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Math 1210 Signature Assignment: Curve Analysis

By: Alivia Liljenquist

Date: 4/15/21

For this math review we will be looking at analyzing the curve of the graph of the
function below.

1 /3
f ( x )=x − 4 ( x − 2 )

Here are some steps needed.

1. Determine the domain of f.
2. Find any intercepts of f, if possible.
3. Test for symmetry or periodicity.
4. Find any asymptotes of f by evaluating the appropriate limits.
5. Determine the intervals of increase and decrease.
6. Locate extreme points.
7. Determine intervals of concavity.
8. Locate inflection points.
9. Sketch the curve.

A good way to start graphing this problem is to find the domain of f. The domain for
this function is (− ∞ , ∞ ) because there are no vertical asymptotes. To double check,
we can use limits to determine the vertical and horizontal asymptotes .

Horizontal Asymptotes:
lim x − 4 ( x −2 )1 /3
x→ ∞

4 ( x − 2 )1/ 3
lim x (1 − )
x→ ∞ x
4 ( x −2 )1 /3
lim (x) lim (1 − )
x→ ∞ x →∞ x

lim ∞ lim (1 − 0)
x→ ∞ x→∞

lim ∞
x→ ∞

No horizontal asymptotes because x approaches∞

Vertical Asymptotes:
To check this we need to check the right and left limits of all values where x is
undefined. There are no values of x that are undefined, so therefore there are no
vertical asymptotes.
Next step to solving, we need to locate the critical points. This will help us with future
details needed to solve the graph. The critical points are when the derivative of f(x) is
equal to zero, or in other words, the tangent at a point or points is equal to zero.

1 /3
f ( x )=x − 4 ( x − 2 )
f ’ ( x ) =1−( )( 4)( x − 2)− 2/ 3
f ' ( x )=1 −
3(x −2)2/ 3

Multiply 1 by the denominator to subtract

3(x −2)2/ 3 − 4
f ' ( x )=
3( x − 2)2 /3

Now that we have the first derivative, we can locate the critical points.

3(x − 2)2 /3 − 4
3( x −2)2/ 3

Critical Points: x=− 8 √ 3 + 2 ,2 , 8 √ 3 +2

9 9

Using these critical points we can determine the intervals that are increasing and
decreasing. We can tell this by testing the numbers in between critical points with the
first derivative check. If the answer is positive it is increasing, negative it is
decreasing. First let’s start with (− ∞, − 8 √ 3 + 2).
An easier number between these is -10.
Now we plug this into the first derivative to check.

3 ( x −2)2 /3 − 4
f ’ ( x)=
3(x −2)2/ 3

3(− 10 −2)2/ 3 − 4
f ’ (−10)=
3(−10 − 2)2 /3
f ’ (−10) ≈ 0.746
This answer is positive so the function is increasing on interval: (− ∞, − 8 √ 3 + 2)
Now we can repeat for the rest of the critical number intervals.

Interval: (− 8 √ 3 + 2, 2)
Check number: 1
First Derivative Test:
3(1− 2)2 /3 − 4
f ’ (1)=
3(1 −2)2/ 3
f ’ (1)=−
This answer is negative so the function is decreasing on interval: (− 8 √ 3 + 2, 2)
8 3
Interval: (2 , √ +2)
Check number: 3
First Derivative Test:
3(3 −2)2 /3 − 4
f ’ (3)=
3 (3 −2)2/3
f ’ (3)=−
This answer is negative so the function is decreasing on interval: (2 , 8 √ 3 +2)
Interval: ( 8 √ 3 +2 , ∞)
Check number: 10
First Derivative Test:
3(10 −2)2/ 3 − 4
f ’ (10)=
3 (10− 2)2 /3
f ’ (10)=
This answer is positive so the function is increasing on interval: ( 8 √ 3 +2 , ∞)

From this information we can tell a lot of things. First is that this function is not a
periodic function because it does not have repeating or periodic slopes. Second we
can tell that, although f’(2)=0, there is not a slope at x=2 because there are not
opposite signs at both intervals around 2 (they are both negative). This means that that
there are two slopes that form a kind of backwards slanted “s” shape. To double check
this we can find the intervals that concave up and that concave down. To start this we
need to find the inflection points. We do this exactly like the Critical Numbers and
First Derivative Test, except with inflection points and the Second Derivative Test.
This is the same process, just using the second derivative instead of the first.

Lets find the Inflection Points. First find the first derivative. Then the second
3 ( x −2)2 /3 − 4
f ’ ( x)=
3(x −2)2/ 3
f ’ ’(x )=
9( x −2)5 / 3

Now we can set this equal to zero to find the inflection points.

9(x − 2)5 /3


The only inflection point is x=2. Now we can apply the Second Derivative Rule.
Interval: (− ∞, 2)
Check number: 0
Second Derivative Test:
f ’ ’( 0)=
9(0 −2)5/ 3
f ’ ’(0) ≈ −0.28

This answer is negative so the function is concave down on interval: (− ∞, 2)

Interval: (2 , ∞)
Check number: 10
Second Derivative Test:
f ’ ’(10)=
9(10− 2)5 /3
f ’ ’(10)=

This answer is positive so the function is concave up on interval: (2 , ∞)

Using all the information above, we can locate the local extrema.
For our maximum extrema we want to pick the curve with the concave down because
we know that both sides go down and the point is at its peak. This curve has the
critical point of x=− 8 √ 3 + 2. Which means its got a y-value at x ≈ 5.079 .
Maximum Extrema: ¿, 5.079)

For our minimum extrema we want to pick the curve with the concave up because we
know that both sides go up and the point is at its trough. This curve has the critical
point of x= 8 √ 3 +2. Which means its got a y-value at x ≈ − 1.079.
Minimum Extrema: ¿, −1 .079)

Now that we have all the curves needed to roughly graph the function, we need to find
the x and y intercepts to make the drawing more accurate. To find the x-intercepts we
need to set the function to zero and find values of x. (Values in approximate forms for
easier graphing).

1/ 3
0=x − 4 ( x − 2 )

x ≈ − 8.857 , 2.157 , 6.701

x-Intercepts: − 8.857 ,2.157 , 6.701

Now to find y-Intercepts we find f(0).

f (0)=0 − 4 ( 0 − 2 )1 /3

1/ 3
y=0− 4 ( 0− 2 )
y ≈ 5.04
y-Intercepts: 5.04

Finally with all the information we can found, we can now draw the graph.

Here is my sketch of the graph.

Here is the computer generated graph.

As you can see we got very close with the information we found. All points might not
be totally accurate but the main shape and curve are almost identical as well as the
inflection points, critical points, and intercepts.

While doing this assignment, there were many things that I learned to watch out for.
First of all, making sure that the first derivative test was done correctly. I saw that,
because critical number x=2’s tangent line was vertical, not horizontal, it was not
technically necessary in the first derivative test because both values surrounding 2
were ultimately decreasing. It was, however, very necessary in the second derivative
test as an inflection point. These facts made it very easy to getting closer to visualize
the final product in my head. I was a bit of a problem at first, but after working it out,
I was able to make sure all the work made sense. After doing both the first and second
derivative tests, I was able to work out the more specific details in the graph. In the
real world, there are many times where we would need to use graph analysis. For
example, if you were looking at a graph of rising and dropping rain percentage around
a time of year, you could find patterns found each year to make rough weather
forecasts. Or in a more business perspective, you could use graphs to keep track of the
supply and demand of a product. Being able to read and analyze these graphs will be
very important to improving products and companies by seeing progress patterns and
building on them.

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