal onshore). Also check if any protected sites post-installation monitoring.
Observatory data (www.channelcoast. are in the vicinity of the survey area.
org), and in Northern Ireland from the The choice of techniques and survey e Coastal/harbour/river structures –
Joint Irish Bathymetric Surveys (www. strategy will mainly depend on the type The types of developments on coasts, and condition of the archaeological site harbours and rivers vary, ranging
• Surface sediment, extant sub-bottom and the purpose of the geophysical survey. from dredging to engineering and
seismic data and bedrock information: First, a distinction needs to be made construction works, and port mainte-
BGS (; the UK DEAL between two types of archaeological sites nance and expansion. Each of these
website, a gateway to the UK Offshore found in the underwater environment: surveys needs a different strategy. In
Oil & Gas Industry ( wreck sites (ships and aircraft) and their most cases a large area survey, as-
and which represents an extensive archive associated materials; and sites that used sessing any buried or exposed site of
of 2D and 3D seismic and well data; to be on land, but are now inundated as archaeological potential is sufficient.
EU-SEASED ( which a result of rising water levels. This second However, a more detailed survey,
contains both seabed samples and seismic type includes prehistoric landscapes and might be desirable if the develop-
data from European seas. more recent structures such as harbours ment is concentrated in a smaller
• Tide and Wave: Marine Environmental or quays. The imaging and study of wreck area (<50m × 50m).
Data Information Network (www. sites needs a different approach than that; British Oceanographic of submerged landscapes. 2 Small area surveys are often, but not
Data Centre at the Proudman Second, the purpose of the geophysical uniquely, part of research-led projects and
Oceanographic Laboratory (www. survey can be split into two broad types and are aimed at more detailed archaeological; Centre for Environment, several sub-types: interpretation and/or the advancement of
Fisheries and Aquaculture Science the use of marine geophysical techniques
(; and the Channel 1 Large area and reconnaissance survey, for archaeology.
Coastal Observatory. where data are acquired to investigate the
• Regional Environmental Characterisation seabed and sub-surface geology, benthic The different approaches described here are
(REC) reports, commissioned by the habitats and archaeological potential. The also reflected in the data volumes acquired,
MEPF on behalf of Defra under the ALSF techniques and survey strategies used will with one of the major challenges to the com-
( therefore be multi-purpose but need to be mercial and regulatory sectors, as the larger
sufficient to give a clear indication of the projects such as the Round 1–3 windfarm
A DBA not only avoids duplication of data- archaeological potential of the area. These operations are producing tens of Terabytes
sets, but will facilitate survey planning by are typically the type of surveys performed of data already and these figures are only
identifying data gaps and/or useful as part of the consents or licensing process. likely to increase. Consequently, it will not

always be viable or appropriate to interpret 3.3.4 Sub-bottom profiler survey The level of interpretation that can be
the full data-sets (see section 7) and there Sub-bottom profilers are seismic-acoustic undertaken will depend upon the intial
may need to be a staged approach to the systems that can detect and image structures data provided and the stage of the com-
interpretation process. buried within the sediments. The three missioned project. In the first instance, and
systems most commonly used for high- particularly for the larger-scale projects, the
3.3 General equipment statement resolution surveying are the boomer, pinger marine archaeological geophysicist will be
There are three principal geophysical tech- and chirp systems. Whereas the boomer dealing primarily with secondary sources:
niques used for marine archaeo-geophysical system provides best results for coarser extant survey reports, archive databases (see
surveys, all of which are deployed in conjunc- sediments, the pinger and chirp systems section 3.1) and picture images and maps of
tion with appropriate navigation equipment, deliver greater detail for finer sediments. pre-processed data typically produced as part
which are described below and in more It is encouraged to use sub-bottom systems of the QA process by the survey company.
detail in Part III. in the study of submerged landscapes. The second level of data provision is typically
Although sub-bottom data can provide gridded bathymetry, gridded magnetic
3.3.1 Navigation useful information about buried wrecks, data and in some cases gridded geological
DGPS navigational accuracy is a minimum the exact location of the wreck site horizons (such as the bedrock surface) iden-
requirement for maritime archaeological needs to be known in advance. It is not tified from the sub-bottom data and, finally,
surveying. The vertical accuracy of DGPS, recommended to use sub-bottom systems georectified images of sonar data. The third
however, is not sufficient for the processing for the detection of unknown wreck sites. level of data delivery will be the same as the
of bathymetric data, and tide gauge data second but, in addition, raw/processed ver-
must be used. Alternatively, RTK GPS or 3.3.5 Magnetometer survey sions of sub-bottom and side scan data are
PPK GPS data can be used to offer centi- A magnetometer can be used to detect provided to enable the interpreter to check
metric horizontal and vertical accuracy. metallic objects on or buried within the directly features within the data.
All navigation data should be recorded seabed. It does not provide an image of the Because of the volumes of data acquired
separately as a text (ASCII) file. object. Its main use is for the detection of it is common for a sub-set of the data to be
It is suggested that all marine naviga- wreck sites and associated ferrous material. interpreted first (for large projects typically
tional and positional data are acquired in 25%) in order to establish the regional
ETRS89. All data should be tidally corrected 3.4 Data treatment palaeo-landscape morphology (eg the pres-
to chart datum. Final maps should be cre- The processing of geophysical data gener- ence and course of palaeo-channels). Once
ated using the UTM projection (the UTM ally involves improvement of the signal, by major features are identified from this sub-
zone and ellipsoid used should be anno- filtering out induced noise, and removal sample, they can then be traced through the
tated in the map’s legend). of artefacts created during data collection additional lines. Similarly, cross-referencing
which could otherwise be interpreted as of the data against the known archaeological
3.3.2 Side scan survey archaeological artefacts. However, the suc- record such as that recorded in the UKHO
A side scan sonar system is an acoustic cess of the data processing largely depends wreck database, the English Heritage Archive
device which aims to produce a two- on the quality of the acquired raw data. If and HERs allows focusing interpretation
dimensional image of the seabed with near the acquired data are of very low quality, in the first instance on these sites to either
photographic quality. The system is nearly processing might not be able to improve confirm or not their presence. It is worth
always towed behind the research vessel in it sufficiently for use in the detection of noting that in the offshore zone these newly
a streamlined towfish and can only be used archaeological material. If the raw data are acquired data-sets may represent the best
to image archaeological features that lie of unsatisfactory quality, a re-survey should data-sets as yet taken of much of the off-
proud on the seafloor. At present, its main be considered. For further details on data shore archaeological resource.
use is for the detection of shipwrecks, but processing, see individual sections in Part III. Finally, when specific engineering plans
it can equally be deployed for the charac- Irrespective of the approach used, a record for construction or extraction are devel-
terisation of submerged landscapes where should be kept of all processing steps and oped and finalised, full analysis of all of
a relic land surface is believed to exist. archived together with the raw and pro- the geophysical data in the area of actual
cessed data. impact, both during installation and as a
3.3.3 Bathymetric survey product of post-installation changes in the
Bathymetric tools measure the ocean’s 3.5 Data interpretation sediment dynamic regime (eg the develop-
depth. There are two principal types of Data interpretation (see section 7) should ment of scour pits around individual wind
system: (1) single beam echo sounders, always be undertaken by an archaeological turbines or bridge supports) is essential.
providing an image of the water depth geophysicist and should be done after a
along the track of the research vessel, and thorough DBA of the known archaeology of 3.6 The survey report
(2) swath bathymetry systems, provid- both the offshore area and the adjacent land Each survey report should at least include
ing water depth data across a large area margin. Such geophysical data are often
of seabed. Single beam echo sounders used to inform ground-truthing surveys. • Title page
are not recommended for wreck surveys. However, a lack of geophysical signals over • Summary
Swath bathymetry systems, on the other a site does not automatically imply that • Background information
hand, can be used for both wreck and no archaeological material is present. It is • Methods
submerged landscape studies. Not only recommended that the interpretation is • Results
do such systems provide an image of the based on a combination of geophysical • Conclusions
seabed, but the reflected acoustic signal data (eg magnetometer data with side scan • Statement of indemnity
(backscatter) can also be used to charac- sonar imagery) together with geological, • Acknowledgements
terise the seabed. geomorphological and archaeological data. • References and location of archive
It is important that the interpretations in a good guideline for the archaeological pro- • proposed project team, including
the results section are supplemented with fession as a whole. MorPHE only covers the suggestions for the geophysical
a map showing the survey location and project management aspects of archaeologi- experts who will be involved with
individual survey lines, clear and fully an- cal and historical work and should be used the acquisition, processing and
notated plots, and interpretation maps and in conjunction with other standards and interpretation of the geophysical data
diagrams (see section 7.1.2). guidelines on specific procedures and tech- • estimated budget and timetable
niques. In this document, the planning of an
3.7 Data archiving and dissemination archaeological project is based, with respect In pure research, with no threat to the
All raw, processed and interpreted data to geophysical surveying, on a combination archaeology, a project proposal might not
should be archived systematically, together of MoRPHE and Standard and Guidance for be needed, and one can go straight to
with the compiled metadata (see section Archaeological Survey (IfA 2009). the initiation stage and the writing of the
5.3.8). At present there is no require- Note that subsequent sections are only project design.
ment to archive marine geophysical data; guidelines and that the project manager
we recommend that the advice given in should have the freedom to adapt these 5.2 Initiation and project design
Geophysical Data in Archaeology: A Guide depending on the project context (eg The initiation stage should provide an effec-
to Good Practice (Schmidt 2002) is fol- threat-led versus commissioned research), tive and viable project design. The project
lowed. English Heritage suggests that a complexity and existing in-house manage- proposal resulting from the start-up phase
digital record of all data is kept for five ment procedures. could form the basis of this more detailed
years following the completion of a project project design. For a pure research project,
(MoRPHE Project Planning Note 1; English 5 MoRPHE – a project’s life cycle the project proposal might be the first
Heritage 2006c). written part of the project. A project design
A copy of at least the summary of 5.1 Start-up and project proposal should be a comprehensive, free-standing
the survey report should be submitted to A project begins with a formal or informal document that assumes no prior knowledge
the administering heritage agency. A full decision about a desirable or necessary about the project and its circumstances.
survey report must be submitted if the piece of research. The decision might be The style should be concise and include
survey was conducted over a protected part of a research agenda, organisational
site. English Heritage also recommends target or recommendation, or the result • project name
completing an OASIS record. The overall of a discussion among colleagues. For • non-technical summary of the project
aim of the OASIS project is to provide an example, in a commercial bid, a brief • background describing the context
online index to the mass of archaeological might be sent out to tenders outlining the (A more comprehensive DBA should be
grey literature that has been produced as circumstances to be addressed and the made at this stage. Information should
a result of large-scale developer-funded scope of work required. Tenders respond be provided on the site location, context
fieldwork (for more details, see http:// with project specifications or a project and description, including relevant geo- Furthermore, it is advocated proposal with a detailed schedule of work. logical and oceanographic information,
that the survey information is made as Assessment of the proposal will lead to a designation number (eg English Heritage
widely accessible as possible. The ADS decision on whether or not to proceed to Archive), archaeological and relevant
have also recently developed marine the next stage – the initiation stage. For a recent history of the site, ownership or
archiving guidelines for large geophysical project not centred on geophysical survey legal limitations associated with the site
data-sets (Niven 2009). (eg a dive-based excavation survey of a and any wider project context. If any
shipwreck), use of and justification for previous geophysical surveys/pilot stud-
Part II: Planning and reporting for a geophysical methods should be considered ies have been conducted, these should be
marine archaeo-geophysical survey at this stage and included in the project mentioned and their findings described.)
proposal. The proposal should outline the • research aims and objectives, including
4 Archaeology and planning most suitable methods and include a detailed description of the objectives
of the geophysical survey and how these
Planning and preparation of the project • project name fit into the greater aim of the project
stages are key to its success. A geophysi- • background or the context of the survey • the motivation for carrying out the
cal survey can either be a small facet of a requirement with a reference to the project, describing why the project should
larger archaeological project or the main location of the site and previous work be carried out and why it should be
focus of the research. No matter how small (In order to provide this information, carried out by the proposed project team
or large the contribution of geophysical it will be necessary to perform a short • project team (At this stage, a team
survey, it is important that it is correctly DBA together with a query of the comprising a project executive, a project
integrated into the project proposal and inventory of maritime archaeological manager and a number of project experts
subsequent project stages. sites.) should be created. The structure of the
The Management of Research Projects • research aims and objectives, including team and the role of each member of
in the Historic Environment (MoRPHE) a description of the objectives of the the team should be described.)
(English Heritage 2006b) provides guide- geophysical survey • communications (Explain how the
lines designed to support the planning • motivation/justification for the survey project team is to communicate with
and implementation of basic and applied • methods that will be used in order to each other and how the team should
research, and of development projects on fulfil the objectives of the geophysical communicate the results to the sponsor
the historic environment. It is the model survey (This should also outline the or client. A detailed timeline on
for archaeological projects undertaken or different stages through which the planned internal and external review
funded by English Heritage, but represents project will proceed.) meetings should be included.)

• health and safety statement (A detailed involved are satisfied with a final draft of ful or necessary. There are three types of
risk assessment should be done for the project design can the Project Executive fieldwork, depending on the site and his-
each aspect of the acquisition of the and sponsor authorise the decision to move tory of surveying in the research area: (a)
geophysical data and deployment of on to the execution phase of the project. pilot or test survey, (b) full survey and (c)
the instruments at sea. All personnel site revisit. A guide to the choice of geo-
should be aware of the risks involved 5.3 Execution stages physical methods and detail on the actual
and measures that need to be taken. Execution refers to the basic research fieldwork procedure for each technique
Depending on the research vessel stages. For a geophysical survey the most forms Part III of these guidelines.
used, the seagoing personnel might be important are (1) DBA, (2) fieldwork, (3)
required to attend a sea-survival course data processing and analysis, (4) assess- 1 Pilot or test survey
before sailing. Check with the helmsman ment of data potential for further analysis, Occasionally it can be beneficial and
well in advance of the planned survey (5) writing the survey report and (6) main efficient to do a preliminary test survey
whether this is a legal requirement.) project report, and (7) archive deposition to assess the suitability of the chosen geo-
• methods statement (For the acquisition and dissemination. Each of these stages physical techniques for the site evaluation.
of the geophysical data, detailed should conclude with a formal review Such a pilot survey should not take longer
information needs to be given on the examining their outcomes against the than a day and is therefore mainly recom-
technical aspects of the navigation original project design in order to author- mended for sites that are relatively easy to
system, on the type of geophysical ise the execution of the next stage. reach and close to a harbour, pontoon or
instruments used, and on the line dock where the survey team can board the
spacing and sample interval, together 5.3.1 Desk-based assessment research vessel with their equipment. The
with a map of the suggested survey A DBA should precede all geophysical preliminary information acquired should
lines. Furthermore, information should fieldwork. It should examine existing ar- help to decide which geophysical tech-
be given on the anticipated processing chaeological, geological and oceanographic niques will give the best results and aid the
that will be needed, together with the archives or databases. This procedure will planning of the survey lines. This test will
software that will be used for processing avoid duplication of data and assesses the avoid wasteful deployment of resources.
and interpreting the data. This statement archaeological potential of the survey area. The test survey should also give a clearer
should include the timetable for all the Although a DBA will already have been per- picture of the archaeological potential of an
proposed project stages, with estimated formed in order to write the project design, area before deciding to collect further data.
start and end dates, and the expected it is important that existing information Depending on available resources, a pilot
outcome and product of each stage.) is studied in great detail. Not only should survey can also be part of the initiation
• detailed budget, including staff costs, information about the site be gathered, phase – or even before the start-up stage
contractor costs, non-staff costs, over- but papers and reports detailing geophysi- – instead of during the execution phase,
heads, and any other costs (For the geo- cal investigations under similar conditions in order to investigate the potential of the
physical survey, this should include the should be reviewed, as these can help with project before committing to the full pro-
rental of the survey vessel, the rental of the preparation of the field work. ject. Additionally, pilot survey results can
survey equipment – sometimes including be included in the project design.
an operator for the equipment – processing 5.3.2 Fieldwork
and interpretation time, and the possible The data collection is the central and most 2 Full survey
purchase of software.) important stage of most archaeological Once the survey lines have been agreed
• details on planned publication, surveys. Before going out to survey a site, it and permissions acquired, the full survey
dissemination and digital archiving of is important to check that all required per- can go ahead. Depending on the aims and
the raw data and the final products, missions have been obtained; this is usually objectives of the project, this survey might
together with the required metadata the responsibility of the project manager. be a large or small area survey, detailed or
and documentation (At this stage A survey design and plan should have been more exploratory, using a single technique
consideration should be given to the set out in the project design, outlining the or a combination of methods. Key to any
requirements for archive preparation justification for the geophysical methods and archaeological surveying is the ability to be
and deposition and the file formats that techniques to be used and suggested survey flexible and to recognise when the survey
will be used for the secure archiving lines or grids. This survey plan should be strategy should be adapted in order to pro-
and dissemination of the geophysical discussed with the helmsman beforehand vide better results.The appropriate survey
data and final report.) and adjusted accordingly if necessary. strategies for different types of archaeo-
If the geophysical survey is part of a logical sites are provided in Part III.
When a license is needed to survey over a larger archaeological project, the survey
designated site, contact the corresponding should be timetabled well in advance of 3 Site revisit
heritage agency; and where a new project any planned destructive survey (eg under- Sometimes the main field survey results
is proposed, the project design must be sent water excavation) leaving sufficient time suggest that an additional survey is desir-
to the heritage agency in order to obtain for geophysical data processing and in- able or necessary, possibly with the addi-
the necessary license (more information in terpretation. However, guided by findings tion of ground-truthing results. The revisit
Accessing England’s Protected Wreck Sites: made during the entire fieldwork stage of could either be a more detailed survey of
Guidance for Divers and Archaeologists the project (destructive or non-destructive parts of the previously surveyed area or an
(English Heritage 2010)). fieldwork) the geophysical team should be extension of the previously surveyed area.
This project design should be examined prepared to conduct another survey (more It is important to include the possibility of
by the sponsor/client and by all those in detailed or extending the area) at the end such surveys into the project design and
the project team. Only when all personnel of the data collection stage if deemed use- accompanying budget.

