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(A Classroom Action Research on the Tenth Grade Students of MAN 2
Pontianak in Academic Year 2019/2020)


NIM. F1021151079



Nurul Khairunnisa, Sofian, Urai Salam

English Education Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Tanjungpura University, Pontianak

This research aimed to invesitigate how clustering technique improved students’
writing skill in descriptive text to the tenth grade students of MAN 2 Pontianak in
academic year 2019/2020. This research was conducted by using Classroom Action
Research as the research method in three cycles. 38 students participated in this
study. The data were derived from observation checklist, field note, and written test.
The result showed that students’ problems in writing descriptive text such as
completing information and organization had been solved by using clustering
technique as the teaching medium. The students’ skill to develop their information
were improved through writing the information and supporting information relevence
to the subject. The data showed that the percentage of students mean score increased
from cycle to cycle from 84% in the first cycle to 88% in the second cycle, and then it
became 92% for the third cycle. In addition, students’ skill in organizing the
information of the text was improved by the fact that the students could complete the
exercises well. The data indicated that the students mean score in the first cycle was
about 56%, then increased in the second cycle became 68%, and contineously
improved in the third cycle to became 70%. It can be concluded that clustering
technique can be used as a medium to improve students’ writing skills in descriptive
text especially in developing information and organizing the text.

Keywords:Clustering Technique, Descriptie Text, Writing

INTRODUCTION language accurately, fluently, and acceptably

Learning English as a foreign language, to interact in daily life context.
there are four skills that should be mastered Descriptive text is a type of English
by the students. One of the important skills is text that often appears and it is being taught
writing. Through writing the students can at the level of senior high school. Descriptive
express their informations, opinions and text is one of the functional texts that
experiences. Moreover, to express their describes the features of people, place or
informations in written form, the students thing. Descriptive text consists of
need to have writing skills to produce good identification and description. Based on the
writing. Because of that, Richards and pre observation in MAN 2 Pontianak, the
Renandya (2002, p.303) state that for some researcher found that the tenth grade students
students writing is the most difficult skill to of MAN 2 Pontianak have difficulty in
be learnt for them. writing descriptive text, because they are not
The objective of teaching writing used to writing so it is difficult for them to
descriptive text of senior high school stated write.
in the curriculum 2013 is to express meaning There are some components in writing,
of short functional text using written these components are: information,

organization, vocabulary, language use, and English descriptive writing turkish speaking
mechanics. In this research, the researcher students and their attitudes towards writing.
focused on students’ writing information and 47 first year university students in Turkey
organization. Those components of writing were involved in the research, and a quasi
have to do with coherent arrangement of experiemental research design was used. A
material. The students need to arrange and descriptive analysis was used to analyse the
explore the material or informations in a students response to open ended questions. In
logical and coherent sequence, so that the previous research, the researcher
informations are effectively identified by implemented clustering technique to know
reader. Based on the pre-observation, the the effects of clustering technique and the
researcher asked the English teacher about researcher use pre-test and post-test in order
students’ problem in writing, he said that to measure the effectiveness of clustering
most of students have difficulty in technique. Based on the finding, significant
developing and organizing their difference was found in the means of
informations. students in the general pre-test and post-test.
Teacher can find the appropriate This research is differenf from the previous
technique in order to solve the students’ research because this research was not going
problem in writing. There are several to know the effects of clustering technique in
techniques which can be applied in teaching writing but the researcher wants to improve
writing such as WH-Questions, mind students’ writing skill using clustering
mapping, guided questions, and clustering technique. The researcher also did the same
technique. The researcher suggested treatment for all of the students without
clustering technique to be used in teaching differenciate it.
writing descriptive text. According to Langan The second previous research related to
(2000, p. 23) Clustering technique is a this study was conducted by Suhaeni (2011),
writing technique where the writers can she conducted an experimental research on
easier to generate and organize their the tenth grade students of Senior High
informations in a visual context. Clustering School 1 Weru Sukoharjo to improve
also known as diagramming or mapping, it is students’ ability in writing analytical
another strategy that can be used to generate expositions using Clustering Technique.
material for a paragraph. This method can From the research that she has done, the use
help the students to visualize their of Clustering Technique can improve
informations (Langan, 2000, p. 23). By students’ ability in writing analytical
stating the topic in a few words in the center exposition. It can be seen from the students’
of a blank sheet or paper. Then, as test result, there is a significant improvement
informations and details occur, the students in the average score of students. This
need to put the informations in boxes or research is different from Suhaeni’s research
circles around the subject and draw lines to because in this research the researcher used
connect the informations to each other and to CAR principle to conduct this study and the
the topic. The students can put minor text used is descriptive text. The researcher
informations or details in smaller boxes or also did not give pre-test and post-test to
circles, and use connecting lines to show how students but only some tasks when the
they relate as well. In clustering, there is no teacher finished his explanation. The tasks
right or wrong way of clustering. it is a way were used to know students’ understanding
to think on paper about how various of the material that had been taught.
informations and details relate to one To conduct this research, the researcher
another. applied Classroom Action Research (CAR).
A previous research was conducted by “Classroom action research is a process in
Inal (2015), this research sought the effects which participants examine their own
of the clustering technique for improving educational practice systematically and

