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26/12/2018 Sophian.

org • Anafiel: Angel of Heavenly Visions & the Great Ascension
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Anafiel: Angel of Heavenly Visions & the Great Ascension

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Anafiel: Angel of Heavenly Visions & the Great Ascension
by Tau Malachi Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:28 pm

Anafiel: Angel of Heavenly Visions & the Great Ascension

Anafiel is a great supernal angel from a secret order of angels whose name cannot be spoken; this
archangel is such a lofty, holy and powerful angelic presence that he/she is called the “tallest
angel of the Heaven,” exceeding the “height” of Metatron by many measures. This is the great and
holy angel of God that took the soul of Enoch into the eighth heaven, and through whom Enoch
received the vision of the seven heavens and the Apocalypse; as such, this holy angel is well known
to those who walk in the way of the prophets, and to those who bear the spiritual gift of “sending
souls” into visions and out of body experiences of the afterlife states and heavens. On account of
this, as you might imagine, Anafiel is one of the supernal angels invoked in the rite of sending
souls, the inner empowerment of initiates in the Order of St. Lazarus, those who give direct
spiritual assistance to the dying and the dead.

Anafiel is also called Aupiel, and Anpiel, and because this holy and supernal angel is so great and
glorious, and so near to El Elyon, the meaning of his/her name is not spoken, save in private, in a
moment of power in a holy place, and only to an initiate who knows it already, or who has beheld
the countenance of this archangel. Hinting at the mystery of the meaning of this archangels name,
however, we can say this, he/she is called the “Great Angel of the Bornless One,” and holds vast
knowledge of the mysteries of Adam Kadmon, or the Primordial Universe.

In the Christian Kabbalah, in that the Sacred Tau of a generation is the Knowledge-Keeper in the
Continuum, and Anafiel is accounted as the Great Knowledge-Keeper among supernal angels, so
Anafiel has been called the “guardian angel of the Sacred Tau” (Shin-Tau). In this, perhaps you
may understand that Anafiel is a most significant archangel in the Continuum of Light Transmission,
and is intimately connected with initiation into the Primordial Tradition.

As you might intuit from this, Anafiel holds knowledge of the realization of Eheieh, the Divine I Am,
and is deeply associated with the Messiah, and the True Anointing; and according to the Holy
Kabbalah Anafiel corresponds with Binah of Atik Yomin, and therefore holds knowledge of the
generation of the great cosmic cycles and their fruition in the End-Of-Days and Eternal Realm.

When Anafiel is invoked there is an invocation of the entire array of the Tree of Life, as in the
Great Convocation, or Invocation of the Bornless One; and then a secret chant of Anafiel is sung in
the tongues of the angels or elder races, a chant that changes each time it is sung through the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Thus, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Messiah, can only gift this
sacred chant.

In a similar way, the appearance of this Great Angel cannot be spoken, but at times it may be
shown, or revealed, in the Glory Body of one who stands among the Sacred Tau of the Light
Continuum; as for example, through the Holy Spirit some initiates passing through the rite of the
sending of souls behold the appearance of Anafiel, and at times, in great movements of the
Continuum in ceremony some initiates catch a glimpse of this Great Supernal Glory.

In this, perhaps, you may understand that the empowerment to invoke Anafiel is in the experience
of Light Transmission, when we draw near to one who keeps company with this Great Maggid and
the Spirit of the Messiah moves in full between us – one who is like Enoch, the Initiate, walking
with God (El). 1/2
26/12/2018 • Anafiel: Angel of Heavenly Visions & the Great Ascension

Given that there is so much secrecy surrounding this Great Maggid you might wonder why we would
even speak or write these teachings; but you see, even thinking of such a holy angel of God is a
blessing, and so just contemplating Anafiel we are blessed, whether or not we are well acquainted.

Grace and peace to you from El Elyon, and from Adonai Messiah!

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