5.3.3 Data processing and analysis • conclusions, discussing the results in the data format or media may no longer
The processing and analysis of the raw data relation to the aims and objectives be readable in the future. As such, the es-
can be done onboard or back onshore. The set out in the project design, the sence of digital archiving lies in short-term
best option is often to perform crude process- value of the geophysical data and the security measures, long-term preservation
ing and interpretation onboard, so that the implications of the findings for the strategies and thorough documentation
survey strategy can be adapted if neces- current and future research (Schmidt 2002). For example, secure back-
sary. More detailed, labour-intensive data • statement of indemnity up, data refreshment and data storage; and
manipulation and analysis can be left for a • acknowledgements migration from one medium and format to
later stage, back on land. Part III covers more • references and the location of the the next through changing technology.
details on specific processing and analysis archived data In order to be re-usable, archived digital
procedures for each geophysical technique. geophysical data must be fully documented
5.3.6 The main project report and accompanied by technical documenta-
5.3.4 Assessment of data potential for If the geophysical survey stands as an tion. It should include (Schmidt 2002)
further analysis independent research project, then the survey
During the data processing and analysis it report is often the main project report. If, on • project background, methods and results
might become apparent that the geophysical the other hand, the geophysical survey is part • description of the survey’s coordinate
data have further research potential, beyond of a larger (archaeological) project, sections system
the anticipated aims and objectives stated of the survey report should be included in the • digital data documentation
in the project design. This potential should main project report, either within the report • survey documentation (eg size of grids,
be described in an updated project design or or as an appendix. The amount of geophysical traverse spacing, instruments used)
could be turned into a separate project pro- data represented in the report will depend on • a list of all file names with an
posal, depending on funds available. These re- the proportion of its contribution to the main explanation of codes used in file names
sults should be mentioned in the final project project. It is important that the contribution • data storage (eg format of data, how
report and could be a separate publication. of the geophysics is not ignored, even if do the files fit together, hardware,
results were inconclusive or negative. At the operating system and software
5.3.5 The survey report least, a summary of the survey report should (version) used to create them)
The survey report is the most important end be included. If the survey report is to become • data analysis (eg filters applied to
product of the geophysical survey. As for the widely available at the dissemination stage, the data, images with interpretation
project design, the survey report should be then a simple reference to the location of drawings)
a comprehensive, freestanding document. the survey report can be given. • description of known errors or areas of
The statements made in the report about the weakness in the data
results should be based on the assessment of 5.3.7 End of project report
the geophysical data, which was undertaken This report is mainly aimed at the stake- There is currently no set requirement to
by suitably qualified marine geophysicists holders, informing them about the project’s archive and disseminate marine geophysical
trained in archaeological interpretation, or closure date, lessons learned, evaluation of data for archaeological purposes. MoRPHE
by maritime archaeologists trained in the the project, location of the archived mater- Project Planning Note 1 recommends that a
interpretation of marine geophysical data. ial, outstanding issues and suggestions for digital archive is maintained for five years
The minimum requirements for the future work. after project completion (English Heritage
report are 2006c) and that an OASIS record is com-
5.3.8 Final (digital) archiving and pleted. At present, the only facility for digi-
• project name, authors, contractor, dissemination tal deposition, dissemination and archiving
client and data A comprehensive guide to the archiving of is provided by the ADS and their guidelines
• non-technical summary of the project geophysical data is provided by Geophysical are now available on line. For detailed
• background information and reason Data in Archaeology: A Guide to Good information regarding the procedures and
for the survey (aims and objectives as Practice (Schmidt 2002). Although aimed policies of this facility, the project manager
described in the project design) at terrestrial survey work, many of the should contact ADS – see http://guides.
• methods, including information on the concepts and ideas discussed in this guide
types of equipment used, survey set-up, can be applied equally to marine geophysi- In the case of a survey for which a license
data processing and software used cal data for archaeological applications. was needed from the heritage agency, a copy
• results (These should include an This ADS guide is concerned with how to of the site archive, containing the details of
objective description of results as preserve the large amount of data that is the research and geophysical survey data,
well as a discussion of the analyses being produced by a geophysical survey in a must be offered to a suitable public reposi-
and interpretations. These should digital format so it is available for potential tory so as to make it publicly available (eg
be accompanied by plots of raw and future reprocessing and re-interpretation, the Historic Environment Record of the local
processed data and interpretative preventing duplication of existing infor- county or country). A catalogue of the site
diagrams. It should always be clear mation. All geophysical survey data are archive should be made available to the
from the plots or accompanying figure currently digital and are usually no longer appropriate heritage management agency.
captions, whether the display is showing accompanied by a paper print-out. Although Survey information should be made as
raw, processed or interpreted data. In the digital formats make processing and widely accessible as possible. However, if
addition, each plot should be annotated visualisation easier, they can be a challenge there is any doubt that this might not be
fully, including scale bars, north arrows, from an archival viewpoint; disks and other appropriate (eg to avoid looting or in the
grid coordinates (if applicable) and a key digital media eventually degrade and con- case of client confidentiality), dissemination
for any symbols and colour scales used.) tinuously changing technology means that should be discussed with the heritage agency

and/or client. If the survey information can accurate atomic clock inside each satel-
a. GPS
be made public, the survey report can be lite and, therefore, needs to be calibrated
turned into a peer-reviewed paper, which to within a nanosecond of these atomic
will reach a wider archaeological and scien- clocks. If this is not done, the positional
tific audience. The leading journals include accuracy would only be within hundreds of
Archaeological Prospection, Geoarchaeology, kilometres. Therefore, the information of a
GPS receiver
International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, fourth satellite is received and the receiv-
Journal of Archaeological Science and the er’s navigation device looks at a single time
Journal of Maritime Archaeology. More pub- correction that would make all four signals
lic forms of dissemination include websites, intersect at one single point on the Earth’s
and public lectures and presentations. surface. This then gives the receiver atomic
time accuracy and ensures metric position-
Part III: Practitioner’s guide – al accuracy. However, induced errors can,
techniques and geophysical in a worst case scenario, reduce the final
instrumentation horizontal accuracy of GPS up to the order Corrections
DGPS receiver
of several tens of metres. Factors causing
6 Application of techniques such errors include ionospheric effects Radio beacon
(the speed of the GPS signal is affected by <2000km
6.1 Navigation, positioning and datum atmospheric conditions in the ionosphere),
6.1.1 Navigation and positioning ephemeris errors (errors in the positional c. RTK GPS
Rapid technological innovations in the past information transmitted by the satellite),
two decades have made GPS the most wide- satellite clock errors (errors in the satellite
spread navigational and positioning method clocks caused by noise and clock drift),
in the offshore sector. Satellite navigation has multi-path distortion (the radio signal can
almost completely replaced older techniques reflect off surrounding terrain, buildings,
such as the gyroscopic compass and radio and other similar factors), tropospheric Corrections
RTK rover

beacon navigation (eg DECCA and LORAN). effects (humidity in the troposphere affects
GPS receiver Radio antenna
For this reason, the following section concen- the speed of the GPS signal) and numeri-
trates solely on GPS-based systems. cal errors (caused by the finite precision
GPS, or officially NAVSTAR GPS (Fig of machine computation and truncation Fig 1 GPS-based navigation and positioning systems.
1a), was developed by the United States errors). The vertical accuracy is generally
Department of Defense and has three main two to three times worse than the horizon-
components: satellites in space, monitoring tal accuracy and is therefore often ignored
Two spheres intersect in a circle
stations on Earth and the user’s GPS re- by manufacturers and surveyors.
ceiver. At present, GPS has 31 active earth- In order to correct for the various errors
orbiting satellites at a height of 20,200km of GPS and to increase positional accuracy,
in six circular planes, with orbit durations Differential GPS (DGPS) can be used (Fig
of 11 hours 57 min 58.3 sec. This configu- 1b). The system uses two receivers: one
ration ensures that at least four satellites stationary receiver with a known position,
are constantly detectable at any time from and a roving station to take position
any point on the Earth’s surface, regard- measurements. These two receivers are
less of weather conditions. Each of these sufficiently close to each other, in relation Three spheres intersect in two points
satellites broadcasts two signals combin- to the satellites in space, to have the same
ing three components: a carrier wave with GPS errors. Because its position is known,
short wavelengths (~20cm), ranging codes the stationary receiver can calculate the
(C/A and P codes) with long wavelengths timing errors for all visible satellites. This
(~300m and 30m respectively) and a information is transmitted, mainly by ultra-
navigation message. For standard GPS, high-frequency beacon transmitters, to all
the C/A code and navigation message are roving receivers and is used in combination
used to calculate the longitude, latitude, with the collected GPS data to determine
altitude and time of the GPS receiver using horizontal positions with accuracies between
a process called ‘trilateration’ (Fig 2). Each 1 and 5m. The vertical accuracy will again Four spheres intersect in a unique point
satellite broadcasts a signal that contains be approximately twice the horizontal ac-
its position and time of transmission as curacy and therefore cannot be used during
a sphere. Two such spheres intersect in data processing (eg for tidal corrections).
a circle, whilst three spheres intersect in Most UK differential beacons offer free dif-
two unique points. The fact that the Earth ferential services and the system works to
can be seen as a fourth sphere results in within 2,000km of the fixed GPS receiver
a single location in space with a known (a list of European Differential Beacon
position. However, to improve the posi- Transmitters can be found at http://www.
tional accuracy, a fourth satellite is needed.
This is because the receiver’s clock, often At present, DGPS is a widely used system
a quartz clock, is no match for the highly in the marine sector. Fig 2 Principle of trilateration.

Sometimes metric accuracy is not good for the relatively weak power of radio For the SBL system, the transponder net
enough, and a horizontal and vertical cen- signals. A survey must take place within on the seafloor is replaced by three or more
trimetric position may be needed (enabling a maximum radius of 40km around the transceivers fixed on the hull of a surface
vertical measurements to be used during stationary receiver, although, in practice, vessel, with baseline distances ranging
data processing). Such high accuracies can this radius is often reduced to 20km. from 10m to 50m (Fig 3b). Heading, pitch
presently be obtained by a technique using It must be noted that the DGPS and and roll must be measured continuously,
carrier phase measurements, called Real RTK methods, described above, commu- because the transceivers are mounted on
Time Kinematic (RTK) GPS (Fig 1c). In the nicate the corrections to the rover in real the ship, creating a coordinate system
same way as DGPS, RTK uses a static moni- time. However, it is possible to collect the fixed to the vessel. A single transponder,
toring receiver, placed at a known location, GPS data without any corrections and mounted on an ROV or towfish, replies to
and a roving station. In contrast to standard then later process them to DGPS or RTK acoustic signals transmitted by the trans-
GPS and DGPS, the monitoring station standard in the office. This process, called ceivers, which, in turn, record the elapsed
observes the phase of the much shorter, and post-processing kinematic, needs special- time between interrogation and response.
more precise, carrier wave (~20cm versus ised software and data from a reference The position, relative to the surface vessel,
~300m for the code wavelength) broadcast station with a known location. Although is then calculated as for the LBL technique.
by the GPS satellites. The base station aligns this technique can be used without prob- The SBL method is only rarely used.
this received short sinusoidal wave to a rep- lems for mapping purposes, it cannot be USBL is more commonly used. It is well
lica signal it generates itself. The receiver used for accurate navigation. suited for short-range navigational projects
can estimate the travel time of the satellite’s In all cases it is important that the receiv- (Fig 3c). A single array of transceivers
signal by determining the shift needed to er antenna is located on the vessel in such is mounted on the research vessel and
line up the received and generated signals. a way that it is free from any obstructions, replaces the multiple transceivers of the
However, because simple sinusoidal waves allowing a clear view of the sky (ie com- SBL system. The transceiver array sends
are being used, this lining up of the signals monly on the highest point of the vessel). out an acoustic pulse, which a transponder
is ambiguous. That is, alignment can be When the position of equipment used away mounted on an ROV or towfish detects and
achieved by shifting the signal over part of from the survey vessel (eg towed equipment replies to. The returned signal is received
a wavelength or over any arbitrary number and ROVs) needs to be known very precisely, by the transceiver array. Phase comparison
of full wavelengths. acoustic positioning systems can be used techniques (which determine the bearing
The process of ambiguity resolution is together with GPS, DGPS or RTK informa- relative to the transceiver) and the time
complex and is referred to as ‘initializa- tion. There are three primary acoustic lapse measurement between interrogation
tion’. The more satellites the base sta- positioning techniques: long baseline and response enable calculation of the
tion can track during initialization, the (LBL), short baseline (SBL) and ultra-short position of the transponder relative to the
faster the process is completed. At least baseline (USBL) positioning. survey vessel. Similar to SBL, the coordi-
five satellites are needed to complete the The LBL technique consists of three or nate system is fixed to the vessel, hence,
initialization phase. After initialization, more transponders positioned at a known the heading, pitch and roll of the vessel
the information from only four satellites is position on the seabed (Fig 3a). The distance need to be known. Furthermore, the USBL
needed. The base station then broadcasts between two transponders (ie the baseline) transceiver needs careful adjustment and
a phase-corrected signal from its known can vary from 100m to over 6km. A trans- calibration before use.
position to the roving receiver via a radio ceiver fitted on a surface vessel, ROV or The relative accuracy of these systems
link. The roving station in turn compares towfish interrogates the transponder net depends on the transmitted frequency used,
the received base station signal with its using an acoustic signal. Each of the tran- with low frequencies (8kHz–16kHz) obtain-
own phase measurements. This results in sponders responds with a unique acoustic ing relative accuracies between 2m and 5m,
a millimetric relative position between reply, which is picked up by the transceiver. and high-frequency systems (200kHz–
base station and roving station, while the The elapsed time between interrogation 300kHz) obtaining accuracies <0.01m. The
absolute position depends on the position- and the received reply is used to calculate final, absolute, position of the towed equip-
ing accuracy of the base station. To obtain the position of the moving object, using ment or ROV will depend on the accuracy
the corrections, the RTK system needs its triangulation, relative to the seabed refer- of the transponder net on the seabed or on
own base station, rather than a free radio ence coordinate system. Knowledge of the the navigational system deployed at the
beacon broadcast. Additionally, the base GPS positions of the acoustic network on surface on the survey vessel (GPS, DGPS or
station must be close enough to the roving the seabed then enables calculation of the RTK). Note that to obtain the best possible
station to avoid ionospheric delay of the absolute position. LBL systems are used for position, the velocity of sound through the
broadcast-corrected signal and to account large area surveys. water should be measured accurately.

Tc1 Tc3 Tc array

Tc1 Tc2
Tp1 Tp1
Tp1 Tp2

Baseline: 100m–600m Baseline: 10m–50m Baseline: <10cm

Fig 3 Acoustic navigation and positional systems.

The positional accuracy required Cartesian coordinate system represented by vertical datums are being modelled as part
depends on the type of survey proposed for 0XYZ Cartesian axes and a best-fit ellipsoid of the Vertical Offshore Reference Frames
the project and conducted. The accuracy (GRS80) with their origin at the centre of (VORF) project, sponsored by the UKHO.
possible depends on the survey equipment the earth’s mass. The direction of the axes, However, until such reference frames are
used. DGPS is currently the standard system orientation of the ellipsoid equator and fully established, it is suggested that data
used in shallow-water marine surveying and meridian of zero longitude coincide with are adjusted and tidally corrected to chart
is a minimum requirement for the acquisi- the earth’s equator and prime meridian datum (LAT). In order to be able to do this,
tion of geophysical data for submerged as defined by the Bureau Internationale tidal data need to be obtained. Such data
archaeological sites. Below, the positional de l’Heure at midnight on 31 December will not only be used to adjust all acquired
system required for satisfactory results for 1983 (this was 102.5m east of the Prime data to chart datum, but should also be
different archaeological survey designs is Meridian at Greenwich). However, in real- consulted during the survey planning
described for each type of instrument. ity, as a consequence of tectonic plate move- stage, especially for very shallow areas.
If the acquired geophysical data cannot ment, all points on earth move with respect Tidal corrections can be obtained from
be accurately positioned during the process- to this earth-fixed global coordinate system hydrographic models; however, it is likely
ing and interpretation stage, it becomes (in the UK coordinates change by about that for most sites the regional models are
useless. In all cases of surveying for archaeo- 25mm per year). Hence, WGS84 in itself is not of sufficient accuracy to fully account
logical purposes, positional accuracy of not suitable for mapping projects. for all local tidal variations. It is therefore
≤1m is recommended. The navigational To deal with this problem, WGS84 has recommended that either a tide gauge is
logging should be done at a rate of at least been adapted in various parts in the world deployed at the site for the duration of
1 fix per second and a real-time track dis- to be useful for mapping but still compat- the project, or that data from a nearby
play should be available for the helmsman ible with GPS. To do this, a particular mo- permanent tide gauge (eg available from
to view. It is important to check the naviga- ment in time (ie an epoch) is selected and the BODC, Channel Coastal Observatory
tional data, which need to be of sufficient the WGS84 coordinates of several points in and UKHO; see the MEDAG data resource)
and consistent quality, during acquistion. a region are stated at that epoch. Thus, to is used to adjust the geophysical data or,
In many cases it is possible to integrate remove the effect of tectonic movement, a more appropriately, that the survey is
navigational information directly with the new datum is created, which initially coin- conducted using a full RTK GPS system
geophysical data through the acquisition cides with WGS84 but then stays station- for tidal height adjustment. The latter ap-
system. However, it is good practice to ary while moving away from the WGS84 proach has the advantage that it compen-
also log the navigational data separately Cartesian axes and ellipsoid. In Europe, sates for both the influence of long-period
as a text (ASCII) file as a back-up in case ETRS89 is such a realisation of WGS84 and swell and tides.
something goes wrong with the acquisi- is a datum that coincided with WGS84 in After data acquisition and processing,
tion software or additional corrections or 1989. Anyone who receives DGPS correc- the results have to be presented on two-
coordinate transformations are needed. In tions from European stations will obtain dimensional maps using a map projection.
case the navigation is not directly recorded them in ETRS89. All Ordnance Survey A map projection is defined as any function
with the geophysical data, care needs to be coordinates and all Admiralty charts of the that converts ellipsoidal latitude and long-
taken that the acquisition system’s clock British Isles are currently being transferred itude coordinates to easting and northing
is synchronised with the GPS clock of the to ETRS89 datum. It is therefore suggested coordinates. The axes for these eastings
navigation system. that all marine navigational and posi- and northings (or plane/grid/map) are in
tional data should be acquired in ETRS89. metres. It should be emphasised that visual
6.1.2 Datum, coordinate system and However, for surveys in close proximity to display is a final step and should not be used
projections the shore, and where onshore and offshore for computations: all computations should
Geodesy – the science that aims to determine archaeological, topographic and bathymetric be done in latitude–longitude or Cartesian
the shape and size of a simplified earth data must be integrated, the UK National coordinates. There are several ways to project
in order to define a terrestrial coordinate Grid system (OSGB36) is still used. the earth’s surface onto a flat plane; the
system – is a complex subject. There is no Bathymetric (vertical) datums on most widely used is the Transverse Mercator
single agreed coordinate system, but, in Admiralty charts, tidal prediction and tide Projection, which is a cylindrical map projec-
practice, the modern GPS coordinate sys- gauge data are currently still provided in tion. On a global scale, the UTM projection
tem is the most commonly used for marine chart datum (CD). In the UK, chart datum is a recognised mapping standard (except for
surveying. Moreover, a clear distinction has refers to the lowest astronomical tide polar regions). The UTM system is divided
to be made between a coordinate system (LAT), and therefore varies regionally – ie into 60 longitudinal zones, each 6° in width
used during the acquisition of the data different areas experience different magni- extending 3° on each side of a central
(eg WGS84) and a coordinate system and tudes of tidal rise and fall, and hence each meridian. Each of these zones is a different
projection used for post-processing and chart/map has an applicable CD. In addi- projection using a different system of coor-
data presentation (eg UTM). tion, different countries may use different dinates and, therefore, care should be taken
In order to define a coordinate system, a definitions for chart datum (eg mean sea not to combine objects from different UTM
suitable origin and the direction of a set of level). The UK Hydrographic Office has zones into a single map. Three UTM zones
3D axes in relation to the earth need to be noted that chart datum is not a sustain- are used in the UK: zone 29 (central meridian
defined, together with a reference surface able vertical datum and, ultimately, aims 9°W), zone 30 (central meridian 3°W) and
(ellipsoid or geoid) that best fits the earth to refer all heights and depths to ETRS89 zone 31 (central meridian 3°E). Although the
with respect to its topography. The defini- datum, though this may not take place in WGS84 ellipsoid is used as the underlying
tion of such spatial relationship is called ‘a the near future. At present, a homogene- model of the earth for the UTM projection,
geodetic datum’. The geodetic datum used ous minimum sea surface is being derived the International 1924 ellipsoid is usually
for GPS is WGS84. It is a global, earth-fixed and its relationship with ETRS89 and other used in the UTM projection in Europe.

Fig 4 Side scan sonar system (Edgetech 4100 dual frequency).

As UTM is the most widely used map 6.2 Side scan sonar survey lengths of tens to hundreds of seconds.
projection in the ever-more-popular GIS 6.2.1 Instrumentation – side scan sonar Systems that operate at two frequencies
(Geographic Information System) soft- A side scan sonar system is an acoustic simultaneously (eg 100kHz and 500kHz)
ware, it is suggested that all maps are device that aims to produce a 2D image are being increasingly used. The generated
created using the UTM projection. It is of the seabed of near photographic quality. side scan beams are narrow in the horizon-
important, however, to annotate the UTM Although side scan sonar systems have been tal plane (along-track direction) and wide
zone of the map and the ellipsoid (WGS84 used commercially since the 1970s, they in the vertical plane (across-track direction)
or International 1924) used in the legend. were initially too expensive for archaeologi- (Fig 5). For the dual frequency system, for
However, it is sometimes necessary to cal use. At that time their resolution was only example, the horizontal beam is smaller
present the data in a more regional coordinate just high enough to detect and locate larger than 1º and the vertical beam can vary
system. This is particularly true in the coastal sites. Since then, technological advances between 40º and 60º. Such angles enable
zone where links need to be made with have made side scan sonars powerful enough the sonar to ensonify a narrow strip of the
terrestrial information or data previously and portable, requiring little power and able seabed while the sonar transmits vertically
recorded in a regional coordinate system. to display detailed information about a wide into the entire water column.
In Great Britain, many of the older coastal variety of sites. Until the recent emergence of As the beam propagates through the
data (geophysical, oceanographic or archival) high-resolution multi-beam sonars, it was the water, it will eventually interact with
are presented using the National Grid most commonly used geophysical system for the seafloor or with objects on it. Most of
coordinate system. This consists of a geodetic maritime archaeology. the energy is reflected away from the side
datum using the Airy ellipsoid, a terrestrial For a conventional side scan sonar two scan sonar system as the result of specular
reference frame called OSGB36 and a sets of transducers (one port and one star- reflection. A small portion of the energy is
Transverse Mercator Projection using board) are carried by a streamlined towfish, lost in the subsurface and another small por-
eastings and northings. OSGB36 was created towed behind the survey vessel (Fig 4). The tion, known as backscatter, reflects back to
by the triangulation of concrete pillars towfish ensures that the transducers are far the side scan system. The amplitude of this
erected on prominent hilltops around the enough from the noise generated by the returned signal is measured by the transduc-
country between 1936 and 1953. Nowadays, vessel, increases the stability by reducing ers, together with the travel time, amplified,
the National Grid coordinates are no longer pitch and roll and enables the system to ‘fly’ recorded and displayed as a time series.
determined by theodolite but by a GPS within a few metres of the seabed. Each Data from different pings are stitched
network. Transformation software, using transducer transmits a fan-shaped acoustic together to display a long continuous image
the National Grid Transformation OSTN02 pulse (ping) perpendicular to its travel-path. of the seabed. The amount of backscatter
(freely available from http://www. The transducers act as both source and is determined by three factors: the local, enables recorded receiver, which means that the transducer morphology of the surface ensonified, the
ETRS89 positions to be converted to the alternately switches between emitting and small-scale (sub-metre) roughness of the
National Grid with minimal errors, but is registering signals. The frequencies emitted surface and the material properties of the
only effective to 10km offshore. can range from 100Hz (long range, tens of seafloor. The image is created by a black-to-
kilometres) to over 1MHz (short range, in white display of the strength of the return-
Note: Whether converting from WGS84 metres). More commonly, side scan systems ing energy. Traditionally, the stronger the
to UTM or to OSGB36 (or with extant used for surveying in shallow water pro- returning signals, the darker the tonality,
data-sets in the opposite direction) the duce a frequency between 50kHz (medium with a lack of returning energy (eg a shadow
reader is referred to the conversion state- range, hundreds of metres) and 500kHz behind an object) being displayed as lighter
ments and parameters in UKOOA (1999). (short range, tens of metres), with pulse tones. However, this was a product of the
thermal printers commonly used with the
Top view Front view side scan systems of the time. Modern
computer-based acquisition packages have
no such limitation, so the current convention
Horizontal is to display shadows as black tones and
Vertical strongly reflecting targets as light tones.
Beamwidth The travel times give information about
the distance travelled from the transducer
to the seabed, called the slant-range, but
should not be confused with the horizontal
Fig 5 Typical horizontal and vertical side scan sonar beam pattern (modified from Fish and Carr 1990). distance between the sonar and the target.

