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Organizational Structure:

Organizational culture is defined as the common perception held by the organization,

assumptions, values and ways of interacting that contribute to the unique social and
psychological environment of an organization. Organizational Culture can be divided into:
Core Values
These are the values which are dominating and are the fundamental beliefs of an organization.
It’s basically a guiding principle that dictates behavior and can help people understand between
right and wrong.
Strong Culture
Culture in which core values are strongly used and are widely shared in the organization. With a
strong culture, employees and management understand what is required of them and they will
try to act in accordance with the core values
1. Innovation and risk taking
In Innovation and risk taking the organization employee knows about the parameters in
which their organization can innovate and what is the ideal risk taking in accomplishing
the set goals of the organization. How employees are motivated for both.

2. Attention to detail
In attention to detail it’s to which employees are expected to be careful with the jobs and they
should exhibit precision, they are expected to analysis data correctly and as well as pay
attention to every details.

3. Outcome orientation
In outcome orientation organization is more concerned about the result achieve, instead of the
process used to achieve the result.
4. People orientation
In people orientation management decision consider the effect of outcomes on people within
the organization.
5. Team orientation
In team orientation it’s the work activities or task are organized among the teams instead
of individual
6. Aggressiveness
In aggressiveness its degree to which people are competitive and aggressive about the job
7. Stability
In stability it’s the degree to which activities emphasize maintaining the status quo.
The word group can be explained as two or more people work or interact together for
same purpose. When a group of people work together rather than individuals, the aim of
the organization can be simply achieved.
Group helps the organization in
 Accomplish important task successfully
 Maintain high quality workforce by satisfying the jobs needs
There are many type of groups formed few are listed below:
Normal Group:
Groups can be temporary as well as it can be permanent too as well as they can be virtual too.
Temporary groups are command group in vertical organizational structure. While temporary
work groups are task groups that aims in solving the problems in a define task. While virtual
group works together electronically through network.
Formal Groups:
They are formed without officially assigned by the management. There are two types in it
Friendship group (working together because they are bounded together in a relation and like
each other) and Interest Group(working together to get the same objective). These groups can
speed up the work and can provide members social satisfaction and sense of belonging.
Command Group
Manger and the employee underneath the command of manger are made into group
Task Group
Those people working together to achieve same goal.
Reference Group
Important groups to which individuals belongs or hope to belong and with whom norms
individuals are likely to conform

Interacting Group
Group where member interact with each other
Motivation Process:
Motivation Process consist of three stages.
1. Needs
2. Drives
3. Incentives
First phase of motivation process is need identification where the employee feels his/her
some unsatisfied need. The motivation process begins with an unsatisfied need, which
creates tension and drives an individual to search for goals that, if attained, will satisfy the
need and reduce the tension.
A drive is a deficiency with a direction. Drives denote actions and intention to act by `
individuals and they are exhibited to alleviate needs.
Anything that will alleviate a need is an incentive or goal in the motivation cycle. Attaining an incentive or goal will
tend to restore physiological or psychological balance and will reduce the drive up to zero level.

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