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09/01/2019 Sophian.

org • Consecration of Prayer Weapons & Sacred Objects
A forum for the discussion of Sophian Gnosticism

Consecration of Prayer Weapons & Sacred Objects

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Consecration of Prayer Weapons & Sacred Objects
by Tau Malachi Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:51 am

Consecration of Prayer Weapons & Sacred Objects

Seeking prayer weapons and various sacred objects to be used in prayer, meditation and ceremony
is something of a sacred quest, and our seeking itself can be a continuum of spiritual practice, for
along the way we pray for what we are seeking, asking God to gift it to us and invoking angels to
help us find the prayer weapon or sacred object. Naturally so, for anything significant in life we
take into prayer and meditation, and any significant activity in life we uplift to God and the angels
in prayer, invoking the Spirit of God into the action or movement, praying that the Spirit of God
and angels take up the action or movement with us. In such a sacred quest there is something to be
said of a cultivating a passionate yearning in prayer, not so much for the literal material object as
a possession, but rather for what it represents of the Living Presence and Power, and our
empowerment by the Spirit of God to take up the corresponding spiritual works for the sake of the
kingdom of heaven and glorification of God. Our continuum of prayers and our yearning, the energy
or light-power generated by this, will later be imbued into the prayer weapon or sacred object
when, at last, it is found, and gifted to us by God; the stronger our continuum of prayer and
yearning, the greater the energy or light-power we will generate, and it is good.

When our sacred quest is complete, and we find and acquire the prayer weapon or sacred object
we have been seeking, having prayed and asked God to gift it to us, so we will receive it as a gift
from the Spirit of God, as with all that we receive in life, whether spiritual or material, and we
will give praise and thanks for what we have received, and we will uplift it to God. Once our
sacred quest is complete, so another continuum of prayer and meditation will begin waiting upon
the Holy Spirit to reveal the time of consecration, and looking to see in the Spirit when, where and
how to perform the consecration; in other words, we will seek this wisdom, understanding and
knowledge from the Spirit of God, and will invoke the Spirit and angels into the action or
movement. As we pray in this way, so also we will pray to God for the spiritual empowerment and
spiritual gifts that correspond with the prayer weapon or sacred object, and we will take up a
special continuum of devotion and worship as a continuum of preparation for consecration. As an
example, if we found our prayer wand, there would be prayer for spiritual empowerments and gifts
corresponding with the direction south in the sacred circle and the force of fire; thus, for example,
we would pray for empowerments of the force of will, courage and strength, the power of the
Living Word and knowledge of our True Will, or God’s will for us, and prayers for all manner of
corresponding blessings, including the wisdom of skillful means and inspiration of the Holy Spirit
and Shekinah in our spiritual works. As we pray these prayers for ourselves, so we will pray that
the empowerments, gifts and blessings we receive will ray out, and that others might receive the
same empowerments, gifts and blessings, praying for the good and happiness of our neighbors, or
all our relations. This continuum could span a week, or it could be much longer, who knows? For,
truly, we are waiting upon a word and movement of the Spirit of God, and until we receive that
word, and the Spirit moves and inspires us, we will not take up the consecration, but we will abide
with and in the Spirit of God, and the Holy Shekinah. Joined with our prayers, we may also engage
in the generation of merit, or light-power, in a number of ways, through offerings and charity, and
if we sensed a need for purification we might even fast with prayer, just as we are taught in the
Holy Scriptures that prophets and apostles did before certain significant movements of
wonderworking or initiation. Essentially, just as all of the energy or light-power generated in our
sacred quest for the prayer weapon or sacred object will be imbued into it during the
consecration, so also all of the energy or light-power generated by this continuum of preparation
will be imbued into it. Basically speaking, we are generating a “charge of energy” for the 1/3
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consecration, and the greater the “charge,” the greater the spiritual power that will be in the
prayer weapon or sacred object, spiritual power we have generated being joined with the
corresponding power of God and the angels.

It is true that there are holy tzaddikim who abide in prayer and meditation without ceasing, and
who abide perpetually in the Light Continuum, or in a very deep communion with Christ and God,
and the angels of God, who have the ability to swiftly bless and consecrate any object through
simple conscious intention and taking it up, for they are self-generating, a Sun of Heaven, as it
were, and such is the embodiment of the Light-presence and Light-power in them. If, however, this
is not our experience, and as yet we are not self-generating in this way, then building a charge of
energy or light-power before we enact the consecration of significant sacred objects is important,
for it will increase the spiritual power, the light-power, that is set into the sacred object.
Likewise, in this way, instead of fashioning an idol, we will co-create a sacred and holy talisman
with God’s help!

We must remember, things are made sacred by our reverence, and by our intention, and likewise,
we must remember that the greater our kavvanah-concentration and devekut-cleaving, the greater
the spiritual power we are able to move with, in and through us; through focused thought, the
generation of a force of will and desire, or love, the consecration of objects as sacred and holy
transpires, for through this we align ourselves with the Spirit of God and the angels, drawing down
the ruhaniyot and shefa of the Holy Sefirot, the Divine Attributes, which can then be directed into
the sacred object. This is what the continuum of prayer in preparation for a consecration is all
about, the alignment of our thought, force of will and desire, with that of the Spirit of God and the
angels, and moving in harmony with the Spirit of God and the angels. Thus, we tend this continuum
beforehand, in all humility, seeking a movement of the Spirit of God, not our own self-will, and in
this way when we enact a consecration it is ordained by God, and the Spirit of God and the angels
accomplish, all as God wills.

This is the way of true consecration in the tradition, understanding that a true consecration
happens through God’s Power, when God wills it and the Spirit of God moves. An initiate cannot
conjure the Spirit of God, but rather, they can co-create the conditions necessary for a movement
of the Spirit of God, and they can wait upon the Spirit of God until the Spirit moves them and
enters into action.

At times, even tzaddikim who abide in self-generation will not take action in consecration too
swiftly, but as a prayer for the people they may wait and tend a secret continuum, abiding in
stillness and silence for a while until it is time to take action and engage a consecration. Such may
be the wisdom of skillful means in their spiritual labor for the people.

In this, perhaps, you may understand that the continuum of prayer before a ceremony of
consecration is not just a continuum of prayer for oneself alone, but for the people and the land,
and it corresponds with the Great Gesture (self-offering) and Sacred Heart (love and compassion),
and with the wisdom of skillful means.

Here we might add that before and after consecration anything we acquire for a sacred and holy
purpose is set aside, and it is not used for any other purpose, not before and not after
consecration, for we wish to preserve and seal the spiritual power set into it, and we wish it to be
sacred and holy to God, and recognized as such by the angels and spirits. It’s all about a clear and
conscious sacred intention, and holding to that intention throughout.

I’ve taught previously about the consecration of prayer weapons and sacred objects elsewhere in
this forum, including the practice of “give-away,” but it seemed good to share this general
teaching on the continuum of prayer in a sacred quest and the continuum of prayer waiting on the
Spirit before a consecration as we take up the consecration of the stained-glass window in the
study house today, a week and a half after it was installed. It seemed a good teaching to share
today. Praise God!

May the Spirit of God sanctify us, and move with, in and through us this day, and may all living 2/3
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spirits and souls be blessed. Amen.

Yahweh Shalom!

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