This configuration provides the archaeologist
with imagery of semi-quantitative infor-
mation on the morphology of the seabed
equivalent to aerial photography and also
a first-order-magnitude description of the
material variability of the seabed (ie the
distribution of different sediment types).
Figure 6 shows an example, with commonly
used key terms.
Side scan resolution is divided into
transverse and range (Fig 7). Transverse
resolution is the minimum distance be-
tween two objects parallel to the line of
travel that is displayed as separate objects.
This resolution is determined by the vessel
speed, ping rate (dependent on the range
setting) and width of the horizontal beam
on the seafloor. Close to the towfish, the
horizontal beam spreading is significantly
smaller than farther away, where a wider
area of the seafloor is insonified. The hori-
zontal beam angle depends on the frequency
and shape of the transducers: higher
frequency and larger transducer diameters
produce narrower beams. Close range and
large ping spacing results in under-sampling,
and features might be missed. In contrast, at
far ranges separate objects might lie within
the same sonar beam and appear as a single,
smeared object.
Range resolution is the minimum dis-
tance between two objects perpendicular to
the line of travel and is determined by the
pulse length of the acoustic beam. Higher-
frequency sonars produce smaller pulse
lengths (ie the amount of time the sonar
emits the acoustic pulse). This resolution
is also a function of the display/recording
mechanism – across-track spacing between
data points corresponds to the swath width 1. Towfish 8. Range setting/slant range
(range) divided by the number of points 2. Vertical beamwidth 9. True ground range
(pixels) recorded. By selecting a certain 3. Horizontal beamwidth 10. First bottom point
range the surveyor can control the resolution 4. Target 11. Port and starboard channel separation
of each pixel size, depending on the digitisa- 5. Acoustic shadow (no sound reflection)
tion rate of the system (eg a range of 50m 6. Towfish altitude 12. Track line (direction of travel)
provides a total swath width of 100m).
7. Water column 13. Seabed
The sampling digitisation rate can be
between 8-bit and 24-bit – 8-bit corresponds
to 28 samples and 24-bit to 224 samples,
Fig 6 Key terminology for side scan sonar use.
hence 24-bit digitisation provides orders of
magnitude higher fidelity.
The most limiting factor of conven- Transverse resolution Range resolution

tional side scan sonar systems is the rela- Long pulse length Short pulse length

tively poor transverse resolution caused

by limits to the beam-forming process.
As discussed above, the spatial resolu-
tion is different close to the side scan
transducer than it is farther away, and
Resolved Not resolved
becomes unacceptable beyond a certain
point. Theoretically, the produced beam
could be narrowed by either increasing Not resolved Resolved
the frequency used (which would result
in more attenuation of the emitted beam) Fig 7 Side scan sonar transverse and range resolution principle (modified from Fish and Carr 1990).

this, the motion of the sonar needs to be 6.2.2 Survey design – side scan sonar
known in great detail. The advantage of 1 General methods – side scan sonar
the system is the ability to obtain high- To avoid wasting transit time, before the
resolution imagery (<100mm × 100mm), research vessel departs, test the side scan
which is not range dependent, using system thoroughly by a ‘rub-test’. Set up
relatively low frequencies (<200kHz) the system on land or on deck as it would
and without the need for excessively long be used in the water, triggered and rubbed
arrays. The improved resolution, in com- on one side of the transducers. Then check
parison with the conventional side scan whether a trace appears on the correct side
system, comes at the cost of increased (to check whether channels are correctly
computation, as the position and motion wired) and on only one side (to check for
of the towfish need to be known exactly crosstalk between the transducers). Do the
and used in the post-processing of the same with the other transducer and then
data. Furthermore, unlike SAR, SAS is still again for the first transducer. This test
in development and needs to be deployed confirms that the power and signal connec-
relatively slowly to obtain high resolution. tions are intact.
Although there are SAS systems commer- The survey grid should be agreed with
cially available and fully operational (eg the helmsman before starting the survey.
EdgeTech 4400-SAS, Kongsberg HISAS Conventionally, data are acquired by follow-
1030) the system is still rarely used by ing alternate parallel lines running in
the marine industry or by archaeologists. opposite directions, generally with an overlap
However, as seen in the progress made between adjacent lines. In areas with strong
since the 1970s for conventional side scan tidal streams, currents or swell, the side scan
sonar, further developments in SAS in sonar should be towed with and against the
coming years might mean it could become current. Where currents are not a problem,
a valuable marine acquisition technique the fish should either be towed parallel to
for archaeology. the bathymetric contours or parallel to the
Another recent advance is the com- physical directions of principal features of
mercial development of a ‘multi-pulse’ interest, if known (eg channels, sand banks,
Fig 8 Difference in image quality depending on selected side scan sonar (eg EdgeTech 4300-MPX, outcrops, wrecks). By surveying parallel to
side scan sonar frequency and range (images available from EdgeTech 4700-DFX, Klein 5000 Series). features elevated from the seabed, sufficient
A consequence of the narrow beam width shadows are produced, which aids detection
or increasing the array length (which of the traditional high-resolution side and interpretation. It is therefore useful to
would make deployment unfeasible). It scan sonars is that the survey speed nor- gain information on the nature of the seafloor
has to be noted that side scan systems mally needs to be reduced to 5 knots or and sea conditions in the area when planning
are most commonly described in terms less to ensure full seafloor coverage along the survey grid.
of frequency and often the purchase of a track. The ‘multi-pulse’ side scan system, The side scan fish is normally towed
particular system is based on frequency however, emits several (normally four from the side of the vessel from a crane or
content. However, one should be aware or five) simultaneous, adjacent parallel davit, or from the stern through an A-frame.
that the beam angle and pulse width beams each side of the track, enabling When lowering the towfish into the water,
ultimately determine the resolution that 100% area coverage and increasing the reduce the vessel’s speed sufficiently for safe
can be obtained. Hence, a system with operating speed to 10–16 knots. deployment. Once the side scan system is in
higher frequency does not automatically
mean higher resolving power (eg Quinn et
al 2005) (Fig 8).
This trade-off between resolution
and range is being investigated and the
disadvantages of a wide beam width have array
been turned into an advantage by the
development of a synthetic aperture sonar
(SAS; Fig 9), whose operation is compar-
able to that of the aircraft-borne synthetic aperture
aperture radar (SAR). The sonar system is footprint

made up of a towfish on which a pair of

transducers, receiver arrays and motion
sensors are mounted. The principle of Physical
SAS is to illuminate a single object on the array

seafloor several times with a wide-beam Real

acoustic pulse as the sonar moves along footprint

a line, effectively creating a large array

of synthetic transducers. As the returned
Fig 9 Synthetic aperture sonar principle and image example: German WW2 submarine U-735 submerged in 180m water
signals are received, they are combined depth in Oslo Fjord. Image taken at a range of c 200m with a theoretical image resolution of 3 x 3cm. (Image taken by
by post-processing. In order to achieve Kongsberg HISAS 1030.)

the water, switch on the trigger and recorder including .xtf (eXtended Triton Format), For large-area surveys, DGPS naviga-
and increase the vessel’s speed to normal SEG-Y and W-MIPS. The most commonly tional accuracy combined with a lay-back
surveying speed. Then lower the towfish used is .xtf, and for ease of data transfer correction should suffice. Not knowing
to the required depth above the seabed by between different processing platforms it the precise position of the towfish in the
paying out the tow cable. The ideal survey- is recommended that all digital data are water automatically reduces the positional
ing speed for side scan survey is between recorded in this format. accuracy from several metres up to tens of
2.5 and 3 knots. These low speeds, however, metres, and would make RTK GPS posi-
can make it difficult for the helmsman to 2 Wreck site survey design – side scan sonar tional accuracy a waste of resources.
steer the vessel and keep it on the planned When surveying for wreck sites with a When the (approximate) position of a
track. In practice, the survey speed should side scan sonar, a distinction should be wreck site is known or a potentially inter-
not exceed 4 knots in order to acquire suf- made between reconnaissance surveys and esting anomaly has been detected during a
ficiently high-resolution data for archaeologi- detailed surveys of known sites. For both reconnaissance survey, make a more detailed
cal purposes. It can be increased significantly cases, however, a dual-frequency side scan side scan survey. Initially, run a few lines
(up to 10–16 knots depending on the system sonar with a lower frequency of c 100kHz to determine the exact position, extent and
used) when data are acquired with a multi- and a high frequency c 500kHz will yield direction of the wreck as described above,
pulse side scan sonar. During data acquisi- the best results. If a dual-frequency system or determine this from earlier surveys. The
tion, the sonar must be positioned close to cannot be used, then a high-frequency high-frequency channel (~500kHz) will give
the seafloor in order to obtain the greatest system (~500kHz) is recommended. If the most detailed information about the site.
possible amplitude contrasts where objects time and resources permit, a maximum Known wreck sites should then be
cause the biggest shadows. Aim the side scan line spacing of 30m is recommended, with ‘boxed’; that is, acquire a minimum of four
fish’s height at one-tenth of the range setting alternate lines running in opposite direc- side scan lines, both along and perpendicular
when used on its own (eg range of 50m = tions. However, when surveying a larger to the main axis of the wreck (in alternating
height of 5m) to optimise the ensonifying area for potential wrecks a maximum line directions). Use a maximum line spacing of
geometry. When the side scan is used in spacing of 50m could be used, with alter- 30m, with a maximum range setting of 50m;
conjunction with a magnetometer, determine nate lines running in opposite directions. a coverage of 2× full seafloor search, with
the towdepth by whichever system needs the It is good practice to run some lines per- 100% area overlap, is essential. Keep the
shortest distance to the seabed. This implies pendicular to the general survey direction vessel’s speed as low as practically possible.
that the helmsman or surveyor needs to keep (ie every 200m–250m). A search cover- This way, an area of 150m × 150m, with the
an eye on the water depth using the vessel’s age of 2× full seafloor (with 100% area wreck site in the centre, is imaged in great
echo sounder and warn the side scan sonar overlap) is required in order to illuminate detail. If the wreck material has been dis-
operator when the towfish’s depth needs to potential wreck material from opposite persed over a larger area, enlarge the ‘boxed’
be reduced. Conversely, to ease interpreta- angles. A full seafloor coverage with 50% area. Do this by increasing the number of
tion, raising and lowering the towfish should area overlap is acceptable if an extremely lines, not by increasing the line spacing or
be minimised, and hence aim at a compro- large area needs to be surveyed. The exact the range setting. At all times aim to fly the
mise of ideal water depth versus frequent survey requirements for marine develop- side scan at a distance between 3m and
towfish movement. ment projects will need to be determined 5m above the wreck site, but increase this
When turning, the data are normally on a case-specific basis in consultation distance if 3–5m would endanger the wreck.
not of sufficient quality for recording, so with English Heritage. In combination Centimetric accuracy might be required
increase speed to keep the towfish high with the suggested line spacing, a range for such detailed surveys. If resources allow,
enough above the seabed to reduce survey setting of 50m will provide the required using an onboard RTK GPS system is rec-
time. The longer the towcable (or the ground coverage. Range settings of ommended; also the use of USBL tracking
deeper the towfish) the wider the turns >100m suffer from too much attenuation to track the side scan sonar system.
need to be to avoid contact with the sea- away from the transducers, especially for
bed. During acquisition, keep an accurate the higher-frequency channel. 3 Submerged landscapes survey design – side
survey log of details on the lay-back of the In areas where currents do not dictate scan sonar
towfish, equipment settings and any events the survey direction, the survey direction Side scan data give a digital image of the
that occur during the survey. If possible, should be determined by the physical present seabed and can only be of interest
integrate navigation directly with the side features on the seabed. While, for geo- to submerged landscape research when
scan data through the acquisition software, logical purposes, the side scan should be used in conjunction with bathymetric and
together with a lay-back correction. When towed parallel to the principal direction sub-bottom data. Acquiring side scan data
a USBL system is used, the USBL position of natural features (channels, sand banks, for palaeolandscape evidence is similar to
corresponds to the location of the side scan outcrop), for archaeological wreck detec- geological survey and should, therefore,
sonar, hence removing the need for lay- tion it is better to survey perpendicular to be similar to the usual practices of the
back corrections and improving the data’s such features. In areas with large natural marine industry.
positional accuracy. features on the seabed, surveying along If possible, acquire data parallel to the
Although side scan sonar paper records axis might result in wreck material being bathymetry or parallel to the main axis of
are still commonly used and can be helpful positioned in the acoustic shadow zone. natural features (channels, sand banks,
to annotate features during a survey, data The chance of detecting artefacts in such outcrop). Ideally, a dual frequency (100kHz
should be recorded digitally. While gain environments is better when surveying and 500kHz) system should be used, for
filters can be applied for real time display, perpendicularly to the conventional survey both frequencies might contain useful infor-
recorded files should be raw data (ie no direction. This reiterates the importance mation. However, if a dual-frequency system
processing applied). There are several file of studying geological and oceanographic cannot be used, then use a medium-range
formats for recording side scan sonar data, information as part of the DBA. sonar (>50kHz) for large area surveys and

a high-range sonar (>450kHz) for detailed survey systems, but mainly concentrates on beams at different angles to the vertical.
area surveys. Use a maximum line spacing of swath techniques, as it is believed that these Such systems are available in a range of
50m, running lines in alternating directions are now regarded as the standard survey tool frequencies, varying from 12kHz to 500kHz.
with several perpendicular lines crossing the for coastal and shelf surveying. The highest-frequency systems provide centi-
survey grid spaced 200m–250m. Keep the metric-scale images of the seabed. Swath
range setting below 100m (ideally between 1 Single-beam echo sounders systems transmit a fan of ultrasonic sound,
50m and 75m) and aim to achieve 200% These measure the depth to the seabed by broad in the across-track direction (typically
area coverage (100% overlap). Depending recording the time a sound pulse takes to 120º to 150º) and narrow in the along-track
on time and resources, an area coverage of travel from the transducer to the seabed direction (between 0.5º and 3º). The posi-
150% may be acceptable (50% overlap). and back (Fig 10). The mean speed of sound tion of each echo can be computed from the
The side scan fish should be towed between through water (a typical value of 1480ms angle and the travel time (ie the range) of
5m and 7m above the seafloor. to 1500ms is commonly used) enables the returned signal. Depending on how the
For large regional surveys, DGPS navi- conversion of TWTT to depth: depth = angle and travel time pairs are determined,
gational accuracy can be used in conjunc- (TWTT time/2) × the velocity of sound two different systems are recognised: beam-
tion with a measurement of the towfish’s through water. The frequencies used by forming multi-beam echo sounders and in-
lay-back. When an interesting feature is commercially available systems range from terferometric or phase discrimination sonars.
detected on the side scan imagery, ‘box’ 10kHz to 200kHz. For high-resolution map-
and survey as described above, preferably ping, high-frequency systems with narrow 2 The multi-beam sonar
using RTK GPS combined with a USBL. beams (typically between 2º and 5º) need This system uses a process called beam-
Finally, the line spacings described to be used in order for the circular footprint forming to determine the depth to the
above are for research standard surveys to cover a small enough area to obtain seafloor (Fig 10). The system is made up
and will vary with the different purposes sufficient accuracy. The transducer, which acts of two transducer arrays, a transmitting
of offshore survey. both as a source and receiver, is normally array whose long axis is parallel to the
mounted on either the bottom or side of the direction of travel and a receiving array
6.3 Bathymetry survey vessel’s hull and only measures the depth perpendicular to that. Each array produces
6.3.1 Instrumentation – bathymetry vertically beneath it. The narrow beam echo a fan-shaped beam that is narrow in the di-
Techniques to measure the ocean’s depths sounders might need beam stabilisation rection of its long axis. The arrays are made
changed significantly during the 20th (ie compensate for the roll, pitch and heave up by a number of identical and equally
century. Until the 1920s, bathymetry was de- of the vessel) in order to measure the depth spaced transducer elements, forming a fixed
termined by the lead and line method. In the vertically below the transducer. A single- number (eg 126, 254 or 512) of transmit-
1950s, single-beam echo sounders were de- beam echo sounder survey produces an ted and received beams at different angles
veloped and have been used in hydrographic image of the seabed topography along the (hence the name ‘multi-beam’). Through a
surveying ever since. Swath bathymetry sys- track of the vessel. However, to produce a process called ‘beam steering’ the receiving
tems have been tested from the 1960s and bathymetric map, several parallel profiles array can be altered so that echoes from a
were first used commercially in the 1970s. are needed and, thus, significant interpola- number of directions can
However, only after the 1990s did the system tion between profiles is always necessary. be received. Using beam steering, each
gain popularity in the hydrographical and The principle behind swath bathymetry receiver beam intersects the emission beam,
archaeological worlds. This section explains systems is to increase the seabed coverage resulting in a series of ‘footprints’ on the
the principles of the acoustic bathymetric and reduce survey time by using several seabed along the ensonified area.

Fig 10 The three common types of bathymetry systems: single-beam echo sounder (eg Simrad EK60), multi-beam sonar (eg Reson Seabat 7125) and interferometric sonar
(eg GeoAcoustics GeoSwath).