carefully, using the techniques of research” consisted of 38 students. Based on the pre-
(Ferrance, 2000, p.1). The researcher chose observation, the researcher found that
Classroom Action Research as the method of students of X MIPA 2 have difficulties in
this study because the goal of this method is writing descriptive text, especially in
to improve teacher own teaching in the developing and organizing their
classroom. Based on that statement, the informations. The teacher participant in this
researcher thinks that CAR is applicable for research was the English teacher of MAN 2
the researcher to conduct this research, since Pontianak. His name is Drs. Moh
the purpose of this research is to improve Makinuddin, M.Pd, he had been teaching
students’ ability in writing descriptive text. English for about 20 years. He taught English
Regarding to the agreement from the in the tenth grade.
English teacher of tenth grade students of There are two techniques of data
MAN 2 Pontianak, this research was collection that was applied in this research,
conducted to the tenth grade students in class they were observation and measurement in
X MIPA 2 by using classroom action order to support the data of research.
research as the research design. In this Observation was used to monitor the
research, the researcher used clustering students’ activities during teaching and
technique to improve students’ ability in learning process. The purpose of this
writing descriptive. The researcher hopes this technique was to know students’ respond
research can give long term benefits for other when they were given explanation, they
people, especially for teacher who has response to the material, their problems and
students which have problem in writing difficulties in learning material. The
descriptive text. researcher also measured students’
achievement for each cycle by using written
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY test which students were asked to write a
The design of this study descriptive text about tourism place. The test
Action Research (CAR). According to Burns was used to measure the students’
(1999, p.24) “classroom action research is an achievement after being taught through
action research which is carried out at the clustering technique.
classroom aimed to improve learning practice The researcher applied three tools of
quality”. It means, the implementation of data collection to collect the data. They were
classroom action research is enable to give observation checklist, field note, and test.
improvement the quality of teaching and Observation checklist was used to observe
learning process in the classroom. teacher and students act in conducting
The researcher cho clustering technique in the classroom activity
Action Research to conduct this study, in form of checklist table. In the obsevation
because Classroom Action Research is one of checklist, the researcher provided a number
the effective ways to improve teaching and of activities in observation checklist that
learning activity. It can diagnose and solve should be done by the teacher which act as a
the problems that happen in teaching- teacher during acting stage and those
learning process.The researcher uses activities must be carried out by students
Classroom Action Research principle to during the learning process. The reseacher
collect the data. According to Bell and used field note to record the important events
Aldridge (2014, p. 37) there are four in every meeting during teaching and
common stages of CAR, they are; planning learning process. It includes the situation in
stage, acting stage, observing stage, and the classroom during teaching and learning
reflecting stage. process and students’ interaction and activity
The student participants in this research during composing descriptive text using
was the tenth grade students of MAN 2 clustering technique. The researcher noted
Pontianak, class X MIPA 2 which is any important activities that were happened