The echo arrival time of each footprint and (RASSE) project (ALFM 3837) (2007) 6.3.2 Survey design – bathymetry
the angle of the received beam, correspond- compared the two systems and proved 1 General methods – bathymetry
ing to that footprint, is then used to deter- that interferometric sonar is not as effective The biggest disadvantage of single-beam
mine the depth to the seabed. Using this for detailed site investigation as multi- echo sounders is the relatively low coverage
system, the seabed is sampled more densely beam sonar, but recommended that a new of the seabed, making it a less useful tool
at small angles than at higher angles. generation of interferometric systems with for archaeological prospection. Wrecks and
Therefore, the accuracy and resolution will increased resolution be tested in future artefacts in particular are rarely detected
be highest for the inner parts of the swath investigations. Some commercially available on single-beam data. Furthermore, although
and will decrease with increasing swath systems are a combination of electronic cheap to buy and run, it is not a time-efficient
width (Fig 10). The beam-forming process beam-forming and the interferometric tool when used on its own. Nevertheless,
cannot distinguish between multiple travel (phased array) method, providing equal the single-beam echo sounder is still used
times corresponding to a single angle. footprint spacing across the sampled swath frequently by industry and for hydrographic
However, these multiple reflectors are often (eg atlas FANSWEEP 20). Swath systems are purposes and could be of use to archaeolo-
much weaker than the primary reflectors, nearly always deployed fixed to the vessel, gists when combined with other available
hence in practice cause few problems. either hull-mounted or mounted on a rigid data (eg side scan sonar images). The
pole on the side or over the bow of the vessel. highest-quality data are obtained with a
3 An interferometric sonar To know the exact position of each narrow-beam (high-frequency) echo sounder
This consists of two sonar heads on a recorded echo the vessel’s movement and and using a well-constrained velocity of
V-shaped structure (Fig 10). Each sonar the velocity of the emitted sound through sound through the water (measured by a ve-
consists of one transmitting array and at the water must be known with precision. locity probe) for depth conversion. Narrow-
least two receiving arrays, parallel to each Therefore, a motion sensor that measures beam transducers, however, need corrections
other and parallel to the direction of travel. the attitude (roll, pitch and heading) and for the motion of the vessel. The standard
Similar to side scan sonar, the transmitting heave must be installed on the vessel or followed for archaeological purposes should
transducer arrays produce a single beam swath system. Inertial sensors are most be at least IHO S-44 Order 1b, requiring a
that is wide in the vertical direction and nar- commonly used to determine the roll, pitch line spacing of 3× the average water depth
row in the horizontal direction. The receiv- and heave, and the heading can be derived or 25m, whichever is greater; for best prac-
ing arrays, spaced at carefully chosen fixed from accurate positional information (eg tice we recommend a line spacing of 30m in
distances detect the backscattered signal at DGPS or RTK). It is important to know the water depths greater than 10m and cross
different arrival times. The travel times pro- exact position of the system in relation to lines at a minimum spacing of 1–10× the
vide the range to the echo, while the phase this motion sensor. principal line spacing. The line spacing might
difference measured between the signals at Knowledge of the velocity of sound have to be reduced in areas with high poten-
the different receivers determines the angle through water is necessary to convert the tial. DGPS navigational accuracy is a mini-
of arrival. The knowledge of both the range measured travel times to distances. This mum requirement. The sounding rate (or
and the angle makes it possible to calculate velocity depends on the temperature, salin- ping or update rate) depends on the make of
the exact position of the echo. However, the ity and pressure of the water and thus will the system, but is normally between 5Hz and
interferometric system cannot distinguish vary laterally and vertically. Sound velocity 20Hz. Because the transceiver needs to wait
between multiple angles with the same can be measured using a sound velocity for the emitted signal to come back, this up-
travel times. Consequently, in theory the profiler or probe. The sound velocity probe date rate is a function of the depth. Generally,
system will struggle to produce an image of is placed on the head of the swath system for archaeological surveys in relatively shal-
a steep seafloor or of complicated (upstand- and continuously measures the velocity low water, use an echo sounder with update
ing) structures correctly. Manufacturers are at the transducer face. The sound velocity rate capabilities between 15Hz and 20Hz and
developing ways to deal with this shortcom- profiler generates a sound profile through a vessel speed no faster than 4 knots (ideally
ing, for example by assessing the strength the entire water column and can only be between 2.5 and 3 knots). All data should
of the reflected data. deployed when the vessel is stationary. be recorded digitally as x,y,z ASCII data.
In contrast to the multi-beam system, Measure these profiles at regular intervals Swath systems, in contrast to single-
interferometric sonar receives thousands of during the survey; and take a minimum of beam echo sounders, are technologically
beams. The density of the sounding locations two sound velocity profiles, at the begin- advanced systems: they need accurate
is larger for the outer parts of the swath than ning and at the end of the survey. For pro- calibration, installation and operation by
for the inner parts (Fig 10). The high density longed surveys and for surveys that cross experienced personnel. An experienced
of data points is reduced during the post- areas of different water bodies, such as in engineer should do the initial installation
processing by calculating a mean grid. The estuaries, a higher frequency of measure- and alignment of the system.
interferometric sonar is also frequently ref- ments is recommended. Accurate calibration is important
erred to as a bathymetric side scan sonar, for In contrast to the other geophysical sys- owing to the sensitivity of swath systems.
the system can accurately record the amplitude tems discussed in this document, there are On hull-mounted systems, patch tests
(or backscatter) of the returned signal, and set international standards for the acquisi- should be performed periodically, while
the data can be treated as a side scan record tion of hydrographic (bathymetric) data. pole-over-side-mounted systems should
as well as offering bathymetric information. These standards have been issued by the be calibrated each time they are put in the
For an independent comparison of the International Hydrographic Organization water (for full description see IHO 2005,
performance of the two types of systems (IHO), with the latest release of the fifth 170–4). However, solid-pole constructions
in imaging a range of seabed features see edition of the Special Publication (IHO should enable system recovery offshore and
Gostnell (2005) and Talbot (2006). From S-44) in 2008. The minimum standard be able to return into the same position
an archaeological viewpoint, the Rapid requirements set out in these standards are during and between surveys, reducing
Archaeological Site Surveying and Evaluation summarised in Table 1. any need to re-calibrate. The calibration

Table 1 Summary of minimum standards for hydrographic surveys IHO S-44 5 edn


description of areas areas where under-keel area shallower than areas shallower than areas generally deeper
clearance is critical 100m where under-keel 100m where under-keel than 100m where the
clearance is less critical clearance is not considered seafloor is considered
but features of concern to to be an issue for the type adequate
surface shipping may exisit of surface shipping expected
to transit the area

maximum allowable total 2m 5m + 5% of depth 5m + 5% of depth 20m + 5% of depth

horizontal uncertainty
(95% confidence level)

maximum allowable total a = 0.25m a = 0.5m a = 0.5m a = 0.1m

vertical uncertainty b = 0.0075 b = 0.013 b = 0.013 b = 0.023
(95% confidence level)1

full seafloor search2 required required not required not required

feature detection3 cubic features > 1m cubic features > 2m in not applicable not applicable
depths up to 40m;
10% of depth beyond 40m

recommended maximum not defined, as full seafloor not defined, as full seafloor 3 x average depth or 25m, 4 x average depth
line spacing4 search is required search is required whichever is greater;
for bathymetric lidar a
spot spacing of 5m x 5m

Recognising that there are both constant and depth-dependent uncertainties that affect the uncertainty of the depths, the formula below is to be
used to compute, at the 95% confidence level, the maximum allowable TVU. The parameters ‘a’ and ‘b’ for each order, as given in the table, together
with the depth ‘d’ have to be introduced into the formula in order to calculate the maximum allowable TVU for a specific depth:

± √ [a2 +(b*d)2] where:

a represents that portion of the uncertainty that does not vary with depth
b is a coefficient which represents that portion of the uncertainty that varies with depth; d is the depth
b x d represents that portion of the uncertainty that varies with depth

For purposes of navigation safety, the use of an accurately specified mechanical sweep to guarantee a minimum safe clearance depth
throughout an area may be considered sufficient for Special Order and Order 1a surveys.

A cubic feature means a regular cube each side of which has the same length. It should be noted that the IHO Special Order and Order 1a
feature detection requirements of 1m and 2m cubes, respectively, are minimum requirements. In certain circumstances it may be deemed necessary
by the hydrographic offices/organisations to detect smaller features to minimise the risk of undetected hazards to surface navigation. For Order 1a
the relaxing of feature detection criteria at 40m reflects the maximum expected draught of vessels.

The line spacing can be expanded if procedures for ensuring an adequate sounding density are used. Maximum line spacing is to be interpreted as the

• Spacing of sounding lines for single-beam echo sounders, or the

• Distance between the usable outer limits of swaths for swath systems.

tests should test for errors in position–time To avoid wasting costly transit time, >1m, may not always be sufficient for
delay (latency – which is the delay between check the swath system, motion sensor, archaeological purposes. Therefore, good
the time of the positioning system and navigational system and velocity probe/ communication between the hydrographer
the swath system) and for pitch, roll and profiler before sailing. and an experienced maritime archaeologist
azimuthal offset between the motion sensor An experienced hydrographic surveyor is essential from the outset. Ideally, the
and the swath system. If a pole mounting should undertake the survey. However, hydrographic surveyor should have archae-
is used, its construction should be tested even the most stringent hydrographic ological experience and an archaeological
for robustness – and to avoid vibration – at standards (IHO Special Order; Table 1), geophysicist should be present during the
survey speed. which require the identification of a cube survey.

For archaeological investigations, keep Although several filters and other The survey line spacing will depend on
the transmitted acoustic fan width to parameters can be defined during acquisi- the water depth, but at least 50% area
between 120º and 150º across the track tion, the digitally recorded data should be overlap should be obtained. In areas with
direction, and between 0.5º and 1º along unprocessed, raw data. Today, there is still a large number of uncharted, archaeologi-
the track direction. The beam width on the no set standard data format for swath data, cally interesting wrecks, 100% area over-
seafloor depends on the depth of the water but most generic software processing sys- lap should be considered (2× full seafloor
column. It varies between 3× and 7× the tems can support a range of acquisition file search coverage). Survey speed should
water depth for a multi-beam system, and types. It is therefore not appropriate to sug- not exceed 4 knots.
between 12× and 15× the water depth for gest a single acquisition format. A list of the Wreck surveys should aim to produce
interferometric systems. Hence, the depth most commonly found industry standard data that can be used to map detailed fea-
of the water column, in combination with file formats can be found on http://www. tures of the site or as a baseline for future
the required coverage, determines the line research (Fig 11b). Therefore, the data
spacing of the survey. In general, aim for Single-beam and swath bathymetry should be acquired with high-resolution
IHO S-44 standards Order 1a, which requires data need tidal corrections. When DGPS (>400kHz) swath systems together with
a full sea-floor search, preferably with a 50% navigational accuracy is used, the infor- RTK GPS navigational positioning to achieve
area overlap between survey lines. mation of several tide gauges needs to be centimetric accuracy. In total, at least
It is good practice to include a few used when processing the data. The cross three lines should be acquired over the
survey lines perpendicular to the princi- lines provide a way to check the tidal wreck, forming a star pattern: one line
pal survey direction. For areas with high corrections. When acquiring RTK GPS running along the long axis of the wreck,
potential, 100% area overlap might be nec- positional data, use the recorded z values and two crossing lines over the centre of
essary (2× full seafloor search). In areas to correct the data. the wreck with angles c 30° to the long
with a relatively flat seabed, a pre-defined axis. Select a ping rate as high as possible
survey grid is recommended, one that the 2 Wreck site survey design – bathymetry for the water depth surveyed. Depending
helmsman can follow in real time. In areas Single-beam echo sounder data only rarely on the site width and water depth, it
with a large variation in bathymetry, use detect wreck sites and therefore are not might be possible to consider decreas-
a real time display of the ground cover- recommended for conducting specific ing the beam width in order to increase
age as a navigational guide rather than an wreck site surveys. the ping rate and, hence, the resolution.
outlined survey grid, bearing the required For reconnaissance surveys, at least If the wreck is in very shallow water or
overlap in mind. a shallow-water swath system (95kHz– the material is widely spread, or both,
As with the single-beam echo sounder, 240kHz) should be used, but a high- several parallel lines should be acquired
the ping rate depends on the system used resolution system (>400kHz) is recom- with a 100% area overlap (2× full seafloor
and on the water depth surveyed. Three mended at all times (Fig 11a). If RTK search coverage). Survey the site at the
pings per object are needed to avoid spa- GPS navigation is not an option, DGPS lowest speed possible to record high data
tial aliasing (ie insufficient sampling of the positional accuracy may be sufficient. density (ideally 2–2.5 knots).
data along the space axis). Interferometric
systems incorporate more on-the-fly com-
puting and therefore have a slower ping
rate than multi-beam systems. For both
multi-beam and interferometric systems,
the ping rate usually varies between 5Hz
and 40Hz in shallow water. There is often
the choice to reduce the beam width
(range) so as to increase the system’s ping
rate. Aim to use the highest ping rate
possible and financially acceptable for the
system and average water depth surveyed.
When preparing the survey it is important
to have a good idea of the rough bathyme-
try from Admiralty charts, previous surveys
and online chart data, so that line spacing,
direction and ping rate can be decided be-
fore going offshore. Survey speeds should
not exceed 4 knots and, ideally, should be
between 2.5 and 3 knots.
DGPS navigational data are sufficient
for large regional reconnaissance surveys.
However, in order to use the full potential
of the high-resolution swath systems, RTK
GPS navigation should be used, especially Fig 11 (a) and (c) Multi-beam data acquired over large area and consequently gridded at 10m bin resolution; (b) and (d)
for detailed studies. Incorporate this posi- multi-beam data gridded at 0.5m bin resolution over an anomaly detected in (a) and (c). Note the change in appearance of
tional data within the survey data through the bed forms in (a–b) and (c–d) as the direction of the sun illumination is changed during the shading process (d);
(e) and (f) magnetometer data acquired with 50m line spacing, and contoured before being superimposed on the multi-beam
the acquisition system. Also record a raw imagery (modified from Quinn 2006; multi-beam data acquired by Titan Environmental Surveys Ltd and magnetometer
navigational file (ASCII) separately. data acquired by Donal Boland).

3 Submerged landscapes survey design – 6.4 Sub-bottom profiler survey heavy-duty electrical wire coil, which is
bathymetry 6.4.1 Instrumentation – sub-bottom profiler magnetically coupled to a rigid aluminium
Although single-beam echo sounder data Sub-bottom profilers are acoustic systems plate situated behind a rubber diaphragm.
are not the preferred tool for bathym- traditionally used to image sediment layers A capacitor bank is discharged through
etric surveys for submerged landscape and rocks beneath the seabed, providing the coil and the resulting electromagnetic
research, they can be valuable when information about sediment thicknesses induction forces the aluminium plate rap-
used in combination with other data. and stratigraphy. Although these systems idly downwards, setting up a compression
The frequency of the system will depend have been used for decades by the marine wave in the water. The rubber member
on the water depth and system avail- surveying industry, in general they are infre- forces the plate slowly back against the coil
able, but should ideally be ≥50kHz. quently used in archaeology. However, the after each violent repulsion. The resultant
The minimum line spacing used should increasing interest in submerged landscapes acoustic pressure pulse is broad spectrum
be IHO S-44 Order 1b standard (3× the has brought an increase in their use by in nature, within the frequency range of
average water depth or 25m, whichever archaeologists. Nonetheless, they are still 200Hz to 15kHz (Fig 12). Energy levels
is greater; and cross lines spaced 15× not used regularly for detailed, site-specific range from 100 joules up to 5,000 joules
the principal line spacing). However, investigations. The main reason is that they per pulse. The combination of power and
a maximum survey grid 30m × 30m is are difficult to interpret and do not provide the frequency spectrum means that the
suggested when water depths are >10m. sufficient detail. However, as with all the wavelet emitted by boomer systems can
The survey grid should be orientated so technologies discussed in these guidelines, easily penetrate beneath the seafloor to
that the principal survey direction gives technological advances in sub-bottom depths of 20m in sands, 60m in compact
the best cross sectional view of features profilers, together with an adapted survey silts and up to 150m in soft mud. Generally,
on the seabed (ie perpendicular to the design, can provide valuable information a vertical resolution of 0.5–1m can be ob-
main course of channels and crests of about archaeological sites. More impor- tained. However, recent technological
sand and gravel bars). A ping rate of tantly, it is the only technique that can developments, specifically the development
15Hz in combination with a vessel speed supply information about buried sites in a of wider bandwidth systems, have increased
of 4 knots should ensure high enough non-destructive manner. the vertical resolution to >25 cm without
resolution for large area surveys. For The technique of the sub-bottom profiler processing. The ease with which power
more detailed small area surveys (ie a is similar to that used by single-beam echo levels can be changed is an advantage of
few kilometres), reduce the line spacing sounders, but at lower frequencies, so that the boomer system, although it is disadvan-
to 10m × 10m, increase the ping rate the sound waves penetrate the seafloor. tageous in that the resolution and repeat-
to 20Hz and reduce the vessel speed to At boundaries between layers of different ability of the system is dependent on the
2–2.5 knots. DGPS navigational data are acoustic impedance (ie the product of sound choice of the energy level. Furthermore, the
sufficient. velocity and density), part of the seismic shape of the transmitted wavelet is often
Swath bathymetry gives a detailed energy reflects back to a detector, part of the not well known, which can cause problems
image of the present-day bathymetry and energy is transmitted through the boundary when processing the raw data. This type of
might contain clues to the location of to deeper layers and part of the energy is system is the most commonly used system
submerged landscapes. However, swath lost through scattering. It is the impedance for marine industries surveying in shallow
bathymetry should always be acquired in contrast between the layers that determines waters. A typical boomer seismic section,
combination with sub-bottom systems in the amount of energy that is reflected back. over a buried palaeo-channel system from
order to gain information about sedi- Either the transceiver or a separate acoustic the Thames estuary is shown in Fig 13.
ment thicknesses and stratigraphy. For receiver (ie a hydrophone) towed directly
large areas, the IHO S-44 Order 1a stand- behind the seismic source detects the reflect- 2 Pinger
ard is advocated (preferably with a 50% ed energy. The subsurface image is the result These systems are either mounted within the
area overlap), obtained with a shallow- of the amplitudes (two-way travel times) of hull of a ship or in a towfish. The transducer
water swath system (95kHz–240kHz). the reflected waves. of a pinger sub-bottom profiler is made
DGPS positional accuracy might be suf- High-resolution seismic sources can be up of a small piezoelectric element, which
ficient, but use RTK GPS when available divided into four broad categories: implosive emits a short, single, high-frequency wavelet
and affordable. In areas with great depth (watergun), explosive (sparker), accelerating (ranging from c 1kHz to c 40kHz) when
variation, set the ping rate to survey the water mass (boomer) and controlled wave- activated by an electric impulse (see Fig 12).
deepest section likely to be encountered. form systems (pinger, chirp and parametric The most commonly used systems produce a
In the case of deep channels, follow their sources). The latter two categories are most narrow bandwidth frequency of 3.5kHz. The
general course for the principal survey commonly used today for shallow-water transducer acts both as a source and receiver.
direction. The survey speed should not surveys and, therefore, this section does not Pingers can only handle low-energy pulses
exceed 4 knots. When a smaller area (a discuss the use of waterguns or sparkers. (typically 10–60 joules). The low power
few kilometres) with large potential is The choice of the seismic source depends on output, combined with the narrow-frequency
targeted, the survey lines should overlap the trade-off between the resolution (requires bandwidth, results in a limited penetration of
100% (2× full seafloor search) and RTK high frequencies) and penetration (requires only a few metres in sandy sediments, but up
GPS should be used. The survey speed lower frequencies) needed for the survey. to 50m in muddy sediments. However, they
should be reduced to 2.5–3 knots. offer high resolving power (up to 0.1m).
1 Boomer Although pinger systems are still frequently
Note: The line spacings described in This seismic system is normally surface- used in the marine surveying industry, the
these sections are described for research towed behind the research vessel, mounted availability of such systems has declined dur-
standard surveys and will differ with the on a lightweight catamaran. The sound- ing the past few years as boomer and chirp
different purposes of offshore survey. producing element of the boomer is a technology has replaced them.

to the transducer. Sweeps are character-
ised by a wide bandwidth in the frequency
domain, ensuring high resolution. They
also have a long pulse length (typically
16ms or 32ms), enabling a relatively large
amount of energy to be output despite the
low-energy output per shot (between 6
joules and 64 joules). These characteris-
tics ensure good penetration (see Fig 12).
This long chirp pulse is compressed by
cross-correlating the signal with a replica
of the transmitted acoustic pulse, result-
ing in a much shorter ‘Klauder’ wavelet
and maximising the output signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR). Typical frequency ranges are
1.5kHz–7.5kHz and 1.5kHz–12.5kHz, but
could be anywhere between 400Hz and
24kHz. Depending on the frequency used,
vertical resolution of 10cm to 40cm can be
achieved and penetration varies from 3m
in coarse sands to >100m in fine-grained
sediments. A major advantage of the chirp
system is that the emitted pulse shape is
well known and highly repeatable, aiding
post-acquisitional processing and enabling
quantitative sediment/object characterisa-
tion. The chirp system can be deployed either
hull-mounted, surface-towed (mounted on
a catamaran) or deep-towed (mounted in a
towfish). The receiver (hydrophone) arrays
can either be mounted on the tow vehicle
or towed behind the chirp system.
The three systems described above are
linear systems. Their acoustic output signal
has the same frequency as the electrical
input signal. For these systems, the beam
width (ie the angle between the half-
power or –3dB points of the conical beam)
of the acoustic pulse is dependent on the
frequency and the length of the transducer
array: higher frequencies and longer arrays
Fig 12 Source signature and power spectrum of the most commonly used high-resolution sub-bottom profiling systems:
produce narrower beams. Hence, in order
boomer (picture: Applied Acoustics AA 200); pinger (picture: GeoAcoustics GeoPulse 5430A); chirp (picture: Benthos
CAP6600 Chirp II); and parametric (picture: Simrad Topas PS40). to obtain the best horizontal resolution
(ie a small footprint on the seabed), a long
array made of very-high-frequency trans-
20 -17 ducers should be used. However, these high
Two-way Travel Time (ms)

frequencies severely limit the amount of

Depth (mOD)

penetration, while large arrays are highly

impractical, especially in shallow water and
30 -24.5
on smaller vessels. Consequently, the systems
discussed earlier often have relatively poor
horizontal (or spatial) resolution (generally
40 -32
>0.5m). This trade-off problem between
Fig 13 A boomer section across a section of buried palaeo-channel buried up to 12m beneath the current seabed. Data penetration and horizontal resolution
acquired as part of the MASLF-MEPF Outer Thames Estuary Regional Environmental Characterisation project (EMU Ltd., 2009). can be solved using a parametric sonar.
A parametric source uses non-linear acoustics
3 Chirp frequency-modulated (FM) sweep. The si- to create a ‘virtual’ low-frequency array
The development of the chirp system has nusoidal peaks and troughs are generated with a small angular aperture. The source
begun to address the trade-off between as the crystal expands and contracts. The transmits two high, but close, frequencies
resolution and penetration. The chirp FM pulses are computer generated and (f1 and f2, eg 100kHz and 105kHz), called
system has a different amplitude and there are hundreds of waveforms (called primary beams, with high sound pressure.
pulse frequency to that of a pinger. These ‘sweeps’) to choose, which can easily be At high pressures the density of water and,
values vary over time, creating a so-called stored in the electronics bottle connected consequently, the sound velocity behave

non-linearly, causing the primary beams to
interact and convert some of the energy into

waves at frequencies 2f1, 2f2 and |f1 ± f2|.
The most interesting wave, |f1 – f2|
(eg 5kHz), called the secondary wave,
has the directivity pattern of the primary
waves (high frequency, hence narrow 120m
beam width), while having a frequency
low enough to penetrate up to 50m. Other
advantages of the system are that the sec-
ondary beam pattern is virtually sidelobe

free, reducing the disadvantageous ringing
effects of other sub-bottom profilers in
shallow water and the manageable size
of the system. A major disadvantage is the
poor conversion efficiency, which is typically
<1% of the input energy converted into the 120m
secondary wave. The receiver can be the b
same as the transducer, or receivers can Fig 14 Chirp (a) and boomer (b) image from the same location within Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland, showing the
be integrated into the system separately. detailed layering within the upper fine-grained sediments in the chirp profile and the penetration through stiff glacial
sediments into the basal bedrock from the boomer section (data acquired using a GeoAcoustics Chirp and Boomer
The sonar is normally mounted on the system; vertical scale bar represents c 8m; image courtesy of University of Southampton).
hull or deployed over the side of a vessel,
mounted on a pole. The primary frequen- Most profilers are towed when survey- on the length of the reflected trace that
cies are usually close to 100kHz; secondary ing in shallow water. To avoid multiple needs to be recorded. From an archaeo-
frequencies are between 4kHz and 12kHz, reflections interfering with shallow parts of logical viewpoint, the top few metres of
giving decimetric vertical resolution. This the data, it is suggested that the system is the seabed are the most interesting and,
type of system has not been used much for surface-towed, mounted on a catamaran, or hence, a recorded trace length of 100ms–
archaeological purposes and needs more towed just beneath the surface in a towfish. 150ms should be long enough. In such
research. Despite a long record of use by Note that catamarans and towfishes are cases, a ping rate of 4Hz–8Hz should be
other researchers, this technology is not often bulky and heavy – they require a crane feasible. A shot interval of 2Hz is an abso-
common within the commercial sector and or A-frame to lower them into the water, and lute minimum for archaeological prospect-
to date only a limited number of archaeolog- sailing speed must be significantly reduced. ing (ie a ping rate of 2Hz and a vessel
ical surveys have been undertaken using it. Therefore, although a single person can speed of 4 knots will only provide informa-
acquire the data, enough people need to tion every 1m along the survey line). It is
6.4.2 Survey design – sub-bottom profiler be on board to assist with launching and important to note down the recorded trace
1 General methods – sub-bottom profiler retrieving the system. Once the system is length, as this parameter might be needed
Deciding on the type of sub-bottom profiler in the water, the vessel’s speed should kept when importing the data into seismic pro-
to be used depends on the expected water between 3 and 4 knots, and the tow cable cessing software.
depth and anticipated sediment type. In should be paid out until the system is out of DGPS navigation should be sufficient
the shallow waters of the continental shelf, the vessel’s wake. for the majority of sub-bottom profiling
boomer and chirp systems are the most com- The survey grid should be agreed on surveys. Normally, the catamaran’s position
monly used techniques. Boomer systems are with the helmsman before starting the is determined by calculating the lay-back
recommended for survey areas dominated survey. In areas with strong tidal streams with respect to the DGPS antenna on the
by sediments with a typical grain size larger or currents, high-quality data can only be vessel. However, in calm weather conditions
than coarse sand. In areas with predomi- obtained when sailing with or against the and with a sufficiently long cable (with
nantly finer sediments, chirp sub-bottom currents. In these conditions, it is best to low attenuation), the DGPS antenna can
profilers provide the best detail in the top survey along a set of parallel lines with a be mounted on top of the catamaran,
few metres of the seabed (Fig 14). maximum line spacing of 30m. If currents reducing the positional error. Integrate the
Perform a pre-installation check before and tides are not a problem, follow a navigational data directly with the acoustic
sailing. If safe to do so, and not damaging survey grid with a spacing of 30m × 30m. data and set the acquisition systems clock
for the profiler, a dry test is the easiest and To get a good cross-sectional image, one to use the GPS time. When a lay-back is
fastest way to check its performance, hydro- grid direction should be perpendicular to used, it is often possible to introduce this
phones, acquisition system and connections. the main or long axis of major features correction directly into the acquisition
A dry test should not be undertaken for a (eg channel, sand bank, wreck). The software. However, the raw navigational
boomer system; a boomer system should helmsman should be able to follow the data should also be recorded independently
only be triggered in water. The manufactur- survey lines on his monitor. For large area as an ASCII file. Record all acoustic data
er’s manual should give specific procedures surveys, the grid spacing can be increased digitally, in the industry standard SEG-Y
to test and calibrate the system. A better, to 30m–50m for the principal survey line format or .xtf format. Although filters (eg
but more time consuming, way is to test the direction and to 1–10× the principal line band-pass, gain) can be applied in real time
system with the profiler positioned in a test spacing for the cross lines. to the acquisition software, these should
tank or dock. This makes it possible to test The ping rate can normally be selected only be used for display purposes during
all parts of the system, check for noise and manually and usually varies between 1Hz the survey; all data should be recorded as
examine the repeatability of the source. and 8Hz. The ping rate selected depends raw data.

Raw data are particularly important for
chirp surveys: although it is recommended
that the correlated signal is displayed
during acquisition, the uncorrelated data
should be recorded for future processing.
Information about the data – navigation,
date, trace number, trace length – is stored
in the data header. Unfortunately, there is a
variety of modern formats, particularly for
the SEG-Y format, and it is therefore impor-
tant to know what information is in which
header for the acquisition system used. This
Fig 15 An example of a parametric sonar section over the Dunwich Bank wreck, offshore Suffolk. Courtesy of
information is supplied by the manufacturer Wessex Archaeology and English Heritage.
of the system.
All surface-towed sub-bottom data In theory, the parametric sonar should When a smaller area is targeted, reduce
must be tidally corrected and (unless RTK be able to produce higher horizontal the survey speed to 2.5–3 knots, the line
data have been acquired) this can be done resolution than the chirp system. However, spacing to a maximum grid size of 10m ×
using tide gauge information. When a grid there is currently little information on the 10m and, if possible, mount the DGPS anten-
of data has been acquired, the crossing use of these sources for archaeological na on the catamaran or use a USBL system.
points between different lines will indicate object detection and more data are needed Depending on the water depth and the
whether the tidal correction has been ap- to show whether this system can become depth of the sediment of interest, the trace
plied correctly. a standard tool for archaeological research. length should normally not exceed 200ms,
An example of a recent parametric survey providing a shot interval of 4Hz.
2 Wreck site survey design – sub-bottom by Wessex Archaeology over the Dunwich
profiler Bank wreck, a post-medieval, partially Note: The line spacings described in these
Sub-bottom profilers are the only systems buried wreck off the Suffolk coast, can be sections are described for research stand-
able to completely detect buried wrecks seen in Fig 15. This can be compared with ard surveys and will differ with the differ-
or to provide more information about the the chirp imagery taken over the protected ent purposes of offshore survey.
depth of burial of partially buried wrecks. wreck sites, the Grace Dieu (see Fig 20)
However, used on its own in a large area and the Yarmouth Roads (see Fig 26) in 6.5 Magnetometer survey
with unknown potential for buried wrecks, the Solent. 6.5.1 Instrumentation – magnetometer
is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Marine magnetometers measure the total
Sub-bottom profilers should only be used 3 Submerged landscapes survey design – amplitude of the Earth’s magnetic field, but
when the position of a wreck is known or sub-bottom profiler do not give any information about the direc-
when a detected anomaly (for example Sub-bottom profilers can also provide tion of this field. In contrast to the acoustic
from magnetic data) needs to be studied in important data on submerged landscapes, methods discussed above, magnetometers do
greater detail. as they can survey large areas relatively not transmit any signals, but rather measure
For detailed surveys of potential or quickly and are non-destructive. In particu- geographical variations in the geomagnetic
known wreck sites, the chirp system with a lar, when used in combination with core field. The total intensity of the magnetic field
wide –3dB bandwidth (thus providing high data, they can provide valuable data for at the Earth’s surface varies from 24,000nT
vertical resolution) is the preferred tool. If the reconstruction of past environments. in equatorial regions to 66,000nT at the
possible, survey a grid of at least 5m × 5m. Areas with predominantly coarse sedi- poles; the geomagnetic field is c 50,000nT
One survey direction should be parallel ments (eg gravel terraces) are best imaged overall in the UK. Variations within the
and the other perpendicular to the main with the boomer system, while areas with magnetic field are caused by a number of
axis of the wreck or anomaly. In areas with finer sediments (eg intertidal muds and factors: solar activity may cause variations
strong currents, where only parallel lines peat) are best imaged with chirp systems. of c 20 nT; geological features of a few nT
can be surveyed, this spacing may have It is therefore important to have an idea to several hundreds of nT; non-geological
to be reduced depending on the size and about the dominant sediment types within ferro-magnetic metallic objects (eg cannons)
orientation of the wreck and thus ensure the area when planning the survey. on or buried within the seabed of tens of nT;
sufficient passes over the site. Aim to cross When surveying a large area, use a grid and metallic hulls of up to thousands of nT.
the site at least five times. line spacing of 30m–50m, with cross lines The measured intensity of metallic artefacts
During the detailed survey, keep the ves- at 1–10× the principal line spacing. One on or buried within sediments depends on
sel’s speed between 2.5 and 3 knots and the survey direction should be perpendicular the material, size, shape, depth of burial
ping rate as high as possible (ideally 8Hz). to the long axes of prominent features and distance to the magnetometer. As the
Wreck sites are rarely buried deeper than (eg buried channels). Such features can strength of the magnetic field is inversely
10m beneath the seabed. Therefore, depend- be determined from previous surveys, if proportional to the cube of the distance from
ing on the water depth, the recorded trace available. DGPS accuracy with a lay-back the source, the magnetometer needs to pass
length can frequently be reduced to 50ms– correction should be sufficient. It is a good the object as closely as possible and needs
100ms, thus allowing a higher ping rate. idea to check whether there are any useful to be sufficiently sensitive to detect smaller,
If possible, mount the DGPS receiver core data available from the area and to archaeologically significant, objects.
on top of the catamaran to give positional plan the survey accordingly (ie run at least On land, diurnal, solar-caused variations
accuracy within a metre. Alternatively, a one line over the core site). The survey of the Earth’s magnetic field to the data can
USBL system could be deployed. speed should not exceed 4 knots. easily be corrected by placing a base station

magnetometer at a fixed location in the
vicinity of the survey area and collecting
the magnetic variations continuously. The
recorded survey data can then be adjusted
using the base station’s observations.
At sea, a land-based base station is not
accurate enough to provide the correc-
tions and an ocean-based base station
complicates survey logistics and increases
costs. Instead, diurnal corrections can be
assessed by planning the survey such that
certain lines cross each other. The diurnal
variation can be calculated by studying
the variation in magnetic field intensity at
the crossover points. This method can only
be used if the data points are collected at
exactly the same depths above the seabed.
By using magnetic gradiometers, regional
and temporal variations are automatically
removed from the data. A gradiometer
measures the gradient, or first spatial de-
rivative, of the magnetic field. Two sensors,
separated by a fixed distance, both measure
the total field strength. The difference in
field intensity measured by the two sensors,
divided by their separation distance results
in a linear estimate of the gradient of the Fig 16 Principle of proton precession: Overhauser (picture Marine Magnetics 3000M Seaspy) and optically pumped
ambient field. The sensors can either be magnetometers (picture Geometrics G-880).
separated vertically or horizontally. The
gradient resolves complex anomalies of a different direction to the geomagnetic field. radiofrequency magnetic field, causing these
shallow magnetic features into their indi- This induced magnetic field causes the unbound electrons to transfer their energy
vidual elements, which can give informa- hydrogen protons to align along the direc- to the hydrogen protons (Fig 16). The
tion about the location, shape and depth tion of the applied field. The current is then resultant precession signals have a higher
of an object. Despite the advantages and turned off and the protons return to their signal-to-noise ratio than for a normal proton
the availability of gradiometers, they are original alignment by spiralling, or ‘precess- precession magnetometer. The Overhauser
currently only rarely used by the marine ing’, around the Earth’s total magnetic field. magnetometer sensitivity is 0.015nT/√Hz
surveying community. This precession produces a time-varying with an absolute accuracy of 0.1–0.2nT.
A more detailed review is provided by magnetic field that in turn produces a small Furthermore, the signals are non-
Camidge et al (2010). While this is a theo- alternating current in the coil. The frequen- decaying, which means that the polarisation
retical study of the acquisition, processing cy of this AC (alternating) current equals and signal measurement can occur simul-
and interpretation of magnetic data for the frequency of the precession of the nuclei, taneously, leading to an increased sampling
submerged archaeological sites, it includes which is proportional to the strength of rate (between 1 and 5 readings per second).
an analysis of extant magnetic data-sets the total field. Hence, by measuring this This technique is also less prone to heading
from known sites. frequency, the total magnetic field strength errors and requires less power consumption,
Currently, three types of magnetom- can be determined. Proton precession making the Overhauser instrument lighter
eters are used for maritime archaeological magnetometers are inexpensive, but have and more compact.
surveys: proton precession magnetometers, a relatively slow sampling rate (0.5–2.0s)
Overhauser magnetometers and optically with sensitivities of 0.2nT to 1.0nT. It is im- 3 Optically pumped magnetometer
pumped magnetometers. portant that the sensor’s orientation is at an This is the third type of magnetometer, and
angle with the Earth’s magnetic field during has an even higher precision, with a sensi-
1 Proton precession magnetometers surveying. Unfortunately, proton precession tivity of 0.004 nT/√Hz and an absolute ac-
These instruments were almost always magnetometers are sensitive to heading curacy <2nT. Its depolarisation is extremely
used, until recently. The sensor component errors, where the resulting measured total rapid – up to 40 samples per second.
of this system is a cylindrical container magnetic field over an object varies depend- The operational process is known as
filled with a liquid rich in hydrogen atoms ing on the orientation of the towfish. optical pumping. An optically pumped
(Fig 16). The container is surrounded by a magnetometer comprises a glass cell con-
coil connected to a power supply, amplifier 2 Overhauser magnetometers taining a vapour of alkali atoms (rubidium,
and frequency counter. When no current This type is an improved proton precession caesium or potassium) and a polarised
is running through the coil, the hydro- magnetometer that has recently begun to light source of the same element (Fig 16).
gen protons align parallel to the ambient replace traditional instruments. A special Normally, electrons of these alkali atoms
geomagnetic field. As a DC (continuous) liquid containing free, unpaired electrons are positioned at two energy levels. As the
current runs through the coil, a magnetic is combined with the hydrogen liquid in the polarised light is emitted through the va-
field is produced that is larger than and in sensor cell. The sensor is irradiated with a pour, electrons are bumped from these two

levels to a third level. However, electrons
at level 3 are not stable and will spontane-
ously decay back to levels 1 and 2. When
level 1 is fully populated (and level 2 is
depleted) the cell becomes transparent and
the absorption of the polarised light stops.
At this point, radio frequency (RF) power
is applied to move the electrons back from
level 1 to level 2, making the cell opaque
again. The frequency of the RF field re-
quired to populate level 2 is a function of
the ambient magnetic field. By measuring
the light modulation as an effect of polarisa-
tion and depolarisation, together with the
RF frequency, the total magnetic field can
be determined.
The most commonly used alkali atom
for marine surveying is caesium, hence the
term caesium vapour magnetometer.
Recommendations from Camidge et al
(2010) are included within the following

6.5.2 Survey design – magnetometer

Magnetometers are mainly used to determine
if anomalies detected on other geophysical
data are related to ferrous wrecks, or to Fig 17 Different modes of representation of the recorded and processed magnetic field associated with the wreck of the
Hazardous in Bracklesham Bay, Eastern Solent: (a) time-series plots; (b) colour weighted survey lines; (c) contour maps; and
determine whether a known wreck is pre-
(d) 3D display. Images courtesy of Camidge et al 2010.
dominantly ferrous or wooden (see Fig 11e
and f and Fig 17a–d). Therefore, they are more importantly, decreases with the cube Wooden warships nearly always have a large
of no use for submerged landscape research of the distance to the object. To calculate amount of iron on board (cannons, ammu-
and are solely recommended for wreck the distance to a ferrous object: nition) and will therefore still be detectable,
survey designs. Magnetometers are mostly although the field intensity will be sig-
used in combination with side scan sonar. DM=104. . nificantly smaller than for a ferrous hull.
All three types are towed behind the vessel, B D3 Wooden wrecks not carrying such objects
at a distance of at least two ship’s lengths, to often contain an amount of small iron fit-
avoid interference from the ship’s magnetic where DM is the change in field intensity tings, but these are often difficult to detect.
field. It is important to record the time and (nT), B . is
the length-to-width ratio of the
3 For large areas with unknown poten-
position when a vessel other than the survey object, W is the weight of the object in tons tial, survey a grid with grid spacing of
vessel passes in the vicinity of the mag- and D is the distance to the object (m). 30m–50m and cross lines at 1–10× the
netometer, as this will affect the recording of principal line spacing, with lines running
the magnetic field. If the impact on the data In practice, the smallest change in the north–south and east–west. In areas with a
is detrimental, the line should be re-run. For magnetic field that can reliably be detected large potential for wreck sites, areas with
this reason, it should be possible to view the is 5nT. From this, the distance at which an many unidentifiable anomalies detected on
data in real time, to maintain quality control object can be detected can be calculated: other geophysical data or in an area where
and check for noise. Thus, it is often difficult a large magnetic anomaly has been detect-
to obtain magnetic data in busy areas such as A ed, reduce the line spacing to a maximum
shipping lanes and harbours. 10 4 . .W of 15m with cross-lines completed at a
3 B .
Caesium vapour magnetometers are 5 minimum of 5× the principal line spac-
becoming more widely used and should be ing. The cross lines are not only needed
deployed when available. If an optically for example: to provide additional data, but also to
pumped magnetometer is practically or fi- • 9kg (20lbs) cannon ball (ratio = 1)
A correct for diurnal variations. Furthermore,
nancially not feasible, give preference to an is detectable at 3m. the magnetometer should be towed at an
Overhauser magnetometer over the tradi- • A 100kg (2cwt) anchor (ratio ≈ 1) is altitude of 6m above the seabed, so that
tional proton precession magnetometer. For detectable at 6m. any target with a mass greater than 450kg
archaeological purposes, it is important to • A 2 ton cannon (ratio ≈ 5) is can be detected on at least one run-line.
detect changes in the magnetic field rather detectable at 27m. It is important to tow the magnetometer
than the absolute amplitude. The sensitivity • 10 ton ship (ratio ≈ 5) is detectable
A at a constant height above the seabed,
of the system used should be <1nT. at 46m. so it is advised that a depth sensor be at-
The line spacing depends on the type of • A 100 ton ship (ratio ≈ 5) is tached to the magnetometer to control the
artefacts searched for. The intensity of the detectable at 100m. instrument’s altitude. At the start and end
magnetic field caused by ferrous objects • A 1,000 ton ship (ratio ≈ 5) is of each survey line, the magnetometer’s
depends on the size of the feature and, detectable at 216m. depth should be recorded.