during acting stage in the field note. The 270): Organizing the data, description, and
teacher gave written test to the students interpretation.The researcher also analyzed
which is focused on writing descriptive text the data in form of quantitative data. The data
about popular place. The result of this test get from students’ writing test. In analyzing
was students’ descriptive text. The purpose the data related to the students’ test of writing
of the test was to measure the students’ ability, the researcher used analytical scoring
ability in writing descriptive text. The teacher rubric adapted from Weigle (2002, p.116).
asked students to write a descriptive text There are five components presented in the
using clustering technique. analytical scoring rubric for writing, i.e.,
In conducting this research, the content, organization, vocabulary, language
researcher analyzed the data into qualitative use, and mechanics. Since this research was
data and quantitative data. For qualitative focused on students’ writing rganization, so
data, the researcher analyzed the data by the researcher was assessed writing
following three steps in analyzing qualitative organization.
data as stated by Best and Kahn (2006, p.

Table 1. Writing Scoring Rubric

Components of Scores Characteristics

Information 4  knowledgable
 substantive
 through development of text
 relevant to assigned topic
3  some knowledge of subject
 adequate range
 limited development of text
 mostly relevant to topic, but lacks detail
2  limited knowledge of subject
 little substance
 inadequate development of topic
1  does not show knowledge of subject
 non-substansive
 not pertinent
 or not enough to evaluate
Organization 4  fluent expression
 informations clearly stated/supported
 succinct
 well-organized
 logical sequencing
 cohesive
3  somewhat choppy
 loosely organized but main informations stand
 limited support
 logical but incomplete sequencing
2  non-fluent

 informations confused or disconnedted
 lacks logical sequencing and development
1  does not communicate
 no organization
 or not enough to evaluate

The researcher used the following formula to

get the mean of students’ writing score

one cycle:

Figure 2. Mean Score Formula

The researcher provides the qualification of

students’ mean score adapted from Heaton
(1988, p.145):

Table 3. Criteria for Students’ Score

80-100 Good to excellent
60-79 Average to good
50-59 Poor to average
0-49 Poor

FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION In every meeting, the teacher
Findings always introduced clustering
Based on the observation and technique as the teaching medium for
analysis of the students’ score in learning writing in the present
writing descriptive text, it was found information stage. He showed the
that students’ writing skill in example of clustering and after that
descriptive text had improved by he asked students to note some
using clustering technique as the important information. After
medium of teaching. Clustering showing the diagram, the teacher
technique solved students’ problem asked students to explore the
in developing their information information together under teacher
through writing the information and instruction. In the first cycle, the
explore the supporting information teacher taught students how to
that is related to the subject. explore their information using
Clustering technique also improved clustering technique. He wrote the
students’ skill in organizing the subject or the title of the text in the
information through seeing the middle of whiteboard and circle the
diagram of clustering technique. title. After that, he asked students to
The exploration information of clustering mention the main information of the
technique improved students’ writing skill in topic. After all the main information
developing information. By exploring the had been mentioned, the teacher
information, it can help the students in asked students to mention the
finding the relation each information. supporting information for each main
Students can easier to describe the information. This activity also
information that is related with the main applied in the second and third cycle.
information and subject. In this research, the The students’ information of the text
English teacher asked students to explore percentage from the first cycle to the
their information as many as possible but the third cycle was showed below as
supporting information should be related follow:
with the subject and main information.

Table 4. The percentage of students’ information of the text from the first cycle to the
third cycle.

Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3

84% 88% 92%

completing the task, they are asked to make a

The diagram of clustering technique descriptive text based on the information that
improved students’ writing skill in has been completed by them.
organizing information. Students could
organize their information well by seeing the The diagram of clustering technique
diagram. Diagram can visualize the students helped students to organize the information
information and help the students to compose of the text. Teacher taught the students how
a text in chronological order. In this research, to write a text based on the information that
the researcher made a task for students to has been completed by them. By writing
complete the information of the text. They those information into chronological order,
only need to choose the right information that students can write a desctiptive easily
has relation to the subject. After they because they already know what they are

going to write and they know the order of organization of the text percentage from the
information that they must to write, so that first cycle to third cycle was showed below
their writing is controlled. The students’ as follow:

Table 5. The percentage of students’ organization of the text from the first cycle to
the third cycle.

Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3

56% 68% 70%

information. It was proven by the students’

Discussion mean score for organization of the text in the
In conducting this research,
was about 56%, then increased in the
totally conducted three cycles until the second cycle become 68% and got improvement
researcher felt satisfied to the result. The in the third cycle become 70%. The
researcher applied classroom action research as progressions that happened on this study existed
the method of this study, where each cycle had because of the treatment that the teacher did
four stages to be applied such as planning stage, during teaching and learning process for three
acting stage, observing stage and reflecting cycles. This research also shows the same result
stage. All the acting stages were done in one as the two previous researchs conducted by Inal
meeting (2x40 minutes). In this study, the and Suhaeni where this technique can improve
researcher did collaboration with the English students’ writing skill. They applied clustering
technique as the teaching medium for writing in
teacher of class X MIPA II, the researcher acted some activities related to the students’
as the collaborator and observer to the activity problems.
during teaching and learning process was
applied, while the teacher acted as the teacher to CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION
teach the students writing skill in descriptive Conclusion
text using clustering technique by following the Based on the research findings, it was found
lesson plan which already prepared by the that students’ writing problems namely
researcher and was agreed by the teacher. The information of the text and organization of the
students showed progression for the score and text at the tenth grade students in class X MIPA
their behavior during teaching and learning II Pontianak had been solved from the first
process from the first cycle to the third cycle. cycle to the third cycle. Those problems were
Accordingly, Conelly (2007, p.51) mentions solved by applying clustering technique as the
some benefits of clustering technique and he teaching and learning writing medium in some
says that exploring information can help activities related to information of the the text
students find the relation for each information. and organization of the text.
It was shown in the last cycle, the students’ The students’ information of the text was
information of the text showed a satisfied result enhanced through the exploration of information
from the previous cycles. It increased from on clustering technique. The exploration of
cycle to cycle from 84% in the first cycle, information helped the students to develop and
increased become 88% in the second cycle, and explore the information of the text. The students
then become 92% for the third cycle. Almost all just need to write the information and
the students passed the test for information of supporting information which has relation to the
the text. Furthermore, Conelly also mentions subject of the text. The teacher introduced the
that clustering technique can help students to students how to write a descriptive by using
organize the idea or information into paragraph. clustering technique. The teacher taught the
It is because the diagram of clustering technique students how to write the information and find
can help the students to visualize the the relation between main iinformation,

supporting information and the subject of the (5th ed.). Boston, US:
text. However, by seeing the information that Cengange Learning.
has been written and explored by the students, it
can make them easier to organize their content Ferrance, E. (2000). Action research.
of the text into chronological order. Providence, US: LAB at Brown
Based on the research findings, the Heaton, J. B. (1988). Writing english
researcher provides some suggestions as language test. London, UK:
follows: 1) In using clustering technique, Longman Group.
teacher needs to apply it in interesting way, in
order to make the students feel enthusiastic. To Inal, S. (2015). The effects of the
build this atmosphere, the teacher can invite clustering pre-writing strategy
students to participate in learning activities such on turkish students' writing
as asking students to discuss together and achievement and their
conduct group activity so that students can writing attitudes. The Journal of
discuss the tasks given by the teacher in the Academic Social Science,
group. 2) Furthemore, teacher needs to provide 2(1), 593-611. Retrieved
clear and familiar topics that can be understood from
and developed by the students. 3) Before asking
students to write a descriptive text, the teacher ler/1823419476_68sevim%20ina
needs to show a picture of the object to be l.pdf
described first, so the students can imagine and
visualize the object. It will help them to explore Langan, J. (2000). English skills with
the information of the text easily. 4) The writer readings (7th ed.). New York, US:
suggests further researchers to use clustering McGraw-Hill Inc.
technique to teach writing for other text types.
Since clustering technique can be used to write Richards, J. C., & Renandya, W. A.
other text types such as recount, narrative, (2002). Methodology in language
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current practice. Cambridge, UK:
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