The sampling interval should be greater For example, in high-resolution data made on the side scan sonar data and pass
than 4Hz at a maximum vessel speed of 4 acquisition for archaeological purposes, the magnetometer over features of interest.
knots. Camidge et al (2010) recommend that the instruments most likely to interfere For submerged landscape research it must
surveys be conducted in calm sea conditions with each other are, on the one hand, be decided whether cross lines could provide
to minimise the impact of swell noise on the high-resolution swath systems (>400kHz) additional information based on observations
data. Navigational data should be integrated and the high-frequency channel of the dual made from the sub-bottom data. Where tides
with the data through the acquisition system. frequency side scan sonar (±500kHz), and, and currents are not an issue, aim to acquire
DGPS data are sufficiently accurate, espe- on the other hand, low-frequency echo a regular grid of data. One direction should
cially when the position is calculated from a sounders (10kHz–50kHz) and sub-bottom be perpendicular and one direction should
lay-back measurement. RTK and USBL will profilers (200Hz–24kHz). It is therefore be parallel to the main axis of the main
give more accurate results, the latter being not only necessary to test the instruments geological or archaeological features.
particularly useful in water depths >20m. individually before leaving port, but also
Where USBL systems are not available, test to check for cross-talk between instruments. 4 The instrument that needs the narrowest
lay-back calculations using a known anomaly This includes both the geophysical equip- line spacing determines the survey coverage
and survey lines of opposing headings to ment used for the survey, and all systems and line spacing. For large reconnaissance
quantify any along-track lay-back errors. on board the survey vessel. Therefore, surveys, a survey grid with a line spacing
Record the final data digitally and as x,y,z instruments should be switched on one by of 30m–50m × 30m–50m (maximum up
text (ASCII) files, with separate files for indi- one (not all at once) while checking for to 10× the principal line spacing) provides
vidual survey lines. Each file should include interference. If there is evidence that the good coverage for all geophysical instru-
columns of data for raw (ie survey vessel) vessel’s echo sounder is interfering with the ments. In the case of an individual wreck
positions, lay-back corrected positions, raw instruments, then the helmsman should site, the site should be ‘boxed’. To acquire
(ie unfiltered) magnetic values, time/date switch it off during survey. If this is so, the best data possible and because this box
stamps and towfish altitude. Where a towfish then use digital navigation charts or do a will generally measure <200m × 200m it
with a sonar altimeter has not been used, single-beam or swath bathymetry survey is best to do the survey in stages. Do the
include fish depth and survey bathymetry. in advance, especially in very shallow areas swath and side scan survey first, then an
Where processed (ie filtered) magnetic val- or in areas with highly variable bathymetry. integrated sub-bottom and magnetometer
ues are included, these should be in addition This is to confirm that the vessel’s draft is survey using the standards described in the
to, not in place of, the raw magnetic values. shallow enough and to determine the depth individual sections above. For a detailed
For ease of processing it is logistically that the side scan sonar and magnetometer submerged landscape survey, it is more eco-
preferable if survey lines are oriented in an can be towed. If this check is undertaken nomic (eg with respect to data quantity and
east–west direction to avoid possible heading using a single-beam echo sounder, then processing costs) to do a wider-area survey
corrections. Where lines are oriented ap- follow the survey grid planned for side scan with a swath and side scan sonar first, fol-
proximately north–south, a heading-derived and magnetometer deployment. lowed by a sub-bottom survey of selected
discrepancy of up to 30nT can be observed. areas at a line spacing of 10m × 10m, rather
To study the advantages of magnetom- 2 Synchronise all survey systems to the than surveying at the narrow line spacing
eter systems for submerged archaeologi- GPS clock. In most cases the DGPS or RTK with the full suite of systems.
cal object detection we need more data. signal can be split into several channels and
Magnetometers are generally relatively integrated into the acquisition computer. 5 Determine the survey speed according
cheap, and therefore, it should be feasible If a lay-back correction is used, it should to the system that needs the slowest
to economically run two systems at the be input independently into the acquisition acquisition speed. The ideal speed is 2.5–3
same time. The two sensors should be system of each instrument. However, record knots; do not exceed 4 knots. When a site
separated horizontally or vertically by no the raw navigation data separately for future needs to be surveyed with great detail, the
less than 1m and should be synchronised reference. If all systems cannot be connected helmsman should try to reduce the speed
to within 1ms. Such systems are commonly to the incoming navigational signal, then as much as possible while still being able
deployed in pipeline inspection surveys synchronise the clock of the acquisition to follow the planned survey lines.
either by towing sensors close to the seafloor instruments with the GPS clock. Check the
or attached to an ROV. offset between the GPS and internal clocks 6 The magnetometer is most commonly
at the start and end of each survey line, and towed directly behind the side scan sonar,
Note: The line spacings described in these adjust it accordingly. as their combined weight makes it easier
sections are from the recommendations of to fly the systems close to the seafloor and
Camidge et al 2010 and will differ with the 3 Determine the survey direction by the improves stability. Some new side scan
different purposes of offshore survey. sources most prone to the influence of systems actually have an in-built mag-
tides and currents, and by the orientation netometer attachment, which means only
6.6 Integrated surveys of features on the seabed. If the strength of one cable needs to be towed behind the
In theory, the acoustic systems described in the current is an issue, then collect all data vessel (eg Klein 3000 side scan sonar).
earlier sections can be used simultaneously, initially with and against the currents. Some When a range <50m is used for the side
making surveys more economical and cross lines should also be acquired, however. scan system, tow the systems <5m above
effective. However, several limitations must Although these may not provide good data the seabed. For a larger range, tow the
be kept in mind during survey planning. for side scan sonars and sub-bottom profil- systems >6m above the seafloor.
ers, they are needed to carry out corrections Several software programs are available
1 Systems working within the same for diurnal variations on the magnetometer for the simultaneous acquisition of multiple
frequency band can interfere with each data. For shipwreck investigations base the sensor surveys. These include those by CODA,
other and introduce noise in the data. location of the cross lines on observations TritonElics, OIC, Chesapeake and Hypack.

The same software can be used for prelimi- Multibeam bathymetry Lidar bathymetry
nary processing of the individual data-sets,
or each data-set can be exported for pro-
cessing as described in previous sections.
The main advantage of processing within
one of the combined packages is that the
processor is less likely to have a coordinate
mismatch between data-sets.

6.7 Other systems

Obviously, new techniques are still being
developed and existing methods are being
improved. There are, however, other tech-
niques currently in use in disciplines other
than maritime archaeology (eg habitat
mapping) that could provide additional in-
formation. As these techniques have been
used rarely or not at all in archaeological
studies, this section merely explains them
rather than giving guidance on their use.

1 Lidar (light detecting and ranging)

This is one technique that has been applied
in terrestrial, but not marine, archaeol-
ogy (Fig 18). It is an airborne mapping
technique that measures the backscatter
and travel time of a laser pulse reflected
off a land, water or seabed surface. The
laser itself has a narrow beam, but a
scan mirror mounted in front of the laser
rotates and directs the laser pulse to the
Earth, producing a conical sampling pat-
tern with a swath width of c 30°. Airborne
lidar bathymetry (ALB) or airborne lidar
hydrography (ALH), which can measure
seabed depths, is of particular interest to
the marine sector.
The technique is mainly used for
coastal surveying and monitoring of
Fig 18 Seamless integration of multi-beam and lidar data in Bantry Bay, Ireland, superimposed in Google Earth. Data acquired
erosion and flooding. ALB or ALH emits as part of the Irish National Seabed Survey (INSS) and INFOMAR (INtegrated mapping FOr the sustainable development of
two rays at different wavelengths: a Ireland’s MArine Resource) progammes. (Data available from
near-infrared wavelength ray (between the+Irish+Seabed+in+Google+Earth.htm.)

1,047nm and 1,540nm), which does not

penetrate the water column and, hence, higher than for acoustic methods, and up As for multi-beam processing, lidar
reflects off the ocean surface; and a blue- to 3,000 pulses per second can be emitted final data (ie a digital terrain model) need
green wavelength ray of 532nm, which and recorded, enabling high horizontal to be corrected for tidal variations.
penetrates the sea surface and reflects off resolution (typically within a metre when From a maritime archaeological
the seafloor. By determining the differ- using DGPS, sub-decimetric when using viewpoint, lidar could be used as a tool for
ence in travel time between the two laser RTK GPS). anomaly detection in very shallow water.
pulses, the water depth can be calculated There are, however, some disadvan- The data can then be used to target certain
with a vertical accuracy of c 150mm. The tages in comparison with the acoustic areas for more detailed observations,
main advantage of this technique is its systems. One is that lidar only works in either with acoustic or diving methods.
ability to survey seamlessly between the relatively clear water. Turbidity, wave activ- However, at present, lidar data collected
terrestrial and coastal environments. As ity and algae blooms all affect water clarity to IHO S-44 standards only require a spot
a consequence, and because lidar’s swath and will reduce the operational depth to spacing of 5m × 5m (standard 1b – see
coverage is independent of the water two to three times the Secchi disk depth Table 1), which may result in data resolution
depth, the technique can operate in water (a Secchi disk, usually 200–300mm in di- that is too low for smaller archaeological
depths that are too shallow for more ameter, is a white or black and white disk object detection. The most important benefit
traditional acoustic bathymetry surveys (ie lowered into the water to visually measure is for the study of submerged landscapes,
swath systems). Furthermore, lidar surveys its transparency). Another disadvantage is as it can link palaeo-landscapes currently
are more cost-effective than hydrographic that lidar is sensitive to aerosols and cloud exposed on the continental shelf to the
surveys because of two factors: the cover- particles in the atmosphere and is there- present land surface, integrating maritime
age rates (20–30km2 per hour) are much fore only effective in fair weather. and terrestrial archaeology.

a the centre of the cone hits the seafloor later Current research is moving away from
and produces a weaker echo as the result the single-beam echo sounder and is develop-
of backscatter. A smooth flat seafloor will ing methods to use side scan and multi-beam
return the signal largely unchanged, result- backscatter values for seafloor classification.
ing in a large main peak with a short tail. Much of the work to characterise the seabed
b Soft sediments will attenuate the emitted using swath bathymetry is currently driven
sound considerably and change the shape by the requirement for extensive and rapid
of the signal. Rough surfaces will produce biotope mapping and by fisheries assessment.
an echo that decays slowly and produce The typical approach taken is to correct
more backscatter, resulting in a lower main the raw backscatter data for absorption and
peak but a longer tail. At present, the two refraction of the sound pulse in the water
most commonly used off-the-shelf acoustic column and for the influence of the seabed’s
bottom-classification systems are RoxAnn™, topography. A series of backscatter signals
which is based on a multiple echo energy versus incident-angle profiles is produced for
approach, and QTC-View™, which uses a a series of flat, homogenous and calibrated
first echo shape approach. seafloor sites, and these results are then
c RoxAnn (SonaVision, Aberdeen) uses compared statistically with corrected back-
the second echo (E2) (Fig 19), or multiple, scatter data acquired from the survey area.
of the returned energy as a measure of the Although the ground-discriminating
acoustic hardness: the sound is emitted by the technique is routinely used in industry
transducer, reflects off the seafloor, travels up and environmental research, it is currently
and hits the air–water interface, travels back under-researched for its potential in mari-
towards the seafloor, reflects off the seafloor time archaeology.
a second time and is then recorded by the
echo sounder. Because this is a multiple 3 Multi-channel and 3D seismic reflection
return, the contribution of backscatter is surveying.
Fig 19 (a) Principle behind RoxAnn™ seabed classification
negligible. The tail of the first echo (E1) is The sub-bottom profilers discussed above
system; (b) A density plot of E2 (hardness) vs E1 (roughness) used as a measure of the acoustic roughness. (see section 6.4) assume the simplest and
for data points associated with the wreck of the Markgraf, E1 and E2 are consequently plotted against most common method of marine seismic
Scapa Flow; (c) distribution of these clusters of points
superimposed on a 3D swath bathymetry image of the vessel.
each other and data clustered together in- reflection surveying: single-channel profiling
After Lawrence & Bates, 2001. dicate areas of related bottom types. Each in which a marine seismic/acoustic source
of the classes identified on the E1–E2 plot is towed behind the vessel, triggered at a
2 Acoustic ground discrimination systems must be calibrated using samples before a fixed rate and the signals reflected from the
In recent years the requirement for remote spatial distribution map can be composed. sedimentary column detected by a hydro-
seabed classification for defence (eg mine The QTC-View (Quester Tangent phone streamer made of several receiver ele-
hunting) and for environmental (eg habitat Corporation, Sidney BC, Canada) system ments towed close to the source. The signals
mapping), economic (eg fishing) and examines the shape of the first echo by detected by the individual receiver elements
industrial (eg dredging) purposes has led calculating parameters in the time and are summed and a single trace is recorded.
to the development of relatively inexpensive frequency domain. In total, 166 parameters Advances in sub-bottom techniques,
acoustic ground discrimination systems are determined, which are then, by princi- mainly triggered by the offshore industry,
(AGDS). Originally, and most commonly, the pal component analysis, used by the QTC have led to the development of multi-channel
use of AGDS refers to single-beam seabed software to determine three Q-values (Q1, and 3D systems. These systems are now
classification – using a single-beam echo Q2 and Q3). The three Q values are plotted being adapted and are slowly finding their
sounder to remotely classify seabed bottom on a three-axis plot and echoes with similar way into shallow-water surveying. During
types. This is achieved either by attaching characteristics cluster together in classes in multi-channel reflection seismic surveying,
signal processing systems to an existing echo the three-dimensional Q-space. Two types a long hydrophone streamer made up of
sounder or by installing an echo sounder of classification can be used. The supervised individual receivers is towed behind the
transducer and signal processing software classification mode provides bottom classes source. Instead of instantly summing the re-
exclusively for seabed classification use. by comparing them against chosen (ground- ceived signals, each individual seismic signal
The latter set-up tends to have a wider beam truthed) portions of the data-set. In the un- received at each section is recorded as a sepa-
width (12° to 50°) than that of echo sounders supervised classification mode, the software rate trace. This way, recordings of reflected
used for bathymetric purposes. AGDS looks automatically provides the classification. pulses are obtained at several offset distances
at two main properties of the seafloor: the The result of these systems is an esti- from a shot point. This data can then be used
acoustic hardness (or acoustic reflection mate of the seabed sediment type while to estimate the velocity of sound through
coefficient) and the acoustic roughness (or the vessel is underway. It has to be noted the sedimentary column, which, in turn,
acoustic backscatter coefficient). As the cone that the classification is not absolute, be- can be used to convert the two-way travel
of sound emitted by the echo sounder travels cause it is dependent on the characteristics time to true depths. After processing and
through the water column, the centre of the of the echo sounder used. It is therefore es- stacking data points with a common position,
cone hits the seafloor first and is the source sential to take seabed samples to calibrate the resulting profile will have an improved
of most of the specular reflection. The signal the system. The AGDS gives best results for signal-to-noise ratio, a higher horizontal trace
strength of this specular return holds wider mapping purposes when it is used density and improved ability to discriminate
information on the hardness of the seafloor. in conjunction with conventional side scan among reflection events in comparison with
The sound energy of annular rings around and sampling systems. traditional single-channel data.

The most recent advances in high- of data that can be examined in any possible 7 Processing and analysis of
resolution reflection seismic data acquisition direction rather than as individual lines geophysical data
have been made in 3D surveying. The aim in that need interpolation. The data provide a
traditional 2D surveying is to acquire a grid clearer and more detailed image of buried 7.1 General data processing, presentation
of data and to create a pseudo-3D image by structures and features in comparison with and interpretation
interpolating between the lines. However, traditional sub-bottom data. This technique, 7.1.1 General geophysical data processing
this method can give a false image, and however, is not cheap and is generally not The main purpose of processing marine
objects buried between the grid lines will be affordable in current archaeological budgets. geophysical data is to enhance the signal
missed. During 3D seismic data acquisition, Nonetheless, as the shallow-water marine level over the background noise levels.
multiple parallel streamers with a known industry is starting to recognise the potential Initial processing is typically accomplished
separation distance are towed behind the of the technique and the technology evolves, using the same software as that used for
seismic source and a series of closely spaced it is predicted that archaeologists will benefit data collection, or using software that en-
lines is run. During post-acquisition data from such 3D systems in the future. hances the geophysical data and provides a
processing a grid is chosen over the area and A 3D chirp system has recently been final interpretation of it. However, compu-
divided into bins; for high-resolution survey- used successfully to image buried ship- tational processing can never substitute for
ing the bin size should be smaller than 1m × wrecks and offers great potential for visual- poor raw data; it is therefore important to
1m, or, for very detailed surveys, smaller ising buried archaeological objects (Fig 20). try to acquire the highest quality data pos-
than 0.5m × 0.5m). All data points within a In addition, the system can provide detailed sible in the field. Processing of final data
bin are subsequently stacked and, normally, stratigraphic information for reconstructing involves the following basic steps.
migrated. The finished product is a volume submerged, buried landscapes.
1 Data editing
Primary data editing is often accomplished
during or immediately after acquisition.
The editing typically includes the rejec-
tion of data that fall significantly outside
a basic range of parameters that should be
determined before the start of surveying.
The parameters are applied to the digital
data as a series of filters designed to elimi-
nate data based on the following criteria:

• geographic position – The data fall out-

side the survey area. For example, it is
common when using GPS and DGPS to
record sudden jumps in the navigation
to points outside the survey area. Such
points can be easily recognised in most
survey packages and the data associated
with them can be flagged for omission.
• depth range – The data fall outside the
site’s expected depth range. Frequently,
sonar systems will record noise from
within the water column that would, if
included faithfully, create topographic
features with naturally unrealistic gradi-
ents and dimensions (vertical differences
of tens to hundreds of metres over dis-
tances of less than a metre) and so these
can be easily identified. For the majority
of sonar acquisition the on-line display
systems enable the easy discrimination
between the more consistent high-
amplitude seabed reflector and individual
ping-related, water-column reflectors.

2 Noise reduction
With the increased use of digital data acqui-
sition, the use of noise reducing techniques
in post-survey processing has become more
widespread. In the past all these acoustic-
Fig 20 3D data volume acquired with a 3D chirp system over the wooden buried wreck of the Grace Dieu: (top left) a typical based techniques typically relied on analogue
vertical section showing enveloped correlated data, (middle left) raw correlated data and (bottom left) acoustic interpretation;
(top right) horizontal cross sections 0.5ms (~38cm), (middle right) 0.9ms (~68cm) and (bottom right) 1.3ms (~98cm) TWT
filters designed to exclude specific unwanted
beneath the river bed (modified from Plets et al 2009). parts of the frequency spectrum to reduce

noise during a survey. However, once applied trace plots of vertical profiles with horizontal a bathymetric surface with the magnetic
in acquisition the analogue filter permanently distance along the line are plotted parallel map response (see Figs 11f) or with the
loses the unwanted part of the spectrum and to each other, and are usually offset by the amplitude data from a side scan sonar.
thus it is essential to be absolutely confident relative position in the field. A limitation with 3D views is that they usu-
during acquisition that the correct filter has ally obscure background information with
been applied. Digital filters are designed to 2 Contour plots foreground information.
mimic the analogue counterparts, but with Contour plots are the most common form
the advantage that they do not permanent- of marine geophysical data representation. 5 Point cloud viewing
ly affect the data. Thus, during processing In particular, they are used for contouring Point clouds are simply x,y,z co-ordinates
it is common to test a range of filter settings seabed depth, for showing buried palaeo- that locate a data point in 3D space.
in order to determine the most appropriate landscapes and for plotting and contouring Several software manufacturers have pro-
for enhancement of the data over back- magnetic signature through magnetic field grams for working with point cloud data
ground noise. strength (see Fig 11f). Contour plots show (eg Terramodel (Trimble) and Fledermaus
a surface created from the original data (IVS)). A major advantage of point cloud
7.1.2 General geophysical data presentation points to show a continuous surface extrap- representation is that only the original
Graphical representation of the digital olated between points. There are several data are shown, by comparison to contour
geophysical data is essential and a routine methods of creating the surface: minimum and grey-scale plots, which rely on interpo-
part of all marine geophysical surveys. curvature, kriging, nearest neighbour and lation and thus create data in order to fully
Graphical displays aid not only the under- triangular irregular networks. Typically, the populate a geometric grid. A difficulty,
standing of the geophysical data but also resulting contour map comprises contours however, is that in showing all the data,
provide a method for further quantitative filled by a colour-coded surface. The colour background data points often become visu-
analysis of the data. Several display meth- coding can be used to enhance particular ally merged with foreground data points,
ods are available and each has advantages ranges or intervals within the data and thus causing confusion within the image. This
and limitations. While traditional meth- emphasise certain features. In addition to can cause perception difficulties when a
ods of display rely on final images for contouring the raw Z values, derivative val- large number of points (typically many
reports, advances in computer graphics ues such as seabed gradients, single direc- million) are viewed in the same scene.
in the last decade can provide computer- tion slope angles and signal amplitude are Software developed by ADUS (http://
aided representations of geophysical data also increasingly contoured. This method addresses these
beyond static images. To produce such 3D is inappropriate to marine magnetic investi- perception problems through a combina-
representations requires some degree of gations, as the line interval between meas- tion of depth cueing devices (methods to
sophistication in computing power and urement stations tends to be >10m, so determine what points are close and which
often also specialised knowledge of specific small, isolated anomalies are rarely recorded. are farther away) such as the use of colour
computer programs. The full scope of these ramps, opacity maps and occlusion objects
aspects is beyond these guidelines, and the 3 Grey-scale plots (grey-tone plots) (Flack and Rowland, 2006 and Fig 21). A
field is developing at a pace that would Grey-scale plots are the most commonly key feature of point cloud data display is
make specific recommendations redundant used display method for terrestrial archae- enhancement of 3D perception through
in a short time. Therefore, only the more ology, but are rarely used for marine data digital cinematography. In particular,
traditional display methods are discussed except for side scan sonar data. Grey-scale camera movement over the scene signifi-
in detail. plots divide the area into rectangles (pixels), cantly improves the perception of depth
The choice of a particular display type each with a user-defined dimension and detail. This effect can be enhanced by
follows similar reasoning to that used to appropriate to the size of the area and to adjusting nearer points to move faster than
choose displays for terrestrial geophysics. the resolution of the geophysical instrument. points farther away from the viewer.
However, the amount of data typically col- A value scaled to the geophysical measure
lected in marine surveys is often orders of is associated with each rectangle and rep- 7.1.3 General geophysical data
magnitude greater than that for land sites, resented by a grey tone or shade. Because interpretation
and consequently the sophistication of extrapolation of a rectilinear surface of grey The final data presentations described
software needed increases. The most com- tones across the survey area fills in missing above are normally used for interpretation.
monly used types of data presentation are: data, surface discontinuities tend to be However, the data can also be exported in
smoothed out. The use of shadow to en- other forms for further manipulation and
1 Line and trace plots hance the final plot can further emphasise analysis. If this is to be done, the original
Representation of geophysical data as line data anomalies, especially linear anomalies. data must be geo-referenced. Typical data
or trace plots was the usual form before the output formats include .jpg and .tif images
development of digital data formats. The 4 Three-dimensional views and other com- with their appropriate geo-reference files
method lends itself to marine geophysical puter manipulation as .jpw and .tfw files, and ASCII files for
data, as marine surveys typically follow lines Isometric plots can be viewed using a bathymetric models in x,y,z format.
using global positioning systems. Using such horizon perspective to enhance their The interpretation of geophysical data
representations for marine data, however, is three-dimensionality. This presentation for archaeological purposes requires the
limited almost exclusively to magnetic data method resembles a 2D contour plot in interpreter to have knowledge of archaeol-
and sub-bottom seismic profiling (see Fig 13) producing an artificial surface between the ogy, geophysics, geology and geomorphol-
because the results from bathymetry and data points that can be further enhanced ogy. It is therefore suggested that a qualified
side scan data are more appropriately shown using ‘sun-illumination’ (see Fig 11). The marine geophysicist trained in archaeological
as contiguous surfaces (eg see Fig 11a–f). surface can also be draped with values interpretation or a maritime archaeologist
To present magnetic data, line tracks or from other methods, for example draping trained in marine geophysical interpretation

Fig 21 Different representations of high-resolution multi-beam data acquired in 2006 over HMS Royal Oak (imagery courtesy of ADUS Ltd;

undertake such data interpretation. It is 7.2 Side scan sonar processing, • beam-angle correction for compensation
important to interpret as objectively as presentation and interpretation from a decrease in beam intensity with
possible and not to over-interpret the data; 7.2.1 General side scan sonar processing, range due to decreasing grazing angles
to recognise real, potentially archaeologi- presentation and interpretation and signal attenuation
cal anomalies versus natural features or Side scan sonar data processing can be
data ‘artefacts’ caused during data acquisi- done using one of several commercially After initial processing, individual gain
tion or processing. available software packages or freeware control can be applied separately or jointly
The interpretation is an important section packages available from government insti- to both the port and starboard transducers
of the survey and main project report. It is tutions. A number of companies have out- and the gain varied throughout the survey
essential that the interpretation is accompa- lined recommendations for such work, and project with the aim of producing a con-
nied by good graphical presentation of the some information protocols are also avail- sistent amplitude response over the entire
results, showing the reasoning behind the able from IHO standards (S-44 and S-57). data-set. The correct application of gain is
interpretation. Note that ground-truthing However, no internationally recognised especially important if the data are to be
after the survey can offer important infor- standards are available for data processing mosaicked into a geo-referenced map of
mation during interpretation. and interpretation. No matter which soft- seafloor condition. Geo-referencing side
An important feature of modern marine ware package is chosen, procedures follow scan sonar data is achieved by taking into
geophysical data is that data-sets taken a similar sequence intended to enhance account the position of the sonar calcu-
at different times can be compared. For the signal data over background noise. The lated from the boat’s position and either
example, changes to a wreck site caused by original survey objectives, however, deter- lay-back calculations or by the deployment
site disintegration can be monitored over mine the method for display of the final of a short base-line transducer on the
time by comparing different side scan or results. These fall into three basic types: sonar head to record the direction of travel
multi-beam bathymetry data-sets. To do reconnaissance surveys, wreck site surveys and the roll, pitch and heave of the sonar.
this, it is essential to collect the repeat data and regional landscape surveys. With simple side scan systems all of this
using similar positional accuracies, and information is not always available; thus
that the data are collected with equivalent Basic data processing includes the mosaic is only as good as the stability
equipment and methods. It is additionally of the sonar platform and knowledge of its
recommended that an area close to the site • initial-signal manipulation to remove position and attitude. Processing for a geo-
is surveyed as a control point, where sea- the water column referenced image is achieved by re-projecting
floor conditions have not changed between • addition of a time variable gain (TVG) the digital image onto the seafloor in its
the surveys. There are several software to increase the signal level at later time true spatial position. Since this requires
programs for conducting the analysis of offsets from the original pulse re-digitising the sonar record into a raster
repeat monitoring on a site; the most • slant-range correction to correct to true image, the quality of the original image
commonly used ones include GIS by ESRI ground distances is sometimes reduced. For this reason it is
(ArcGIS), MapInfo and Golden Software’s • speed compensation for survey speed often better to view wreck sites without
Surfer (Quinn and Boland, 2010). variation mosaicking the image.

Similarly, slant-range correction to zooming. These features are usually linked variance. The first three combinations of
display approximate horizontal distances to a database so that the mosaic can be variance represent the most significant
also results in a loss of display of the water systematically analysed for targets, a set amount of variance from all the combina-
column, which can be a significant disad- of target images produced and all stored tions, and this information is stored along
vantage in interpretation, particularly of together with their location information in with the position and time identifiers to
individual targets. Consequently, use both a database for the project. an individual patch. Following this, the
slant-range corrected and uncorrected im- For wide areas it is typical to produce software analyses the three components
ages in interpretation. a mosaic of the area where the images are for clustering in a three-dimensional
There are several important points interpreted in terms of differing textural space. Then it analyses a catalogue of
to note when producing a mosaic of the response across the seafloor. These geo- where these plot in space, then stores and
seafloor. The shadows behind objects can referenced image mosaics are typically applies the boundaries to the clustering
cause significant problems in a mosaic viewed using some form of GIS, so they to the whole data-set to produce a classed
or map because they represent areas of can be integrated with other ground-truth image. The technique has found consider-
no data; thus shadows from one line information. Using these, the human eye able success in classification of seafloors
can mask data from an adjacent line. can identify characteristics of different with highly contrasting conditions, such
Although a survey overlap up to 200% is parts of the resulting image and these can as between rock areas, sand and mud.
recommended, using all of the overlap in be related back to known ground-truth However, testing has been too limited to
the final display is not. Options exist in control. The image is then classed into date to fully appreciate its potential suc-
most processing packages for using adja- areas with similar backscatter response. cess with marine archaeological sites.
cent lines to overlap consecutive swaths, There are a number of seafloor clas-
to average the amplitudes between sification algorithms that automatically 7.2.2 Side scan sonar processing,
overlap swaths or to ‘shine through’ the classify different seafloor conditions. presentation and interpretation for wreck
highest contrasting swath. In addition, in- These algorithms have been developed sites
dividual swaths can be separately masked over the last decade in response to the After processing the data for standard am-
to combine certain parts of one line with routine use of side scan sonar and multi- plitude corrections, wide-area survey data
parts of adjacent lines. For example, it beam sonar in wide-area survey. The are typically mosaicked to provide a map
might be that the data are degraded at far development has been largely stimulated of the whole survey area. Adjacent swaths
offsets and at nadir, creating a permanent by the deep ocean community (see, for ex- are used in their entirety, with the ‘shine-
clip that filters out this data. No one tech- ample, Blondel and Murton 1997) and the through’ enabled to give the strongest
nique is recommended, as each project biological community in a drive to con- ensonified object most relevance.
will vary depending on the target and the struct benthic habitat maps of the seafloor We recommend that for individual
acquisition objectives, so trial and error (see, for example, Cochrane and Lafferty wreck sites a number of individual swaths
must prevail. 2002; Brown et al 2004). To date, the use are analysed together with the final mosa-
The final side scan sonar output of such automatic classification routines ic, as these will tend to show the highest-
presented is an image representation of has not been actively applied to wide- resolution images of the site and thus the
the reflectivity or backscatter amplitude area archaeological prospecting or to site most site details. In addition, when the
of the seafloor (ie a grey-scale plot). The characterisation. However, it has been swaths have been acquired from different
amplitudes are typically represented in tested on sites (see, for example, Bates et directions along the site, it is more likely
the computer as black and white display al 2007). Two companies currently offer that the whole site will be imaged.
(although to optimise the image it is essen- dedicated classification software for ma- For wreck sites with upstanding
tial to sample the colour scale at the same rine data: Questar Tangent Corp., Canada objects the side scan sonar images give
frequency, eg 8- or 24-bit, as the actual (see, for example, Preston et al 2004) photo-like representations that can be
geophysical data) or as a false colour spec- and Geoacoustics, UK (see, for example, interpreted directly from relatively raw
trum. For side scan sonar data the pixel Müller et al 2007). sonar records. Software enables objects
size is usually dictated during acquisition Both companies attempt to use a to be measured along the track length
and the amplitude recovery enhanced dur- statistical approach to classify the sea- and across it, together with an estimate
ing processing for final display, using the floor based on the backscatter (side scan of the object’s height based on the length
most appropriate mapping of grey-scale grey-scale) images. The software attempts of shadow. Even without complete geo-
amplitude. Light tones represent upstand- first to compensate an image from the side rectification the position of the object can
ing objects and hard surfaces where there scan sonar to exclude regions of poor data be read directly from the side scan image.
is significant backscatter; dark tones typi- quality and where the side scan acquisi- If the data are of a quality to enable mak-
cally represent areas with low backscatter, tion parameters changed pulse length or ing a mosaic, then the data can be used to
shadows, hollows and a soft seafloor. The frequency. It next divides the image into produce a geo-referenced image that can
side scan output can be presented as an rectangular patches dependent on the be draped on a bathymetric model of the
individual swath (either slant-corrected or overall image dimensions and the reso- site (Fig 22).
uncorrected) or as a mosaic. lution of the survey. It extracts a set of Store the final mosaic images as geo-
During the interpretation of either features from the backscatter intensities referenced .tif or .jpg images together with
wide-area mosaic images or individual for each rectangle and applies multivari- their location information stored as world
swaths, additional analysis tools can be ate statistics to determine the principal files .jpw or .tfw. For final interpretation,
applied to the data. These include en- components of the features over the entire it is usual to load the images into a GIS
hancements similar to those found in most data-set. In principal component analysis system for comparison with other ground-
digital image packages, such as image the features represent linear combinations truth data, such as video, still images or
sharpening, photo capture and image of raw features ordered by the degree of diver observations.

improving interpretation. It is important to
choose the binning parameters for gridding
the data carefully, to find the right balance
between over-interpolation (smoothing the
data) and under-interpolation (leaving data
gaps). Because seabed coverage with single-
beam sonar is generally low, the data are
used mainly to interpret the general bathym-
etry of the area. It will not be possible to
detect individual objects using this method.
The major processing and interpreta-
tion steps for multi-beam sonar and swath
sonar are similar. For both techniques,
processing is best accomplished by a trained
hydrographic surveyor with experience in
marine archaeological geophysics. There are
several standards and protocols for multi-
beam sonar, including IHO standards S-44,
MESH Standards and Protocols for Seabed
Habitat Mapping and Land Information New
Zealand (LINZ). Processing with various
commercially available software programs
Fig 22 Side scan sonar data (top left) (500kHz, 150m swath) and three-dimensional terrain model (bottom left) of the (Table 2) follows two steps. The initial acqui-
wreck site generated from multi-beam bathymetric data acquired on the Arklow Bank wreck site; right: side scan imagery sition and processing are usually done with
draped over the bathymetric data (modified from Quinn 2006; multi-beam data acquired by Titan Environmental Surveys Ltd
and side scan sonar data acquired by Donal Boland).
the same software. This processing makes
basic geometrical corrections, cleans the data
and projects it into an appropriate geograph-
7.2.3 Side scan sonar processing, 7.3 Bathymetry processing, presentation ic system. Then the data are exported for use
presentation and interpretation for and interpretation with other software for enhanced data
submerged landscapes 7.3.1 General bathymetry processing, editing and data amalgamation into whole-
Side scan sonar is not the preferred method presentation and interpretation area volumes (Fig 23c–d). The steps are:
for the study of submerged landscapes. Typically, there are three steps for processing
If data are available, however, it will improve single-beam sonar data acquired using digital 1 Preliminary data manipulation
the interpretation of other geophysical data acquisition navigation software such as
by characterising the seabed deposits. Hydropro Coastal. The first step is to filter Application of offsets after patch test
Processing follows a similar path to that the data for spurious points based on navi- Corrections for offsets between the various
for wide-area survey. It is therefore impor- gation errors (sudden large changes in the components of the multi-beam sonar system
tant to maintain a consistent approach to GPS-derived location) and errors from sud- (the sonar head, the DGPS, the motion refer-
amplitude response and to review overlaps den changes in depth. Depth changes can be ence unit, the sound velocity probe) are usu-
between individual swaths before automati- caused by noise in the water column from air ally applied in the field following initial survey
cally accepting them for inclusion in the bubbles or by objects such as fish. Most navi- set-up and the patch test. If not, then such
data-set. For extremely-wide-area survey, gation programs provide automatic filters correction must be done during processing.
the size of the final geo-referenced images for such errors. However, if the depth data
can become extremely large and thus quite have been recorded into a simple ASCII text Application of sound velocity profiles
unwieldy with even the latest computer file in the format of x,y,z, then running filters Sound velocity measurements obtained
power. It is recommended for these cases can be designed within standard spreadsheet during acquisition are extrapolated and ap-
that the data are sub-divided into area blocks programs. The second step is to export the plied to the data spatially and temporally.
less than 30MB in size. For such wide-area bathymetry data to a text file containing the
surveys, the data are generally presented as edited soundings and their spatial locations. Tidal corrections
a mosaic, while detected anomalies on the The bathymetry data should be exported Using tide gauge data or GPS RTK informa-
mosaic can be shown in the individual swath. with a coordinate system appropriate to the tion to correct the data to chart datum.
The interpretation of such wide-area project specifications. Step three is to display
surveys for landscape research can be the bathymetric data as a point data-set (Fig TVG normalisation for amplitude information
improved greatly if the side scan sonar data 23a) or to extrapolate them into a gridded If amplitude or backscatter data are to be
can be draped over bathymetric data. If no surface using other proprietary software, used, then a preliminary TVG function is
bathymetric data are available, the data such as Surfer (Golden Software) or a GIS typically applied at this stage. This pro-
can mainly be used to differentiate seabed program. Alternatively, the bathymetry data cedure compensates for large amplitudes
conditions in the area, which can eventually can be gridded and interpolated to create a near nadir vs low amplitudes at far offsets.
be linked to ground-truthed sedimentological bathymetric surface image, which can then
information. In addition, a database can be be viewed and analysed in a 3D visualisa- Export data
constructed with all detected anomalies, tion program (eg IVS Fledermaus) (Fig 23b). After initial processing further data ma-
detailing a visual description, positional in- This surface can then be combined with nipulation is typically conducted after the
formation, size and a possible interpretation. other data-sets (eg sub-bottom data), further x,y,z data are exported to a point cloud

visualisation program such as Fledermaus a single file for one bathymetric model of the of slope between each cell and its
or Terramodel. Data can be viewed line by whole survey area or split into subsections neighbours, presented as an angle in
line within these programs. if the data file becomes very large. Data are degrees (Fig 24d)
exported as text ASCII x,y,z, files and as im- • aspect analysis and display, which identi-
2 Further data manipulation ages (.tif and .jpg with appropriate location fies the down-slope direction (relative to
files). The text files can be further visualised north) of the maximum rate of change in
Data are edited for spurious points: water- in point cloud programs or used for ex- value from each cell to its neighbours,
column noise, depth soundings below the trapolation. Full-coverage bathymetric data as calculated in the slope raster.
seafloor, navigation errors and invalid mo- are usually displayed as a surface in a 3D
tion reference unit values. Points or whole visualisation program (eg IVS Fledermaus, These methods can effectively interpret
swaths are rejected or adjusted for tidal mis- ArcGIS), where it can easily be interpreted both wreck sites and submerged landscapes.
matches. Rejection of low amplitude (noisy) for general seabed bathymetry or anomalies. Further, the accuracy of modern swath
data at the far offsets (outer beams) is also Additional visual manipulation techniques bathymetry survey provides the potential
typically necessary. Many routines have been used today include: for the creation of difference plots when
written for the automatic filtering of data: you can extract one survey data-set from
most are designed for hydrographic survey, • hill-shade representations, obtained by another to quantitatively record bed level
where the objective is to construct a seafloor setting a position for a hypothetical light change (Fig 24c).
surface for navigation purposes. Therefore, source and calculating the illumination
in applying automated filtering take care values of each cell in relation to 7.3.2 Bathymetry processing, presentation
that the archaeological information is not neighbouring cells. These can be used and interpretation for wreck sites
filtered out. Manual data manipulation is on their own to aid interpretation or Processing multi-beam and swath bathymetry
therefore advisable over known wreck sites. as an underlay to a semi-transparent, sonar data over wreck sites follows the pro-
colour-coded bathymetry to provide a cedures described above. For wreck sites, pay
Data export and interpretation pseudo-3D effect (eg Fig 24a and b) specific attention to careful manual editing
After final data editing the data-sets from • slope analysis and display, which of data before combining it to create a full
individual survey lines can be combined into presents the maximum rate of change bathymetric model of the site.

a b

Fig 24 Composite graphic representing: (a) 3D terrain model

of the wreck site generated from multi-beam data acquired
on 12.08.03; (b) 3D terrain model of the wreck site generated
from multi-beam data acquired on 23.08.03; (c) 3D surface
produced by subtracting the data-sets presented in (a) and
Fig 23 (a) Single-beam and (c) multi-beam data density over Owers Banks; (b) interpolation and shading of single-beam (b) showing areas of accretion (red) and erosion (blue); and (d)
data using a gridded bin resolution of 50m; and (d) gridding and shading of multi-beam data using a 1m bin resolution. slope analysis of the multi-beam data showing steepest slopes in
Note the difference in the degree of detail that can be observed from the multi-beam data in contrast to the single-beam red and gentler areas in dark blue (modified from Quinn 2006;
image (data courtesy of the Resource Management Association). multi-beam data acquired by Titan Environmental Surveys Ltd).

Table 2 Standard commercial software packages for swath bathymetry acquisition and processing


HIPS and SIPS CARIS Ltd, US data processing and visualisation; supports a wide
range of multi-beam systems

Isis MB-Logger BathyPro Triton Imaging Inc, US data acquisition and processing

HYSWEEP Hypack Inc, US data acquisition and processing

CARAIBES Ifremer, France data acquisition and processing

Fledermaus IVS Ltd, US data post-processing and visualisation

Neptune Kongsberg Simrad, Norway data processing for data only; UNIX based

Poseidon Kongsberg Simrad, Norway multi-beam backscatter processing and mosaicking

Triton Kongsberg Simrad, Norway multi-beam backscatter seabed classification

software; UNIX based

MB Systems Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia data processing and visualisation; supports a wide
University (L-DEO), range of multi-beam systems; UNIX based
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI),

QINSy Quality Positioning Services BV (QPS), Netherlands data acquisition and processing

QTC Multiview Multi-beam Quester Tangent, Canada backscatter seabed classification software

PDS2000 Reson nl, US data acquisition and processing

In the case of a wide-area survey, all istics (depth, size, position, particular rec- pings within larger area units known as
survey lines can initially be combined into ognisable features), but should also look at bins (rectilinear areas on the seafloor
one bathymetric surface and scanned for the wider environment in which the wreck oriented with respect to the project’s local
seabed anomalies. Put together a database is positioned (scour, bedforms), as this can coordinate system – usually the WGS84
detailing the position, appearance, dimen- inform the archaeologist about the present grid). The main determining criteria for
sions and possible interpretation of each and future state of the site. Therefore, bin size are the size of the smallest feature
anomaly. If a potential wreck has been when monitoring seafloor change around of archaeological interest that must be
detected, the anomaly should be studied in an archaeological site is required, wide- resolved within the survey area and the raw
greater detail as an individual site. area bathymetric models form the basis of data density (ie binning should not occur
Even with the best of motion-reference many projects. It is essential to apply tidal at a scale finer than the statistical average
units providing information to adjust corrections accurately to measure true distance between data points). Generally,
each individual data point, for individual change by subtracting one gridded data-set bin size must be at least one-third the size
wreck sites it is often advisable to export from another. Each data-set must also be of the smallest feature of interest in order
data only from individual line passes converted to a raster with equivalent bin to avoid spatial aliasing. Data binning is
rather than combining multiple passes, sizes between each data-set, or individual usually done within the processing software
as degradation in data quality is often data-sets must contain the depth informa- (eg Caris, Fledermaus). After setting the bin
observed when data are combined from tion at coincident geographic locations. size, the software averages individual data
more than one line. As the highest possible Extrapolation and re-projection are neces- points within each bin and produces a grid
resolution must be achieved for individual sary for each method. data-set with evenly distributed data points.
wreck surveys, it is advisable that each This gridded data can be exported as an
individual swath of data is analysed point 7.3.3 Bathymetry processing, presentation ASCII text file containing location informa-
by point. This is especially the case on and interpretation for submerged tion and depth. The gridded data form the
deeper wreck sites, where the number of landscapes basis of further analysis for extrapolation
pings per site is limited, and key wreck Processing for wide-area surveys follows into a bathymetric model, either within the
features are sometimes represented by the protocols set out in section 7.3.1. As processing software or in a GIS package.
only a few individual points. Extrapolation discussed, where a bathymetric model of The most appropriate presentation of
into a continuous surface is therefore a large area is required, the grid spacing bathymetric data for landscape research
not recommended other than for final must be chosen carefully. The choice of is as a 3D surface. This can be used in a
visual display. Point cloud representations grid spacing, sonar frequency, water depth 3D visualisation program for interpreta-
are likely to show more useful data for (and hence ping rate) and survey speed tion, where it can be combined with other
scientific analysis (see Fig 21). all determine the number of pings on the marine geophysical data and even with
Interpretation of multi-beam and swath seafloor. To produce a final continuous, a terrestrial digital elevation model, to
bathymetry data for wreck sites should not digital bathymetric terrain model it is com- enable wider and seamless landscape inter-
only concentrate on the obvious character- mon to combine, or average, individual pretation (see Fig 18 and Fig 25).

Band-pass filtering is the most com- Stacking in the context of 2D sub-bottom
a mon operation in high-frequency seismic profiling is a simple process of averaging a
processing. It is used to remove frequen- number of adjacent traces in order to smooth
cies outside the bandwidth of the input the along-track section. The number is best
pulse. These unwanted frequencies are defined by ping rate and survey speed, so
typically associated with acoustic noise you do not average over too great a section
from the instrument, boat or other marine of seabed. Stacking can be particularly useful
sources (including cetaceans). The success- to enhance the continuity of reflectors and to
ful application of these filters depends on deal with small breaks in the data.
knowledge of the frequency content of the Instantaneous amplitude/reflection
data. This can either be assumed from the strength is an operator that is commonly
frequency content of the outgoing pulse applied to chirp data for image enhancement.
(as determined from the system configura- Effectively this operator rectifies the data
tion; eg see Fig 12) or, ideally, from being so that all amplitudes are positive, and ap-
b able to analyse the frequency content of plies an envelope to the data to smooth the
the actual data. The latter can be impor- time section and enhance interpretability.
tant because attenuation of the pulse as it As with AGC the destruction of the original
passes through sediment/archaeological properties of the acoustic pulse, in this
materials typically results in a downward case any polarity information, negates any
shift of the dominant frequency and a potential quantitative analysis of the data at
narrowing of the bandwidth owing to a a later stage.
preferential removal of the higher-frequency Deconvolution In addition to these fairly
components. Few current commercial common processing steps it is possible to
high-resolution processing software pack- enhance sub-bottom data further through
ages enable computation of the frequency a filtering operator such as deconvolution.
spectrum, so these operators are primarily Deconvolution is particularly good at com-
Fig 25 Combination of SeaZone Ltd bathymetric data (30m x based on assumed source frequency. The pensating for inherent changes in the acous-
20m bin size) and OS Panoramic Topographic data (50m x 50m application of band-pass filters is particu- tic properties of the signal: lengthening of
bin size) for the Thames Estuary. (a) shows evidence of offshore
larly important for boomer systems that in the wave, shift in dominant frequency and
palaeo-channels of the Thames and Medway river systems;
major sandbanks in the Inner Estuary and eroded deeps related raw format are frequently associated with reverberation effects (common in shallow
to the Anglian Glaciation (Dix and Sturt, 2011). (b) shows a low-frequency noise (tens of Hz), which water) as it passes through the sub-surface.
sub-area of (a) and the presence of second- and third-order
swamps the actual data. There are several approaches to decon-
stream systems submerged in water depths of –20 to –55
mCD. (Bathymetry courtesy of the British Crown and Automatic gain control (AGC) and time volution, some of which rely on creating
SeaZone Solutions Ltd. All rights reserved. Product Licence variable gain (TVG) are operators that at- algorithms based on the source signature
052008.012 and 092009.22. Topography reproduced with
tempt to mitigate the decrease in amplitude (and therefore are theoretically best suited
the permission of Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright and
database right 2013. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey of the signal as it propagates away from the for use with sources that output well con-
Licence number 100024900 source owing to geometric spreading and strained pulses, such as the chirp systems);
attenuation of the pulse caused by the water others create predictive filters based on the
7.4 Sub-bottom profiler processing, column and the sub-surface sediments. AGC acquired data.
presentation and interpretation algorithms set the maximum amplitude Migration is another currently under-
7.4.1 General sub-bottom profiler within a specified time window to a preset used processing step. It attempts to recon-
processing, presentation and interpretation value. The time window is automatically struct a seismic section so that reflection
Although it is possible to undertake many moved down the time section, equalizing events are repositioned to their correct
stages of processing of sub-bottom data, the amplitudes to the preset value for surface locations, at a corrected two-way
there are several basic techniques that each new section. The result is that the travel time. This process is necessary
can be applied to the majority of sources amplitude range of the seismic trace is because although a standard sub-bottom
typically used. A number of commercial, approximately the same throughout the profile trace presents each reflection point
Windows-based packages specifically for entire section. However, it is important to as though it is located directly beneath the
processing high-frequency sub-bottom data note that applying AGC destroys the relative mid-point between the transducer and the
are available, for example Chesapeake amplitude information that may be required hydrophone, in reality this is not the case
SonarWiz.sbp, CODA, Edgetech Discover, to undertake quantitative analysis of the unless the reflector is horizontal. If the
IXSEA Delph Seismic and Octopus. In ad- acoustic properties of individual reflectors. reflector is dipping along the survey line
dition, the freeware, Unix-based package TVG, by comparison, applies an ex- the actual reflection point is displaced in
SEISUNIX developed by the Center for ponential gain operator to every seismic an up-dip direction, while if there is dip
Wave Phenomena at the Colorado School trace. Consequently, each trace is ampli- across the survey line the reflection point
of Mines for lower-frequency multi-channel fied down the time section by a regularly is displaced out of the plane of the section.
seismic processing can be easily used increasing factor instead of by a variable Migration also improves the horizontal
with high-frequency data to undertake a amount tied to a moving window. Many of resolution of the data by focusing energy
range of sophisticated processing. Most the commercial, high-frequency processing that is otherwise spread over an area of the
of these systems undertake four principal packages currently use an operator that is bed by the pattern of the acoustic pulse.
processing operations: band-pass filtering, effectively an amalgam of both of these ap- At present deconvolution and migration
acoustic-gain control, time-variable gain proaches, so it is important to be aware of are rarely used in commercial data process-
and stacking. the implications for quantitative analysis. ing, but are freely available in SEISUNIX.

Multiple removal Note that many manu- the panel after appropriate processing to reflector or as an area of chaotic reflectors
facturers do offer additional processing op- enhance the individual horizons or layers. breaking up the more continuous reflectors
tions, in particular multiple removal. This The panels are typically displayed individ- representing the local geology (see Fig 26a
operator attempts to suppress the multiple ually, but can also be loaded into 3D inter- and b). With sufficiently close survey line
reflections of the seabed and strong sub- pretation software such as Kingdom Suite, spacing it is possible to reconstruct in some
surface reflectors that are common in IXSEA and SEISUNIX, which integrate the detail the structure of individual wrecks,
shallow water, high-resolution sub-bottom panels with a base map to create a fence- as has been done for the Yarmouth Roads
data. At present these features merely sup- diagram of the sub-surface. Presentation protected wreck site in the West Solent.
press all data at fixed time windows pre- in this format enables extrapolation of This can be identified by either contouring
dicted on the depth of the seabed reflector, horizons between individual lines. the amplitude variability of the wreck-
and thus remove both real and artefact reflecting horizon (Fig 26c) or by manually
components. It is therefore strongly 7.4.2 Sub-bottom profiler processing, picking the horizon reflector (Fig 26d).
advised that these should not be used. presentation and interpretation for wreck
Sub-bottom seismic sonar data are sites 7.4.3 Sub-bottom profiler processing,
typically collected along survey lines for Sub-bottom profilers will only be effective presentation and interpretation for
2D seismic and in a grid layout for 3D in showing the detail of a buried wreck submerged landscapes
seismic. The seismic data are collected as a when its position is known and when it Together with bathymetric data, sub-bottom
sequence of reflection times for an acoustic has been surveyed with a very narrow line data can offer important information on
wave to travel from a surface instrument to spacing. Processing involves all basic steps submerged landscapes. Data processing
a subsurface layer and back to the surface described in section 7.4.1 and the data are follows the steps described in section 7.4.1.
again. Seismic sections are therefore re- most often presented as a line-trace plot. The individual lines of the sub-bottom data
corded as a series of two-way travel times There are relatively few studies on the can be displayed individually as trace plots,
with information gathered along individual use of sub-bottom profilers for shipwreck or they can be viewed in 3D (combined
line tracks, plotted and displayed as a 2D detection. Where these have been suc- with bathymetric data), which aids interpre-
panel or trace plot. Interpretation of sub- cessfully imaged, the buried part of the tation. Features of particular importance
surface horizons can be done directly on wreck is imaged either as a discrete strong include palaeochannels, peat layers, lake

Fig 26 Yarmouth Roads wreck: (a) correlated chirp section

of wreck site with reflection strength applied; (b) correlated
chirp section – on both images the acoustic blanking caused
by the presence of timbers is clearly visible; (c) amplitude map
of selected bedrock reflector indicating very low amplitudes
beneath the shipwreck, produced by acoustic blanking of the Fig 27 A combined image of geophysical and geological data-sets from the Outer Thames Estuary. (a) Combined SeaZone Ltd.
timber material above; (d) individual picks showing depth and swath bathymetry data, showing location of three vibrocores taken across a buried channel seen in seismic section.
(in TWT ms) beneath sea-level of the wreck reflector (b) The prominent reflector in the seismic section is from the peat horizon identified within the core logs shown in (c).
against a diver site plan (Plets et al 2007). Image after Dix and Sturt (2011), from data acquired as part of MEPF-ALSF project 09/P126.

basins, lagoons and any other geomorpho- a b c
logical feature that would have formed
in terrestrial, lacustrine or near-coastal
environments. Ultimately, the geophysical
data need to be compared with actual core
material, taken at targeted locations identi-
fied from the seismic section. Figure 27
shows the compilation of swath bathymetry,
SeaZone data, sub-bottom data and core e
lithological and stratigraphical analysis
from a cross section of one of the Thames
Estuary submerged palaeo-channels. In this
example an ancient (<450ka) incised
palaeo-channel has been filled with sedi-
ments associated with the last Holocene
marine transgression (Dix and Sturt, 2011).

7.5 Magnetometer processing, presentation

and interpretation
Fig 28 Different modes of representation of the recorded and processed magnetic field associated with a charted wreck:
As discussed above, the main use of a
(a) side scan sonar image; (b) contour map of total field; (c) contour map of magnetic gradiometer data; (d) profile data of
magnetometer is for the detection of total magnetic field; and (e) magnetic gradiometer data. Images courtesy of Wessex Archaeology and Cadw, 2010.
shipwrecks. It will provide little informa-
tion when used for submerged landscape the displacement of the anomaly from its a charted wreck by Wessex Archaeology
research. source, can be expressed as a phase-angle for Cadw. Figure 28a shows a side scan
Initial processing of magnetic data is shift between the Earth’s magnetic field mosaic over the area which shows no
done within the acquisition software pro- and that derived from the anomaly. The surface expression of any wreck material
gram. A lay-back calculation must be ap- necessary correction, referred to as ‘reduc- at the charted position, but a clear bedrock
plied to the data in the same manner as it tion to the pole’, is a firmly established exposure to the north. Plotting either as
is for data derived from a side scan sonar. technique for linear transformation filter- a colour-coded nT grid of the total field
Within most survey packages basic editing ing and is usually accomplished within the (Fig 28b) shows areas of extensive positive
follows for location errors due to naviga- magnetic processing software. and negative anomalies but it is difficult to
tion jumps (from bad GPS fixes) and static Many of these systems can also suffer distinguish between anomalies associated
shifts in survey lines (for example because from a range of noise effects, including with ferrous material on the wreck and the
of the sensor orientation with respect power supply and other electrical noise background magnetic signature related to
to the survey vessel and to the Earth’s sources, instrument noise, contamina- the bedrock geology. Plotting the data as a
magnetic field – ie the heading correction). tion (eg the effects of passing ships and magnetic gradiometer plot significantly re-
This effect is typically seen in the data as navigation buoys) and wave-induced noise duces the ambient signal, and the anomaly
alternate striping of parallel survey lines caused by the induction of seawater mov- associated (c 30m N) with the chart wreck
when they are acquired in two directions ing in the regional magnetic field. These position is clearly identified (Fig 28c),
rather than one direction. Data amplitude effects can be particularly problematic if along with another stronger anomaly
adjustments can also be made at this stage looking to detect very small anomalies c 200m to the north. These data can also
if the depth/height from the seafloor of only a few nT, but can be removed/ be presented as individual profile plots
changes rapidly during the survey. The reduced using a combination of low-pass of both the total magnetic field data (Fig
diurnal field must be removed, based on a filtering (removal of high-amplitude signal 28d) and the magnetic gradiometer data
model of diurnal changes measured locally. content); despiking (removal of discrete (Fig 28e). Any detected anomaly can in-
For most surveys the use of an onsite base values using a filter designed on the level dicate the presence of ferrous material on
station is not possible, so information from of anomaly to be detected and the overall or buried within the seabed. As described
cross lines must be used. To calculate the signal-to-noise ratio of the data – this in section 6.5, the change in the magnetic
diurnal model the differences in data val- approach is not recommended for low field intensity, in combination with the
ues are plotted as a function of time during sampling rate systems); and spatial filter- distance to the anomaly, can be used to
the survey. A smooth curve is then fitted to ing (either simply from comparison with estimate the amount of ferrous material
this data and the curve applied to the raw metadata in the case of passing ships, or present. This can give a first indication of
data as a time-based amplitude adjust- using 2D spatial filters created for ter- the type of wreck: eg a steel or iron wreck
ment. Removal of the regional field is not restrial magnetometry surveys, albeit this will have a stronger magnetic signal than
usually necessary for small site surveys, for can only be of use on very closely spaced a wooden wreck with iron fittings and fer-
the variation is not large enough to mask (1–2m) survey lines). rous ammunition on board. Interpretation
the local influence of spot or point anoma- The final output from a marine mag- of these anomalies is greatly enhanced
lies from archaeological sources. Similar netometer survey is an ASCII text file with when they are overlaid on a bathymet-
to land-based magnetic surveys, marine location information, depth and adjusted ric model or a side scan survey mosaic,
magnetic surveys can also be adjusted for magnetic value (x,y,z values). These data especially if the material lies exposed on
the latitude-dependent influence on the can then be represented in a number of the seabed. In the case of buried material,
magnetic anomaly. This influence on the standard ways, usually plotted as line sub-bottom data may confirm the presence
shape of the anomaly, and in particular on surveys. Figure 28 shows a survey over and extent of a ferrous object.

References and further reading Cadw 1999 Caring for our Coastal Heritage. Defra 2009a Our Seas – A Shared Resource. High Level Marine Objectives. http://
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Northern Ireland Environment Agency.


Innomar. Optech.
Institute for Marine Acoustics. http:// Ordnance Survey. http://www.ordnance-
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Coastal CRC. locate/jas RCAHMW.
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EdgeTech. LINZ.
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England’s Historic Seascapes project. Magellan. Simrad.
MapRef. Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
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English Heritage Archive. http://www. Sonavision. MBARI.
archives-and-collections/nmr/ mbsystem/formatdoc/ Starfish.

Tenix. Contacts and useful addresses Ministry of Defence
asp?ID=30 Second Sea Lord Policy Secretariat
English Heritage, Parliamentary & Heritage Room
The University of Melbourne. http:// Maritime Archaeology Team 207 Victory Building Fort Cumberland Portsmouth PO1 3LS
MODULES/MAG/NOTEOUT/magoutline. Eastney
html Portsmouth PO4 9LD
tel 0239 285 6700 Nautical Archaeology Society
Tomtom. e-mail Fort Cumberland
howdoesitwork Fort Cumberland Road
Trimble. Historic Scotland Portsmouth PO4 9LD
Longmore House tel/fax 0239 281 8419
Tritech. Salisbury Place e-mail
Edinburgh EH9 1SH
UKHO. tel 0131 668 8600 The Institute for Archaeologists
University of Southampton 3D Chirp. University of Reading Cadw 2 Earley Gate
groups/3dchirp/ Plas Carew, Unit 5/7 Cefn Coed PO Box 239
Parc Nantgarw Reading RG6 6AU
University of Wisconsin-Madison. http:// Cardiff CF15 7QQ tel 0118 931 6446 tel 0144 333 6000 fax 0118 931 6448
Lectures/L06.pdf e-mail e-mail
US Army Corps of Engineers. Northern Ireland Environment Agency Association of Local Government
manuals/em1110-2-1003/toc.htm Waterman House Archaeological Officers
5–33 Hill Street Maritime Committee
US Government GPS website. http://www. Belfast BT1 2LA c/o Robin Daniels tel 0289 054 3034 Tees Archaeology
e-mail Sir William Gray House
USGS. Clarence Road
factsheets/fs07701.html Hartlepool TS24 8BT
Department of Culture Media and Sport tel 0142 952 3455/6
USGS. (DCMS) fax 0142 952 3477
data/1_lidar/index.html Architecture and Historic Environment
VORF project. Department for Culture Media & Sport Archaeology Data Service
2–4 Cockspur St University of York
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. London SW1Y 5DH King’s Manor tel 0207 211 2389 York YO1 7EP
sfmapping/seismic.htm tel 0190 443 3954
fax 0190 443 3939
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland
sfmapping/chirp.htm John Sinclair House
16 Bernard Terrace
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Edinburgh EH8 9NX tel 0131 662 1456 fax 0131 662 1499/1477

The Receiver of Wreck

Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Spring Place
105 Commercial Road
Southampton SO1 1EG
tel 0238 032 9474
fax 0238 032 9477

Authors English Heritage is the Government’s
Text by Ruth Plets, Justin Dix and Richard statutory advisor on the historic
Bates environment. English Heritage provides
expert advice to the Government on
Acknowledgements all matters relating to the historic
environment and its conservation.
English Heritage, in managing the original
grant support and publishing this guidance, For further information and copies of this
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authors, and the contribution of Defra, contact:
the Marine Aggregates Levy Sustainability
Fund, and the marine aggregates industry. English Heritage
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